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Dr. Burton is hopeful that my adrenals will start functioning again as I get

well. I will pick up that book. What is the name of it. I'll look on Amazon. I

searched out Dr. Fred burton, Philadelphia as an AP doctor to help me through

this Rheumatoid Arthritis. He's hoping that we caught it in time that I might

see remission. I understand it is a long road back to good health. I've read the

book Arthritis Breakthrough . That was an excellent read.

Did you lose the weight after you stopped the hydrocortisone? I just feel puffy

along with swollen fingers and feet. When does that stop? I try to exercise but

after working 10-12 hour days who has the energy. They tell me I would feel

better if i did. Thank goodness for this group because sometimes you feel alone

when everyone you tell about " anitbiotic protocol " they think you're duped or

just being fed snake oil.


RE: rheumatic Re: new member


Prednisone and hydrocortisone are the same thing with differences. Prednisone is

manmade. They are both cortisone. Supposidly hydrocortisone is natural

cortisone. I do know, like you said before, you take less of hydrocortisone to

get the results. I feel the less you use of this the better. I took mine to

reduce pain and swelling of the RA.

Long-term cortisone use potentially has a number of severe side-effects:

hyperglycemia < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperglycemia > , insulin

resistance < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulin_resistance > , diabetes <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes_mellitus > mellitus, osteoporosis <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteoporosis > , anxiety <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anxiety > , depression <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depression_ (mood)> , gastritis <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastritis > , colitis <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colitis > , hypertension <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertension > , ictus <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ictus > , erectile dysfunction <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erectile_dysfunction > , hypogonadism <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypogonadism > , hypothyroidism <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothyroidism > , amenorrhoea <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenorrhoea > , and retinopathy <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinopathy > , among other problems

I had adrenal fatigue and took supplements instead. The best as far as I am

concerned is Doctor ’s brand. He also has a book about adrenal

fatigue. He does recommend hydrocortisone sometimes but look at the side

effects! I think his supplements work really well and cutting out bad foods and

stress (yeah rightJ ) are important.



I was given hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue (extreme weakness). This was

diagnosed through a saliva test. It works like a charm I felt life again. This

RA is ruthless. I was never given prednisone. I don't think there is a plan for

prednisone. Is there more that I need to know?

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Yes, Donna, people who don’t have our problem… and some who do… think we

are crazy taking all these antibiotics. I just know where I would be if I had

not started on antibiotics in 1997. I have to tell you, I went off the Minocin

for a while and have had a hard time getting rid of the pain this time and the

worst part is the fear it won’t work again. There is web site (I think)

rheumatic/histories.com (Ethel help if you are here). My story and lots of

others are there and are a good read. These are real people not a commercial for

a drug that will eventually kill your immune system and you!

Yes the swelling went away after I got off the cortisone. Of course I am still

overweight (laughing). Puffy also comes with RA so it could be a little of both.

Some probably will go away after you are off cortisone and the rest when

antibiotics are working…it is different for everyone.

Good luck with everything Donna and if you have any questions know we will be



Subject: Re: rheumatic Re: new member

Dr. Burton is hopeful that my adrenals will start functioning again as I get

well. I will pick up that book. What is the name of it. I'll look on Amazon. I

searched out Dr. Fred burton, Philadelphia as an AP doctor to help me through

this Rheumatoid Arthritis. He's hoping that we caught it in time that I might

see remission. I understand it is a long road back to good health. I've read the

book Arthritis Breakthrough . That was an excellent read.

Did you lose the weight after you stopped the hydrocortisone? I just feel puffy

along with swollen fingers and feet. When does that stop? I try to exercise but

after working 10-12 hour days who has the energy. They tell me I would feel

better if i did. Thank goodness for this group because sometimes you feel alone

when everyone you tell about " anitbiotic protocol " they think you're duped or

just being fed snake oil.


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I think it is possible for adrenals to improve. There is hope. I say

that as someone who's adrenals tested at 4, 3, 2, 1 using the 4x24 hr

saliva test. That means I was sitting on 's threshold.

The adrenals produce many hormones, and cortisol is just one of them.

Additionally, adrenal function is heavily dependent on thyroid and the

HPA axis. So hopefully your doctor tests other hormones, including the

very important ft3. I say this because cortisol is often assumed to be

THE key player, but it is not the only one.

In my case, my adrenals improved with thyroid support. I was also

helped with other supplements. While I am far stronger, and AM cortisol

level returned to 22, I am frequently reminded that my adrenals are

weak, and probably always were.


drleeper@... wrote:



> Dr. Burton is hopeful that my adrenals will start functioning again as

> I get well. I will pick up that book. What is the name of it. I'll

> look on Amazon. I searched out Dr. Fred burton, Philadelphia as an AP

> doctor to help me through this Rheumatoid Arthritis. He's hoping that

> we caught it in time that I might see remission. I understand it is a

> long road back to good health. I've read the book Arthritis

> Breakthrough . That was an excellent read.


> Did you lose the weight after you stopped the hydrocortisone? I just

> feel puffy along with swollen fingers and feet. When does that stop? I

> try to exercise but after working 10-12 hour days who has the energy.

> They tell me I would feel better if i did. Thank goodness for this

> group because sometimes you feel alone when everyone you tell about

> " anitbiotic protocol " they think you're duped or just being fed snake

> oil.


> Donna

> RE: rheumatic Re: new member


> Donna,


> Prednisone and hydrocortisone are the same thing with differences.

> Prednisone is manmade. They are both cortisone. Supposidly

> hydrocortisone is natural cortisone. I do know, like you said before,

> you take less of hydrocortisone to get the results. I feel the less

> you use of this the better. I took mine to reduce pain and swelling of

> the RA.


> Long-term cortisone use potentially has a number of severe

> side-effects: hyperglycemia <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperglycemia > , insulin resistance <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulin_resistance > , diabetes <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes_mellitus > mellitus,

> osteoporosis < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteoporosis > , anxiety <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anxiety > , depression <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depression_ (mood)> , gastritis <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastritis > , colitis <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colitis > , hypertension <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertension > , ictus <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ictus > , erectile dysfunction <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erectile_dysfunction > , hypogonadism <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypogonadism > , hypothyroidism <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothyroidism > , amenorrhoea <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenorrhoea > , and retinopathy <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinopathy > , among other problems


> I had adrenal fatigue and took supplements instead. The best as far as

> I am concerned is Doctor ’s brand. He also has a book

> about adrenal fatigue. He does recommend hydrocortisone sometimes but

> look at the side effects! I think his supplements work really well and

> cutting out bad foods and stress (yeah rightJ ) are important.


> Hugs,


> cooky


> I was given hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue (extreme weakness).

> This was diagnosed through a saliva test. It works like a charm I felt

> life again. This RA is ruthless. I was never given prednisone. I don't

> think there is a plan for prednisone. Is there more that I need to know?



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I just placed my order for: Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome -


Hopefully that was the book you were referencing.


RE: rheumatic Re: new member


Prednisone and hydrocortisone are the same thing with differences. Prednisone is

manmade. They are both cortisone. Supposidly hydrocortisone is natural

cortisone. I do know, like you said before, you take less of hydrocortisone to

get the results. I feel the less you use of this the better. I took mine to

reduce pain and swelling of the RA.

Long-term cortisone use potentially has a number of severe side-effects:

hyperglycemia < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperglycemia > , insulin

resistance < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulin_resistance > , diabetes <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes_mellitus > mellitus, osteoporosis <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteoporosis > , anxiety <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anxiety > , depression <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depression_ (mood)> , gastritis <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastritis > , colitis <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colitis > , hypertension <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertension > , ictus <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ictus > , erectile dysfunction <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erectile_dysfunction > , hypogonadism <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypogonadism > , hypothyroidism <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothyroidism > , amenorrhoea <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenorrhoea > , and retinopathy <

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinopathy > , among other problems

I had adrenal fatigue and took supplements instead. The best as far as I am

concerned is Doctor ’s brand. He also has a book about adrenal

fatigue. He does recommend hydrocortisone sometimes but look at the side

effects! I think his supplements work really well and cutting out bad foods and

stress (yeah rightJ ) are important.



I was given hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue (extreme weakness). This was

diagnosed through a saliva test. It works like a charm I felt life again. This

RA is ruthless. I was never given prednisone. I don't think there is a plan for

prednisone. Is there more that I need to know?

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Yes, My doctor has me taking Nature Throid 95mg( I was on Armour) and I take 1/2

tablet of DMEA daily. I guess my whole hormone foundation was shaken with this

RA. I don't think I know what ft3 is?

Did you use cortef to treat your adrenal fatigue or did you use Adrenal

supplements from Dr. brand?


RE: rheumatic Re: new member


> Donna,


> Prednisone and hydrocortisone are the same thing with differences.

> Prednisone is manmade. They are both cortisone. Supposidly

> hydrocortisone is natural cortisone. I do know, like you said before,

> you take less of hydrocortisone to get the results. I feel the less

> you use of this the better. I took mine to reduce pain and swelling of

> the RA.


> Long-term cortisone use potentially has a number of severe

> side-effects: hyperglycemia <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperglycemia > , insulin resistance <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulin_resistance > , diabetes <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes_mellitus > mellitus,

> osteoporosis < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteoporosis > , anxiety <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anxiety > , depression <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depression_ (mood)> , gastritis <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastritis > , colitis <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colitis > , hypertension <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertension > , ictus <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ictus > , erectile dysfunction <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erectile_dysfunction > , hypogonadism <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypogonadism > , hypothyroidism <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothyroidism > , amenorrhoea <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenorrhoea > , and retinopathy <

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinopathy > , among other problems


> I had adrenal fatigue and took supplements instead. The best as far as

> I am concerned is Doctor ’s brand. He also has a book

> about adrenal fatigue. He does recommend hydrocortisone sometimes but

> look at the side effects! I think his supplements work really well and

> cutting out bad foods and stress (yeah rightJ ) are important.


> Hugs,


> cooky


> I was given hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue (extreme weakness).

> This was diagnosed through a saliva test. It works like a charm I felt

> life again. This RA is ruthless. I was never given prednisone. I don't

> think there is a plan for prednisone. Is there more that I need to know?



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free range eggs are ok for me. maybe they are not for you but for most

with RA i know they are ok. one lady said they were not. i eat a lot of

free range chicken too. not sure why you say poultry is not ok?



This diet is not hard to follow, but are eggs ok? I thought poultry and

dairy products are a big NO.

I am currently seeing a rheumatologist DR right now but i will try to

check with the hospital if they have a antibiotic protocol doctor.

kind regards,


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Yes it is. Go on the web site also…it is very informative.

From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 4:32 PM


Subject: Re: rheumatic Re: new member


I just placed my order for: Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome -


Hopefully that was the book you were referencing.


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Yes, I took cortef, and I have Dr. 's book. I took it in the

beginning, but when I no longer felt a benefit, I weaned off. I started

weaning off after a couple of months. By then my ft3 level was higher.

Ft3 stands for free thyroid 3 hormone. It is the active thyroid

hormone. Only free t3 is unattached and unbound from other proteins and

can get into the tissues. Your ft3 levels should be in the upper end of

the lab reference range.

I think you are taking DHEA? Despite low levels, I do not tolerate it,

and it makes me swell. I've tried doses as low as 1mg.

I take 4 grains of Erfa (equivalent of Armour). That's 240 mg. Yes, I

think screwed up hormones is linked to autoimmune problems.

If you are interested in this subject, here's a group dedicated to it.





> Yes, My doctor has me taking Nature Throid 95mg( I was on Armour) and

> I take 1/2 tablet of DMEA daily. I guess my whole hormone foundaion

> was shaken with this RA. I don't think I know what ft3 is


> Did you use cortef to treat your adrenal fatigue or did you use

> Adrenal supplements from Dr. brand?


> Donna

> RE: rheumatic Re: new member

> >

> > Donna,

> >

> > Prednisone and hydrocortisone are the same thing with differences.

> > Prednisone is manmade. They are both cortisone. Supposidly

> > hydrocortisone is natural cortisone. I do know, like you said before,

> > you take less of hydrocortisone to get the results. I feel the less

> > you use of this the better. I took mine to reduce pain and swelling of

> > the RA.

> >

> > Long-term cortisone use potentially has a number of severe

> > side-effects: hyperglycemia <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperglycemia > , insulin resistance <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insulin_resistance > , diabetes <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diabetes_mellitus > mellitus,

> > osteoporosis < http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osteoporosis > , anxiety <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anxiety > , depression <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depression_ (mood)> , gastritis <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastritis > , colitis <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colitis > , hypertension <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertension > , ictus <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ictus > , erectile dysfunction <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erectile_dysfunction > , hypogonadism <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypogonadism > , hypothyroidism <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothyroidism > , amenorrhoea <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amenorrhoea > , and retinopathy <

> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retinopathy > , among other problems

> >

> > I had adrenal fatigue and took supplements instead. The best as far as

> > I am concerned is Doctor ’s brand. He also has a book

> > about adrenal fatigue. He does recommend hydrocortisone sometimes but

> > look at the side effects! I think his supplements work really well and

> > cutting out bad foods and stress (yeah rightJ ) are important.

> >

> > Hugs,

> >

> > cooky

> >

> > I was given hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue (extreme weakness).

> > This was diagnosed through a saliva test. It works like a charm I felt

> > life again. This RA is ruthless. I was never given prednisone. I don't

> > think there is a plan for prednisone. Is there more that I need to

> know?

> >

> >

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Is this what you are looking for, Cooky?


Re: rheumatic Re: new member

Dr. Burton is hopeful that my adrenals will start functioning again as I get

well. I will pick up that book. What is the name of it. I'll look on Amazon.

I searched out Dr. Fred burton, Philadelphia as an AP doctor to help me

through this Rheumatoid Arthritis. He's hoping that we caught it in time

that I might see remission. I understand it is a long road back to good

health. I've read the book Arthritis Breakthrough . That was an excellent


Did you lose the weight after you stopped the hydrocortisone? I just feel

puffy along with swollen fingers and feet. When does that stop? I try to

exercise but after working 10-12 hour days who has the energy. They tell me

I would feel better if i did. Thank goodness for this group because

sometimes you feel alone when everyone you tell about " anitbiotic protocol "

they think you're duped or just being fed snake oil.


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those testimonies are sooo encouraging. Thanks for sharing.


Re: rheumatic Re: new member

Dr. Burton is hopeful that my adrenals will start functioning again as I get

well. I will pick up that book. What is the name of it. I'll look on Amazon.

I searched out Dr. Fred burton, Philadelphia as an AP doctor to help me

through this Rheumatoid Arthritis. He's hoping that we caught it in time

that I might see remission. I understand it is a long road back to good

health. I've read the book Arthritis Breakthrough . That was an excellent


Did you lose the weight after you stopped the hydrocortisone? I just feel

puffy along with swollen fingers and feet. When does that stop? I try to

exercise but after working 10-12 hour days who has the energy. They tell me

I would feel better if i did. Thank goodness for this group because

sometimes you feel alone when everyone you tell about " anitbiotic protocol "

they think you're duped or just being fed snake oil.


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donna did your doc tell you about willaim jeffries book on

hydrocortisone? he believes that taking physiological doses of hc are ok

and necessary at times when the adrenals are unable to produce them on

their own.

* Jeffries. M.D. _The Safe Use of Cortisol






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Well, Dr. Burton recommended that I take hc (as a bio-identical) steroid until

my adrenals start to function on their own. I started with 20 mg in March and

when I saw him 2 weeks ago he reduced it to 10 mg. I told him that I was feeling

so much better but I gained 10 pounds. That's when he reduced my dosage. What I

found was the weakness and aching started back. something I haven't felt in

months. I can only assume that my adrenals aren't functioning.

No he never told me about william jeffries. I just placed my order for:

Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome - L.

Cooky recommended that book. She also recommended the supplements that he puts

out instead of hc.

I don't know whether to continue hc or try these suppliements (after I read

about it first). How damaging can hc be on a short term basis. I read the side

effects and wow they are scary but I felt so poorly. I'll google the book you



rheumatic Re: new member

donna did your doc tell you about willaim jeffries book on

hydrocortisone? he believes that taking physiological doses of hc are ok

and necessary at times when the adrenals are unable to produce them on

their own.

* Jeffries. M.D. _The Safe Use of Cortisol






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No.. No Donna I don’t recommend supplements INSTEAD of hc. I just said â€

I†use the supplements. I have had a lot of success with them. Donna, YOU do

what your doctor wants.

I also read Jeffries book. It is a very good book for you to read since

your doc has you on hc….I just forgot about the book since I use supplements.


From: rheumatic [mailto:rheumatic ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 5:33 PM


Subject: Re: rheumatic Re: new member

Well, Dr. Burton recommended that I take hc (as a bio-identical) steroid until

my adrenals start to function on their own. I started with 20 mg in March and

when I saw him 2 weeks ago he reduced it to 10 mg. I told him that I was feeling

so much better but I gained 10 pounds. That's when he reduced my dosage. What I

found was the weakness and aching started back. something I haven't felt in

months. I can only assume that my adrenals aren't functioning.

No he never told me about william jeffries. I just placed my order for:

Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome - L.

Cooky recommended that book. She also recommended the supplements that he puts

out instead of hc.

I don't know whether to continue hc or try these suppliements (after I read

about it first). How damaging can hc be on a short term basis. I read the side

effects and wow they are scary but I felt so poorly. I'll google the book you


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sorry Cooky for misunderstanding but I'm thinking supplements (if they work)

would be a better way to manage adrenal fatigue. But I will have a conversation

with my doctor before making that change. I'll make notes from the book and ask

questions at my next appointment .


Re: rheumatic Re: new member

Well, Dr. Burton recommended that I take hc (as a bio-identical) steroid until

my adrenals start to function on their own. I started with 20 mg in March and

when I saw him 2 weeks ago he reduced it to 10 mg. I told him that I was feeling

so much better but I gained 10 pounds. That's when he reduced my dosage. What I

found was the weakness and aching started back. something I haven't felt in

months. I can only assume that my adrenals aren't functioning.

No he never told me about william jeffries. I just placed my order for:

Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome - L.

Cooky recommended that book. She also recommended the supplements that he puts

out instead of hc.

I don't know whether to continue hc or try these suppliements (after I read

about it first). How damaging can hc be on a short term basis. I read the side

effects and wow they are scary but I felt so poorly. I'll google the book you


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eggs are fine !! 



From: Maureen Rigor <mau_grigor@...>


Sent: Sat, 22 May, 2010 4:50:36 PM

Subject: Re: rheumatic Re:new member



This diet is not hard to follow, but are eggs ok? I thought poultry and dairy

products are a big NO.

I am currently seeing a rheumatologist DR right now but i will try to check with

the hospital if they have a antibiotic protocol doctor.

kind regards,



From: Sauve <moniquesauve@...>


Sent: Sat, May 22, 2010 4:05:44 AM

Subject: rheumatic Re:new member

hi mau

the paleo diet helps me greatly. basically i eat fish, meat, lots of

chicken or beef broth, vegetables (loads of them), squash, eggs, good

fats like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, butter, minimal nuts/seeds,

minimal fruit. i also take very good probiotics and try to eat fermented

foods daily like raw sauerkraut, yogurt made with coconut milk. lmk if

you need some recipes. i've got some good websites with recipes.

do you have an antibiotic protocol doctor?

hope you get feeling better


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Poultry is not ok if it is pumped full of growth hormone ... ie over here in Oz

it goes from born to table in 6 wks !!  full of growth hormones to get it that

big ready to eat ...That's the only reason,, Over here we can't buy even an

organic chook that hasn't taken a lot of growth hormones



From: Sauve <moniquesauve@...>


Sent: Sun, 23 May, 2010 6:55:43 AM

Subject: rheumatic Re: new member


free range eggs are ok for me. maybe they are not for you but for most

with RA i know they are ok. one lady said they were not. i eat a lot of

free range chicken too. not sure why you say poultry is not ok?



This diet is not hard to follow, but are eggs ok? I thought poultry and

dairy products are a big NO.

I am currently seeing a rheumatologist DR right now but i will try to

check with the hospital if they have a antibiotic protocol doctor.

kind regards,


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I get free range eggs from a friend that uses only organic stuff, so I get blue,

green and brown eggs every week. They have a nice dark yellow yolk and taste



From: Maz Maz <mazm_mm@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Re: new member


Date: Monday, May 24, 2010, 6:39 PM


Poultry is not ok if it is pumped full of growth hormone ... ie over here in Oz

it goes from born to table in 6 wks !!  full of growth hormones to get it that

big ready to eat ...That's the only reason,, Over here we can't buy even an

organic chook that hasn't taken a lot of growth hormones



From: Sauve <moniquesauve@...>


Sent: Sun, 23 May, 2010 6:55:43 AM

Subject: rheumatic Re: new member


free range eggs are ok for me. maybe they are not for you but for most

with RA i know they are ok. one lady said they were not. i eat a lot of

free range chicken too. not sure why you say poultry is not ok?



This diet is not hard to follow, but are eggs ok? I thought poultry and

dairy products are a big NO.

I am currently seeing a rheumatologist DR right now but i will try to

check with the hospital if they have a antibiotic protocol doctor.

kind regards,


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Lucky you Eva .. & I bet they taste great !!

We currently have 6 chickens & 4 ducks so we have our own eggs as well & I just

love poached duck eggs for breaky -- am still looking for good tasting gluten

free bread though ((boo hoo)




> From: Maz Maz <mazm_mm@...>

> Subject: Re: rheumatic Re: new member

> rheumatic

> Date: Monday, May 24, 2010, 6:39 PM







> Poultry is not ok if it is pumped full of growth hormone ... ie over here in

Oz it goes from born to table in 6 wks !!  full of growth hormones to get it

that big ready to eat ...That's the only reason,, Over here we can't buy even an

organic chook that hasn't taken a lot of growth hormones


> MazM


> ________________________________

> From: Sauve <moniquesauve@...>

> rheumatic

> Sent: Sun, 23 May, 2010 6:55:43 AM

> Subject: rheumatic Re: new member



> free range eggs are ok for me. maybe they are not for you but for most

> with RA i know they are ok. one lady said they were not. i eat a lot of

> free range chicken too. not sure why you say poultry is not ok?


> monique


> uys/,


> This diet is not hard to follow, but are eggs ok? I thought poultry and

> dairy products are a big NO.


> I am currently seeing a rheumatologist DR right now but i will try to

> check with the hospital if they have a antibiotic protocol doctor.


> kind regards,


> Mau



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we got some new gluten-free bread called Udi's and it taste like regular bread,

backed in Denver, CO.


From: Maz <mazm_mm@...>

Subject: rheumatic Re: new member


Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 3:32 AM


Lucky you Eva .. & I bet they taste great !!

We currently have 6 chickens & 4 ducks so we have our own eggs as well & I just

love poached duck eggs for breaky -- am still looking for good tasting gluten

free bread though ((boo hoo)




> From: Maz Maz <mazm_mm@...>

> Subject: Re: rheumatic Re: new member

> rheumatic

> Date: Monday, May 24, 2010, 6:39 PM







> Poultry is not ok if it is pumped full of growth hormone ... ie over here in

Oz it goes from born to table in 6 wks !!  full of growth hormones to get it

that big ready to eat ...That's the only reason,, Over here we can't buy even an

organic chook that hasn't taken a lot of growth hormones


> MazM


> ________________________________

> From: Sauve <moniquesauve@...>

> rheumatic

> Sent: Sun, 23 May, 2010 6:55:43 AM

> Subject: rheumatic Re: new member



> free range eggs are ok for me. maybe they are not for you but for most

> with RA i know they are ok. one lady said they were not. i eat a lot of

> free range chicken too. not sure why you say poultry is not ok?


> monique


> uys/,


> This diet is not hard to follow, but are eggs ok? I thought poultry and

> dairy products are a big NO.


> I am currently seeing a rheumatologist DR right now but i will try to

> check with the hospital if they have a antibiotic protocol doctor.


> kind regards,


> Mau



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Wish I lived over there then. I have checked out lots of gluten free bread here

& they all taste really heavy & yuk ... not eating bread to me is like most

people not eating chocolate!

> >

> >

> > From: Maz Maz <mazm_mm@>

> > Subject: Re: rheumatic Re: new member

> > rheumatic

> > Date: Monday, May 24, 2010, 6:39 PM

> >

> >

> >  

> >

> >

> >

> > Poultry is not ok if it is pumped full of growth hormone ... ie over here in

Oz it goes from born to table in 6 wks !!  full of growth hormones to get it

that big ready to eat ...That's the only reason,, Over here we can't buy even an

organic chook that hasn't taken a lot of growth hormones

> >

> > MazM

> >

> > ________________________________

> > From: Sauve <moniquesauve@>

> > rheumatic

> > Sent: Sun, 23 May, 2010 6:55:43 AM

> > Subject: rheumatic Re: new member

> >

> >  

> > free range eggs are ok for me. maybe they are not for you but for most

> > with RA i know they are ok. one lady said they were not. i eat a lot of

> > free range chicken too. not sure why you say poultry is not ok?

> >

> > monique

> >

> > uys/,

> >

> > This diet is not hard to follow, but are eggs ok? I thought poultry and

> > dairy products are a big NO.

> >

> > I am currently seeing a rheumatologist DR right now but i will try to

> > check with the hospital if they have a antibiotic protocol doctor.

> >

> > kind regards,

> >

> > Mau

> >

> >

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Hi Tamara,

Welcome to the list. Many here have elevated arsenic and antimony. Have you

identified and reduced/removed sources of exposure? www/danasview.net/metals is

an excellent source of info. Just so you know, ALA (alpha lipoic acid) chelates

both arsenic and mercury and is available without a prescription. Do not use it

if your child has ANY mercury amalgam dental fillings. Requires low, frequent

dosing for safe chelation.


New Member

Posted by: " TamaraG " drsgrosz@... tamaragrosz

Mon May 31, 2010 10:25 am (PDT)

Hi Everyone! We are the Grosz family from Pooler Georgia near Savannah, Georgia.

We have an 8 year old on the spectrum. He is not currently showing for Mercury

problems right now but instead Antimony and Arsenic. I look foward to learning

from the group. We also just started a new club for special needs families this

week and I thought I would share it in case anyone is interested. The link is

below my name and you can contact me personally if you have any questions! Have

a great memorial day!

Tamara Grosz


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I use to have a link that could locate an AP doctor. I am looking for a friend

in Boston, MA. or somewhere nearby


Re: rheumatic Re: new member

Well, Dr. Burton recommended that I take hc (as a bio-identical) steroid until

my adrenals start to function on their own. I started with 20 mg in March and

when I saw him 2 weeks ago he reduced it to 10 mg. I told him that I was feeling

so much better but I gained 10 pounds. That's when he reduced my dosage. What I

found was the weakness and aching started back. something I haven't felt in

months. I can only assume that my adrenals aren't functioning.

No he never told me about william jeffries. I just placed my order for:

Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome - L.

Cooky recommended that book. She also recommended the supplements that he puts

out instead of hc.

I don't know whether to continue hc or try these suppliements (after I read

about it first). How damaging can hc be on a short term basis. I read the side

effects and wow they are scary but I felt so poorly. I'll google the book you


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi and everybody,

RA is also a new addition to my list of conditions. I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago

after about 2 months of rapidly deteriorating joint pains all over. It got so

bad that I can't even comb my hair at times, and would feel trapped under my

duvet. My rheumatologist confirmed diagnosis after testing my CCP antibodies

and it came back 468 (normal 0-7). He said that this is very sensitive in

detecting RA. 3 weeks earlier I had these results: equivocal RF = 28 (normal

0-20) , weakly positive ANA, elevated ESR = 81 (normal 1-19) and CRP = 60

(normal 0-5) - these indicated inflammation going on but may not be caused by


I also had Graves' Disease (hyperthyroidism) since 1990 but is somewhat under

control now. I also have a benign brain tumor (meningioma) diagnosed 3 years

ago, and now being considered for radiation.

Reading about possible links between Vit D deficiency and RA, also brain tumors,

and also PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which I also have, I have just

requested for a blood test to check my Vit D levels.

A friend experienced having severe joint aches a few years back and suspected

Lupus but doctors could not come up with a clear diagnosis. Finally one doctor

suggested she have Vit D deficiency checked and it turned out she is severely

deficient. High doses (toxic for normal people) of Vit D treatment started and

her joint aches were relieved. She encouraged me to have the test done.

Good luck!



From: cynsayre

Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 5:42 PM

Subject: [ ] New Member

Hello Everyone, RA is something new on my medical plate and I am still not sure

it's a reality. My last bloodwork (6/18) shows my C-Reactive Protein to be 85.6

with a range of 0.0-4.9 and my CCP Antibodies to be 24 with a range of 0-19. I

was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease (thyroid) many years ago and have many

questions regarding the association of RA/Lupus/Hypothyroid. How do I tell the

difference... how can I be certain about an RA diagnoses? In your opinions, what

is the best test to conclusively diagnose RA. All of my symptoms mimic all of

the above (however, my thyroid numbers look really good right now) and I am just

so confused. I have a great internists who works along with me and respects my

input, but I wonder if I need to see a rhumatologists. Any information you can

share will be greatly appreciated.

Abundant Blessings,

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Welcome, .

Please do make an appointment with a rheumatologist.

Although anti-CCP antibodies are very specific to RA, at this time,

there is no one test that can absolutely rule RA in or out.

Not an MD

On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 11:42 AM, cynsayre <cynsayre@...> wrote:

> Hello Everyone, RA is something new on my medical plate and I am still not

sure it's a reality. My last bloodwork (6/18) shows my C-Reactive Protein to be

85.6 with a range of 0.0-4.9 and my CCP Antibodies to be 24 with a range of

0-19. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease (thyroid) many years ago and have

many questions regarding the association of RA/Lupus/Hypothyroid. How do I tell

the difference... how can I be certain about an RA diagnoses? In your opinions,

what is the best test to conclusively diagnose RA. All of my symptoms mimic all

of the above (however, my thyroid numbers look really good right now) and I am

just so confused.  I have a great internists who works along with me and

respects my input, but I wonder if I need to see a rhumatologists. Any

information you can share will be greatly appreciated.


> Abundant Blessings,


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HI Rose and ,

Thank you for your information and suggestions. I have an appt with my

Internists this week to review my current labs and hopefully she will have

suggestions on the next direction to take.

I do currently take VD (10,000 IU) daily and monitor my levels (currently

59.8 w/range 32.0-100.00) which are also important for thyroid conditions.

Because I seem to be allergic to the fillers in pain meds, this journey is

very scary. Once I have a definitive diagnoses, (hopefully possible) I'll

be able to zero in on the more natural supplements. I prefer holistic to

allopathic treatments, since my journey in treatment of the thyroid. It's

amazing how little Dr's know about so much!!

I'm curious to know if anyone on the list has tried acupuncture for RA pain

relief and how successful it may have been.

Thank you all for your sharing of what you have learned.

Abundant Blessings,

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