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Hi, all!

I just found out about this group, and I am extremely glad that I

did! I started to believe that I was the only person who had a BU,

possibly SU. When I tell people about it, no one knows what I am

talking about, what to say, anything...

Here is a SHORT story about my history. I am 29 years old.My husband

and I have been married for a little over 2 years- our entire

marriage has been spent trying to have a baby. Four months after we

first began ttc, I became pregnant. I spotted from the day I tested,

until the day the doc couldn't find a heartbeat for the baby...

Horrible, then, on top of that, he told me that I had a heart-shaped

uterus, but " probably nothing to worry about " ... I wish!!!

After that mc, all my husband and I wanted was to be pregnant again.

We went to a perinatologist and he recommended an MRI to check on the

status of my uterus. We wanted to know if that had caused the mc. The

doc said that it hadn't; however, the MRI was an open one, and not

very accurate. After 9 months of trying, and finally taking Clomid, I

conceived again. Again, I spotted, and worried, but when we saw a

heartbeat at 6.5 weeks, our NEW doc told us not to worry. We should

have- three wks later, the heartbeat vanished, and mc #2.

At this point, I was having trouble conceiving AND carrying to term,

so went to see a RE. I went through every test known to man & another

MRI, and nothing more than what the radiologist called a bicornuate

uterus (and possibly short luteal phase). I went on injectible drugs

in order to conceive, and sustain a longer luteal phase, and

conceived the 3rd time. Again, around 9 wks, and seeing a heartbeat

and hearing that we shouldn't worry, I miscarried. After only one

menstrual cycle, I conceived for a 4th time- I just miscarried this

pregnancy, too...

I don't know if I can do this anymore. I don't understand how this

can keep happening. Almost everything I read about bicornuate uterus

tells me that the later 2 trimesters are when trouble occurs, but I

haven't made it past the first. My RE says that I should keep trying,

eventually I may carry to term. That is a very scary idea!!! I asked

my doc if I should have a lapro/hystero and he said that the

hystosonography, MRI, and hystosalpingogram show the same thing,

saving me surgery. I still worry about the accuracy of them. I am

beginning to feel like I need someone to physically SEE what's going

on in there. All of these mc's seem to mean to me that my uterus may

be more septate than bicornuate... Does anyone have any advise? Has

anyone been where I am before? Like some of the other posts I have

read, I never would have imagined I'd be going through this. I have

always been in excellent health, and 2 D & C's have been my only time

spent in surgery or the hospital.

Sorry this is so long, I just wanted to lay down my history.

Thanks for " listening "


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  • 5 years later...
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Welcome Dawn. So much of what you wrote sounds familiar. I know you

will find that many people here have experienced some and maybe most

all of what you have gone thru too.

I'm often reminded of the saying - insanity if doing the same thing

over and over again, but expecting different results (which of course

never change). IE is all about change - positive changes which come

from within each of us instead of being 'serviced' from an external

source. Dieting is totally EXternal orientation - no wonder it doesn't

work for us :)

I read all of Geenen Roth's books several years ago. I liked what I

read, but couldn't apply her method to me. Overcoming Overeating and

Intuitive Eating helped me to turn my focus back onto the wisdom of my

own body and this group has helped me to put most of what I needed

into practice.

IE is simple, but its not easy. Give yourself time and be as gentle

with yourself in this process as you would a very small child learning

something new. The group is 'available' 24/7, all you have to do is

use it. Free gas to get here too - lol!!


IEing since March 2007


> Hi everyone,

> I am new to the group - I am a newer comer to IE. The books I am

> working with are OO books and I just purchased When Food Is Love the

> other night and am starting the third chapter in that.


> Not sure where to start. I am married, we have a wonderful, positive

> relationship and have been together for going on 17 years. We have

> three kiddos 9, 7, and 4. Thats the good stuff. Like many, I come for

> a very dark childhood with an overwhelming amount of suppressed issues

> from it. I have been in and out of therapy for a large chunk of my

> life. I used to drink and use drugs to numb from it all but have been

> free of them for 11 years now. I have been on and off more diets than

> can be counted, as well as in and out of 12 step rooms with no

> success. Each time a new layer of depression was added along with a

> few more layers to my body size.


> Now in my early 40's I am trying a new approach to healing. There is a

> LCSW in my town that owns a wellness center. She is a yoga instructor

> as well. In a few weeks I will be starting her latest yoga series for

> wise woman (nice way to say perimenopausal) and then I will be having

> a counseling session afterwards with her. She works on Geneen Roths

> methods. I am looking forward to taking this step.


> I am also starting a new job tomorrow. I recently graduated as a nurse

> and so here I go in my 40's down a new path career wise. It has

> certainly brought up some serious issues that I can't pinpoint yet and

> has created some major binging the past few weeks. There are some

> health concerns going on with me as well and so I am facing some

> addition testing this coming week in addition to this new job start

> and well, I don't know how to cope with it (yet) so I am eating my way

> though this.


> That is a lot for a newbie to throw out there. Hopefully I don't seem

> to pathetic *smile*. Seriously though, I know I am not the only one to

> have a painted life picture as this and I look forward to walking

> along side all of you on this healing journey.


> Peace-

> Dawn


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Congrats on your progress, and also for starting young that's a blessing it means you stopped before the thousand and one diets good for you. "handling your emotions" that's a hard one but the solution is simple if you can rewind your life to see clearly where, how or why it started. Because it is going to repeat itself that means that if we do not learn from our mistakes they are going to happen again. there are other mistakes , let's talk about the emotion-eating one. If you can catch it in the early stages before is too late. It would be easier to handle. Something like: Oh how dreadful, things should be different, I rather be, do , have something else. by now you know the disturbed feeling is coming. Do not welcome it like royalty. Stop it, before it becomes gigantic and you become a helpless, fragile individual hurting yourself with food. If you

feel strong enough some remarkable people are like Latoya , follow her wise advise and fight the massive monster. And if you lose the battle is OK. Consciously wait for the next hunger and enjoy while waiting feel how your body burns the huge binge monster, I'm not that strong so I catch it while it is a small bug that I can step on it and forget it. bye take care.

Subject: New memberTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Saturday, July 26, 2008, 9:31 PM

Hello,My name is L. I have been practicing the principles ofOvercoming Overeating for 2.5 and am ready to try intuitive eating. Ihave body acceptance down, pretty much there on not judging what Ieat. My two areas where I still have progress to make are handling myemotions without eating and leaving food on my plate. I am almost 21and I am a university student living in the dorms. I have a major jobinterview coming up in August.Kisses L.

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