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how many have had good experiences with celebrex? failures? i think we need

to share this

robert harris wrote:

> From: robert harris <raharris@...>


> --- Fltmgt@... wrote:

> [snipped]

> > anyone on the board using celebrex? Any side

> > effects? What drug did celebrex replace?


> Hi --

> I am taking Celebrex and I love it. But it is not a

> DMARD, a disease-modifying drug. Rather, it is a 2

> inhibitor which works to decrease pain. In my case it

> replced Indocin, a painkiller which was also doing a

> job on my stomach. If the stomach were not an issue

> I'd probably still be on Indocin, as it is cheap and

> effetive. Celebrex is expensive and effective, and

> does not damage one's GI system.


> Thanks,

> , NJ Highlands

> raharris@...


> __________________________________________________


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I am glad to hear that it has helped some of us on the list, However, I feel

compelled to mention that I found it no more effective than tylenol.

Interesting, the FDA has it approved for

only non-acute pain, where as Vioxx is approved for both acute and non-acute

pain. Vioxx is stronger- but it gave me stomach trouble even with the

Prilosec- go figure (mostly heartburn).

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I'm glad you mentioned Vioxx as I was just given a prescription. I took it

for three (I started last Wed. and stayed on til Friday) days and by the end

of Friday I could hardly walk! My left knee has always been a problem but now

my right knee is very bad and just above and below the knee on both sides. I

can hardly bend them and have a constant ache in both legs. Can't get to the

new Rheumatologist until 9/10. Do you think it's the Vioxx? I stopped it and

on Saturday went back to the Relafen I was taking, however still feeling



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In a message dated 08/30/1999 2:18:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

nwarrior@... writes:


how many have had good experiences with celebrex? failures? i think we need

to share this


Celebrex gave me about as much relief as a Life Saver...only the Life Saver

tasted better...sorry, no more Celebrex for me.

Annette :)

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I am on 25 mg of Vioxx which is said to be a stronger version of

Celebrex. I switched to it because I was having stomach problems

with other NSAIDs. I am happy to report that I think it helps me

and I have not had a stomach problem caused by Vioxx. Because

I am on other drugs (MTX, plaquinil, etc.) it is often hard to tell if the

anti-inflammatory is doing any good. Due to an oversight on my

part I was off Vioxx for four days (it looks just like my folic acid

tablets). During that time I had more trouble with smaller joints

(fingers, toes, jaw) than I have when on the drug. Nice to report

something positive!

By the way, after a week of negotiations between my doc, the

pharmacy, and the insurance co., I was approved for Vioxx and

now the insurance pays a good portion of the cost. My insurance

company has not been easy to deal with so I am very pleased that

this battle was easy.

Thought from LaRita

Beware of health books, you might die of a misprint.--Mark Twain

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I take 20mg of Celebrex twice a day. At first I couldn't see what it had

done for me and to be truthful, I'm still not sure, but my present " cocktail "

seems to be working. So, I decided it must do something for me afterall. I

have no side effects that I'm aware of from the Celebrex.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Be cautious if you have allergies to other nsaids and if you are allergic to

sulfa drugs as these are contraindications and I learned the hard way. Sharon


Has anyone tried celebrex? i'd like to hear the good & bad if u have.

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I'm using Celebrex, have been since March or so. All the pre--2 inhibitor

nsaid's caused intolerable GI symptoms for me, but no such problem with

Celebrex. It helps with pain, and especially with muscle pain and stiffness

surrounding my worst joints. It is not as helpful as I had hoped, but much

better than nothing, which was where I was before. Adding in the

minocycline, I feel better still. (I am still very early in the AP.)

There was a post a couple of weeks ago stating concern that Celebrex might

increase intra-occular pressure, potentially leading to glaucoma. Lots of us

with rheumatic diseases need to keep up with our ophthalmological exams

anyway, I happen to have an appointment next week, so I am going to be sure

to discuss this with my ophthalmologist. He probably won't have heard this

yet, but he will test my intra-occular pressure anyway as a routine matter.

I have tried Vioxx, the other recently released -2 inhibitor, and find

them equally beneficial to me, but an effective dose of Celebrex is only

about 2/3's the cost for me. To G D Searle's credit, they deliberately tried

to keep Celebrex pricing inline with the other name-brand nsaid's.

I have heard of folks who do get GI upset with Celebrex.



From: " " <wesman@...>

" onelist " <rheumaticonelist>

Subject: rheumatic Celebrex

Date: Tue, Sep 21, 1999, 1:05 PM

Has anyone tried celebrex? i'd like to hear the good & bad if u have.

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Re: rheumatic Celebrex " To G D Searle's credit, they deliberately tried to keep

Celebrex pricing inline with the other name-brand nsaid's. "

Maybe in comparison to the other " name-brand " , but I can get generic Lodine for

much cheaper than I can buy Celebrex. I also tried Celebrex - couldn't tell any

difference, except that it seemed to cause a flutter in my throat and in my

chest now and then. I won't swear it was the Celebrex that did this, but I

haven't had this happen for some time now since I've been off of Celebrex.

I liked the thought that it might protect my stomach better, but the " flutters "

convinced me otherwise. I might add that Lodine is one of the " safer " ones on

the nsaids list, although none of these are safe over the long haul. Even

Celebrex can cause bleeding.

Bottom line though is that we are all different and I've certainly seen where

some have fabulous results while others have no results and there seems to be no

pattern. I guess you just have to try it and see what happens.


rheumatic Celebrex

Date: Tue, Sep 21, 1999, 1:05 PM

Has anyone tried celebrex? i'd like to hear the good & bad if u have.

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> Maybe in comparison to the other " name-brand " , but I can get generic Lodine

> for much cheaper than I can buy Celebrex. I also tried Celebrex - couldn't

> tell any difference, except that it seemed to cause a flutter in my throat

> and in my chest now and then. I won't swear it was the Celebrex that did

> this, but I haven't had this happen for some time now since I've been off

> of Celebrex.

" Name brand " is the important concept here. You're right, anything available

as a generic is a lot cheaper. I would use over-the counter ibuprofen if I

could. Cheap is not good, though if you awaken at 4:00 am every morning with

your gut burning. You're new to this stuff, Mark. I was able to take the old

nsaid's for about 2 1/2 years, then started to develop all sorts of GI side

effects, and ended up losing 20 pounds before I got my digestive system back

on track (this took about 4 years, and I didn't have 20 lbs. to spare.) So

far, Celebrex and Vioxx have been MUCH different for me than the others,

including Lodine and Relefen.

> I liked the thought that it might protect my stomach better, but the

> " flutters " convinced me otherwise. I might add that Lodine is one of the

> " safer " ones on the nsaids list, although none of these are safe over the

> long haul. Even Celebrex can cause bleeding.

I believe Lodine and Relefen cause fewer GI side effects, but at the

increased risk of kidney and liver damage. No such thing as a " safe " NSAID.

I am cautious but hopeful that I will be able to continue to use Celebrex

safely. I'm sorry to say, some others haven't done as well on Celebrex or

Vioxx as I have so far, but I went 8 years without the benefit of a safe

effective NSAID, and for those of us who have become sensitized to the old

ones, but can use the new ones, they are a Godsend. I even have allergies to

a number of the old NSAID's, but can use the new ones with cross-reaction.

> Bottom line though is that we are all different and I've certainly seen

> where some have fabulous results while others have no results and there

> seems to be no pattern. I guess you just have to try it and see what happens.

Here I agree. I would say for someone new to these treatments, and able to

tolerate the older NSAID's, there is much more known about them, and they

are cheaper to boot. However, if you have been around a while like me, and

can't use the old drugs, the new drugs are definitely worth a try. Just be

mindful no drug is without risk.


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I tried hot baths for my reactive arthritis when when I first came down with

it, but had to be careful--hot water actually increased swelling and pain,

so at that time, I stuck with showers.

Now I use warm baths all the time (eleven years later, much less swelling

now), especially to get myself warm and limber before going to work, and

relaxed before going to bed. Showers are still helpful, since my shoulders

are a major problem. 120 degrees sounds awfully hot--physical therapists

recommend 105 or so. I don't actually measure water temperature, but know

too hot is not good, especially for some other conditions.



From: " " <wesman@...>

" Probert " <jpro@...>

Subject: Re: rheumatic Celebrex

Date: Tue, Sep 21, 1999, 1:44 PM

have u tried hot baths with RA? does it help? i find just sitting in a tub

of 120 degree water great, when i get out my body feels like a new 1, till i

cool off i guess :) 120 degrees seems like it's to hot,atleast for my

fiance' but i think it makes me better, long enough to get some work done.

rheumatic Celebrex

Date: Tue, Sep 21, 1999, 1:05 PM

Has anyone tried celebrex? i'd like to hear the good & bad if u have.

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Same here, Jean. When I had slight pain my internist told me that with the


I could hemmorage to death within minutes and wouldn't even know what hit

me. There wouldn't even be any symptoms. That is really scary! I am sure

that Celebrex has it's own dangers, but I knew I was starting to get in

trouble with the Lodine when the pain started up. I like you even had

trouble with Ibuprofen at various times.

Since Celebrex I have had no more pain in the stomach. It is just about as

effective as anything else I have taken, but I have never found one that is

all that effective and I have tried almost all of them.

At 05:45 PM 9/21/99 -0500, you wrote:

> > " " , but I can get generic Lodine

>> I also tried Celebrex - couldn't

>> tell any difference, except that it seemed to cause a flutter in my throat

>> I won't swear it was the Celebrex that did

>> this, but I haven't had this happen for some time now since I've been off

>> of Celebrex.



>> " " is the important concept here. You're right, anything available as a

>>generic is a lot cheaper. I would use over-the counter ibuprofen if I

>>could. Cheap is not good, though if you awaken at 4:00 am every morning

>>with your gut burning. You're new to this stuff, Mark. I was able to take

>>the old nsaid's for about 2 1/2 years, then started to develop all sorts

>>of GI side effects, and ended up losing 20 pounds before I got my

>>digestive system back on track (this took about 4 years, and I didn't

>>have 20 lbs. to spare.) So far, Celebrex and Vioxx have been MUCH

>>different for me than the others, including Lodine and Relefen.



>> I liked the thought that it might protect my stomach better, but the

>> " " convinced me otherwise. I might add that Lodine is one of the

>> " " ones on the nsaids list, although none of these are safe over the

>> Even Celebrex can cause bleeding.




>>I believe Lodine and Relefen cause fewer GI side effects, but at the

>>increased risk of kidney and liver damage. " " NSAID. I am cautious but

>>hopeful that I will be able to continue to use Celebrex safely. I'm sorry

>>to say, some others haven't done as well on Celebrex or Vioxx as I have

>>so far, but I went 8 years without the benefit of a safe effective NSAID,

>>and for those of us who have become sensitized to the old ones, but can

>>use the new ones, they are a Godsend. I even have allergies to a number

>>of the old NSAID's, but can use the new ones with cross-reaction.



>> Bottom line though is that we are all different and I've certainly seen

>> where some have fabulous results while others have no results and there

>> seems to be no pattern. I guess you just have to try it and see what




>>Here I agree. I would say for someone new to these treatments, and able

>>to tolerate the older NSAID's, there is much more known about them, and

>>they are cheaper to boot. However, if you have been around a while like

>>me, and can't use the old drugs, the new drugs are definitely worth a

>>try. Just be mindful no drug is without risk.


>> Jean



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My mom tried celebrex and it didn't do anything for her...it seemed to for a

couple of days then she just continued to get worse...she just had to have

surgery in both of her eyes to release the pressure, it was in the 40s and she

did have some damage,but the Dr. got to it in time...he said the veins in her

eyes were like ropes...we assumed it was the RA... do you think it had anything

to do with the celebrex??!!My mom also tried the vioxx it didn't seem to do

anything for her either...it just seems like nothing is working for her anymore,

but we have confidence the AP will.


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Wow, I'm afraid we have no way of knowing if the Celebrex had anything to do

with your mom's eyes. Maybe you should ask the doctor on her next follow-up.

I think this is something we all need to keep our ears open about. My

ophthalmologist appointment is next Monday. I'll let you know how my eye

pressures are.

Send your mom all our best



>From: PRYAH@...


>Subject: rheumatic re:celebrex

>Date: Wed, Sep 22, 1999, 9:20 AM


> From: PRYAH@...


> My mom tried celebrex and it didn't do anything for her...it seemed to for

> a couple of days then she just continued to get worse...she just had to

> have surgery in both of her eyes to release the pressure, it was in the 40s

> and she did have some damage,but the Dr. got to it in time...he said the

> veins in her eyes were like ropes...we assumed it was the RA... do you

> think it had anything to do with the celebrex??!!My mom also tried the

> vioxx it didn't seem to do anything for her either...it just seems like

> nothing is working for her anymore, but we have confidence the AP will.

> Micki



> >

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  • 4 weeks later...

In article <>,

Magee <bondan@...> writes

>>I was wondering about the long term effect of the use of celeberx. I have

>been taking it for several months. My Knees and feet after a short period

>of time Sitting,seize up. They don't cause me pain while there isn't any

>weight on them but getting up is a major effort, once up I have to stand

>and wait for a minute before I can shuffle to my destinaton. I am on 200 mg

>doxy MWF, 400 mg celebrex daily

I'm not aware that Celebrex has any particular properties as an anti-

inflammatory apart from the reduced gastric side effects.

What you are describing sounds more like active inflammation in those



Regards, Dr Graham Chiu

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Hi :

Any time I read of one of our group having lightning-quick results with some

supplement, I sit up and take notice. You felt that the Celebrex added to

the AP was possibly the key.

A number of our group are using this combination, but your posting is the

only one I recall having seen with such results. HOWEVER, I noticed you also

began taking urtica at the same time you began the Celebrex. Now I don't

remember seeing a posting with the combination of urtica-Celebrex-AP.

Any way you could be persuaded to temporarily stop the urtica to see if you

have the same results? I'm sure a lot of people would like to know if it



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I've had an interesting experience with this drug. I took it for 2-3 weeks this

summer at up to 400 mg. (max. dose) with no noticeable relief, so I switched

back to Advil, which at least offered pain relief with less risks.

Now I've been on the AP for about 5 or 6 weeks. I tried taking Celebrex again

(I've also began taking Urtica[stinging Nettles] which is supposed to reduce

the amount of anti-inflammatory one needs). Although the pharmacist said it

takes about 7-10 days for the Celebrex to fully take effect, I had dramatic

results after one dose of 200mg. I've been trying to keep to 200mg./day. After

only 4 days, I'm still having consistently good anti-inflammatory response.

Not sure what changed. Maybe doing the Celebrex with the Minocin made the


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi : Thanks for the response re: Celebrex. I am now more than ever

convinced that I will not fill that script!! How much minocycline do you

take? I just started this week at 50 mg 2xday and will be increasing to

100mg 2xday if all goes well, in 3 weeks. Right now, I'm getting by on

Tylenol Arthritis when needed as I am doing well on the methotrexate (just

reduced from 10mg to 7.5 mg).

Hope you don't mind that I cc: to the list since someone may have a sulfa

allergy and should know about your experience. Thanks again.


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I got an RX for Celebrex and I only took one pill and swelled up for 5 days. It

was so bad that I was not recognized by family/friends. My cheeks on my face

swelled up so much that I could see them with my eyes.

Also everytime I would go outside, i would turn a bright red. Come to find out

that Celebrex has a sulfa base and to that I am allergic.

Good luck taking it but I wouldn't . I am on Mimocycline and Motrin 800mg a



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  • 2 weeks later...

My Rheumy is DR at Children's hospital in Chicago and he is presently

involved int he Celebrex trials for Celebrex on kids. To my knowledge after

speaking with him they are still in trials and not prescribing it yet. They

start with the older kids and work their way down. I'll ask next time I see

him on December 15th how they are doing if you like.

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Hi n,

Josh never tried Celebrex. Maybe some of the others here have, though.

Did the doctor think it might be a better option for Holly because she

was having stomache problems with other NSAID's? If so, I wonder if he

thought about trying cytotec at all? That helped Josh a lot and he

hasn't been having any problems tolerating his indomethacin since. I

wonder why, if Holly had an allergic reaction to bactrim before, the

doctor thinks it'll be okay for her to use this if it's contraindicated?

Well, let us know how it goes, okay? Good luck.



Ajaomom@... wrote:


> From: Ajaomom@...


> Hello everyone,

> Got a question for you.....Are there any of your children on celebrex??

> Holly might be starting celebrex tomorrow, the pharmacist wanted to check

> with the rheumy again to make sure she could go on it as she is allergic to

> bactrim and it says if you are allergic to bactrim you should not use

> celebrex. I had mentioned that to the rheumy, but he said that really wasn't

> a factor anymore. I hate all this kind of stuff. Oh well let me know, when

> you get a chance please. I know their are not many children on it at all, so

> am very interested to find out the results. Thanks so much, n

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Will your insurer pay for Celebrex even though only approved for adults?

>From: Ajaomom@...

>Reply- onelist

> onelist

>Subject: [ ] Celebrex

>Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1999 20:42:52 EST


>From: Ajaomom@...


>Hello everyone,

> Got a question for you.....Are there any of your children on


> Holly might be starting celebrex tomorrow, the pharmacist wanted to check

>with the rheumy again to make sure she could go on it as she is allergic to

>bactrim and it says if you are allergic to bactrim you should not use

>celebrex. I had mentioned that to the rheumy, but he said that really


>a factor anymore. I hate all this kind of stuff. Oh well let me know, when

>you get a chance please. I know their are not many children on it at all,


>am very interested to find out the results. Thanks so much, n

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Yes, they will cover the cost, but guess what the pharmacist called her doc

because she is allergic to bactrim and she wouldn't fill the prescription as

written, so he now changed her to vioxx...........anyone on that???? Any

side effects, worth noting??

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Hi n,

Just today I wrote a message to a from the stills list, who is also

about to try Vioxx. Said she got some samples from her doctor. I've

heard that side effects to watch out for include severe swelling and

vomitting. My memory isn't good when it comes to names but someone here

has a son who had a bad reaction to it, too. Everyone is different

though, so I hope it works well for your daughter. Please keep us


Wonder how the doctor felt about that phone call from the pharmacist.

Did he have any comments?

Take care,


Ajaomom@... wrote:

> Yes, they will cover the cost, but guess what the pharmacist called her doc

> because she is allergic to bactrim and she wouldn't fill the prescription as

> written, so he now changed her to vioxx...........anyone on that???? Any

> side effects, worth noting??

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