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Immunizations and day care

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I just got a letter from the day care/pre-school which says: " your

child's medical records were found to be incomplete and this is in

violation of the public health code. I am sorry to say that if we do

not receive completed medical history forms and/or an updated

immunization records your child will not be permitted to come to

school. Your child is missing the following medical record items:

Polio, HIB, MMR, .. "

This is for my 18month boy who is NT. I have a 3 year old who has

autism. I like to see more language development for the 18 month old

before MMR, but now looks like I have to get him those vaccines for

him to continue his day care. It is such a tough decision and I

wonder what other parents do.


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On the state immunization card there should be a box to check that

states you philosophically (or religiously) exempt your child from

receiving the vaccines in question. Unless you live in WV or the

other state (can't remember which) that has no exemption other than

medically certified (hard to get unless you already have vaccine

damage or active cancer or AIDS). It may take time and persistence,

but you can research the vacicne-autism connection which is quite


and then meet with the day care director and explain things to her,


might work. If not, you might need to find a day care that is


to listen to reason. In the public school system I think they have


let you exempt, but in a private setting I'm not sure. With an

exemption comes a promise that you will take your child out if there

is an outbreak, to protect your child from the disease, but if their

precious vaccines work so well, then how could there be an outbreak?

Ha, ha :( Don't give up! YOU are the one that will have to live with

the consequences if vacine damage were to occur, NOT the day care!

YOU have done the research into why you don't want them for you

child, THEY are just taking someone else's word for it that they are

ok. He's your child, not theirs, it's your decision, don't let them

badger you into it.

> I just got a letter from the day care/pre-school which says: " your

> child's medical records were found to be incomplete and this is in

> violation of the public health code. I am sorry to say that if we


> not receive completed medical history forms and/or an updated

> immunization records your child will not be permitted to come to

> school. Your child is missing the following medical record items:

> Polio, HIB, MMR, .. "

> This is for my 18month boy who is NT. I have a 3 year old who has

> autism. I like to see more language development for the 18 month


> before MMR, but now looks like I have to get him those vaccines for

> him to continue his day care. It is such a tough decision and I

> wonder what other parents do.


> Jane

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