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I also enjoyed great relief initially on enbrel, but I

have been on it for a year and a half now and

unfortunately was building resistant to it it before

the shortage. Now I am hoping that actively taking it

again, after a month off due to shortages will help

restore my health to a reasonable level.

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In a message dated 7/24/2002 3:12:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Jrdoubleyou@... writes:

> Enbrel, what can i say? Is there anyone else getting the

> relief I have gotten from enbrel? I have my life back

I wish it was the miracle drug for me that it's been for so many. I don't

think I've had any better relief from enbrel than from MTX which only gave me

a partial remission at best. For all of you who are waiting for it, I hope

and I pray it's your miracle - but prepare for what to do next if it isn't.

Sorry - very down today and lots of pain - hope everyone is feeling a bit

better than me today!

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I wish I could brag about the results I am getting from using

Enbrel, as I have been on the waiting list since December of last

year--and still NO Enbrel. Glad it is working for you. Hope the

success continues.

broomhildabynight wrote:

> Hi all. Enbrel, what can i say? Is there anyone else getting the

> relief I have gotten from enbrel? I have my life back.





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Hi everyone-

I just got a snail-mail from Enbrel today saying : " our recent supply

interruption is over. " I must admit that I have had no problem getting Enbrel.

Maybe because I get a 90-day supply at a time from the Merck-Medco mail-in

program. Anyway, they give the number 1-888-436-2735 (1-888-ENBREL) to call if

you have questions. Hope this gets everyone back on the program soon.

Eva in AR

rustytinman2 <Jrdoubleyou@...> wrote:

>> Hi all. Enbrel, what can i say? Is there anyone else getting the

relief I have gotten from enbrel? I have my life back.<<

To any newbies reading this post, Enbrel hasn't been available to new

users since November of 2001 and isn't expected until " at least " the

Spring of 2003. There are thousands of us that wish we could answer

the above question.

- Jim

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Jim, how fab for you! I was prescribed Enbrel back in March and put on the

waiting list. The best rheumy in No. Cal. decided I could not and should not

wait. So together we battled my insurance to have me authorized for Remicade,

and WON. What a victory! 2 treatments later I feel fantastic. Well, compared to

before when I couldn't use my right hand, and I'm right handed. Bring on the

Biologic Modifiers! I'm hooked!

Stacey in San

Eva Fuell <evafuell@...> wrote:

Hi everyone-

I just got a snail-mail from Enbrel today saying : " our recent supply

interruption is over. " I must admit that I have had no problem getting Enbrel.

Maybe because I get a 90-day supply at a time from the Merck-Medco mail-in

program. Anyway, they give the number 1-888-436-2735 (1-888-ENBREL) to call if

you have questions. Hope this gets everyone back on the program soon.

Eva in AR

rustytinman2 <Jrdoubleyou@...> wrote:

>> Hi all. Enbrel, what can i say? Is there anyone else getting the

relief I have gotten from enbrel? I have my life back.<<

To any newbies reading this post, Enbrel hasn't been available to new

users since November of 2001 and isn't expected until " at least " the

Spring of 2003. There are thousands of us that wish we could answer

the above question.

- Jim

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<<Meghan, This is not true. Enbrel is routinely taken without MTX.>>

Hi all --

I have no idea what the routine is, but I take both Enbrel and MTX.

, North Jersey Highlands




Mod 2 cents: I take Enbrel and an anti-inflammatory. No other DMARD combo but

quite a few people say they have taken Enbrel/MTX and some have said

Enbrel/Arava and some take Enbrel 3X a week instead of twice on the say so of

their doctor while some are skippiing a shot for their own reasons. PatB

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I have been on Enbrel for 4 months and do not take

MTX. The results have been wonderful. No P what so

ever ( am weaaring shorts for first time in years) and

the PA has eased up to where I can do things that were

impossible before Enbrel.


--- tcconlon97 <tconlon@...> wrote:


> >

> > [

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The reason Methotrexate is given with Remicade is that Remicade is made with

some mouse protein and the Methotrexate prevents the body from making

antibodies to this protein. Enbrel is made only with human protein so

doesn't have the same reaction as Remicade.. Anne :}

[ ] Re: Enbrel


> [

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Generally you don't take MTX with Enbrel. I'm on it because I couldn't stand

MTX. Remicade, however, is normally used with MTX. Which is why I didn't take


Re: [ ] Re: Enbrel



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I think they say taking Enbrel with MTX shows better

results, but it is no longer required. Here is

something I found.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has

approved the drug etanercept (brand name Enbrel) for

the treatment of psoriatic arthritis. Physicians can

prescribe Enbrel by itself or in combination with

methotrexate, another systemic treatment for the


--- tcconlon97 <tconlon@...> wrote:


> >

> > [

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In a message dated Thu, 25 Jul 2002 7:08:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,

robtx2@... writes:

> You must take MTX with the biologics at this time due to

> the FDA approvals

Meghan - not sure how my rheumy did it, but I'm on enbrel and no MTX. Not

working too well for me though - I'm having a flare in my hip. The MTX caused

liver problems so she had me stop it cold turkey.

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All the literature I've read and other doctors I've talked to have said Enbrel

should be taken with MTX/Arava for best results. There are cases where the MTX

was causing trouble and they don't start someone with the combo. Also, the

literature and doctors have said that someone has to start with MTX or Arava and

fail to respond fully to MTX before being put on Enbrel and Remicade. It sounds

like a lot of doctors are doing things differently than what is recommended.

Remicade must be started with MTX/Arava, but there are cases where they have

reduced the MTX to nothing after the Remicade starts working.

Never the less, the general initial recommended prescription for Enbrel and

Remicade is to be taken in conjunction with MTX. Sorry I wasn't clear earlier.



> >

> > [

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In a message dated 7/26/2002 7:05:54 PM Central Daylight Time,


There is nothing statated in the product information , nor in the FDA

approval for Enbrel requiring the concurrent use of MTX ; only that it CAN

be used in combination w/ other DMARDS. There is less chance of developing

allergic reactions to it because it is derived from human protien ( TNF)

Remicade is derived from mouse protein. Remicads product information DOES

require the concurrent use of MTX in order to surpress production of

antibodies which develop allergic responses. There are still a lot of

doc's out there that don't know the difference and lump together all the

recommendations for the different biologics, which is a shame for those

people who cannot take MTX for any reason.





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No, it does not!

--- Jill Cohen <puddinpanda2002@...> wrote:

> Hi All,

> Does anyone know if you no longer need embrel, if

> this

> enrollment plan allows you to turn your enrollment

> for Enbrel over to someone else.

> Thanks

> Jill


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If you no longer need Enbrel (Not sure how that

happens, you may be in remission- but I was forced to

miss about a month of Enbrel because of the shortages

and had a very bad relapse in that time) let them

know... they have a very long list of patients that

need to get on.

--- Jill Cohen <puddinpanda2002@...> wrote:

> Hi All,

> Does anyone know if you no longer need embrel, if

> this

> enrollment plan allows you to turn your enrollment

> for Enbrel over to someone else.

> Thanks

> Jill


> __________________________________________________


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  • 4 weeks later...


I, too, have been on Enbrel for approximately 10

months now. And in reading the average response to

this drug, I agree with you. I also experienced severe

inflammation in almost every joint in my body prior to

Enbrel use. I was almost completely incapacited. My

wedding rings wouldnt even slide past my first

knuckle. It took approximately 3 months to notice any

change, but once it started, my life changed. the

swelling is almost gone. I had to have my rings sized

down!! And now the pain is livable instead of

completely intolerable. Hopefully our shortages are

over, and I am so happy that Enbrel works for you too.

Maybe with Gods grace, all our brother sufferers will

find relief, and a treatment that works for all!!!

Good Luck!!!


--- leaffan01ca <leaffan01ca@...> wrote:

> hi all.

> I am nearing my first year of enbrel shots and it

> has been a

> godsend for me. I have went from a cane to get

> around to back to work

> full time in a mail room of an insurance company.I

> take enbrel twice

> a week and 50 mg of vioxx a day. Also am cutting

> down my prednisone to

> 5mg every two days and eventually none at all. I

> have p.a in almost my

> whole body. I am a canadian so I experienced no

> shortages of enbrel as

> we are on a different distrubtion system here. Also

> have found that my

> enbrel reduces my psoriatic patches greatly. My

> doctor tells me that

> enbrel works better in patients like myself who had

> a lot of

> inflamation.

> Mike





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Hi there. I just hope that enbrel continues to work for

the ones that it is helping.People must remember that

these drugs are not cures for this terible disease,but

they are a big step to helping people live better

lives. It has helped me feel better about myself and

feel like a contributor to society again. Sitting at

home is no fun. My enbrel is $200.00 dollars canadian

dollars a shot. Someday it will be more resonable. I

have mine covered, but i feel for people it would

help, but cannot be afforded. Mike

--- BroomHildaByNight <broomhildabynight@...>


> Mike,


> I, too, have been on Enbrel for approximately 10

> months now. And in reading the average response to

> this drug, I agree with you. I also experienced

> severe

> inflammation in almost every joint in my body prior

> to

> Enbrel use. I was almost completely incapacited.

> My

> wedding rings wouldnt even slide past my first

> knuckle. It took approximately 3 months to notice

> any

> change, but once it started, my life changed. the

> swelling is almost gone. I had to have my rings

> sized

> down!! And now the pain is livable instead of

> completely intolerable. Hopefully our shortages are

> over, and I am so happy that Enbrel works for you

> too.

> Maybe with Gods grace, all our brother sufferers

> will

> find relief, and a treatment that works for all!!!


> Good Luck!!!

> Marie


> --- leaffan01ca <leaffan01ca@...> wrote:

> > hi all.

> > I am nearing my first year of enbrel shots and it

> > has been a

> > godsend for me. I have went from a cane to get

> > around to back to work

> > full time in a mail room of an insurance company.I

> > take enbrel twice

> > a week and 50 mg of vioxx a day. Also am cutting

> > down my prednisone to

> > 5mg every two days and eventually none at all. I

> > have p.a in almost my

> > whole body. I am a canadian so I experienced no

> > shortages of enbrel as

> > we are on a different distrubtion system here.

> Also

> > have found that my

> > enbrel reduces my psoriatic patches greatly. My

> > doctor tells me that

> > enbrel works better in patients like myself who

> had

> > a lot of

> > inflamation.

> > Mike

> >

> >

> >



> __________________________________________________


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  • 2 months later...

Oh I think I could handle that....

On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, Faye Dunn wrote:

> Hi Liz,


> I only have to inject the Enbrel twice a week not daily.


> ~~~Faye~~~



" I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget

what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. "


EMAIL: juliette@... **ICQ 49746198** MSN & AIM LizKP1952**

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  • 2 weeks later...


i pay 100/month which should be 10% of the total cost as per my insurance.

its worth it. my neck improved on my first injection. there was an incredible

change by my third week of twice/weekly injections. i hope you do as well as

i. i've heard some do not do as well. my sister doesn't get as much from it

as i do, but she's still using it. i was capable of two hours per day before

the body petrified and the pains experimented on me. i work 48 hours/week.

some days better than others. i'd rather not imagine the " old days " .

Best Regards


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Great news, Celtic Jade, wow! I'm sure you have lots of questions about Enbrel

infusions. So do I! I hope I'll get on the list late in December. At the

moment I'd try just about anything as long as it doesn't kill me immediately.

THis downward trend is real depressing. Keep us informed. I'm truly interested

in how things work out for you!


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Dear Pris,

Regretfully, I don't think Enbrel is approved yet for ReA.

However, it IS approved for Psoriatic Arthritis, which is one leg of

the diseases we have. My doctor changed my diagnosis to PA just so

that Enbrel would be available to me. It's not a lie, which anyone

would know if they saw my feet and hands, but it's not the whole of

the picture, either.

From what I understand, without insurance, Enbrel can cost up to

$1800 a month. For me, the insurance is covering all but $30. My

problem, or concern, is that what we have, (from what I understand),

is an overactive immune system. Enbrel counteracts that, but can

cause problems if you develope an infection. When I called to

activate my availability, I had to listen to a 2 minute recording

explaining the risks of Enbrel, one of which is the complications

should a patient develope a serious infection. I guess we'll see,

huh? I should know more after seeing the doc, but I don't have any

idea how long it will take to get an appointment to get in with him.

My brother, who has AS, is on Enbrel, and it's done good things for

him. I plan to call him tonight, (if he's home), and talk about the

good and bad. Wish me luck!


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