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Therapy and feelings

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I have done therapy in the past and have gotten a lot out of it.

After taking a break I am with a new therapist and find for myself a

big theme of learning to just be with whatever feelings I am having.

This has a big connection for me with my past eating disorder

(anorexia-- over 10 years ago and no reoccurence! YAY!) and quite a

bit with my panic disorder/anxiety attacks. I can only imagine that

many of us in this group have used food (or a purposeful lack of food)

to distract from various feelings and I am curious how people have

dealt with feelings in general once the food loses the focus of it.

How do you cope?

One of the things that has been going on for me is the realization

that feelings are just feelings-- they are not reality, there is

nothing to be scared of-- but I'd love to hear others thoughts and


To not being afraid,

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Can you tell us what is it that you are feeling that draws you to overeat? What is bothering you , or what is making you sad, lonely frustrated. Sometimes we tell our self horrible stories that never are going to happen. Why we do this to ours eves. Maybe because we use it as an excuse to eat. For me it was not feelings it was like beating myself up and then overeat. That's over, even without it, I''m surrounded with chances to eat, just because.

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I really identified with this post.

" Once you learn to sit and be with these feelings, even ONCE, even for


> easier it is the next time. And you can use that experience to draw

upon the next time you

> have the intense feelings. Ask yourself how long you can be with

those feelings. Even if it

> is 5 minutes, maybe the next time it will 10 minutes. "

It is funny that this post was up today because I have been struggling

very deeply with the emotional side of eating. I'm not a binger in

the sense of sitting on the couch with a bucket of ice cream and some

potato chips as you would see on tv, so I never identified with this.

But what I realize is that when I am bored or sad or angry I sort of

graze non-stop, never letting myself get hungry or really full but

packing it away throughout the day. Sort of a " slow binge. "

I have suffered from depression on and off for the last six or seven

years and this week as I have fought the inertia of sliding into

depression again I have found it nearly impossible to tune into my

physical hunger. My sensation of the physical pain of depression sits

right above my stomach and it almost feels like it blocks that hunger.

It is the end of the week now and I'm feeling icky and bloated and

still waging the war on my depressed feelings. I suspect they are all

linked together and I am going to see my therapist next week. It has

been six months but I'm feeling it is time for a tune-up and maybe he

has some insight into my " food anaesthisization " strategy...and

perhaps some alternatives.

I'm want to learn to sit with the feelings but it is such a struggle.

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Excellent post . You are an inspiration! ehugs, Katcha


> I am dealing with the same thing - I come from a dysfunctional family

> where emotions were dangerous, threatening, scary and often out-of-

> control. Crying was allowed to a certain extent but even that could

> earn you a " You want to cry? I'll give you something to cry about! "

> from my father.


> I love Koenig's " Food and Feelings " workbook. I am learning that

> my emotions are there to teach me something. Just as my hunger spurs

> me to take care of myself and feed myself, my emotions are road signs

> that tell me something needs to be addressed. Ignoring my hunger never

> worked - I ate on the sly or in huge quantities when I " gave in " . My

> emotions too don't go away - they leak out in other ways - it is better

> for me to meet them head-on and be friendly with them - find out how I

> can get my needs met in appropriate ways.


> I resorted to emotional eating just this past week when dealing with a

> family member and all the hurt that that stirs up, but I quickly

> realized I was only hurting myself, so I wrote and talked to

> understanding friends about it, played with clay, went for walks,

> prayed - anything I could think of in my new " bag of tricks " . I have to

> say - I have " recovered " much quicker than in the past.


> I hope this helps.



> >

> > One of the things that has been going on for me is the realization

> > that feelings are just feelings-- they are not reality, there is

> > nothing to be scared of-- but I'd love to hear others thoughts and

> > journeys.

> >


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This is great, thank you so much-- I will also check out that book.

In my family it was more anger that was such a feared emotion. I

think also being a woman and dealing with anger is a very tricky

thing since it seems to me that it not a " proper " thing to do in our



> I am dealing with the same thing - I come from a dysfunctional


> where emotions were dangerous, threatening, scary and often out-of-

> control. Crying was allowed to a certain extent but even that


> earn you a " You want to cry? I'll give you something to cry about! "

> from my father.


> I love Koenig's " Food and Feelings " workbook. I am learning


> my emotions are there to teach me something. Just as my hunger


> me to take care of myself and feed myself, my emotions are road


> that tell me something needs to be addressed. Ignoring my hunger


> worked - I ate on the sly or in huge quantities when I " gave in " .


> emotions too don't go away - they leak out in other ways - it is


> for me to meet them head-on and be friendly with them - find out

how I

> can get my needs met in appropriate ways.


> I resorted to emotional eating just this past week when dealing

with a

> family member and all the hurt that that stirs up, but I quickly

> realized I was only hurting myself, so I wrote and talked to

> understanding friends about it, played with clay, went for walks,

> prayed - anything I could think of in my new " bag of tricks " . I

have to

> say - I have " recovered " much quicker than in the past.


> I hope this helps.



> >

> > One of the things that has been going on for me is the


> > that feelings are just feelings-- they are not reality, there is

> > nothing to be scared of-- but I'd love to hear others thoughts


> > journeys.

> >


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