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Changing my thinking

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My sis, DH and I went on a lake cruise last night. I had a pb and jelly

san before we left. (It has been probley ten years since I have had a

pbj san)Just one that was all I wanted (who would have thought). It was

easy to have just one because I knew I could eat what ever I wanted

after the cruise!!!

The cruise was a blast but every so often the My mind wanted to

entertain me with tons of food thoughts and ruin my good time. The way

I dealt with this was. I have been listening to a series of podcast I

got free off the internet called " a quiet mind " and what the podcast

taught me is when my mind is going places I don't want it to go, just

set back and observe it, so that is what I did. I was even laughing a

little as I watched it. Kind of like watching a TV show.

As I watched a miraculous thing happen.......my mind seemed to jump

forward in time a few minutes and I would realized I had gone back to

totally enjoying the music and dancing. I used the new tool about 4 or

5 times. I did not fight with my mind or do any interaction I just

pulled myself back and silently observed, except when I was laughing.

And the next thing I Knew time had jumped forward again and back into

the Moment. This is getting pretty deep even for me. lol

Ok back to some normal stuff.....kind of normal any way......After the

cruise we went to find somewhere to get a bite to eat. (in the past I

would have made myself go home with out eating). Not a lot was open so

we decided on Mickey D's, I had decided what I wanted was a fishwich

(they have not called them that for about 10 years LOL) I loved every

bite. Oh I had french fries too. Yum And they did hit the spot because

it was exactly what I wanted.

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Reading your post about just simply observing thoughts around food was

a great reminder for me about a gentle way to work with myself when my

mind goes to thoughts of food. I've used that mindfulness technique

for other fixated thoughts, but not for my food thoughts. I've placed

it on my list of things to do to cope with myself besides eat.

Techniques like what you described are very liberating, bring us back

to the present moment, and help provide amusement as we watch our own

little quirks and foibles.


Working with IE since Jan '08

> The cruise was a blast but every so often the My mind wanted to

> entertain me with tons of food thoughts and ruin my good time. The way

> I dealt with this was. I have been listening to a series of podcast I

> got free off the internet called " a quiet mind " and what the podcast

> taught me is when my mind is going places I don't want it to go, just

> set back and observe it, so that is what I did. I was even laughing a

> little as I watched it. Kind of like watching a TV show.


> As I watched a miraculous thing happen.......my mind seemed to jump

> forward in time a few minutes and I would realized I had gone back to

> totally enjoying the music and dancing. I used the new tool about 4 or

> 5 times. I did not fight with my mind or do any interaction I just

> pulled myself back and silently observed, except when I was laughing.

> And the next thing I Knew time had jumped forward again and back into

> the Moment. This is getting pretty deep even for me.

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Gail,and Latoya;

After a week of bad to no sleeping which takes the first palace on my list of problems, overweight the second.

I decided to try what you describe as being present. I first heard about this from Eckhart Tolle. and had work for my sleeplessness problem.

So, last night, I was on my bed, with no hope of getting any sleep, very tired and on pain, of doing nothing just not sleeping, I was forgetful, tired and on pain all day but joyful.

So as I was there just grateful and joyful of the quiet and fresh, and clean room, listening and taking deep breaths, paying attention to the life in my body, and watching my thoughts as watching TV. I actually fall asleep! last night I was on my bed, dieing and today I'm happy and rested , there is nothing else I can ask for. I know it doesn't mean anything for you unless you have a sleep problem. but it is very powerful to ask for nothing, wait for nothing just be there present observing my thoughts. all very irrational some even funny.

Subject: Re: Changing my thinkingTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Saturday, August 16, 2008, 4:46 PM

Gail,Reading your post about just simply observing thoughts around food wasa great reminder for me about a gentle way to work with myself when mymind goes to thoughts of food. I've used that mindfulness techniquefor other fixated thoughts, but not for my food thoughts. I've placedit on my list of things to do to cope with myself besides eat. Techniques like what you described are very liberating, bring us backto the present moment, and help provide amusement as we watch our ownlittle quirks and foibles.Latoya:)Working with IE since Jan '08> The cruise was a blast but every so often the My mind wanted to > entertain me with tons of food thoughts and ruin my good time. The way > I

dealt with this was. I have been listening to a series of podcast I > got free off the internet called "a quiet mind" and what the podcast > taught me is when my mind is going places I don't want it to go, just > set back and observe it, so that is what I did. I was even laughing a > little as I watched it. Kind of like watching a TV show.> > As I watched a miraculous thing happen...... .my mind seemed to jump > forward in time a few minutes and I would realized I had gone back to > totally enjoying the music and dancing. I used the new tool about 4 or > 5 times. I did not fight with my mind or do any interaction I just > pulled myself back and silently observed, except when I was laughing. > And the next thing I Knew time had jumped forward again and back into > the Moment. This is getting pretty deep even for me.

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Yes, it's amazing how we can find peace, joy, and rest by just being

present with ourselves.



> > The cruise was a blast but every so often the My mind wanted to

> > entertain me with tons of food thoughts and ruin my good time.

The way

> > I dealt with this was. I have been listening to a series of

podcast I

> > got free off the internet called " a quiet mind " and what the


> > taught me is when my mind is going places I don't want it to go,


> > set back and observe it, so that is what I did. I was even

laughing a

> > little as I watched it. Kind of like watching a TV show.

> >

> > As I watched a miraculous thing happen...... .my mind seemed to


> > forward in time a few minutes and I would realized I had gone

back to

> > totally enjoying the music and dancing. I used the new tool

about 4 or

> > 5 times. I did not fight with my mind or do any interaction I


> > pulled myself back and silently observed, except when I was


> > And the next thing I Knew time had jumped forward again and back


> > the Moment. This is getting pretty deep even for me.


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I am so happy to read this Norma!! What a fabulous thing that must be

for you. Relaxed and refreshed - yippee!

ehugs, Katcha

IEing since Mach 2007

> I actually fall asleep! last night I was on my bed, dieing and

today I'm happy and rested , there is nothing else I can ask for. I

know it doesn't mean anything for you unless you have a sleep problem.

but it is very powerful to ask for nothing, wait for nothing just be

there present observing my thoughts. all very irrational some even funny.

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