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Re: Please don't yell at me but.........

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hi i'm mostly new to this. but I been doing this mostly for 8 years. I lost 59 pounds. not really small lady. but i'm mostly happy with myslef. I hope everything gose good for you. michelleSubject: Please don't yell at me but.........To: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 8:54 AM

Please don't yell at me but.......Its important for me to know that

others have gotten small by using Intuitive eating.

I'm small and have been for a very long time.......I accomplished that

by using overeaters anonymous.

I don't want to go back to OA I would just like reassurance that people

do get small/stay small after practicing IE for a while. I know I might

need to be willing to put on a little while I learn.....but I really

like the weight I am now.....it feels good and I can do all my

activities easily at this weight. I would just rather not "diet" to

stay this size if there is a better way.

Cheshire cat's IE blog

http://cheshiresint uitiveeatingjour ney.blogspot. com/

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Gail, I don't think there is a single member here that doesn't want to

be the 'best' (aka smallest) healthy body that they can be. But I also

think we have all experienced the fact that restrictive eating leads

to rebellion and letting everyone else BUT yourself determine what is

'best' for you doesn't make sense or work on your behalf either. Sadly

I think we 'yell' at ourselves the MOST and doing that here is not

needed or appreciated either. A good healthy whine works better for me

;-) Keep up the posting :)

ehugs, Katcha

IEing since March 2007


> Please don't yell at me but.......Its important for me to know that

> others have gotten small by using Intuitive eating.


> I'm small and have been for a very long time.......I accomplished that

> by using overeaters anonymous.


> I don't want to go back to OA I would just like reassurance that people

> do get small/stay small after practicing IE for a while. I know I might

> need to be willing to put on a little while I learn.....but I really

> like the weight I am now.....it feels good and I can do all my

> activities easily at this weight. I would just rather not " diet " to

> stay this size if there is a better way.



> Cheshire cat's IE blog

> http://cheshiresintuitiveeatingjourney.blogspot.com/


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