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I was told that orally it will create more yeast flare ups. This suppository is

a one dose thing. I was never given any directions to do this in timed doses!

She said the suppository also goes directly into the blood stream.

Sent from my iPhone

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To my knowledge it does not create any more/less yeast flare ups. I cannot

stress the importance of you doing this right with your child. If you do it

wrong, he gets substantially and maybe permanently worse. If you do it right, he

gets better. You must take chelators on their half life. If you fail to do so,

there will be a large redistribution of mercury and it would be better to do

nothing at all and keep your kid how he is than to do something dangerous like

350mg once. You really should purchase Andy's books, read the links/files and

these other links below. Please, if you want your kid to get better(and I know

you do) take the time to learn how do it right and not just what your doctor

says. You must take chelators(DMSA, DMPS, ALA) every half life. So for DMSA

every 3-4 hours, DMPS every 6-8 hours, and ALA every 3 hours. If yeast is really

a problem you could leave out the DMSA and use only ALA(assuming no exposure to

mercury the last 3 months), or you could use DMPS. Unless he has lead DMPS is

usually the better choice. Avoid that doctor if you wan't your kid to get

better. Sorry for being harsh but I don't think you'll mind if it means the

difference in your kid getting worse and getting better.




> I was told that orally it will create more yeast flare ups. This suppository

is a one dose thing. I was never given any directions to do this in timed doses!

She said the suppository also goes directly into the blood stream.


> Sent from my iPhone


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First, I don't think you were being harsh. Second, thank god I did not give it

to him! Why would his doctor not know this stuff? I am glad I have learned to

second guess everything.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 20, 2010, at 12:05 AM, " billymadison303 " <billymadison303@...>


> To my knowledge it does not create any more/less yeast flare ups. I cannot

stress the importance of you doing this right with your child. If you do it

wrong, he gets substantially and maybe permanently worse. If you do it right, he

gets better. You must take chelators on their half life. If you fail to do so,

there will be a large redistribution of mercury and it would be better to do

nothing at all and keep your kid how he is than to do something dangerous like

350mg once. You really should purchase Andy's books, read the links/files and

these other links below. Please, if you want your kid to get better(and I know

you do) take the time to learn how do it right and not just what your doctor

says. You must take chelators(DMSA, DMPS, ALA) every half life. So for DMSA

every 3-4 hours, DMPS every 6-8 hours, and ALA every 3 hours. If yeast is really

a problem you could leave out the DMSA and use only ALA(assuming no exposure to

mercury the last 3 months), or you could use DMPS. Unless he has lead DMPS is

usually the better choice. Avoid that doctor if you wan't your kid to get

better. Sorry for being harsh but I don't think you'll mind if it means the

difference in your kid getting worse and getting better.


> http://onibasu.com/wiki/Cutler_protocol

> http://home.earthlink.net/~moriam/ANDY_INDEX.html



> >

> > I was told that orally it will create more yeast flare ups. This suppository

is a one dose thing. I was never given any directions to do this in timed doses!

She said the suppository also goes directly into the blood stream.

> >

> > Sent from my iPhone

> >



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I think that is the golden question.... why do these " chelation " doctors have

such ridiculously dangerous ideas and protocols. It's not shocking though since

other doctors are responsible for making a lot of kids autistic. I hope you

question the legitimacy of that doctor and do some research with the links I

provided and the files/links section here. The most important thing in chelation

is to not make yourself worse! Unfortunately I have first hand experience with

that so I know how horrible and how preventable it is.

> > >

> > > I was told that orally it will create more yeast flare ups. This

suppository is a one dose thing. I was never given any directions to do this in

timed doses! She said the suppository also goes directly into the blood stream.

> > >

> > > Sent from my iPhone

> > >

> >

> >




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Get a new doctor or start preparing yourself to proceed without a doctor. Why

the need to see if he pulls anything on an obscenely high dose (plus such an

invasive route of administration) when you can just start with low doses and see

what happens? My son showed significant metals on only 2 of 10+ hair/urine

tests but chelation has been wonderful for his progress. The first weekend we

tried oral DMSA/ALA (after a year of TD-DMSA; waste o' time), my son immediately

night time potty trained. We happened to do a DDI urine test that same weekend

and it showed nothing. Zip.

Can you do me a favor? Ask that MD why he/she feels a challenge test is

necessary. If they are trying to convince you: do you need convincing to start

chelation? If they are trying to convince themselves that chelation is

warranted: they need to know that most anyone will dump metals if given a huge

dose of chelator because we are exposed to metals on a daily basis. It proves

nothing. The doc should do a challenge test on themselves.

I am growing tired of DAN! and their experiments. I was once such a fan...

stopped seeing my DAN! in 2009. It took me a few years to get to this point, so

I can understand if you feel like you need this doc to guide you.

It is standard DAN! protocol. Doesn't mean it is smart, safe or productive.

You've got a little 2 yr old brain to protect.

Most people here start chelation with 1/4 mg per lb of weight or even down to

1/8th. So, a typical 2 yr old weighs in the 30s? Start with 10 mgs. Most

here would probably say 5 mgs. Give it orally every 4 hours for 72 hours around

the clock. Take the urine test on the second day if you want.

When my son was 2 (he's 9 now) I was offered a challenge test of DMSA from our

first DAN! doctor. I believe it was only 100 mgs, but something told me not to

do it. Go with your gut. I can see you are questioning it already. I wish I

had started chelation at that time and I'm glad you are considering it, but do

it safely. Chelation itself isn't dangerous, but certain methods can be.

Take care,



> My two year old son is going to try and do a DMSA pull with a 350mg


> I just want to be clear that this seems like a safe dose and if I should be

> supplementing him with anything extra? He does take a number of vit and

> minerals. Plus he is also being treated for yeast and bacteria. His doctor


> we are going to do a challenge test and see if he pulls anything. I am to take


> urin sample before and after. Does this sound like a pretty standard protocal?


> have not seen anyone in this group mention that they have done DMSA as a

> suppository. I am nervous to give it to him for the first time. I am also more

> nervous to not do it at all! Any toughts are welcome:-)






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Yeast is an issue when heavy metals are mobilized, and apparently not due to the

way the chelator is given. So, suppositories will do the same thing most

likely. Plus, the dose is so high that the odds are any underlying yeast

problem will be aggravated.

Do you have a good probiotic on board? Are you GFCF?



> I was told that orally it will create more yeast flare ups. This suppository

is a one dose thing. I was never given any directions to do this in timed doses!

She said the suppository also goes directly into the blood stream.


> Sent from my iPhone


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My son is taking Kirkmans CD biotic and extra Sac B. We got really good results

with the GF/CF diet and know we are doing the SCD diet and it is going ok.

Thanks for your thoughts.


From: Pamela H <phaselow@...>

Sent: Mon, September 20, 2010 8:46:05 AM

Subject: [ ] Re:New Member


Yeast is an issue when heavy metals are mobilized, and apparently not due to the

way the chelator is given. So, suppositories will do the same thing most likely.

Plus, the dose is so high that the odds are any underlying yeast problem will be


Do you have a good probiotic on board? Are you GFCF?



> I was told that orally it will create more yeast flare ups. This suppository


>a one dose thing. I was never given any directions to do this in timed doses!

>She said the suppository also goes directly into the blood stream.



> Sent from my iPhone


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Is there anyone on Cymzia? I have had two shots and I do not feel well

after the shots - in fact I feel pretty sick and I can barely stand up...it

feels like I am coming down with a horrible case of the flu. Furthermore, I

get a horrid migraine with shooting pains in my eye ball as well as my ankle

and wrist joints. Vivian


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I had a horrible experience with Cimzia for a year.  Instead of feeling better,

like you I felt I had the flu and migraines especially behind my eyes.  The

migraines were the worst and I ended up in the ER because of one of my bouts

with them.  Only to have them subject me to a lot of painful procedures and

tell me there was basically nothing they could do for me besides give me pain

meds and a very hefty ER bill.   I know how you are feeling.  I quit taking

the injections in June and haven't had another migraine nor feel like I have the

flu.  I hope you feel better soon.  Talk to your Rheumy and maybe he/she can

offer different options for you. I hope they can find another drug that is more

tolerable for you.  Take care!!

Heidi in Denver

From: Vivian Cone <vcone@...>

Subject: RE: [ ] NEW MEMBER

Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010, 3:08 PM


Is there anyone on Cymzia? I have had two shots and I do not feel well

after the shots - in fact I feel pretty sick and I can barely stand up...it

feels like I am coming down with a horrible case of the flu. Furthermore, I

get a horrid migraine with shooting pains in my eye ball as well as my ankle

and wrist joints. Vivian


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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the group, Sue.

I can't say whether your rash and sore throat are related to your RA,

but please do call your rheumatologist ASAP.

Not an MD

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 1:03 PM, uslimeysue <stupa@...> wrote:

> I have had RA for 25 years now and have had many surgeries.  I have been in a

flare now for a few months and have been on Actimira infusions for 5 months (not

worked yet).  I have a huge rash around my left elbow which is very hot and I

have not experienced this before.  I also have a sore throat which comes at

night and keeps me awake and disappears in the day.  Do you feel the rash and

the sore throat are RA related?   Thanks for any help!


> Sue Tupa

> Southern California

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  • 1 month later...

Dear ,

Welcome to the group. You have found a wealth of knowledge from some really

smart people. I¹ve learned more about my disease from these groups than

from any doctor and I¹ve seen a million of them since I¹ve had PA for 12

years now. I hope you are doing well and you are managing your disease as

best as you can. It can get away from you, but I know a lot of people lead

almost totally normal lives. Good luck and welcome.

Take care, Fran in Florida

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Hi ,

I wish to echo Fran's welcome. I've noticed that Fran is always a kind and

helpful person; many similar people will be found here - in spite of their pains

and their itches! I have been a member for a few years and you can see that I am

still alive, so that alone is cause for hope for those with PsA. Though I rarely

comment anymore, I can generally be found lurking about, reading comments on a

bi-weekly (there-abouts) basis.

Brent in British Columbia

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  • 2 months later...

Oh, Dede:

I had to say yes to most all of the questions, and now what do I do? I cannot take estrogen, because of the bloods clots. I will go back and write to Dr., because he might have some ideas.

Thank you Sweet Dede...love you so...Lea


Re: New Member , how are you feeling? I'm still battling until I can afford explant. Any words of inspiration on your front? Bless, le < BR> > > > > My name is le and I am 28 years old. I have had saline implants since 2005. Since this time I have had an increasing amount of anxiety. It is so bad that I do not want to be alone and I am having difficulty taking care of my two children. I have been on Xanax, and Clonzepam and I they help but only by making me so drowsy that I have to go to sleep. In the afternoon I get extreme fatique, eye problems, brain fog, and dizziness. Noone seems to understand what I am going through. Over the past year I have had a never ending feeling of something in my throat, a tightness like someone has there hands wrapped around it. I have had upper and lower endoscopys. I have had teh Bravo Ph study, HITA scan, Gallbladder ultrasound, and Xrays. I also have been experiencing flu like symptoms for several weeks. Just overall not feeling well and not like myself. I have a very stressful life but have always thrived on stress. All my doctors seem to think it is Anxiety, period. I however am not convinced. I have the sleeplessness, the heart palpitations, the tingling and numbness in my extremities. I have extreme sensitivity to any and all issues. I am working really hard to stay positive. Tonight I had a reconnection healing session and tomorrow I go to see my plastic surgeon. Im not sure what is going to come of this. > > > ------------------------------------

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HI Jon and Welcome,

A lot of Dr.s test a man for low T and see he is in range and tell him he is

fine. If your below 400 with high levels of Estraidol then I would get the

Estradiol levels down then retest. Your TT levels can up up some 200 to 300

Points doing this. Here is a link to levels by age. If your below 300 with

good Estradiol levels and low LH and FSH it can mean you are Secondary your

Pituitary is not telling your testis to make T.

If your TT is low and Estradiol is good less then 30 best at 20 pg/ml with very

high levels of LH and FSH this can mean your Primary meaning your Testis don't


Any Dr. that tell a man with a level lower then 400 he is fine is not up on low

T. A good Dr. would do more labs to see why your this low.





There are many things that lower a man's T levels you need to figuer them out

and fix them then retest you might not need TRT after TRT is for life.

Go to Dr. 's site at www.allthingsmale.com and read TRT: A Recipe for

Success in this are the labs you need and why.



> From: Jon <chinup@...>

> Subject: new member


> Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 12:01 PM

> Hello to all,


> I am a new member and have not yet searched the old mail

> yet so will hold back from asking repetive questions. 

> I am not sure quite what to blame my conditions on as I have

> had so many possible reasons for my condition.  I do

> know that as a preadolescent my pediatrician gave me hormone

> shots to correct what he thought was an undersized penis, I

> guess.  At least he'd check my penis before deciding to

> give me a shot. 


> Also I had epilepsy as an adolescent to young adulthood and

> was given the maximum dose of dilantin, which has since been

> proven to inhibit muscle development.


> Third, I seem to have reduced sensitivity in my

> penis.  From my first orgasm at 12, it has taken a lot

> of stimulation for me to climax. Jacking off with friends

> always had me whacking the poor thing fiercely to try to get

> off, always well after my friends had. Even on my own I was

> rarely able to climax twice in a day. During eleven years of

> marriage I was able to ejaculate directly into my wife

> once.  Now I am fifty and three or four times a week is

> the limit.


> A number of urologists have told me my testosterone levels

> were normal.  I don't know what to think of this. 

> Does " normal " mean low, but not low enough to risk giving

> meds to?  Unfortunately I failed to ask the doctors at

> the time.  Honestly, if I could find a soure  I

> probably would take a conservative amount of steroids. 

> At least I think I would. 


> It's a great relief just to have a group of men with

> similar problems, and I look forward to sharing with all of

> you. 


> My thanks,


> Jon




> ------------------------------------



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I can't believe they wanted that much for a co- pay absolutely insane! I don't blame you for canceling. Can you take some supps to help flush out your kidneys?


There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. Gandhi

From: glory2glory1401 <glory2glory1401@...> Sent: Sat, January 15, 2011 11:09:07 AMSubject: Re: New Member

I cancelled that CT scan of my abdomen, and the MRI of my back. They wanted $724 for a copay. Sheesh. I just got my blood test results back and it looks like I have low chloride and high phosphorus....that isn't too good. Sounds like kidney issues, so I am just going to have to go see a urologist I guess. And eat to protect my kidneys.CT scan was done on my ear yesterday. Will keep you posted on it. > > > > > > > > > > My name is le and I am 28 years old. I have had saline implants since 2005.

Since this time I have had an increasing amount of anxiety. It is so bad that I do not want to be alone and I am having difficulty taking care of my two children. I have been on Xanax, and Clonzepam and I they help but only by making me so drowsy that I have to go to sleep. In the afternoon I get extreme fatique, eye problems, brain fog, and dizziness. Noone seems to understand what I am going through. Over the past year I have had a never ending feeling of something in my throat, a tightness like someone has there hands wrapped around it. I have had upper and lower endoscopys. I have had teh Bravo Ph study, HITA scan, Gallbladder ultrasound, and Xrays. I also have been experiencing flu like symptoms for several weeks. Just overall not feeling well and not like myself. I have a very stressful life but have always thrived on stress. All my doctors seem to think it is Anxiety, period. I however am not convinced. I have the sleeplessness, the heart

palpitations, the tingling and numbness in my extremities. I have extreme sensitivity to any and all issues. I am working really hard to stay positive. Tonight I had a reconnection healing session and tomorrow I go to see my plastic surgeon. Im not sure what is going to come of this. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------ > > > > > >

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  • 2 weeks later...

welcome , this group is great! From: Santos <santos.veronica96@...> Sent: Mon, January 24, 2011 10:54:27 PMSubject: ( ) new member

Hi my name . I have a 7 1/2 year son who has Pervasive Development Disorder, ADHD, OCD but is sweet and funny and intelligent. I found your site and hope you all will take me in as a new member. Right now we are all alone. I have lots of questions, but for now I just wanted to introduce us.



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Welcome . Ask away! I have found this group to be a Godsend!!

Mom to my 4 girls

Madeline, Cayla, Arabella, & Vincenza

"You are the TRIP I did not take

You are the PEARLS I cannot buy

You are the blue Italian LAKE

YOU are my piece of foreign SKY"

---Anne ----

( ) new member

Hi my name . I have a 7 1/2 year son who has Pervasive Development Disorder, ADHD, OCD but is sweet and funny and intelligent. I found your site and hope you all will take me in as a new member. Right now we are all alone. I have lots of questions, but for now I just wanted to introduce us.



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Thank you I feel welcome alreadyV.

From: chris Dunn <christineshello@...> Sent: Tue, January 25, 2011 6:30:18 AMSubject: Re: ( ) new member

welcome , this group is great!

From: Santos <santos.veronica96@...> Sent: Mon, January 24, 2011 10:54:27 PMSubject: ( ) new member

Hi my name . I have a 7 1/2 year son who has Pervasive Development Disorder, ADHD, OCD but is sweet and funny and intelligent. I found your site and hope you all will take me in as a new member. Right now we are all alone. I have lots of questions, but for now I just wanted to introduce us.



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Thank you ,


From: patricia <Zazoo81198@...> Sent: Tue, January 25, 2011 7:41:15 AMSubject: Re: ( ) new member

Welcome . Ask away! I have found this group to be a Godsend!!

Mom to my 4 girlsMadeline, Cayla, Arabella, & Vincenza"You are the TRIP I did not takeYou are the PEARLS I cannot buyYou are the blue Italian LAKEYOU are my piece of foreign SKY"---Anne ----

( ) new member

Hi my name . I have a 7 1/2 year son who has Pervasive Development Disorder, ADHD, OCD but is sweet and funny and intelligent. I found your site and hope you all will take me in as a new member. Right now we are all alone. I have lots of questions, but for now I just wanted to introduce us.



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GLad to have you with us , this is the best group i have found online , such a great support these parents are!! :)Meaghan :)From: chris Dunn <christineshello@...> Sent: Tue, January 25, 2011 8:30:18 AMSubject: Re: ( )

new member

welcome , this group is great! From: Santos <santos.veronica96@...> Sent: Mon, January 24, 2011 10:54:27 PMSubject: ( ) new member

Hi my name . I have a 7 1/2 year son who has Pervasive Development Disorder, ADHD, OCD but is sweet and funny and intelligent. I found your site and hope you all will take me in as a new member. Right now we are all alone. I have lots of questions, but for now I just wanted to introduce us.



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Thanks Meaghan, I have so many questions i don't know where to start. Also you all have probably heard my issues many times, so sorry if

I'm being repeatative. One quesiton is, my son has started using foul language, he's almost 8. All I know how to do is tell him how inappropriate he's being

and that's all I have. We're usually out in public, so I can't give any immediate consequences. Help. Also, he's not on any reward system, but i'm not

sure how to start one. Any ideas welcome

From: Meaghan Larson <meaghanlarson@...> Sent: Tue, January 25, 2011 10:28:32 AMSubject: Re: ( ) new member

GLad to have you with us , this is the best group i have found online , such a great support these parents are!! :)Meaghan :)

From: chris Dunn <christineshello@...> Sent: Tue, January 25, 2011 8:30:18 AMSubject: Re: ( ) new member

welcome , this group is great!

From: Santos <santos.veronica96@...> Sent: Mon, January 24, 2011 10:54:27 PMSubject: ( ) new member

Hi my name . I have a 7 1/2 year son who has Pervasive Development Disorder, ADHD, OCD but is sweet and funny and intelligent. I found your site and hope you all will take me in as a new member. Right now we are all alone. I have lots of questions, but for now I just wanted to introduce us.



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Welcome ! You're officially "in!" Feel free to join in the conversation anywhere, anytime!


“Our lives begin to end the day we

become silent about things that matter.†- Luther King, Jr.

( ) new member

Hi my name . I have a 7 1/2 year son who has Pervasive Development Disorder, ADHD, OCD but is sweet and funny and intelligent. I found your site and hope you all will take me in as a new member. Right now we are all alone. I have lots of questions, but for now I just wanted to introduce us.



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thank you Carolyn, that feels very welcoming. I am a single mom with 3 kids, 2 NT and one AS. talkto you soon,


From: carolyn whittaker <crlyn_whittaker@...> Sent: Wed, January 26, 2011 4:04:53 AMSubject: Re: ( ) new member

Hi veronicaWelcome to the group. I have only been on here for about a week but everyone is so lovely and supportive especially as I don't actually have a child with Aspergers, they have took me on board as my son's Girlfriend has it, and I didn't have a clue about it, but now I have a better insight to what her condition entails.They will answer any questions you have offer advice and support,and you will never feel alone while your on here.Stay strong.


From: Santos <santos.veronica96@...> Sent: Tue, 25 January, 2011 20:37:00Subject: Re: ( ) new member

Thanks Meaghan, I have so many questions i don't know where to start. Also you all have probably heard my issues many times, so sorry if

I'm being repeatative. One quesiton is, my son has started using foul language, he's almost 8. All I know how to do is tell him how inappropriate he's being

and that's all I have. We're usually out in public, so I can't give any immediate consequences. Help. Also, he's not on any reward system, but i'm not

sure how to start one. Any ideas welcome

From: Meaghan Larson <meaghanlarson@...> Sent: Tue, January 25, 2011 10:28:32 AMSubject: Re: ( ) new member

GLad to have you with us , this is the best group i have found online , such a great support these parents are!! :)Meaghan :)

From: chris Dunn <christineshello@...> Sent: Tue, January 25, 2011 8:30:18 AMSubject: Re: ( ) new member

welcome , this group is great!

From: Santos <santos.veronica96@...> Sent: Mon, January 24, 2011 10:54:27 PMSubject: ( ) new member

Hi my name . I have a 7 1/2 year son who has Pervasive Development Disorder, ADHD, OCD but is sweet and funny and intelligent. I found your site and hope you all will take me in as a new member. Right now we are all alone. I have lots of questions, but for now I just wanted to introduce us.



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Thank you Roxanna, so many people have already made me feel welcome, thanks for that. I'm sorry my questions will be naive and you've heard it all before, so I apologize in advance,


From: Roxanna <MadIdeas@...> Sent: Wed, January 26, 2011 7:00:39 AMSubject: Re: ( ) new member

Welcome ! You're officially "in!" Feel free to join in the conversation anywhere, anytime!

Roxanna“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.†- Luther King, Jr.

( ) new member

Hi my name . I have a 7 1/2 year son who has Pervasive Development Disorder, ADHD, OCD but is sweet and funny and intelligent. I found your site and hope you all will take me in as a new member. Right now we are all alone. I have lots of questions, but for now I just wanted to introduce us.



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No need to be sorry. We may have heard of a problem before, but that just means we have ideas for dealing with it.


“Our lives begin to end the day we

become silent about things that matter.†- Luther King, Jr.

( ) new member

Hi my name . I have a 7 1/2 year son who has Pervasive Development Disorder, ADHD, OCD but is sweet and funny and intelligent. I found your site and hope you all will take me in as a new member. Right now we are all alone. I have lots of questions, but for now I just wanted to introduce us.



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