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Re: Three Month Progress Report

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, it sounds like you've made lots of progress. Progress with the

scale even more with your emotions. Oh, how I understand emotional

eataing...Glad to see you keeping up what you started...very


Be blessed,




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Thanks ...you're an inspiration. :)


Subject: Three Month Progress ReportTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Sunday, July 6, 2008, 5:24 PM

Hi everyone,I figured I would give myself a 3 month Progress Report since it has been 3 months since I read "Intuitive Eating" and started following the principles in the book.It has been a very interesting and wonderful journey. The first two months were very eye-opening and challenging. I had no idea that I was using food to numb my emotions and that I ate so many times during the day and night just to block out my feelings. Once I got more tuned in, I realized even emotions caused by watching a movie could send me to the kitchen! I found it easy to stop eating at these times since I realized I wasn't hungry. But what was not easy was having to feel the feelings! I had no idea I had so much anger and resentment built up inside of me, some of it due to events long past, and some due to my present situation. Once I became aware of the feelings, I knew I had to take action. I had conversations with my

family and they set up assessments for my mother (who has Alzheimer's) and the end result is that after my caring for my mother in our home in Maine for more than seven years, my mother is now on a waiting list for a nursing home. It was a tough decision but very necessary if I am going to preserve what is left of my physical and mental health.As far as the food and eating goes, the scariest part was making peace with cake and legalizing all foods. I did gain a few pounds during the first month as I was coming to grips with this and I did have some serious doubts a few times about the wisdom of keeping cake around the house all the time. I remember reading in the book that eventually choosing a piece of cake for dessert would be no more exciting than a peach. I rolled my eyes and figured they were nuts. But I realized last week that for the previous 2 weeks, I had not even wanted any cake and had been

eating cherries for my dessert. The authors were right and it happened without my even being aware of it! When you know you can have cake whenever you want it, it is no big thrill. I still enjoy cake very much, at least the ones I make, but I also enjoy lovely fresh fruit for dessert.The first month, I never went near a vegetable OR fruit. I associated those with diets and so my intuition said, "No fruit or veggies." The second month, my body started craving fruit, but still no veggies. So I continued to feed my body what it wanted. The third month, my body actually started craving veggies again! Just in time for summer and better tasting produce! I also have noticed my appetite has slowly but surely decreased and I am eating smaller portions. I also rarely require a snack as I did back in the bad old days of diet/binge/diet/ binge/ etc. I find when I go to restaurants now, I usually order from the

appetizer menu since I no longer eat huge portions of food. One thing I have continued to resist is exercise until about 2 weeks ago. I had major resistance to that, since I equated exercise with diet mentality. Two weeks ago, I started using my Wii sports games again. And last week I ordered some mini club bells and a DVD about circular strength training. Whether or not I use it remains to be seen, but at least at this point, I am open to the idea.I got weighed a few weeks into the program and had gained seven pounds. (I am sure most of it was my usual 7 lb. gain of fluid from eating more carbs.) But seeing the number on the scale undid a lot of the progress I had made with I.E. and I even went back to diet world for about 2 days. I was amazed at how cut off I felt from my body during that time. I couldn't get in touch with my body OR my emotions, because I was giving all the power to the diet and

not to my own mind and body. Two days of living in that hell and I went running back to Intuitive Eating. I do believe I have lost some weight in the last month or two. My ankles look like ankles now, instead of softballs, and my legs have more definition. My face looks a little smaller and my clothes are a bit looser. And I suspect as I continue to eat less, and eat more fruit and veggies, and start exercising, the loss will continue. That sounds good to me! I love being able to eat my cake and lose weight too! :-)I feel grateful each day for discovering this program. And I also am very grateful for this caring community and for all the support and understanding I receive here. I am looking forward to continuing on this journey.

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Guest guest


You've come so far in such a short time! (do you feel like you have

jet lag?!? LOL!!!) I am happy to read about all your progress not only

with eating, but along the lines of YOUR well being too. Sometimes it

takes going a 'different' way to see how wrong the other 'way' was.

Detours from the IE journey (aka diet re-testing) seem to be a common

reaction, especially to scale shock, which I know oh so well. Good for

you for quickly seeing that diet is a short word for insanity!

Thanks for sharing your progress and inspiring me too. Glad to be

sharing the IE journey with you too.

Ehugs, Katcha


> Hi everyone,

> I figured I would give myself a 3 month Progress Report since it has

been 3 months since I

> read " Intuitive Eating " and started following the principles in the



> It has been a very interesting and wonderful journey. The first two

months were very eye-

> opening and challenging. I had no idea that I was using food to numb

my emotions and

> that I ate so many times during the day and night just to block out

my feelings. Once I got

> more tuned in, I realized even emotions caused by watching a movie

could send me to the

> kitchen! I found it easy to stop eating at these times since I

realized I wasn't hungry. But

> what was not easy was having to feel the feelings! I had no idea I

had so much anger and

> resentment built up inside of me, some of it due to events long

past, and some due to my

> present situation. Once I became aware of the feelings, I knew I had

to take action. I had

> conversations with my family and they set up assessments for my

mother (who has

> Alzheimer's) and the end result is that after my caring for my

mother in our home in

> Maine for more than seven years, my mother is now on a waiting list

for a nursing home.

> It was a tough decision but very necessary if I am going to preserve

what is left of my

> physical and mental health.


> As far as the food and eating goes, the scariest part was making

peace with cake and

> legalizing all foods. I did gain a few pounds during the first month

as I was coming to

> grips with this and I did have some serious doubts a few times about

the wisdom of

> keeping cake around the house all the time. I remember reading in

the book that

> eventually choosing a piece of cake for dessert would be no more

exciting than a peach. I

> rolled my eyes and figured they were nuts. But I realized last week

that for the previous 2

> weeks, I had not even wanted any cake and had been eating cherries

for my dessert. The

> authors were right and it happened without my even being aware of

it! When you know

> you can have cake whenever you want it, it is no big thrill. I still

enjoy cake very much, at

> least the ones I make, but I also enjoy lovely fresh fruit for dessert.


> The first month, I never went near a vegetable OR fruit. I

associated those with diets and

> so my intuition said, " No fruit or veggies. " The second month, my

body started craving

> fruit, but still no veggies. So I continued to feed my body what it

wanted. The third month,

> my body actually started craving veggies again! Just in time for

summer and better tasting

> produce!


> I also have noticed my appetite has slowly but surely decreased and

I am eating smaller

> portions. I also rarely require a snack as I did back in the bad old

days of

> diet/binge/diet/binge/ etc. I find when I go to restaurants now, I

usually order from the

> appetizer menu since I no longer eat huge portions of food.


> One thing I have continued to resist is exercise until about 2 weeks

ago. I had major

> resistance to that, since I equated exercise with diet mentality.

Two weeks ago, I started

> using my Wii sports games again. And last week I ordered some mini

club bells and a DVD

> about circular strength training. Whether or not I use it remains to

be seen, but at least at

> this point, I am open to the idea.


> I got weighed a few weeks into the program and had gained seven

pounds. (I am sure

> most of it was my usual 7 lb. gain of fluid from eating more carbs.)

But seeing the number

> on the scale undid a lot of the progress I had made with I.E. and I

even went back to diet

> world for about 2 days. I was amazed at how cut off I felt from my

body during that time. I

> couldn't get in touch with my body OR my emotions, because I was

giving all the power to

> the diet and not to my own mind and body. Two days of living in that

hell and I went

> running back to Intuitive Eating.


> I do believe I have lost some weight in the last month or two. My

ankles look like ankles

> now, instead of softballs, and my legs have more definition. My face

looks a little smaller

> and my clothes are a bit looser. And I suspect as I continue to eat

less, and eat more fruit

> and veggies, and start exercising, the loss will continue. That

sounds good to me! I love

> being able to eat my cake and lose weight too! :-)


> I feel grateful each day for discovering this program. And I also am

very grateful for this

> caring community and for all the support and understanding I receive

here. I am looking

> forward to continuing on this journey.




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Guest guest

Great stuff . I'm glad you're getting what you need from this new

way of living. We enjoy your contributions.




> Hi everyone,

> I figured I would give myself a 3 month Progress Report since it has

been 3 months since I

> read " Intuitive Eating " and started following the principles in the


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Guest guest

This is truly wonderful-- congratulations to you !

My best,


> Hi everyone,

> I figured I would give myself a 3 month Progress Report since it

has been 3 months since I

> read " Intuitive Eating " and started following the principles in

the book.


> It has been a very interesting and wonderful journey. The first

two months were very eye-

> opening and challenging. I had no idea that I was using food to

numb my emotions and

> that I ate so many times during the day and night just to block

out my feelings. Once I got

> more tuned in, I realized even emotions caused by watching a movie

could send me to the

> kitchen! I found it easy to stop eating at these times since I

realized I wasn't hungry. But

> what was not easy was having to feel the feelings! I had no idea I

had so much anger and

> resentment built up inside of me, some of it due to events long

past, and some due to my

> present situation. Once I became aware of the feelings, I knew I

had to take action. I had

> conversations with my family and they set up assessments for my

mother (who has

> Alzheimer's) and the end result is that after my caring for my

mother in our home in

> Maine for more than seven years, my mother is now on a waiting

list for a nursing home.

> It was a tough decision but very necessary if I am going to

preserve what is left of my

> physical and mental health.


> As far as the food and eating goes, the scariest part was making

peace with cake and

> legalizing all foods. I did gain a few pounds during the first

month as I was coming to

> grips with this and I did have some serious doubts a few times

about the wisdom of

> keeping cake around the house all the time. I remember reading in

the book that

> eventually choosing a piece of cake for dessert would be no more

exciting than a peach. I

> rolled my eyes and figured they were nuts. But I realized last

week that for the previous 2

> weeks, I had not even wanted any cake and had been eating cherries

for my dessert. The

> authors were right and it happened without my even being aware of

it! When you know

> you can have cake whenever you want it, it is no big thrill. I

still enjoy cake very much, at

> least the ones I make, but I also enjoy lovely fresh fruit for



> The first month, I never went near a vegetable OR fruit. I

associated those with diets and

> so my intuition said, " No fruit or veggies. " The second month, my

body started craving

> fruit, but still no veggies. So I continued to feed my body what

it wanted. The third month,

> my body actually started craving veggies again! Just in time for

summer and better tasting

> produce!


> I also have noticed my appetite has slowly but surely decreased

and I am eating smaller

> portions. I also rarely require a snack as I did back in the bad

old days of

> diet/binge/diet/binge/ etc. I find when I go to restaurants now, I

usually order from the

> appetizer menu since I no longer eat huge portions of food.


> One thing I have continued to resist is exercise until about 2

weeks ago. I had major

> resistance to that, since I equated exercise with diet mentality.

Two weeks ago, I started

> using my Wii sports games again. And last week I ordered some mini

club bells and a DVD

> about circular strength training. Whether or not I use it remains

to be seen, but at least at

> this point, I am open to the idea.


> I got weighed a few weeks into the program and had gained seven

pounds. (I am sure

> most of it was my usual 7 lb. gain of fluid from eating more

carbs.) But seeing the number

> on the scale undid a lot of the progress I had made with I.E. and

I even went back to diet

> world for about 2 days. I was amazed at how cut off I felt from my

body during that time. I

> couldn't get in touch with my body OR my emotions, because I was

giving all the power to

> the diet and not to my own mind and body. Two days of living in

that hell and I went

> running back to Intuitive Eating.


> I do believe I have lost some weight in the last month or two. My

ankles look like ankles

> now, instead of softballs, and my legs have more definition. My

face looks a little smaller

> and my clothes are a bit looser. And I suspect as I continue to

eat less, and eat more fruit

> and veggies, and start exercising, the loss will continue. That

sounds good to me! I love

> being able to eat my cake and lose weight too! :-)


> I feel grateful each day for discovering this program. And I also

am very grateful for this

> caring community and for all the support and understanding I

receive here. I am looking

> forward to continuing on this journey.




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Thanks for sharing your progress. I love hearing your story.

IE isn't always just about the food but about our self care and our

relationships with others. I love how you discussed with your

family and came up with a solution to take care of not only your Mom

but yourself as well. Great job in taking care of yourself and

setting boundaries.


-- In IntuitiveEating_Support , " "



> Hi everyone,

> I figured I would give myself a 3 month Progress Report since it

has been 3 months since I

> read " Intuitive Eating " and started following the principles in

the book.


> It has been a very interesting and wonderful journey. The first

two months were very eye-

> opening and challenging. I had no idea that I was using food to

numb my emotions and

> that I ate so many times during the day and night just to block

out my feelings. Once I got

> more tuned in, I realized even emotions caused by watching a movie

could send me to the

> kitchen! I found it easy to stop eating at these times since I

realized I wasn't hungry. But

> what was not easy was having to feel the feelings! I had no idea I

had so much anger and

> resentment built up inside of me, some of it due to events long

past, and some due to my

> present situation. Once I became aware of the feelings, I knew I

had to take action. I had

> conversations with my family and they set up assessments for my

mother (who has

> Alzheimer's) and the end result is that after my caring for my

mother in our home in

> Maine for more than seven years, my mother is now on a waiting

list for a nursing home.

> It was a tough decision but very necessary if I am going to

preserve what is left of my

> physical and mental health.


> As far as the food and eating goes, the scariest part was making

peace with cake and

> legalizing all foods. I did gain a few pounds during the first

month as I was coming to

> grips with this and I did have some serious doubts a few times

about the wisdom of

> keeping cake around the house all the time. I remember reading in

the book that

> eventually choosing a piece of cake for dessert would be no more

exciting than a peach. I

> rolled my eyes and figured they were nuts. But I realized last

week that for the previous 2

> weeks, I had not even wanted any cake and had been eating cherries

for my dessert. The

> authors were right and it happened without my even being aware of

it! When you know

> you can have cake whenever you want it, it is no big thrill. I

still enjoy cake very much, at

> least the ones I make, but I also enjoy lovely fresh fruit for



> The first month, I never went near a vegetable OR fruit. I

associated those with diets and

> so my intuition said, " No fruit or veggies. " The second month, my

body started craving

> fruit, but still no veggies. So I continued to feed my body what

it wanted. The third month,

> my body actually started craving veggies again! Just in time for

summer and better tasting

> produce!


> I also have noticed my appetite has slowly but surely decreased

and I am eating smaller

> portions. I also rarely require a snack as I did back in the bad

old days of

> diet/binge/diet/binge/ etc. I find when I go to restaurants now, I

usually order from the

> appetizer menu since I no longer eat huge portions of food.


> One thing I have continued to resist is exercise until about 2

weeks ago. I had major

> resistance to that, since I equated exercise with diet mentality.

Two weeks ago, I started

> using my Wii sports games again. And last week I ordered some mini

club bells and a DVD

> about circular strength training. Whether or not I use it remains

to be seen, but at least at

> this point, I am open to the idea.


> I got weighed a few weeks into the program and had gained seven

pounds. (I am sure

> most of it was my usual 7 lb. gain of fluid from eating more

carbs.) But seeing the number

> on the scale undid a lot of the progress I had made with I.E. and

I even went back to diet

> world for about 2 days. I was amazed at how cut off I felt from my

body during that time. I

> couldn't get in touch with my body OR my emotions, because I was

giving all the power to

> the diet and not to my own mind and body. Two days of living in

that hell and I went

> running back to Intuitive Eating.


> I do believe I have lost some weight in the last month or two. My

ankles look like ankles

> now, instead of softballs, and my legs have more definition. My

face looks a little smaller

> and my clothes are a bit looser. And I suspect as I continue to

eat less, and eat more fruit

> and veggies, and start exercising, the loss will continue. That

sounds good to me! I love

> being able to eat my cake and lose weight too! :-)


> I feel grateful each day for discovering this program. And I also

am very grateful for this

> caring community and for all the support and understanding I

receive here. I am looking

> forward to continuing on this journey.




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Hi ,Wow, thanks for this report. Very encouraging.GailSubject: Three Month Progress ReportTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Sunday, July 6, 2008, 2:24 PM

Hi everyone,

I figured I would give myself a 3 month Progress Report since it has been 3 months since I

read "Intuitive Eating" and started following the principles in the book.

It has been a very interesting and wonderful journey. The first two months were very eye-

opening and challenging. I had no idea that I was using food to numb my emotions and

that I ate so many times during the day and night just to block out my feelings. Once I got

more tuned in, I realized even emotions caused by watching a movie could send me to the

kitchen! I found it easy to stop eating at these times since I realized I wasn't hungry. But

what was not easy was having to feel the feelings! I had no idea I had so much anger and

resentment built up inside of me, some of it due to events long past, and some due to my

present situation. Once I became aware of the feelings, I knew I had to take action. I had

conversations with my family and they set up assessments for my mother (who has

Alzheimer's) and the end result is that after my caring for my mother in our home in

Maine for more than seven years, my mother is now on a waiting list for a nursing home.

It was a tough decision but very necessary if I am going to preserve what is left of my

physical and mental health.

As far as the food and eating goes, the scariest part was making peace with cake and

legalizing all foods. I did gain a few pounds during the first month as I was coming to

grips with this and I did have some serious doubts a few times about the wisdom of

keeping cake around the house all the time. I remember reading in the book that

eventually choosing a piece of cake for dessert would be no more exciting than a peach. I

rolled my eyes and figured they were nuts. But I realized last week that for the previous 2

weeks, I had not even wanted any cake and had been eating cherries for my dessert. The

authors were right and it happened without my even being aware of it! When you know

you can have cake whenever you want it, it is no big thrill. I still enjoy cake very much, at

least the ones I make, but I also enjoy lovely fresh fruit for dessert.

The first month, I never went near a vegetable OR fruit. I associated those with diets and

so my intuition said, "No fruit or veggies." The second month, my body started craving

fruit, but still no veggies. So I continued to feed my body what it wanted. The third month,

my body actually started craving veggies again! Just in time for summer and better tasting


I also have noticed my appetite has slowly but surely decreased and I am eating smaller

portions. I also rarely require a snack as I did back in the bad old days of

diet/binge/diet/ binge/ etc. I find when I go to restaurants now, I usually order from the

appetizer menu since I no longer eat huge portions of food.

One thing I have continued to resist is exercise until about 2 weeks ago. I had major

resistance to that, since I equated exercise with diet mentality. Two weeks ago, I started

using my Wii sports games again. And last week I ordered some mini club bells and a DVD

about circular strength training. Whether or not I use it remains to be seen, but at least at

this point, I am open to the idea.

I got weighed a few weeks into the program and had gained seven pounds. (I am sure

most of it was my usual 7 lb. gain of fluid from eating more carbs.) But seeing the number

on the scale undid a lot of the progress I had made with I.E. and I even went back to diet

world for about 2 days. I was amazed at how cut off I felt from my body during that time. I

couldn't get in touch with my body OR my emotions, because I was giving all the power to

the diet and not to my own mind and body. Two days of living in that hell and I went

running back to Intuitive Eating.

I do believe I have lost some weight in the last month or two. My ankles look like ankles

now, instead of softballs, and my legs have more definition. My face looks a little smaller

and my clothes are a bit looser. And I suspect as I continue to eat less, and eat more fruit

and veggies, and start exercising, the loss will continue. That sounds good to me! I love

being able to eat my cake and lose weight too! :-)

I feel grateful each day for discovering this program. And I also am very grateful for this

caring community and for all the support and understanding I receive here. I am looking

forward to continuing on this journey.

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