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Re: An Idea

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Talk about making your own IE book :) :) I think that could be as

powerful as journaling. Plus its not limited to just writing - you can

add pictures, drawings etc, etc. Maybe you could post a picture of a

few pages here in the Photos section?

Good luck with this -


IEing since March 2007


> Hey group,

> I have an idea and wanted some feedback on it. I was in Wal-Mart

today in the craft section and came across this beautiful collection

of black, white and gray papers for a scrapbook. I was trying to

think what I could use them for, when I remembered the passage in the

book about black and white thinking, and decided that I wanted to make

a scrapbook of my journey. Anyone else think of this idea? And

anyone have any ideas for me about what to include or how to design

pages. I've never done a scrapbook before... but immediately attached

on to this idea, so any help would be great!



> Amy

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I did not inherit the crafty gene, so I can't offer any good ideas,

but I think that sounds like a great idea!


> Hey group,

> I have an idea and wanted some feedback on it.  I was in Wal-Mart

today in the craft section and came across this beautiful collection

of black, white and gray papers for a scrapbook.  I was trying to

think what I could use them for, when I remembered the passage in the

book about black and white thinking, and decided that I wanted to

make a scrapbook of my journey.  Anyone else think of this idea?  And

anyone have any ideas for me about what to include or how to design

pages.  I've never done a scrapbook before... but immediately

attached on to this idea, so any help would be great!



> Amy


> Let me run away with your money!  Please help me raise $5000 for

the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society by training for and running the

Nike Women's Half Marathon!

> Visit:http://pages.teamintraining.org/uny/nikesf08/ahayes to

donate!  Every dollar helps!


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I think that's an awesome idea!!


(Intuitive eating since September 2006)

Hey group,

I have an idea and wanted some feedback on it. I was in Wal-Mart today in the craft section and came across this beautiful collection of black, white and gray papers for a scrapbook. I was trying to think what I could use them for, when I remembered the passage in the book about black and white thinking, and decided that I wanted to make a scrapbook of my journey. Anyone else think of this idea? And anyone have any ideas for me about what to include or how to design pages. I've never done a scrapbook before... but immediately attached on to this idea, so any help would be great!


Let me run away with your money! Please help me raise $5000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society by training for and running the Nike Women's Half Marathon!Visit: http://pages. teamintraining. org/uny/nikesf08 /ahayes to donate! Every dollar helps!

Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

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makes beautiful sense Amy. It sounds like it would be a wonderful book.



" A great deal of

intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep. " --Saul Bellow


An Idea

Sue... and others,

I am not thinking of pics as I lose weight...

actually quite the opposite. I'm thinking of quotes and pics of me

now. An idea of mine that I thought of was taking a picture of a body

part that I do love... for instance my eyes... and creating a page around

that. Part of the IE journey for me has also been accepting myself for

who I am and what I am. I'm not perfect, but I am me, and I need to love

me. Does that make any sense...


Let me run away with your money!

Please help me raise $5000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society by training

for and running the Nike Women's Half Marathon!

Visit: http://pages.teamintraining.org/uny/nikesf08/ahayes

to donate! Every dollar helps!

Re: An Idea

I do scrapbooking and love it. I am curious what you are thinking

about scrapbooking. ..my immediate reaction was are you thinking of pictures of

yourself as you lose weight? That kind of defeats the whole IE journey

for me. What ideas have you thought of?

On 7/22/08, Amy <amyk.hayesyahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

Hey group,

I have an

idea and wanted some feedback on it. I was in Wal-Mart today in the

craft section and came across this beautiful collection of black, white and

gray papers for a scrapbook. I was trying to think what I could use them

for, when I remembered the passage in the book about black and white

thinking, and decided that I wanted to make a scrapbook of my journey.

Anyone else think of this idea? And anyone have any ideas for me

about what to include or how to design pages. I've never done a scrapbook

before... but immediately attached on to this idea, so any help would be great!



me run away with your money! Please help me raise $5000 for the Leukemia

and Lymphoma Society by training for and running the Nike Women's Half Marathon!


http://pages. teamintraining. org/uny/nikesf08 /ahayes to

donate! Every dollar helps!

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