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newbie, Kim response

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> Thanks Kim. You sound like you have had the same type of symptoms I have

been having. I, like you, had this happen over the course of a few years.




> A question for anyone..I found something online the other night about

staging it, I forget now if it was I, II, III, IV, etc..but there were two

staging methods and I felt like in one I was like stage I but the level III

for pain or something like that. Does anyone know what im talking about or

have you had the same, that one was beginning, and that one was higher?




> Thanks for the response,








> From: [mailto: ]

> On Behalf Of Kim Lankford

> Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 7:17 AM


> Subject: Re: [ ] New member with questions...






> Hi , I too have had back problems and I work in an ER as an

> EMT/ Nurse Tech so I sympathize with you, its hard work when you are

feeling good let alone when you ache all over. I had had a bad back off and

on for many years, after my son was born in 2007 I started finding that I

could not sit for more than 3-5 minutes without my butt hurting and if I

propped my feet up my ankles hurt. I was finding it hard to hold the baby

for long periods but chalked it up to getting older. By the time he was a

year old I was feeling like an old lady. Can hardly get up off the floor if

I was sitting with my legs crossed or could not open things, and seemed to

be getting very clumsy. (in the mean time I also slipped a disc and after a

few months of useless PT I had to have surgery) well after the back surgery

things really got going just not in my back thankfully. I went to my GP and

my CRP was 84!! I have been to the rheumy and treated as having RA but to

this day I still have neg. RA factor tests. Sounds to me like you have Ra

and need to get on something to reduce the inflamattion then hopefully your

life will start getting back to more normal. I went on a course of

Methotrexate, prednisone and celebrex and finally weaned off of it after 6

mnths. joints felt pretty good up until the last few months so I have an

appt. to see the rheumy again next week. anyways sorry to ramble but I

really feel for you, I know several nurses who struggle with joint pain like



> Good luck and feel free to email me if you want to chat more, Kim

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