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UPDATE Re: please, aid me in my present condition

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Hi all,


I agree with Bianca. I have suffered from a disease for the last four years and

have heard doctors tell me MS, no not MS-- lesions don't look like MS etc.  I

just recently went to the Lyme doctor that is the son of the founder of the lab

Igenex and he is running everything on me but the kitchen sink. The other

doctors never ordered tests like these in a million years. I am undergoing a

severe flare up right now-- not sure yet if I have Lyme because the testing is

not done, but I have symptoms that are not typical of MS and the nueros have all

said my lesion pattern is not typical of MS lesions-- haha.  I have the flare up

because of stress-- I know why. My mom who was my best friend and my helper for

the last four years of my illness recently passed away from a pulmonary

embolism. I found her in her room and the trauma of it all has done a huge

number on me so to speak. I was doing better than normal and then I fell apart.

I feel like I am on fire and

that I am going crazy. I miss her like crazy and hate my illness even more

right now. Even worse. I am left to live with a brother who doesn't have one

ounce of caring in his body and who thinks my illness is all bullshit even

though I have lesions on my brain and have some on my spine. I gather the

strength to go one without my mom every night because she told me not to give up

--ever and I am not a quitter by nature. I have always been a fighter and to be

honest most doctors tick me off because they are so ignorant in the crap that

comes oout of their mouths. You have to look for other answers. When I first

became ill and was hospitalized they wanted to give me steroids and I remember

what they did to my father when I was young. He had very bad allergies and they

made him a mess. So when the nuero said steriods-- I said-- heck no. I didn't

want my body destroyed even more. My mom had bought me Montel's book and he

talked about how steroids do lasting

damage on your body. In my opinion, most conventional doctors have very little

in their bags for chronic illnesses. It has to be a doctor that specialized in

hard to treat illnesses with the right experience. I know one thing when I went

to the new Lyme doctor he asked me questions that none of the nueros ever asked

or the other doctors that have seen me in the last four years. Also, my mom died

of a pulmonary embolism because a doctor told her that she was not short of

breath that she was just anxious over her daughter's illness. She could have

been saved. I just hope that I can be. 


I am sorry for the long post.




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