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Re: excert from A Return To Love by nne on

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So very IE!! How can't we love the body that we live in?!? It

functions so well and is uniquely our own. Such a precious possession

it is :)

Thanks for sharing that passage Alana :) - ehugs, Katcha


> As She is talking about the body she writes the following which is

> so in line with IE:

> When I was in my twenties, I had a problem with weight - not enough

> of a problem to be called fat, but enought to keep me miserable.

> There was a problematic ten to fifteen pounds that I could never

> shake. Anytime I went on a diet, I ended up gaining weight. This

> makes sense psychologically, because if someone tells us not to

> think about the Eiffel Tower, we'll think about it all the time.

> Telling myself not to think about food only made me more obsessed

> about it. Deprivation is a lousy way to lose weight. I used to

> pray about my problem and would receive the folowing guidance: " Eat

> any thing you want. " That sounded thoroughly insane to me. " But if

> I tell myself to do that, " I thought, " then I'll start eating and

> I'll never stop. " To that my internal guidance responded, " Yes, you

> will do that at first. You will have to compensate for all the

> pressure you've been putting on yourself for years. And then you

> will have had enough. Then you will return to your natural

> rhythms. Then you will heal. "


> So I let go. I met a woman who had lost a huge amount of weight and

> told me she had asked God to do it for her. " I didn't ask to lose

> weight, " she said. " I just asked that he take the monkey off my

> back. I didn't even care if I was fat. I told Him that if He

> wanted me fat, to make me comoftable with it. I just wanted out of

> this Hell. "


> I decided that it didn't matter how much I weighed. I couldn't take

> the hourror of the obsession anymore. Becoming a student of A

> Course in Miracles, I began to realize that how much I weighed

> didn't matter. All that mattered was love. If I could train my

> mind to concentrate more on that, then my problems would disappear

> by themselves. In Eastern religions it is often said, " Go for God,

> and all that is not authentically you will drop. " As I got more

> involved with practicing the Course, I stopped thinking so much

> about my weight. That was all. And one day I looked in the mirror

> and saw that it was gone.


> What I realized was that my weight had nothing to do with my body,

> but with my mind. I was terrified of people, and had unconsciously

> manufactured a wall around myself to protect me from them. I was

> terrified, however, because of the love that I myself was not

> giving. My ego's purpose for the weight was to keep me separate,

> and until I gave up that purpose, I would never be able to give up

> the extra pounds. My subconscious mind was merely following

> instructions. As I began to put my energy into reaching across the

> wall, when I allowed the Christ to enter my mind, the wall

> miraculously disappeared.


> After learning in the Course that the body isn't important, I

> couldn't understand why we should exercise or eat well. What I

> learned was that, When I exercise, I actually think less about my

> body than when I don't. When I don't exercise, I can't help

> thinking about heavy thighs and a thick waist. Similarly, the point

> of healthy food is that it supports us in existing the most lightly

> and energetically within the body. It is heavier, unhealthy food

> that ties us to the body. We take care of the body as a way of

> taking better care of the spirit.


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Although I can understand part of the message being conveyed, the

religious overtones in the quote from nne on really

bother me. If I am in the wrong group, please let me know as this

makes me uncomfortable.


> What I realized was that my weight had nothing to do with my body,

> but with my mind. I was terrified of people, and had unconsciously

> manufactured a wall around myself to protect me from them. I was

> terrified, however, because of the love that I myself was not

> giving. My ego's purpose for the weight was to keep me separate,

> and until I gave up that purpose, I would never be able to give up

> the extra pounds. My subconscious mind was merely following

> instructions. As I began to put my energy into reaching across the

> wall, when I allowed the Christ to enter my mind, the wall

> miraculously disappeared.


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> Although I can understand part of the message being conveyed, the

> religious overtones in the quote from nne on really

> bother me. If I am in the wrong group, please let me know as this

> makes me uncomfortable.


> -


Hi ,

Katcha can probably speak better to this than I can, but I will just

share with you that when I joined, I read the

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Hi ,

I understand where you are coming from. I have over time learned to "take what I need and leave the rest" So when it sounds religious I "bleep" it and continue reading so that I might cach the message of Love and support. I have a copy of that particular book and had to do that the first time I read it. It has a great message and some awesome tools. I have learned to honor everyones faith for the beauty it brings into their lives and sometimes mine. I do not however condone pressure or preaching, and so far I have not experienced that here. I hope that you stick around.


Subject: Re: excert from A Return To Love by nne onTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Friday, July 18, 2008, 1:22 PM

>> Although I can understand part of the message being conveyed, the> religious overtones in the quote from nne on really> bother me. If I am in the wrong group, please let me know as this> makes me uncomfortable.> > ->Hi ,Katcha can probably speak better to this than I can, but I will just share with you that when I joined, I read the

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, there are other groups that lean more towards religious input

and I hope that those who prefer that orientation will use those

groups to their advantage. I am like you in that its not my preference

either, but I think you will find that its more the rare occurrence

here than the norm. I have learned to take what I like and leave what

I don't otherwise I feel I would be throwing the baby out with the

bath water in regard to my support needs.

An aside note here too - not long ago a member who as joining asked

about groups that utilized religious input and I referred her to the

Yahoo Thin Within for her to check out. When I looked at that group

myself, I noted that the activity level had dropped from several

hundred posts per month to a bare handful each month since about

August of last year. Has anyone here been a member and could shed some

light on that? If there is another group that is more active I would

like to know so I can update our Links section here.

Thanks - Katcha

IEing since March 2007

> > What I realized was that my weight had nothing to do with my body,

> > but with my mind. I was terrified of people, and had unconsciously

> > manufactured a wall around myself to protect me from them. I was

> > terrified, however, because of the love that I myself was not

> > giving. My ego's purpose for the weight was to keep me separate,

> > and until I gave up that purpose, I would never be able to give up

> > the extra pounds. My subconscious mind was merely following

> > instructions. As I began to put my energy into reaching across the

> > wall, when I allowed the Christ to enter my mind, the wall

> > miraculously disappeared.

> >


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I used to be in that group but I felt that the book was too complicated

going beyond hunger and fullness. I really appreciate people that can

stick up for what they believe and I am a born again Christian.

Yahoo Thin Within for her to check out. When I looked at that group

> myself, I noted that the activity level had dropped from several

> hundred posts per month to a bare handful each month since about

> August of last year. Has anyone here been a member and could shed some

> light on that? If there is another group that is more active I would

> like to know so I can update our Links section here.


> Thanks - Katcha

> IEing since March 2007



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I agree

with . I have no religion; I find the group’s occasional religious mentions

very minor. I think you’ll find the group itself isn’t “religious.”

Just the mention of on told me not to read the excerpt. We take what we

can and leave the rest.


Re: excert from A Return To Love by nne on


> Although I can understand part of the message being conveyed, the

> religious overtones in the quote from nne on really

> bother me. If I am in the wrong group, please let me know as this

> makes me uncomfortable.


> -


Hi ,

Katcha can probably speak better to this than I can, but I will just

share with you that when I joined, I read the

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I just love the delete button.


-- RE: Re: excert from A Return To Love by nne on

-----Original Message-----From: IntuitiveEating_Support [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 4:22 PMTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Subject: Re: excert from A Return To Love by nne on

>> Although I can understand part of the message being conveyed, the> religious overtones in the quote from nne on really> bother me. If I am in the wrong group, please let me know as this> makes me uncomfortable.> > ->Hi ,Katcha can probably speak better to this than I can, but I will just share with you that when I joined, I read the

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I just love the delete button.


-- RE: Re: excert from A Return To Love by nne on

-----Original Message-----From: IntuitiveEating_Support [mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 4:22 PMTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Subject: Re: excert from A Return To Love by nne on

>> Although I can understand part of the message being conveyed, the> religious overtones in the quote from nne on really> bother me. If I am in the wrong group, please let me know as this> makes me uncomfortable.> > ->Hi ,Katcha can probably speak better to this than I can, but I will just share with you that when I joined, I read the

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, somehow I missed reading Rule #3. As much as I want to read all

the posts, it appears that I'll have to be more selective in the

future. Thanks for letting me know this.


> Rule #3:

> Occasionally talk of a religious matter will appear in the

> group messages. While this group is not a " religious " group,

> specifically, we try to respect that everyone has a right

> to their own opinions and beliefs. If you don't care for the

> messages with religious content, you are free to delete those

> without reading them.

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Katcha, I can understand what you mean and yes, I do want the support

and I should try to take what I need and leave the rest. I guess I

didn't know or expect that certain religious discussions were part of

this group.



> , there are other groups that lean more towards religious input

> and I hope that those who prefer that orientation will use those

> groups to their advantage. I am like you in that its not my preference

> either, but I think you will find that its more the rare occurrence

> here than the norm. I have learned to take what I like and leave what

> I don't otherwise I feel I would be throwing the baby out with the

> bath water in regard to my support needs.

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Katcha, I can understand what you mean and yes, I do want the support

and I should try to take what I need and leave the rest. I guess I

didn't know or expect that certain religious discussions were part of

this group.



> , there are other groups that lean more towards religious input

> and I hope that those who prefer that orientation will use those

> groups to their advantage. I am like you in that its not my preference

> either, but I think you will find that its more the rare occurrence

> here than the norm. I have learned to take what I like and leave what

> I don't otherwise I feel I would be throwing the baby out with the

> bath water in regard to my support needs.

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Hi Sophia,

Thanks for your understanding and kind words.



> Hi ,

> I understand where you are coming from. (snip)I do not however

condone pressure or preaching, and so far I have not experienced that

here. I hope that you stick around.

> Sophia

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I'm glad that you felt comfortable expressing your discomfort with the religious references in nne's quote to the group. What I love about the Intuitive Eating book and this process is that it transcends all religious and spiritual perspectives...there's space for all of the many religious and spiritual ways that we interface with the world. Like you, I appreciated the aspects of the excerpt that spoke to my experience...and the other aspects that did not jibe with me I recognized and let them go.


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Thanks for understanding. :)



> ,


> I'm glad that you felt comfortable expressing your discomfort with

the religious references in nne's quote to the group. What I love

about the Intuitive Eating book and this process is that it transcends

all religious and spiritual perspectives...there's space for all of

the many religious and spiritual ways that we interface with the

world. Like you, I appreciated the aspects of the excerpt that spoke

to my experience...and the other aspects that did not jibe with me I

recognized and let them go.


> Latoya:)


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