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Re: in need of help

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> I decided to have IV chelation treatments (twice per week), I was given

> Intestamine powder to heal my digestive system, lots of antioxidants, and an

> alkalizing agent for the water I drink.

Intestamine is primarily L-glutamine, which is great for healing the gut.

However, it's an excitotoxin and there is controversy over whether anyone with

neurological symptoms should use it:



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SEPT 23, 2010


God forgives all my sins and heals my diseases…..filling my life with good

things so that I stay young and strong like an eagle. Psalm 103.3

This is one of my favorite Psalms, I thought of it when I awoke this morning.

What a wonderful thing it s to know that God is working with us, forgiving our

sins healing our diseases of body and spirit, and filling our lives with good

things. The psalmist makes it clear what God wants for us….to stay young ,


in body and mind, and to be strong like an eagle.

I heard a sermon once about an eagle, and I never forgot it. We can learn much

about strength from the image of an eagle. While the wings of an eagle are

powerful , the eagle learns to use that power to reach the high air currents .

Then the eagle can soar effortlessly with a panoramic view of the world below.

How much easier our lives would be if we could quit expending our limited

strength battling the surface winds, those gusts of attachments or despair, envy

or anger greed or pride and set our sights on higher things. Then the current of

Gods spirit could pick us up, and we could soar.

We had a lot of good entertainment this month. Harry Ebbbeson plays his music

for us every month, and we all enjoy it. He is so talented and even writes his

own music. We also had a bake sale last weekend. A local comedy group

entertained us yesterday with great music and dancing and had us all laughing,

They were great. They had great football jokes…………..

What does the N stand for on the sides of the Nebraska football helmets?


What is the difference between the green bay packers and a box of cheerios? One

of them belongs in a bowl. What do you call a Dallas cowboys fan with half a

brain? Gifted.

Fall is certainly here, the summer just flew by. I found a poem on fall that I


The month of September, it seems it just started. Too soon it will roll by, Then

follows the Autumn months of October and November. The dazzling colorful foliage

that touches the heart

When nature splashes its own beauty like a bride on her wedding night. Then

there are trees that shed their leaves like shedding tears saying farewell to

the summer months. This is the year life cycled that revolves like a carousel in

an amusement park we are going for a ride in an eternal delight.

I will close with a quote that I like. None are so old as those who have

outlived enthusiasm……..Henry Thoreau.

Have a great week, I will enclose my e mail address here if any one would like



To: mscured

Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 6:08:53 AM

Subject: in need of help


Hi all,

I am having a serious relapse and I am in need of help.

I have had MS for 17-18 years (or at least this is what I have been told after

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To: mscured

Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 8:36:06 AM

Subject: Re: in need of help


> I decided to have IV chelation treatments (twice per week), I was given

> Intestamine powder to heal my digestive system, lots of antioxidants, and an

> alkalizing agent for

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To: mscured

Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 8:36:06 AM

Subject: Re: in need of help


> I decided to have IV chelation treatments (twice per week), I was given

> Intestamine powder to heal my digestive system, lots of antioxidants, and an

> alkalizing agent for

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Hi Katerina,

I have never tried IV chelation with Mark but have LOTS of experience with oral

DMSA/ALA. What kind of chelator are you using? Did you test after the first

treatment to see which metals you are pulling? Different chelators pull

different metals. Chelation is a " long haul " treatment plan but can be amazing

if you get paired up with the proper plan for you. We chelate using the DAN

method so we are off for 11 days and then chelate for 3. We have been chelating

for almost 3 years now using this method with unbelievable results.....truly

amazing, actually. Mark lives a 98% normal life today with some small issues

remaining in fine motor. He has almost an 80% average at school with no

accomodations. Prior to chelation, he was a special ed " lifer " , headed for the

group home. Now he has girlfriends, travels, will go to University....he has

his life back!

We still are chelating out mercury (takes a LONG time to get the mercury out so

you must be patient) and mercury affects the hands as well as the eyes. Right

now, I am seeing his hands improve and know that the mercury removal is doing

it. We did about 6 years of OT working with those hands.....pulling the arsenic

and the mercury is doing the job that the therapy didn't!

Initially, Mark dumped lead. Lead comes out quickly and if you have it,

profound changes can be seen to auditory processing, speech and cognitive

awareness. Lead makes a person operate on " slow " ....ie. remember the phrase

" Get the lead out " ? It also results in numbness. Numb hands, arms, legs, feet,

lips, tongue, face....you know what I mean. Next we pulled arsenic. Arsenic

drastically affected Mark's blood sugar metabolism to the point of him having

diabetic levels on fasting blood glucose tests. The person is always fatigued

and never has any energy. Once the arsenic came out, we got consistently

beautiful fasting blood glucose reading....no more issues with fatigue! Now we

pull mercury....slow, slow, slow! Mercury really sticks inside the body. We

pulled the other 2 metals in one year and have spent the last 2 pulling mercury

with more still to go! It takes time! I can see that IV chelation might get a

little pricey for the long haul so you may want to switch it up at some time and

go to the orals. Oral DMSA does stir up yeast so you MUST be on a good yeast

protocol before beginning.

So.... DMPS tends to chelate arsenic and mercury. EDTA works best for lead. I

like DMPS as it pulls lead, arsenic and mercury....the big " 3 " which really

affect a person neurologically.

What we found in the first 6 months of chelating was that Mark's food

sensitivities really worsened. He became so sensitive to EVERYTHING! We

literally had to go on a diet of ZERO starchy carbs and ZERO sugars. At the

same time, we treated him for Candida using Difulcan. We had to do a 6 month

straight course of Difulcan to get the yeast under control. It worked. If your

doctor does not have you on a yeast protocol using scripts, you should begin

treating it yourself. If you have auto-immune...you probably have yeast. If you

have yeast, you probably have bad bacteria as well. I like the products Candex

or Candadese and think those are the best over the counter items and some like

to use grapefruit extract for the yeast. But for us, the prescription Difulcan

was the way to go. No more yeast issues whatsoever, not even with chelation!

I keep the bad bacteria in check for Mark using garlic pills and my fav is Wild

Oil of Oregano Gelcaps. Some use the prescription flagyl for bacteria issues.

Bad bacteria has a specific odor. My nose is pretty attuned to it now. If I

flares in my son, I can 'smell' it on him. There were stages to healing as it

kind of made it's way through his body. Firstly was bad, rancid breath. Then

we got room ejecting gas. Literally, Mark would have gas and EVERYONE would

run! Then, the stinking stools. The bathroom would be filled with stench after

he used it. Today, that's what he gets when it acts up...bad bacteria in his

colon. If it flares, I clean out the starches from the diet for a good week,

and pull out the Oil of Oregano gelcaps! That is what seems to flare these

days, issues with bad bacteria and constipation. We see probably for about one

or two weeks of every six months so I know that the bad bacteria is still

struggling to steal his body. But, I'm a warrior Mamma and fight back!

GET YOUR EXTENSIVE TESTING DONE! This will help you determine your roadmap to

healing. Your doctor should offer a comprehensive test which checks the

methylation cycle, the nutrients levels, amino acid profiles, the

neurotransmittors, the efa status, as well as yeast and bacteria levels. They

pull about 13 vials of blood from you plus urine! BUT....they are so worth it.

And, they are rarely covered by insurance so you're looking at about $1,000.

Without getting your testing done, you are always fumbling in the dark. You

don't know which supplements you should be taking. You don't know what your

specific body 'needs' for healing and though we are all similar, we are all

different. You also cannot tell if you're making headway. We would get testing

done about once every year and a half. It is some of the best money I have ever

spent. Without it, I'm sure I would still be playing the " guessing game "

of...does my body really need this and is it working.... That's not a fun game!

And when you get your results and go to supplement, be sure to use 'therapeutic'

doses. People who are sick have " extreme " deficiencies, my jaw literally

dropped when I saw our initial results. My son's body was so sick! Without the

testing, I would never have realized what needed to be done to make him well and

whole. There were some nutrients that his body had almost zero levels of such

as EFA's. My sons EFAs were so low that the doctor literally wrote " WOW " in

caps on our test results! There was item after item of deficiencies. Guess

what? Have of what I was supplementing him at that time was the WRONG thing!

That is because I was guessing.....and not testing! So, get your tests and pay

the money for them!

I do know that Genova Diagnostics has a NutrEval test that is covered for a $150

deductible if you code it right. We are from Canada and I traveled with my son

to the US. Because we didn't have insurance, they only charged us $675 for the

test but I know it usually runs in the $1,200 range.

Back to chelation.... After about 6 to 8 months of this, the food sensitivities

diminished and now Mark can eat everything and anything with the exception of

really chemically laden foods. High fructose corn syrup and MSG continue to

affect him poorly but everything else is fine. But if he eats these things, a

good epsom salts bath and a glass of water using buffered vitamin C will detox

him quite quickly.

Chelation is a long haul item. If you have issues with lead, you will see

improvements fairly quickly. If mercury is your primary metal, it comes out

only a little at a time....results are worth waiting for though!

I don't like the idea that you're feeling worse. Check your supplements. Check

your diet. Again, for us, chelation brought forth extreme food sensitivities

which diminished as more of the metals came out. This is pretty common.

I hope that my long winded tale has not further confused you and that there are

some gems you might find through my son's experience that might help you through

your journey. Take care and good luck!


Mother of Mark, 15.... not an MS boy... has auto-immune (hopefully almost

healed?), developmental neurological issues

From: Katerina Triadafillou

Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:08 AM

To: mscured

Subject: in need of help

Hi all,

I am having a serious relapse and I am in need of help.

I have had MS for 17-18 years (or at least this is what I have been told after

MRIs) and till July 2009 I was doing well, having only minor problems. I never

took any traditional medicals. I have been on a strict BBD+supplements for 4

years now and I have tried several altrenative treatments (LDN for one year

(2008), stopped due to increased spasticity, Klenner's protocol for 8 months

(2009), which made me feel much worse, homeopathy, acupuncture, exercise etc).

In July 2009 I started having serious problems with walking and balance. This

went on for a year, no matter my efforts on the alternative side. In June 2010

I was hospitalized and had a new MRI which showed two inflamed lessions. I upped

my antioxidants but I didn't get any better. After that and for the first time

in my life I had a course of IV steroides but they didn't make me feel better.

In hospital I had a lumbar puncture that came out negative for MS. Traditional

doctors said that I must be one of the very few cases of MS when lumbar puncture

doesn't show. Anyway, I know that the names of ailments are given to sets of

symptoms and I am not that interested whether this is MS or not but I am

interested in getting better.

I adressed to a centre of alternative treatments and had lots of tests. The good

think is that I met a very good alternative doctor there. What was found is

a compromised digestive system, a highly oxidated body and a high amount of

mercury. My muscular system is very good and I am still able to exercise on a

stationary bike without problems every day, which makes this doctor question the

diagnosis of MS.

I decided to have IV chelation treatments (twice per week), I was given

Intestamine powder to heal my digestive system, lots of antioxidants, and an

alkalizing agent for the water I drink. I have been on this regimen for about

one month now but there is no impovement, on the contrary I think that I

am getting worse.

My questions are: Has anyone tried IV chelation and is it possible that it

brings me a healing crisis, this might be why I don't get any better? Has anyone

tried Intestamine? Should I go on exercising this period? Does anybody have to

suggest something I haven't thought? (I know about CCSVI but I don't want to go

for it for the time being). This is a very bad period for me and any input will

be highly appreciated.



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Hi Katerina,

I have never tried IV chelation with Mark but have LOTS of experience with oral

DMSA/ALA. What kind of chelator are you using? Did you test after the first

treatment to see which metals you are pulling? Different chelators pull

different metals. Chelation is a " long haul " treatment plan but can be amazing

if you get paired up with the proper plan for you. We chelate using the DAN

method so we are off for 11 days and then chelate for 3. We have been chelating

for almost 3 years now using this method with unbelievable results.....truly

amazing, actually. Mark lives a 98% normal life today with some small issues

remaining in fine motor. He has almost an 80% average at school with no

accomodations. Prior to chelation, he was a special ed " lifer " , headed for the

group home. Now he has girlfriends, travels, will go to University....he has

his life back!

We still are chelating out mercury (takes a LONG time to get the mercury out so

you must be patient) and mercury affects the hands as well as the eyes. Right

now, I am seeing his hands improve and know that the mercury removal is doing

it. We did about 6 years of OT working with those hands.....pulling the arsenic

and the mercury is doing the job that the therapy didn't!

Initially, Mark dumped lead. Lead comes out quickly and if you have it,

profound changes can be seen to auditory processing, speech and cognitive

awareness. Lead makes a person operate on " slow " ....ie. remember the phrase

" Get the lead out " ? It also results in numbness. Numb hands, arms, legs, feet,

lips, tongue, face....you know what I mean. Next we pulled arsenic. Arsenic

drastically affected Mark's blood sugar metabolism to the point of him having

diabetic levels on fasting blood glucose tests. The person is always fatigued

and never has any energy. Once the arsenic came out, we got consistently

beautiful fasting blood glucose reading....no more issues with fatigue! Now we

pull mercury....slow, slow, slow! Mercury really sticks inside the body. We

pulled the other 2 metals in one year and have spent the last 2 pulling mercury

with more still to go! It takes time! I can see that IV chelation might get a

little pricey for the long haul so you may want to switch it up at some time and

go to the orals. Oral DMSA does stir up yeast so you MUST be on a good yeast

protocol before beginning.

So.... DMPS tends to chelate arsenic and mercury. EDTA works best for lead. I

like DMPS as it pulls lead, arsenic and mercury....the big " 3 " which really

affect a person neurologically.

What we found in the first 6 months of chelating was that Mark's food

sensitivities really worsened. He became so sensitive to EVERYTHING! We

literally had to go on a diet of ZERO starchy carbs and ZERO sugars. At the

same time, we treated him for Candida using Difulcan. We had to do a 6 month

straight course of Difulcan to get the yeast under control. It worked. If your

doctor does not have you on a yeast protocol using scripts, you should begin

treating it yourself. If you have auto-immune...you probably have yeast. If you

have yeast, you probably have bad bacteria as well. I like the products Candex

or Candadese and think those are the best over the counter items and some like

to use grapefruit extract for the yeast. But for us, the prescription Difulcan

was the way to go. No more yeast issues whatsoever, not even with chelation!

I keep the bad bacteria in check for Mark using garlic pills and my fav is Wild

Oil of Oregano Gelcaps. Some use the prescription flagyl for bacteria issues.

Bad bacteria has a specific odor. My nose is pretty attuned to it now. If I

flares in my son, I can 'smell' it on him. There were stages to healing as it

kind of made it's way through his body. Firstly was bad, rancid breath. Then

we got room ejecting gas. Literally, Mark would have gas and EVERYONE would

run! Then, the stinking stools. The bathroom would be filled with stench after

he used it. Today, that's what he gets when it acts up...bad bacteria in his

colon. If it flares, I clean out the starches from the diet for a good week,

and pull out the Oil of Oregano gelcaps! That is what seems to flare these

days, issues with bad bacteria and constipation. We see probably for about one

or two weeks of every six months so I know that the bad bacteria is still

struggling to steal his body. But, I'm a warrior Mamma and fight back!

GET YOUR EXTENSIVE TESTING DONE! This will help you determine your roadmap to

healing. Your doctor should offer a comprehensive test which checks the

methylation cycle, the nutrients levels, amino acid profiles, the

neurotransmittors, the efa status, as well as yeast and bacteria levels. They

pull about 13 vials of blood from you plus urine! BUT....they are so worth it.

And, they are rarely covered by insurance so you're looking at about $1,000.

Without getting your testing done, you are always fumbling in the dark. You

don't know which supplements you should be taking. You don't know what your

specific body 'needs' for healing and though we are all similar, we are all

different. You also cannot tell if you're making headway. We would get testing

done about once every year and a half. It is some of the best money I have ever

spent. Without it, I'm sure I would still be playing the " guessing game "

of...does my body really need this and is it working.... That's not a fun game!

And when you get your results and go to supplement, be sure to use 'therapeutic'

doses. People who are sick have " extreme " deficiencies, my jaw literally

dropped when I saw our initial results. My son's body was so sick! Without the

testing, I would never have realized what needed to be done to make him well and

whole. There were some nutrients that his body had almost zero levels of such

as EFA's. My sons EFAs were so low that the doctor literally wrote " WOW " in

caps on our test results! There was item after item of deficiencies. Guess

what? Have of what I was supplementing him at that time was the WRONG thing!

That is because I was guessing.....and not testing! So, get your tests and pay

the money for them!

I do know that Genova Diagnostics has a NutrEval test that is covered for a $150

deductible if you code it right. We are from Canada and I traveled with my son

to the US. Because we didn't have insurance, they only charged us $675 for the

test but I know it usually runs in the $1,200 range.

Back to chelation.... After about 6 to 8 months of this, the food sensitivities

diminished and now Mark can eat everything and anything with the exception of

really chemically laden foods. High fructose corn syrup and MSG continue to

affect him poorly but everything else is fine. But if he eats these things, a

good epsom salts bath and a glass of water using buffered vitamin C will detox

him quite quickly.

Chelation is a long haul item. If you have issues with lead, you will see

improvements fairly quickly. If mercury is your primary metal, it comes out

only a little at a time....results are worth waiting for though!

I don't like the idea that you're feeling worse. Check your supplements. Check

your diet. Again, for us, chelation brought forth extreme food sensitivities

which diminished as more of the metals came out. This is pretty common.

I hope that my long winded tale has not further confused you and that there are

some gems you might find through my son's experience that might help you through

your journey. Take care and good luck!


Mother of Mark, 15.... not an MS boy... has auto-immune (hopefully almost

healed?), developmental neurological issues

From: Katerina Triadafillou

Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 5:08 AM

To: mscured

Subject: in need of help

Hi all,

I am having a serious relapse and I am in need of help.

I have had MS for 17-18 years (or at least this is what I have been told after

MRIs) and till July 2009 I was doing well, having only minor problems. I never

took any traditional medicals. I have been on a strict BBD+supplements for 4

years now and I have tried several altrenative treatments (LDN for one year

(2008), stopped due to increased spasticity, Klenner's protocol for 8 months

(2009), which made me feel much worse, homeopathy, acupuncture, exercise etc).

In July 2009 I started having serious problems with walking and balance. This

went on for a year, no matter my efforts on the alternative side. In June 2010

I was hospitalized and had a new MRI which showed two inflamed lessions. I upped

my antioxidants but I didn't get any better. After that and for the first time

in my life I had a course of IV steroides but they didn't make me feel better.

In hospital I had a lumbar puncture that came out negative for MS. Traditional

doctors said that I must be one of the very few cases of MS when lumbar puncture

doesn't show. Anyway, I know that the names of ailments are given to sets of

symptoms and I am not that interested whether this is MS or not but I am

interested in getting better.

I adressed to a centre of alternative treatments and had lots of tests. The good

think is that I met a very good alternative doctor there. What was found is

a compromised digestive system, a highly oxidated body and a high amount of

mercury. My muscular system is very good and I am still able to exercise on a

stationary bike without problems every day, which makes this doctor question the

diagnosis of MS.

I decided to have IV chelation treatments (twice per week), I was given

Intestamine powder to heal my digestive system, lots of antioxidants, and an

alkalizing agent for the water I drink. I have been on this regimen for about

one month now but there is no impovement, on the contrary I think that I

am getting worse.

My questions are: Has anyone tried IV chelation and is it possible that it

brings me a healing crisis, this might be why I don't get any better? Has anyone

tried Intestamine? Should I go on exercising this period? Does anybody have to

suggest something I haven't thought? (I know about CCSVI but I don't want to go

for it for the time being). This is a very bad period for me and any input will

be highly appreciated.



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June 20 1010

They say music and laughter is a gift of God that brightens our good times and

lightens the rough road. I believe that laughter has a healing power to it and

music as well. I have always believed in inner healing. Especially after reading

the Anatomy of An Illness. Written by Norman Cousins. Which speaks of healing in

the mind and body. Which is great reading.

Love Medicine And Miracles. Written by Bernie Siegel, who I had the pleasure of

meeting in California. People have recovered from serious diseases by learning

to laugh each day. People have regained the courage to go on in painful

circumstances when they were able to laugh.

Proverbs 17..22 says that a cheerful heart is good medicine. Laughter can draw

others to you and lighten your road in life. When you begin to laugh at life

and at yourself you gain a new perspective on your struggles. It is if you see

a new light at the end of the tunnel.

A life without laughter quickly becomes a breeding ground for depression,

physical illness and a critical spirit. Laughter, to me anyway, is the best

medicine you could have.

I saw all this in action last night when Dons Music Group came to play for us,

and dance we did. It was good to see the walkers put away, and watch everyone

laugh and dance. They do a great job, and we all felt better. Thank you, Don,

and your group. We appreciate you, please keep coming back.

Star Trek is going on in Riverside, and I was able to get out and see the

parade. We had a great time, and it was good to go home for awhile. I moved here

from Riverside, and I was able to see old friends. IT was a great time.

Everyone have a great week, and lots of laughter.

Becky worth


To: Kburke@...

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June 20 1010

They say music and laughter is a gift of God that brightens our good times and

lightens the rough road. I believe that laughter has a healing power to it and

music as well. I have always believed in inner healing. Especially after reading

the Anatomy of An Illness. Written by Norman Cousins. Which speaks of healing in

the mind and body. Which is great reading.

Love Medicine And Miracles. Written by Bernie Siegel, who I had the pleasure of

meeting in California. People have recovered from serious diseases by learning

to laugh each day. People have regained the courage to go on in painful

circumstances when they were able to laugh.

Proverbs 17..22 says that a cheerful heart is good medicine. Laughter can draw

others to you and lighten your road in life. When you begin to laugh at life

and at yourself you gain a new perspective on your struggles. It is if you see

a new light at the end of the tunnel.

A life without laughter quickly becomes a breeding ground for depression,

physical illness and a critical spirit. Laughter, to me anyway, is the best

medicine you could have.

I saw all this in action last night when Dons Music Group came to play for us,

and dance we did. It was good to see the walkers put away, and watch everyone

laugh and dance. They do a great job, and we all felt better. Thank you, Don,

and your group. We appreciate you, please keep coming back.

Star Trek is going on in Riverside, and I was able to get out and see the

parade. We had a great time, and it was good to go home for awhile. I moved here

from Riverside, and I was able to see old friends. IT was a great time.

Everyone have a great week, and lots of laughter.

Becky worth


To: Kburke@...

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My husband had just retired after twenty years in the navy.We were in

california, my children and I had been born there, but we were moving to Kansas

and it was a stressful time. I only add this as I know stress has a lot to do

with this. It was a long trip, and I did not want to go

but I was determined to try, and kept up a good front. My husband had been

overseas in Vietnam and had come home a different man that I had married.

After we arrived, I managed to get a god job working for the State of Kansas,

I had put the children in school, we had bought land and a home and started life

over. My husband, Chuck, and his brother started a business. For awhile it

seemed all would go well. Until the symptons began.

I awoke one morning, totally numb on ones ide of my body. I almost fell when I

got up, and so I called my Dr.' You are too young for a stroke' he said'I think

it is nerves and depression', and he wrote a prescription for valium and an

antideppresant and I just looked at hime and did't know what to think. I began

to take the pills, and years later regretted it. But after a few days rest the

numbness went away and I returned to work, just thinking it was nerves. Shortly

later my feet would begin to b urn, my legs would go heavy, and i would have

tingling in my hands. I ignored it and kept working.

Things at home were not good, and just to save time I will say, I took my

children back to California and sought a divorce. Ignoring the symptoms. I found

a job at a communication company and began to work on a switchboard.

My right hand had become numb, and it was hard to operate a switchboard. I had a

job as a switchboard operator and had worked my way up to supervisor. And so I

went to a neurologist who diagnosed it as carpul tunnel syndrome, and did

surgerey. It was painful, and I lost the use of my hand. Looking back now, I

realize it was not necessary. While I was in the hospital another Dr. saw me,

and did a spinal tap. MRI " S were not available then. The results were abnormal.

I kept working, until one day I had a sharp pain in my eye, and lost some

vision. I could no longer ignore this, and I knew it. I had to be driven home

that day as I could not see to drive.

By that time, I had relocated to San Diego, calif. and had remarried and until

that day did the best I could to live a normal life. My new husband, Norman,

took me the best neuoroligist in the city. He did a lot of painful tests, and

one day called me into his office, and I will never forget the words he used at

the diagnosis that would change my life. Dr Raffer said to me, 'I have good

news and I have bad news, the good news is that you do not need any more tests,

he looked directly at me and said you have multiple sclerosis.''

He gave me a book to read, and when I did I knew, It had taken ten years to

diagnose this, the MRIS were available and there was no doubt.

As the years went on I had paralysis as well. But then went oon to voc rehab

and went on to college determined to go one. Ms would go completly away and I

would go into remissiion after the use of IV steriods. It kept me going, until

due to bone loss and fractured they could no longer use them.

And TIME HAS GONE, AND I DO WELL at 61 I walk with a walker, no longer in a

wheel chair. I am a free lance writer and i live in Iowa.

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My husband had just retired after twenty years in the navy.We were in

california, my children and I had been born there, but we were moving to Kansas

and it was a stressful time. I only add this as I know stress has a lot to do

with this. It was a long trip, and I did not want to go

but I was determined to try, and kept up a good front. My husband had been

overseas in Vietnam and had come home a different man that I had married.

After we arrived, I managed to get a god job working for the State of Kansas,

I had put the children in school, we had bought land and a home and started life

over. My husband, Chuck, and his brother started a business. For awhile it

seemed all would go well. Until the symptons began.

I awoke one morning, totally numb on ones ide of my body. I almost fell when I

got up, and so I called my Dr.' You are too young for a stroke' he said'I think

it is nerves and depression', and he wrote a prescription for valium and an

antideppresant and I just looked at hime and did't know what to think. I began

to take the pills, and years later regretted it. But after a few days rest the

numbness went away and I returned to work, just thinking it was nerves. Shortly

later my feet would begin to b urn, my legs would go heavy, and i would have

tingling in my hands. I ignored it and kept working.

Things at home were not good, and just to save time I will say, I took my

children back to California and sought a divorce. Ignoring the symptoms. I found

a job at a communication company and began to work on a switchboard.

My right hand had become numb, and it was hard to operate a switchboard. I had a

job as a switchboard operator and had worked my way up to supervisor. And so I

went to a neurologist who diagnosed it as carpul tunnel syndrome, and did

surgerey. It was painful, and I lost the use of my hand. Looking back now, I

realize it was not necessary. While I was in the hospital another Dr. saw me,

and did a spinal tap. MRI " S were not available then. The results were abnormal.

I kept working, until one day I had a sharp pain in my eye, and lost some

vision. I could no longer ignore this, and I knew it. I had to be driven home

that day as I could not see to drive.

By that time, I had relocated to San Diego, calif. and had remarried and until

that day did the best I could to live a normal life. My new husband, Norman,

took me the best neuoroligist in the city. He did a lot of painful tests, and

one day called me into his office, and I will never forget the words he used at

the diagnosis that would change my life. Dr Raffer said to me, 'I have good

news and I have bad news, the good news is that you do not need any more tests,

he looked directly at me and said you have multiple sclerosis.''

He gave me a book to read, and when I did I knew, It had taken ten years to

diagnose this, the MRIS were available and there was no doubt.

As the years went on I had paralysis as well. But then went oon to voc rehab

and went on to college determined to go one. Ms would go completly away and I

would go into remissiion after the use of IV steriods. It kept me going, until

due to bone loss and fractured they could no longer use them.

And TIME HAS GONE, AND I DO WELL at 61 I walk with a walker, no longer in a

wheel chair. I am a free lance writer and i live in Iowa.

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Hi Katerina,

I remember your very positive postings in the past, so I'm sorry to see you're

having such a rough time right now.

There are very many different protocols for mercury chelation. I've read so many

horrible things about IV chelation (as on dmpsbackfire.com), that I decided to

try the low frequent dose oral chelation of the Andy Cutler protocol


There are several Yahoo groups that discuss this protocol, especially " adult

metal chelation " and " frequent dose chelation, " which I highly recommend. Cutler

is a chemist who was mercury poisoned himself, and subsequently studied all the

scientific literature to design a protocol based on the half-life of the

chelators in the body. Taking a chelator too infrequently causes redistribution

of mercury in the body, and increased symptoms. High doses, as in some other

protocols, are also problematic. And you need to be sure that ALL the mercury is

out of your teeth first.

It's a very slow process though. I've been working on it for about 2 years, with

only slight improvement so far. I've read of people taking 7 or 8 years to feel

well. Most people also have to deal with related issues that can be caused by or

exacerbated by mercury, such as thyroid and adrenal issues, hormones, problems

with yeast, and others.

Some people find IV chelation helpful, but from what I've read, most don't. I've

seen it compared to Russian Roulette. I recommend against it. And if it's EDTA

chelation you're referring to, Cutler says it doesn't chelate mercury anyway,

but does help with lead, although it's safer used orally.

Hope this helps!


PS. I also tried LDN for a year, and stopped because of spasticity (which I

never had befor LDN).



> Hi all,

> I am having a serious relapse and I am in need of help.

> I have had MS for 17-18 years (or at least this is what I have been told after

> MRIs) and till July 2009 I was doing well, having only minor problems. I never

> took any traditional medicals. I have been on a strict BBD+supplements for 4

> years now and I have tried several altrenative treatments (LDN for one


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Katerina hi!

My husband, Panagiotis, has also tried homeopathy (his holistic therapist is

giving him causticum 1M, although every person is different and we are not 100%

sure that it has helped him since he is doing several things. Another thing

though that has definitely helped him (he is doing it since Aug. 2010) is

sessions with someone who claims to do bioenergy. I am not very sure what he

does, he says that he is helping the body's energy to heal itself. He does it

with his hands. I have seen my husband improve (no more spasticity, better

bladder control, less tired, his looks (he looks healthier, his face turns

pink). I hope I have helped a bit. And still, you know, sometimes you get


and you don't really know how or why. Anyway, I hope and wish you get a lot




To: mscured

Sent: Wed, October 27, 2010 2:08:53 PM

Subject: in need of help


Hi all,

I am having a serious relapse and I am in need of help.

I have had MS for 17-18 years (or at least this is what I have been told after

MRIs) and till July 2009 I was doing well, having only minor problems. I never

took any traditional medicals. I have been on a strict BBD+supplements for 4

years now and I have tried several altrenative treatments (LDN for one year

(2008), stopped due to increased spasticity, Klenner's protocol for 8 months

(2009), which made me feel much worse, homeopathy, acupuncture, exercise etc).

In July 2009 I started having serious problems with walking and balance. This

went on for a year, no matter my efforts on the alternative side.  In June


I was hospitalized and had a new MRI which showed two inflamed lessions.

I upped

my antioxidants but I didn't get any better.  After that and for the first


in my life I had a course of IV steroides but they didn't make me feel better.

In hospital I had a lumbar puncture that came out negative for MS. Traditional

doctors said that I must be one of the very few cases of MS when lumbar puncture

doesn't show. Anyway, I know that the names of ailments are given to sets of

symptoms and I am not that interested whether this is MS or not but I am

interested in getting better.

I adressed to a centre of alternative treatments and had lots of tests. The good

think is that I met a very good alternative doctor there. What was found is

a compromised digestive system, a highly oxidated body and a high amount of

mercury. My muscular system is very good and I am still  able to exercise on a

stationary bike without problems every day, which makes this doctor question


diagnosis of MS.

I decided to have IV chelation treatments (twice per week), I was given

Intestamine powder to heal my digestive system, lots of antioxidants, and an

alkalizing agent for the water I drink. I have been on this regimen for about

one month now but there is no impovement, on the contrary I think that I

am getting worse.

My questions are: Has anyone tried IV chelation and is it possible that it

brings me a healing crisis, this might be why I don't get any better? Has anyone

tried Intestamine? Should I go on exercising this period? Does anybody have to

suggest something I haven't thought? (I know about CCSVI but I don't want to go

for it for the time being). This is a very bad period for me and any input will

be highly appreciated.



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As I have been away it looks like I have missed some threads and didn't see your

original e-mail Katerina.

Sorry you haven't been feeling well.

From one post it makes me think you are after ideas for mercury chelation.

I have been taking chlorella for a few months then plan to add cilantro oil.

I have read bad stories of doing it too quick so am cautious and so far so good.

Good luck and get well soon.


To: mscured

From: alimrobb@...

Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 19:07:23 +0000

Subject: Re: in need of help

Hi Katerina,

I remember your very positive postings in the past, so I'm sorry to see you're

having such a rough time right now.

There are very many different protocols for mercury chelation.

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