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Hello, I  hope this will help i ran into the same ecact problem my and told my

DR. he was able contact a place calledPHARMACY   SOULTUTIONS a specialty group

that is a compunding place ther the adress is2220A W. Park Row *A rlington, TX

76013    and there is a generic drug for amprya it is AMINOPYRIDINE    I take 3

capusals a day but you must take with food to help fend off seizures and i am

having great results,, so very happy to get a part of me that i tought was lost

.. so i feel your pain and am praying that evrerythig goes as you hope. : )

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  • 4 months later...

re the burns - pure aloe vera gel might help.


To: mscured

From: tsavka68@...

Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2011 09:35:45 -0800

Subject: ampyra

hey all,

my doc just prescribed ampyra, which she says is an improved 4AP. any comments

on this? haven't started it yet as am working on getting rid of my hip

spasticity--consequence of some pretty bad burns on my thighs 7 weeks ago after

a run in with a cup of boiling tea. it's pretty horrendous, despite being a

purist am forced to gobble baclofen just to be able to sleep. am doing yoga,

sauna, weight bearing stretches throughout the day, staying on my diet, etc. but

this stuff just seems to be getting worse. any suggestions? am getting kind of

desperate here. the pain is unbelievable, and i'm a pretty tough cookie.

also, maya, frequent small bouts of exercise throughout the day help my

circulation immensely.


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