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I am taking 200 mg once a day and was wondering since I am having so much trouble at night if I should ask for the 100 mg pills so that I can take one in the morning and the other at night... I don't know I am not even sure now that they are even helping at all it is already past two and I didn't take it today and I don't feel anymore or less pain than when I take it... I think I will skip today and take it this evening and see what happens.. I don't want to take it at the same time as my other meds but I can take it a couple of hours before... I don't know everything seems to be getting worse right now..... Getting hard to be positive but then I have those days... weeks.. months.... since I fell I just have not bounced back from the flare and it is just getting worse, though I am Thankful that I am able to walk but I also had to increase all my meds and take pain pills.. I hate pain pills!!!!!!!!! I don't like going up on my other meds either but it is that or be up all night in unbearable pain ( like this pain is bearable, I just learned that crying makes it hurt worse not that I would cry anyway) and with my arms legs and whatever thrashing about.

The increase hasn't even helped that much... normally I have less pain in the daytime but not now it is really bad.. The doctor does not know what to do and I have not tried the vicodin, it only gives me two hours of relief and I sleep though that.... I have a few left but I don't want to take them.. like I said I am stubborn. I go to the nuro-surgeon on the first maybe he will be able to help with the pain.. if not I will survive I always do!! Also my doctor thinks he might know why my hands keep curling up they do it during the day now too and I have to really keep thinking about keeping them open.. I did do a lot of clapping at the basketball game so maybe they are hurting from that some too.. it doesn't really seem to be worse than it was before I went but the curling up is..

I read up on post concussion syndrome the other night when I could not sleep and I think some of what I am going through is coming from that.. I would go into how I got the concussion and amnesia but it is not a pretty story and I am not up to it today plus it could upset others... I also found out now that I have post traumatic stress syndrome.. when the doctor first talked to me about it all I could think of was that is what vets have after a war.. I couldn't have that well I do guess you could say I have had to fight my own wars... I know that the nightmares and flashbacks are not helping but they are not any worse than normal....

well enough of that!!! I didn't mean to go on for so long but we think that the damage that was found in my back this time which is NOT related to my illness and most likely occurred a little over a year ago could turn out to be the physical proof that we need to press charges that we didn't think we would be able to due to the amnesia .... In some ways that gives me hope but then I also do not want to go through a trial..

We moved 20+ hours away from all of that and it would be hard and the way things are there he would most likely walk away with a slap on the wrist.. I have no idea what color skin anyone here has and do not care but I do not want to offend anyone.. but where we use to live the KKK is very strong and the person we would be going after is one of theirs though low on the totem pole...

Basically if we wanted something done we could have gotten a shot gun and killed him trust me no one would have gone to jail for it... They don't like him either but he knows things... like names... not that I don't know some of the names just don't know who did what or when.The names were not hard to figure out once I knew how active the clan was... My husband and I were thinking of adopting a bi-racial baby but couldn't because of the area. A couple did adopt a two year old that was bi-racial but when he was old enough to go to school they had to move.. the kids were taught to hate at very young ages..

I wrote.



> I had a problem with swelling on vioxx, but I have felt a lot better on> celebrex. I take 100mg twice a day, which I feel is a lot, but I need it.> Thanks,> Gloria>

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I looked at my bottle and I am taking 200mg TWICE a day of Celebrex. And I still have pain, but it is a lot better. I have been thinking I am getting better, but I am not so sure if I need so much celebrex. I can really feel it when it wears off in 12 hours, too, but that seems not to be quite as bad as it was.

I am just so sensitive to so many foods these days and that makes it worse.

I am confused. I need one of you to move in here with me, so I can have someone to talk to who knows something.



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  • 1 month later...
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on 4/20/01 1:05 PM, rabbitrew@... at rabbitrew@... wrote:

> I just got celebrex from my Dr. to help with the pain. Just wondering

> if anyone has had any experience with this med. Possible side effects,

> does it work etc. It seems the only pain med that has been working for

> me is vicodin, but I am forcing them to come up with an alternative

> because I hate that it makes me sleepy, and I really don't like taking

> a potentially addictive medicine- Even if it does help. I asked about

> Vioxx, since many of you have reccomended it, but they think it may be

> too hard on my stomach. Any opinions?


I have bad GI reactions to all NSAIDs but Celebrex and Vioxx - they do not

bother me at all. I have never heard anything to indicate Vioxx is any

harder on your stomach than Celebrex.

I would think either would be an appropriate thing for you to try. Some have

better results with one, some with the other. Hope C helps, if not, I'd ask

to try V.


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Hi ,

I have been taking celebrex since Jan. and I believe it is keeping me functioning...taking the place of the almost 12 aspirins a day I was taking before that.

I have had no problems with it and found it to be much more effective taking it before bed...I think somebody on here recommended that. I also think there is an assimilation period where it needs time to get into the system, because it took a while, but now I am functioning...course the whole idea of functioning better could be the AP's affects too, since I've been on that since Jan. as well.

I have had RA for over ten years and am on oral minacin and clindy. I have faith it will be effective enough to clean this mess up and make me active again if I just have patience.

Good luck. I hope the celebrex helps you so you can get back to your life.

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The only thing I know about Celebrex and Vioxx is that both shouldn't

be used if you are allergic to aspirin, or have asthma. I have both, my

dr didnt' even know... I found out by reading the insert AFTER I had

started with one. And they (the drs) are supposed to know so much. Go


Also... I heard on another list that in England they are investigating

Vioxx - they have done autopsies on elderly who have died, after being

on Vioxx... they have found an unusual amt of blood in brain. Haven't

found anything on it. I can email the woman (in Ireland) who posted the

info, though.


> Hi-

> I just got celebrex from my Dr. to help with the pain. Just wondering

> if anyone has had any experience with this med. Possible side effects,

> does it work etc. It seems the only pain med that has been working for

> me is vicodin, but I am forcing them to come up with an alternative

> because I hate that it makes me sleepy, and I really don't like taking

> a potentially addictive medicine- Even if it does help. I asked about

> Vioxx, since many of you have reccomended it, but they think it may be

> too hard on my stomach. Any opinions?

> Thanks-

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When I first started vioxx, I got asthma severe enough to keep me in the

hospital for a week and no one there connected it with the vioxx. I have

not had any trouble with the celebrex and my asthma and the asthma response

went away on the vioxx. Vioxx caused my feet to swell very badly after




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  • 5 months later...

In a message dated 10/19/2001 11:56:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

lisbeth@... writes:

> Is there really no one else out there who has tried Celebrex and can give me

> some feedback?

Tried it , hated it , made me feel all speeded out and now there are reports

out it could be harmful to your heart and a couple of people have died ( the

rest for now are OK ) So I chose not to take it and when in pain I take

either codiene or vicaden.

Hope this helps. KElly

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Along with the items listed below, some people have good luck with Zyflamend a herbal anti-inflammatory. I dont have any sitting around, dont need anti-inflammatorys anymore, but it it a combo of herbs in a softgel capsule. Its reasonably priced at around $11.00 a bottle plus shiping, which lasted me a month.

Re: rheumatic Celebrex

Can I just suggest, and please take this or leave it, but I have been lucky enough to get off of any Nsaids (and believe me I am still herxing) by taking natural products and I noticed the difference almost immediately....I will list these for anyone interested: Pycnogenal ( from pine bark) Sea cucumber Fish Oil Boswelia and I take MSM and glucosamine. I am one who firmly believes part of the reason I have RA in the first place is because of some prescriptions I was on were wreaking havoc on my stomach and gut, leaving room for yeast and bacteria and microplasmas to enter my bloodstream and you know the rest of the story. You couldn'y pay me to take something that causes stomach ulcers and bleeding and who knows what else. I had huge swollen painful hands wrists and feet, painful knees and elbows ...the whole nine yards. With the following I have most of that under control in addition to watching what I eat. Anyway thought I would toss some natural alternative ideas out there for you. If anyone has any more please add them to the list. Bright Blessings, To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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Can I just suggest, and please take this or leave it, but I have been lucky enough to get off of any Nsaids (and believe me I am still herxing) by taking natural products and I noticed the difference almost immediately....I will list these for anyone interested:

Pycnogenal ( from pine bark)

Sea cucumber

Fish Oil


and I take MSM and glucosamine.

I am one who firmly believes part of the reason I have RA in the first place is because of some prescriptions I was on were wreaking havoc on my stomach and gut, leaving room for yeast and bacteria and microplasmas to enter my bloodstream and you know the rest of the story. You couldn'y pay me to take something that causes stomach ulcers and bleeding and who knows what else. I had huge swollen painful hands wrists and feet, painful knees and elbows ...the whole nine yards. With the following I have most of that under control in addition to watching

what I eat.

Anyway thought I would toss some natural alternative ideas out there for you. If anyone has any more please add them to the list.

Bright Blessings,

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HI Lisbeth,

So good to see you back!--but not for this reason. : (

I tried Celebrex also and within a day was puffing up under my eyes and

around my already swollen joints, and had some itching of my skin. The

doctor suspected this had to do with an allergic reaction to it, so took me

off it right away and noted that on my chart. I tried Vioxx also and did

not have the puffiness under my eyes or itching, but my joints got more

swollen rather than less so we scrapped that too. I seem to get this

reaction of worse joints after a couple of days on any nsiad though so this

may just be my weird bod, and should not discourage anyone else from trying

them IMHO.

Hope this helps and that *you* are doing better. Take care, Liz G.

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I also tried Celebrex. In one week my feet and hands started to swell.

Vioxx worked for about 6 months and the same edema started with it. Along with severe tendenitis in both feet. I'm talking...."I've fallen and I can't get up," severe.

Just make sure you take them with lots of food. The concept of easier on the stomach has been upgraded to...."be very careful with your stomach."

Donna in Ottawa, CanadaDiffuse Scleroderma 1995, AP 1996

rheumatic Celebrex

Thank you Louise for your reply to my query regarding Celebrex, I reallyappreciate it<warm hug>Is there really no one else out there who has tried Celebrex and can give mesome feedback? I've been given literature on it (thanks !) and wouldnow like to hear 'your' personal experience with it. Pretty please<smiling>Last time I asked for info on Celebrex this in conjunction with asking aboutpsoriatic arthritis and maybe you all thought I only wanted to hear fromsomeone who has experience of both.Not so.......I'm keen to hear anything on either subject, not necessarily incombination with one another.Any other takers?Thanks and thanks too to all those who gave me such a lovely 'welcome back.'You're a neat bunch of people!!huggles,lisbethTo unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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I have never tried Celebrex, but I was at a 2001 Vita Health Symposium in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada last Sunday and heard Lorna Vanderhaeghe, co-author of The Immune System cure, speak on a healthy immunity. During her talk, she mentioned NSAID's and the effect they have on the body. Celebrex was on her NO! NO! NO! list due to the fact that, instead of stomach bleeding that some NSAID's cause, celebrex can cause large intestine and colon ulcers and/or bleeding. She cited some trials that had proven this, but, since I do not take Celebrex, I did not write them down.

She takes Moducare herself and has information on www.moducare.com and www.healthlyimmunity.com

I don't think she mentions celebrex on either of these sites, but the information on immunity is quite interesting.



rheumatic Celebrex

Thank you Louise for your reply to my query regarding Celebrex, I reallyappreciate it<warm hug>Is there really no one else out there who has tried Celebrex and can give mesome feedback? I've been given literature on it (thanks !) and wouldnow like to hear 'your' personal experience with it. Pretty please<smiling>Last time I asked for info on Celebrex this in conjunction with asking aboutpsoriatic arthritis and maybe you all thought I only wanted to hear fromsomeone who has experience of both.Not so.......I'm keen to hear anything on either subject, not necessarily incombination with one another.Any other takers?Thanks and thanks too to all those who gave me such a lovely 'welcome back.'You're a neat bunch of people!!huggles,lisbethTo unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups

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Re: Clebrex

I used Celebrex for about a year, then switched to Vioxx (also a 2

inhibitor) for insurance reasons. Celebrex worked great for me in reducing

the symptoms of RA. It is a powerful NSAID. Anyone who tries it should know

within a day or two if it works for them.

After having been on the AP four four months, I have been able to cut down

on Vioxx to 25% of the recommended dosage by cutting the prescribed daily

25 mg pill into quarters. I intent to drop Vioxx completely in a few days.

Sincerely, Harald

At 11:19 PM 10/20/2001 -0400, you wrote:

>In a message dated 10/19/2001 11:56:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

>lisbeth@... writes:


> > Is there really no one else out there who has tried Celebrex and can

> give me some feedback?


>Tried it , hated it , made me feel all speeded out and now there are

>reports out it could be harmful to your heart and a couple of people have

>died (the rest for now are OK ) So I chose not to take it and when in pain

>I take either codiene or vicaden.

>Hope this helps. KElly

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  • 3 months later...

Celebrex is an nsaid, no liver tests ort anything like that.

It is an anti inflamatory, big health questions is safety to the stomach like

other nsaids. While celebrex says it is safer than other nsaids, the jury's

still out on it beacuse of its relative newness on the market.

I took it for avout a year and I think it helped the inflamation & pain.

Never had any problems or side effencts. I also think it did nothing to cure

my pa.

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Celebrex is a NSAID. I took it and it worked for the

pain, but it raised my blood pressure. My doctor is

recommending methotrexate, but I'm still deciding

whether to take it or not. Why did you go off of it?


--- Vlarson169@... wrote:

> Could someone give me information on Celebrex. I've

> checked out their web

> site at celebrex.com but I'm still unclear as to the

> possible side affects.

> Is this considered a NSAID or a DMARD? And are

> liver function tests done

> when someone is on this med?


> I've gone off methotrexate recently and the Rheumy

> and I have talked about

> Enbrel vs Remicade and we've also talked about

> celebrex but I've not found a

> lot of info on it, for my own research.


> Thanks, Vicki



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





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In a message dated 02/06/2002 5:09:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,

paulking11@... writes:

> Celebrex is an nsaid, no liver tests ort anything like that

I disagree with that. My rheumy continues to monitor my liver enzymes

because I'm on vioxx. She feels that long term NSAID use warrants at least

checking the liver every 3 months through blood tests.

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Celebrex falls in with NSAIDs. To get the inflammation. Enbrel and

Remicade fight the arthritis.

Celebrex worked well from day one for me for a couple months. Then

was having upper respiratory problems and could not lay down to

sleep. About half hour after taking it I would get severe lower abdominal

cramps. I mean really really bad and I was on strong Oxycontin pain meds and it

sitll hurt like the blazes.Ended up going to Emergency room a couple times. Got


Celebrex and the symptoms went away.

> Could someone give me information on Celebrex. I've checked out

their web

> site at celebrex.com but I'm still unclear as to the possible side


> Is this considered a NSAID or a DMARD? And are liver function

tests done

> when someone is on this med?


> I've gone off methotrexate recently and the Rheumy and I have

talked about

> Enbrel vs Remicade and we've also talked about celebrex but I've

not found a

> lot of info on it, for my own research.


> Thanks, Vicki




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In a message dated 2/7/2002 2:07:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

keboice@... writes:

> I don't know anyone who has regular liver tests

> who is only taking nsaids or cox-2 inhibitors

Could be extra precaution on my rheumy's part because I've had elevated

enzymes from the MTX? Other than that, I don't know why except that almost

all drugs are excreted through the liver and kidneys so maybe she is just

exceptionally cautious. However, if my blood work does show liver problems

what are my options? I can't just stop taking the drugs or I'll be like the

Tin Man. So I don't really know the purpose at this point. Just glad I'm

not bothered by needles!

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  • 1 month later...
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I'd use the Drugstore.com site for the Celebrex, then; they're roughly 12% less. There are a number of people on the list, I believe, who follow Rx prices from the Internet. I don't personally but I did know of KwikMed and that they are supposed to be a "discount" outfit. Glad you found an even better deal.

Geoffsoli Deo gloria

http://www.healingyou.org/ NonRx herbals, homeopathics & supplementshttp://www.800-800-cruise.com/ Cruises, tours, resorts & luxury trains


Thanks to this group, I purchase my meds. on the Internet.

Geoff, the site you posted shows Celebrex priced $ 1.80 per capsule, while on "Drug Store.com" has it for $ 1.42 per capsule. I have (and will continue to) use "Drug store.com". here is the URL.....http://www.drugstore.com/pharmacy/prices/drugprice.asp?ndc=00025152031 & trx=1Z5006

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Hope you didn't take offense, but I am, somewhat of a newbie, and the info. this support group has given me has been indispensable.

Thanks for all the info.


-- rheumatic Re: Celebrex


I'd use the Drugstore.com site for the Celebrex, then; they're roughly 12% less. There are a number of people on the list, I believe, who follow Rx prices from the Internet. I don't personally but I did know of KwikMed and that they are supposed to be a "discount" outfit. Glad you found an even better deal.

Geoffsoli Deo gloria

http://www.healingyou.org/ NonRx herbals, homeopathics & supplementshttp://www.800-800-cruise.com/ Cruises, tours, resorts & luxury trains


Thanks to this group, I purchase my meds. on the Internet.

Geoff, the site you posted shows Celebrex priced $ 1.80 per capsule, while on "Drug Store.com" has it for $ 1.42 per capsule. I have (and will continue to) use "Drug store.com". here is theURL.....http://www.drugstore.com/pharmacy/prices/drugprice.asp?ndc=00025152031 & trx=1Z5006

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>> Hope you didn't take offense <<

Of course not, not at all. When HealingYou was started a couple of years ago I suggested enrolling in some affiliate programs that might match with the site as a way of offsetting some of the costs. That's how I knew of KwikMed. You see similar things for books (Amazon,) videos (Big Star,) etc. If, for instance, you found the price at KwikMed to be good and purchased from them, HealingYou should get a small percentage on the sale but your price would not be effected at all.

-- Good idea, poor results --

Interestingly, several months ago when I still had a programmer to work with we were talking about stopping this program as there has been ZERO income from it or any of the other programs. I was kind of feeling like KwikMed wasn't really a good match after all since HealingYou is about natural help, not Rx meds. The other side of that is that many of us use Rx meds too, so an outfit that could deliver those at a discount would be good for the guests, and thus good for HYO. So there was some debate, and we had other things to take care of, and the ads are in a custom program, and now our programmer is gone so... you get the picture.

Anyway, it was the only one I knew about and I thought they had good discounts. Now I know why it hasn't been at all helpful in defraying the costs for HYO, their prices are too high! Maybe if I can't talk the other founders into discontinuing this non-performing program, I can check with your outfit to see if they have a program and if so, offer it as an alternative. I wouldn't be able to address any of those three issues (nonperformance due to pricing, poor fit, alternative route) as well without the information you related.

So no, far from being offended I am thankful for the data and I hope it helps others who choose the Rx route and need a low-cost source.

Geoffsoli Deo gloria

http://www.healingyou.org/ NonRx herbals, homeopathics & supplementshttp://www.800-800-cruise.com/ Cruises, tours, resorts & luxury trains

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Meghan,

I had the Relafen on two diffferent occasions, not for the PA (no one had

diagnosed me yet) and it gave me horrible stomach pain so I had to get off


Thanks for the input-I didn't know that Celebrex was an NSAID.

God Bless,



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In a message dated 05/29/2002 1:00:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

kweezon@... writes:

> Anyone on Celebrex? My gp gave me a script for it last week and my insurance

> company is giving me a hassle about approving it--

Hi Dee - my ins. - Aetna - requires that you fail two other methods of

anti-inflamatories before they'll give you celebrex or vioxx. Usually just

takes your doctor filling out paperwork saying that other NSAIDS are too hard

on your stomach.

Hope that helps -

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Keri; yes, I take Celebrex 2x a day and I believe it can thin

your blood although not as much as some others. I had a blood clot

in my leg last year and my doctors recommended the Celebrex while

taking Cumadin at the same time, so I guess it would be a toss-up but

I would do whatever the surgeon suggests. Good luck, Melt

> Hi everyone-

> I have a quick question. For those of you that are on Celebrex,

have you

> heard of this drug causing your blood to thin? When you cut

yourself not

> healing quickly or your blood not clotting quickly? I am going to


> surgery towards the end of the month, one doc wants me to stop


> Celebrex one week before surgery and the other says there is no

reason to

> stop taking Celebrex and in fact he says if I do stop taking

Celebrex I could

> flare.

> What are you thoughts? I certainly don't want to flare when I am

in casts up

> to my hips. But on the other hand I am not interested in finding

out that my

> blood isn't clotting due to the Celebrex.

> Thanks for your help.

> Keri




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