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Re: New Intuitive Eater

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Welcome to the group :) I think you will find lots of support and

sharing of ideas here. One thing I remember reading and having some

difficulty with at first is to just be 'gentle' with yourself. This

process will take time and effort on your part, but most of us find

that it can not only be a wonderful re-claiming of our own lives, we

can really have fun doing it too. What worked best for me was to take

just one aspect of IE at a time and get to where I was comfortable

with it before taking on another step etc.

Love to hear about your experiences as well as sharing in victories as

they occur too. Likewise you can rant and rave when you need to do

that as well.

Best to you - Katcha

IEing since March 2007


> Hi all, I'm new to this group.


> I read the book upon recommendation from my naturopath - wow, it's

> great (and somewhat overwhelming). I've been at this about a month

> now after being on one diet or another as far as I can remember.

> I'm still trying to figure out what is hunger and what isn't. I

> don't think I eat enough each time (worrying too much about

> overeating) so I find myself eating frequently (which my naturopath

> said was ok) but I feel like I'm constantly eating and worrying

> about gaining more weight or not losing cause it feels like I'm

> eating all the time (there are those diet mentality voices again).

> I try not to think of them but concentrate on making peace and

> eating what I want when I want it and being hyperconscious of

> eating, body signals, sensations and such - but sometimes it just

> feels like and overwhelming amount of data to process! I am

> grateful that my husband (I don't have children) has been supportive

> and a good sounding board throughout this process. My parents and

> In-laws are always on diets so that will be an obstacle to look

> forward to...


> thanks all for the positivity!


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Welcome! I can certainly identify with feeling like the odd person

out when it seems like everyone and their mother is on another diet

that they swear will work this time-- it's a feeling like swimming up

stream. I tend to remind myself that we are all on our own path in

this world and that just because someone says something or follows

something like a diet does not mean it is absolute truth. Maybe it

works for them, but I know it doesn't work for me and I have chosen a

different way. Both are valid and both are " right " .

Glad to have you here!



> Hi all, I'm new to this group.


> I read the book upon recommendation from my naturopath - wow, it's

> great (and somewhat overwhelming). I've been at this about a month

> now after being on one diet or another as far as I can remember.

> I'm still trying to figure out what is hunger and what isn't. I

> don't think I eat enough each time (worrying too much about

> overeating) so I find myself eating frequently (which my naturopath

> said was ok) but I feel like I'm constantly eating and worrying

> about gaining more weight or not losing cause it feels like I'm

> eating all the time (there are those diet mentality voices again).

> I try not to think of them but concentrate on making peace and

> eating what I want when I want it and being hyperconscious of

> eating, body signals, sensations and such - but sometimes it just

> feels like and overwhelming amount of data to process! I am

> grateful that my husband (I don't have children) has been supportive

> and a good sounding board throughout this process. My parents and

> In-laws are always on diets so that will be an obstacle to look

> forward to...


> thanks all for the positivity!


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Wow, I can totally relate, I felt the same way when started IE for

the first time about 8 years ago. Let me tell you, I slipped a

couple of times and began dieting again, and I always gained the

weight back, and then some. The last time I dieted to please my

boyfriend at the time (he was such a loser). Never do this!! He

dumped me anyways, said I was still too large. My brother and his

family are big dieters, and it is hard when I visit them because

they have banned many foods from their home, like soft drinks. In

fact, everyone in my family except me is on a diet of some kind. If

they sugggest that I do likewise I just tell them that I do not diet

anymore, that I am working on overcoming my overeating. That

usually ends the conversation, but, if it does not, I simply tell

them that I respect their way and they need to respect my way. It

took a long time for me to be able to stand up for myself like this,

and I still feel the pressure and urge to give in and join the diet

club. I wish you a lot of luck, this group is a great support, as

well as Overcoming Overeating. Take care and remember that IE is

life-long process, and it takes time to get used to. But once you

get in touch with your hunger I think you will see how natual it

feels. Good luck! Let us know how you are doing.



> Hi all, I'm new to this group.


> I read the book upon recommendation from my naturopath - wow, it's

> great (and somewhat overwhelming). I've been at this about a


> now after being on one diet or another as far as I can remember.

> I'm still trying to figure out what is hunger and what isn't. I

> don't think I eat enough each time (worrying too much about

> overeating) so I find myself eating frequently (which my


> said was ok) but I feel like I'm constantly eating and worrying

> about gaining more weight or not losing cause it feels like I'm

> eating all the time (there are those diet mentality voices


> I try not to think of them but concentrate on making peace and

> eating what I want when I want it and being hyperconscious of

> eating, body signals, sensations and such - but sometimes it just

> feels like and overwhelming amount of data to process! I am

> grateful that my husband (I don't have children) has been


> and a good sounding board throughout this process. My parents and

> In-laws are always on diets so that will be an obstacle to look

> forward to...


> thanks all for the positivity!


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