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Re: diflucan for candida?

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hi Pamela,

Yes I did the diflucan protocol and it worked great. Two week protocol it was.

Good luck!!!!!!

diflucan for candida?

has anyone tried diflucan?

Pamela Castro Carcelen

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i went to my naturopathic physician and he muscle tested me and my body wanted 3

diflucan tablets per day. i took them for six months until my hair began falling

out. the dr said my liver was over taxed so i stopped. my skin became so soft. i

guess you just have to play it by ear.

diflucan for candida?

has anyone tried diflucan?

Pamela Castro Carcelen

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Diflucan is a statin drug. It will mess up your thyroid. Hair loss can be a

symptom of low thyroid (hypothyroid). Lay off the carbs and see if that helps

you with candida. Fruits and vegetables are carbs. Try The Body Ecology Diet.

Good health,


> i went to my naturopathic physician and he muscle tested me and my body wanted

3 diflucan tablets per day. >

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hi Alan,

I tried 5 or 6 different things for candida but diflucan was the only thing that

worked for me, I was able to get rid of it all out of my body. Sorry it didn't

agree with you :(


Re: diflucan for candida?

I responded poorly to Diflucan--increase symptoms after 1 capsule--so



To: mscured


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Candida is a recurring, necessary component in your body. When it is

imbalanced, more yeast than good bacteria, it becomes the problem that many of

us have, candidiasis. You can't and shouldn't get rid of all of it. Getting it

back in balance is the ultimate goal. Killing candida faster than I could

eliminate the toxic waste that the dying/dead yeast sheds cost me my mobility. I

followed that with the wrong diet of raw produce (carbs) that fed the yeast that

remained. I was on a roller coaster for several years. I learned that the best

plan is to slowly increase probiotics and eat fewer carbohydrates.


> hi Alan,


> I tried 5 or 6 different things for candida but diflucan was the only thing

that worked for me, I was able to get rid of it all out of my body. Sorry it

didn't agree with you :(


> lie

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We had to do 6 month stint of Difulcan straight to get rid of it! What a

blessing! But, we found that as we decreased the candida, we had an increase in

bad bacteria. So it's really important to work the bacteria really hard at the

same time. Lots of wild oil of oregano gelcaps, garlic too dampens bad

bacteria. Increase in probiotics as well as kefir. Kefir is an amazing source

of good bacteria. You could never get in a pill what you can get in homemade

kefir (use coconut water if you can't have milk); the same with homemade

fermented veggies. They are sooooo unbelievably healing and truly get those

good bacteria levels, multi-strain, up nice and high!


From: lie

Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 10:06 AM

To: mscured

Subject: Re: diflucan for candida?

hi Alan,

I tried 5 or 6 different things for candida but diflucan was the only thing that

worked for me, I was able to get rid of it all out of my body. Sorry it didn't

agree with you :(


Re: diflucan for candida?

I responded poorly to Diflucan--increase symptoms after 1 capsule--so



To: mscured


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I have to agree with kefir and fermented vegetables. I do both. Coconut oil is

good too and I recently read that cinnamon is good for controlling yeast.


> We had to do 6 month stint of Difulcan straight to get rid of it! What a

blessing! But, we found that as we decreased the candida, we had an increase in

bad bacteria.

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how much difflucan did you take? how many mgs daily ?

 Pamela Castro Carcelen


To: mscured

Sent: Tue, November 23, 2010 6:44:05 PM

Subject: Re: diflucan for candida?


I have to agree with kefir and fermented vegetables. I do both. Coconut oil is

good too and I recently read that cinnamon is good for controlling yeast.


> We had to do 6 month stint of Difulcan straight to get rid of it! What a

>blessing! But, we found that as we decreased the candida, we had an increase in

>bad bacteria.



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Hi Alison

Can you tell me how you know if you have candida



From: mscured [mailto:mscured ] On Behalf


Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 11:44 PM

To: mscured

Subject: Re: diflucan for candida?

I have to agree with kefir and fermented vegetables. I do both. Coconut

oil is good too and I recently read that cinnamon is good for

controlling yeast.


> We had to do 6 month stint of Difulcan straight to get rid of it! What

a blessing! But, we found that as we decreased the candida, we had an

increase in bad bacteria.

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Registered Charity Number: 527951

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My son took 100mg for six months straight before it was eradicated. To get the

" best " results for overall healing, avoid trigger foods, chelate, attack bad

bacteria and stay away from starchy carbs. When you do everything AT ONCE, you

can really dampen down the auto-immune. The stomach lining heals.... ie.

intestinal permeability. It is like taking a big " hammer " and getting rid of

the bad stuff so healing can commence. This is how I understand it.... if you

just attack just yeast, space will be left for bad bacteria and since the

stomach is still permeable, heavy metals will still increase in the body.

So....you get rid of one thing but increase the other. If you just attack bad

bacteria, then yeast flourishes. If you just attack heavy metals, again the

yeast flourishes. But when you attack all of the nasties at once for a term,

then the stomach can heal and the bad stuff stays where it is supposed to....in

the digestive tract and is eliminated via the bowels. When you have intestinal

permeability, the " nasties " permeate into the body, trigger the killer T-Cells

which of course is the body attacking itself and auto-immune flourishes.

So....the goal must be to heal the intestinal permeability. Why do the T-cells

turn on? It's a natural reaction, the body sees food and other items coming in

where it shouldn't and seeks to attack it. Result: eventual auto-immune in

whatever disease your body chooses....whether this be autism, chrones disease,

MS.... This is also why you must avoid trigger foods. We want to turn off the

T-cell reaction because it is seeing foods as the enemy.

So... for us, I just took the 'safe' route as it is so tough to determine which

foods are bad. A diet of meat, veggies and minimal fruits for 6 LOOOONG months!

Note: Pears and pear juices are good fruits as they do not feed yeast. Difulcan

for yeast, flagyl for bacteria, DMSA/ALA for the metals! Some with auto-immune

need to also do a parasite cleanse as well.....and lots of supplements to

support the body during this period. No starchy carbohydrates, minimal citrus,

no sugar (honey is okay as it is a mono-saccharide and is digested directly into

the stomach lining and does not pass through the intestinal wall)

After about 6 months, you can begin to add foods back, one at a time. Add

slowly, if there is a reaction over a few days, eliminate it again. The body

isn't ready. Rotate.... don't eat the same starchy carb every day as if that

lining is not quite healed, the body will seek to attack once more. Note that

it is the starches you eat most often that usually cause the worst problems.

For us...we had a very tough time getting rid of our reaction to soy as it is in

'everything' and we just couldn't seem to avoid it for a long enough period of

time. Corn can be a real problem as well....it too, is pretty much everywhere.

This is how I 'get' it. We found great success using the " all at once " approach

to healing.


From: Pamela Castro

Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 6:27 PM

To: mscured

Subject: Re: Re: diflucan for candida?


how much difflucan did you take? how many mgs daily ?

Pamela Castro Carcelen


To: mscured

Sent: Tue, November 23, 2010 6:44:05 PM

Subject: Re: diflucan for candida?

I have to agree with kefir and fermented vegetables. I do both. Coconut oil is

good too and I recently read that cinnamon is good for controlling yeast.


> We had to do 6 month stint of Difulcan straight to get rid of it! What a

>blessing! But, we found that as we decreased the candida, we had an increase in

>bad bacteria.



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thank you for all your help.  I am so afraid to try diflucan because of some 

reviews  of some people that have had bad reactions to this medicine and say

that it has worsen their condition.

I eat very few carbohidrates but like eating berries and apples. I didn't know

pears didn't feed the candida. Maybe I'll switch to pears instead of apples.



 Pamela Castro Carcelen


To: mscured

Sent: Wed, November 24, 2010 8:20:04 AM

Subject: Re: Re: diflucan for candida?


My son took 100mg for six months straight before it was eradicated. To get the

" best " results for overall healing, avoid trigger foods, chelate, attack bad

bacteria and stay away from starchy carbs. When you do everything AT ONCE, you

can really dampen down the auto-immune. The stomach lining heals.... ie.

intestinal permeability. It is like taking a big " hammer " and getting rid of the

bad stuff so healing can commence. This is how I understand it.... if you just

attack just yeast, space will be left for bad bacteria and since the stomach is

still permeable, heavy metals will still increase in the body. So....you get rid

of one thing but increase the other. If you just attack bad bacteria, then yeast

flourishes. If you just attack heavy metals, again the yeast flourishes. But

when you attack all of the nasties at once for a term, then the stomach can heal

and the bad stuff stays where it is supposed to....in the digestive tract and is

eliminated via the bowels. When you have intestinal permeability, the " nasties "

permeate into the body, trigger the killer T-Cells which of course is the body

attacking itself and auto-immune flourishes. So....the goal must be to heal the

intestinal permeability. Why do the T-cells turn on? It's a natural reaction,

the body sees food and other items coming in where it shouldn't and seeks to

attack it. Result: eventual auto-immune in whatever disease your body

chooses....whether this be autism, chrones disease, MS.... This is also why you

must avoid trigger foods. We want to turn off the T-cell reaction because it is

seeing foods as the enemy.

So... for us, I just took the 'safe' route as it is so tough to determine which

foods are bad. A diet of meat, veggies and minimal fruits for 6 LOOOONG months!

Note: Pears and pear juices are good fruits as they do not feed yeast. Difulcan

for yeast, flagyl for bacteria, DMSA/ALA for the metals! Some with auto-immune

need to also do a parasite cleanse as well.....and lots of supplements to

support the body during this period. No starchy carbohydrates, minimal citrus,

no sugar (honey is okay as it is a mono-saccharide and is digested directly into

the stomach lining and does not pass through the intestinal wall)

After about 6 months, you can begin to add foods back, one at a time. Add

slowly, if there is a reaction over a few days, eliminate it again. The body

isn't ready. Rotate.... don't eat the same starchy carb every day as if that

lining is not quite healed, the body will seek to attack once more. Note that it

is the starches you eat most often that usually cause the worst problems. For

us...we had a very tough time getting rid of our reaction to soy as it is in

'everything' and we just couldn't seem to avoid it for a long enough period of

time. Corn can be a real problem as well....it too, is pretty much everywhere.

This is how I 'get' it. We found great success using the " all at once " approach

to healing.


From: Pamela Castro

Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 6:27 PM

To: mscured

Subject: Re: Re: diflucan for candida?


how much difflucan did you take? how many mgs daily ?

Pamela Castro Carcelen


To: mscured

Sent: Tue, November 23, 2010 6:44:05 PM

Subject: Re: diflucan for candida?

I have to agree with kefir and fermented vegetables. I do both. Coconut oil is

good too and I recently read that cinnamon is good for controlling yeast.


> We had to do 6 month stint of Difulcan straight to get rid of it! What a

>blessing! But, we found that as we decreased the candida, we had an increase in

>bad bacteria.



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my homeopathic doctor told me years ago that I had candidiasis and being new to

MS I didn't realize that killing it would release whatever that it had attached

itself to, likely mercury or another toxin, and the die-off was also toxic. Some

people have yeast infections but I never did. There is a self-test called the

spit test but it isn't the most accurate. Assume that you have it and take

probiotics whether you have it or not. Ramp up from a slow start because if you

do have candida there may be a die-off reaction that you don't relly need. Yeast

feeds on carbohydrates and not eating those for awhile should starve the yeast


> >

> > We had to do 6 month stint of Difulcan straight to get rid of it! What

> a blessing! But, we found that as we decreased the candida, we had an

> increase in bad bacteria.




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> Registered Charity Number: 527951



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