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Re: Anxiety vs. hunger

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> Hello - I am new to the group and this is my first post.

Hi Lake,

Welcome to the group! I certainly know what you mean about Intuitive

Eating is a simple idea but difficult to practice. When I started, I

figured, " Eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full. How hard

can that be? " But once I discovered how often I used food to cope

with my emotions, I realized it was going to be a real challenge. But

the many rewards are well worth the effort.

As far as your situation at work with the upsetting email and

determining your hunger, to me, that is like trying to figure out how

to lower the lifeboats from the ship after you hit the iceberg. :-)

By that I mean that since you say you haven't really begun to

practice Intuitive Eating yet, it would be quite difficult for you to

distinguish between true hunger or emotional hunger at this point

when you haven't really had a chance to identify true hunger and have

no frame of reference. So for now, I would just do the best you can

and wait for the crisis to pass before you try to identify true


It took me about 2 weeks of trying to read my body's signals before I

could distinguish between emotional hunger and true hunger and that

was during a relatively nonstressful time for me. One thing you will

learn about this way of eating is that is takes a lot of TIME and

PATIENCE to incorporate the principles. Most people find it best to

just tackle one principle at a time.

Keep on posting! You will find this group very helpful and supportive.

Best wishes,

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Welcome to the group! I definitely see Intuitive Eating as a ongoing

practice too, which is both simple and complex at the same time. I

think that the fact that you have an awareness of where your stress

tends to reside in your body is really useful. My stress tends to

reside in my arms and neck...so I hadn't thought about what it would

mean if my stress tended to reside more in my abdomen like yours

through signals like stomach cramping. You may want to try things to

help the stress circulate through your system....to move out of your

abdomen to help give more space for your true hunger signals.

Have you tried deep relaxing breathing into your abdomen, drinking

water, massaging your back or abdomen, or a possible yoga move? I tend

to jump up and down, shake my arms, rotate my neck, or visualize to

help myself process emotions. You made such a great step by noticing

how stress is affecting your eating and doing something different

today! Working with emotions like working with IE is figuring out what

works best for you. I've been amazed about how awareness and working

with my body helps me find the perfect method to deal with my unique

issues. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your IE journey and

how you work with this issue.


Practicing IE since Jan '08


> Hello - I am new to the group and this is my first post. I have read

> Intuitive Eating and find it to be a simple idea but not easy

> practice. I have only been considering this concept for the last two

> weeks and can't say I have even begun to practice this theory but am

> considering how I might move into practice.


> Today was a day I wanted to be extra aware of my eating and see if I

> could recognize hunger and take care of myself by eating. I have

> very busy days and often ignore hunger then use food to manage

> stress, tiredness and other emotions.


> My first test of awareness came with a very anxiety-producing email

> from my boss. My stomach immediately began to cramp and the

> tightness in my abdomen and chest feel like hunger but I think it is

> directly related to stress. Usually at a time like this I would not

> hesitate to eat anything and everything - to elleviate the stress and

> because it is " lunch time " so I " should " be hungry anyway.


> An hour later I still feel sick with anxiety but also wonder if I am

> hungry. How do you tell the difference between emotional eating and

> hunger eating when all of your emotions live in your abdomen?


> Thanks for any encouragement or ideas you can offer -


> Lake


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Good start Lake - awareness is where you find the information you need

to make better decisions for yourself. Do allow yourself to be as

comfortable around FOOD as possible all the while knowing that this

process will take time and patience on your part. It can also be fun

when you experiment with differnet foods, times to eat, and 'booting'

diet demons out of your life. Keep posting and sharing :)


IEing since March 2007


> Hello - I am new to the group and this is my first post. I have read

> Intuitive Eating and find it to be a simple idea but not easy

> practice. I have only been considering this concept for the last two

> weeks and can't say I have even begun to practice this theory but am

> considering how I might move into practice.


> Today was a day I wanted to be extra aware of my eating and see if I

> could recognize hunger and take care of myself by eating. I have

> very busy days and often ignore hunger then use food to manage

> stress, tiredness and other emotions.


> My first test of awareness came with a very anxiety-producing email

> from my boss. My stomach immediately began to cramp and the

> tightness in my abdomen and chest feel like hunger but I think it is

> directly related to stress. Usually at a time like this I would not

> hesitate to eat anything and everything - to elleviate the stress and

> because it is " lunch time " so I " should " be hungry anyway.


> An hour later I still feel sick with anxiety but also wonder if I am

> hungry. How do you tell the difference between emotional eating and

> hunger eating when all of your emotions live in your abdomen?


> Thanks for any encouragement or ideas you can offer -


> Lake


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