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EFT for Healing

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I have used EFT, although not religiously and have found it to help my

mood and control anxiety. It would be nice hear how others are using

it and how they get themselves into a regular schedule and record

progress. I seem to fall apart and forget it in the moment. So how

are others using it to help them with MS?


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> I have used EFT, although not religiously and have found it to help


> mood and control anxiety. It would be nice hear how others are


> it and how they get themselves into a regular schedule and record

> progress.

Hi Jessi,

I notice a difference in how centered and happy I remain since I

started tapping every day again (a few months ago). I tap for a

variety of things, not just MS (like patience as a mom, abundance,

etc). WRT to the MS, I tap on general things like being impatient

with my healing, as well as specific things like my vision still not

being completely recovered. I've also incorporated something that

posted a while back from a book she has that correlates specific

disease states with personality/issues - just covering my bases. lol

I read somewhere a while back (may have been the main EFT site) that

one should tap about 10-12 rounds every day to ensure your chi is

still flowing properly. I don't think I do that many, maybe half a

dozen rounds or so, probably should up that. I drive for work, so I

have spots of long stretches where I do my tapping. :)


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> I seem to fall apart and forget it in the moment.

P.S. I think if you start tapping daily, you will find that you freak

out less (lol) in the moment and remember your tools like EFT. It has

certainly done that for me, and I'm grateful b/c I know stress is a

big trigger for us, so the less the better! If you run out of ideas

to tap every day you can always start the " Personal Peace " procedure,

where you try to write down every single negative event/trauma that's

happened to you and tap a few of those every day to clear past

baggage. HTH!


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