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Cleveland Clinic

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There were inconsistencies in my labs, too, and that

is why the Endo I was going to couldn't make up his

mind. As the physcian who finally diagnosed me said,

it would be great if everything were black or white,

unfortunately it's often not that way in the real


Good luck,


--- mmcandmcc <mmcandmcc@...> wrote:

> My endo gave up on me and is sending me to the

> Cleveland Clinic. He

> told me there are other doctors out there with much

> more experience in

> PA and worked out a referral with my insurance

> company. The

> appointment isn't until the end of May. He said my

> labs just don't

> stay consistent with the diagnosis, but he's

> convinced I do have PA.





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Are you on spiro? At least you'll be getting some answers, I hope.


From: hyperaldosteronism

[mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of mmcandmcc

My endo gave up on me and is sending me to the Cleveland Clinic. He

told me there are other doctors out there with much more experience in

PA and worked out a referral with my insurance company. The

appointment isn't until the end of May. He said my labs just don't

stay consistent with the diagnosis, but he's convinced I do have PA.

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I trust you took him or her my article on the evolution of PA and let

them know I am happy to talk with him and coach him on what to do and

how to proceed.

On Apr 7, 2008, at 3:45 PM, Valarie wrote:

> Are you on spiro? At least you'll be getting some answers, I hope.


> Val


> From: hyperaldosteronism

> [mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of mmcandmcc


> My endo gave up on me and is sending me to the Cleveland Clinic. He

> told me there are other doctors out there with much more experience in

> PA and worked out a referral with my insurance company. The

> appointment isn't until the end of May. He said my labs just don't

> stay consistent with the diagnosis, but he's convinced I do have PA.



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If they would only read my evolution article. Wait till I tell my

Harvard experts in PA that one of their graduates had never heard of


Please document that this is what he said.

On Apr 7, 2008, at 2:01 PM, a Hall wrote:

> ,

> There were inconsistencies in my labs, too, and that

> is why the Endo I was going to couldn't make up his

> mind. As the physcian who finally diagnosed me said,

> it would be great if everything were black or white,

> unfortunately it's often not that way in the real

> world.


> Good luck,

> a


> --- mmcandmcc <mmcandmcc@...> wrote:


> > My endo gave up on me and is sending me to the

> > Cleveland Clinic. He

> > told me there are other doctors out there with much

> > more experience in

> > PA and worked out a referral with my insurance

> > company. The

> > appointment isn't until the end of May. He said my

> > labs just don't

> > stay consistent with the diagnosis, but he's

> > convinced I do have PA.

> >

> >

> >

> >



May your pressure be low!

CE Grim BS, MS, MD

High Blood Pressure Consulting

Specializing in Difficult to Manage High Blood Pressure

Consult the following at for details



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I trust you took him my evolution article and that you will take it to

Cleveland. Ask to see Dr. Mark Pohl and that I referred you.

On Apr 7, 2008, at 10:40 AM, mmcandmcc wrote:

> My endo gave up on me and is sending me to the Cleveland Clinic. He

> told me there are other doctors out there with much more experience in

> PA and worked out a referral with my insurance company. The

> appointment isn't until the end of May. He said my labs just don't

> stay consistent with the diagnosis, but he's convinced I do have PA.





May your pressure be low!

CE Grim BS, MS, MD

High Blood Pressure Consulting

Specializing in Difficult to Manage High Blood Pressure

Consult the following at for details



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The main reason I think he's sending me on is that I told him I don't

take birth control pills, never have. We have 5 children spaced 3

yrs apart and have always used natural family planning. He asked

about my cycles and I said I had none, which I never do after a baby

for a least a year. I only nurse the baby but once or twice a day

but that doesn't seem to matter. He went crazy with the thought that

I might get pregnant again. I'm not stupid, My husband and I both

know my body could not sustain another pregnancy at this time, and we

both know I also do not need anything else in my body like horomones

from a pill. At any rate, he wanted me to get cured fast just in

case, so he's sending me on.


> > Are you on spiro? At least you'll be getting some answers, I hope.

> >

> > Val

> >

> > From: hyperaldosteronism

> > [mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of


> >

> > My endo gave up on me and is sending me to the Cleveland Clinic.


> > told me there are other doctors out there with much more

experience in

> > PA and worked out a referral with my insurance company. The

> > appointment isn't until the end of May. He said my labs just


> > stay consistent with the diagnosis, but he's convinced I do have


> >

> >

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vasectomy works very well.

Not drugs or hormones.

On Apr 12, 2008, at 6:02 PM, mmcandmcc wrote:

> The main reason I think he's sending me on is that I told him I don't

> take birth control pills, never have. We have 5 children spaced 3

> yrs apart and have always used natural family planning. He asked

> about my cycles and I said I had none, which I never do after a baby

> for a least a year. I only nurse the baby but once or twice a day

> but that doesn't seem to matter. He went crazy with the thought that

> I might get pregnant again. I'm not stupid, My husband and I both

> know my body could not sustain another pregnancy at this time, and we

> both know I also do not need anything else in my body like horomones

> from a pill. At any rate, he wanted me to get cured fast just in

> case, so he's sending me on.





> >

> > > Are you on spiro? At least you'll be getting some answers, I hope.

> > >

> > > Val

> > >

> > > From: hyperaldosteronism

> > > [mailto:hyperaldosteronism ] On Behalf Of

> mmcandmcc

> > >

> > > My endo gave up on me and is sending me to the Cleveland Clinic.

> He

> > > told me there are other doctors out there with much more

> experience in

> > > PA and worked out a referral with my insurance company. The

> > > appointment isn't until the end of May. He said my labs just

> don't

> > > stay consistent with the diagnosis, but he's convinced I do have

> PA.

> > >

> > >

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  • 6 months later...

No, but a friend is having that procedure on the 29th. He is a retired

physician, so I have never asked him about coverage.


On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 12:46 PM, jackiemg2 <jektype@...> wrote:

> Has anyone ever been to the Cleveland Clinic? Since the spine center

> in my area isn't a Medicare provider & my secondary BC insurance won't

> cover their procedure because they do it a little differently, I'm

> considering going to the Cleveland Clinic. Just sent them an email to

> see if they are a Medicare provider & if BC covers the Minimal

> Invasive Spine Surgery they do there. If so my youngest son said he

> can take off work to take me up there & stay w/me until I'm ready to

> come home.





M. Schulz - " All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and

then doesn't hurt. "

Save our planet! It may be the only one with chocolate!

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After he has the procedure, would you ask him about it, what he

thinks of it, how much or how little pain involved during the

procedure and afterwards, how long the procedure itself took, how

successful it was, etc. & anything else you can think might be

appropriate & post?

These are the findings on my MRI:

1. anterolisthesis of L4 upon L5 by approx. 2mm.

2. mild disc bulging & mild canal narrowing but no significan

foraminal stenosis at T11-12 level.

3. at the T12-I.1 level, circumferential disc bulging extends

asymmetrically to the left; facet hypertrophy & canal narrowing

foramina narrowing.

4. at the I.1-2 level, loss of disc signal w/very low signal

intensity material suggesting the appearance of vacuum phenomenon.

Circumferential disc bulging demonstrated in conjunction

w/hypertrophic facet & ligamentous change, moderate central stenosis;

Mild left & moderate right foraminal narrowing.

5. at the I.2-3 level circumferential disc bulging. Hypertrophic

facet & ligamentous change contributes to severe canal stenosis.

Extension of disc material into neural foramina results in left &

right foramina narrowing.

6. At the I.3-4 level circumferential disc bulging w/severe loss of

disc signal. Hypertrophic facet & ligamentous changes; severe

central canal stenosis, asymmetrically greater on left. Ligamentous

hypertrophy also asymmetrically greater on left. Moderate left

foraminal narrowing & mild to moderate right foraminal narrowing.

7. At the L4-5 level severe loss of disc signal w/very low signal

intensity centrally suggesting apearance of vacuum phenomenon. Borad

based posterior disc bulging; facet hypertrophy & ligamentous

hypertrophy result in severe canal stenosis. Severe left foraminal

narrowing & moderate to severe right foraminal narrowing due to

bulging disc. Evidence of direct impression upon the exiting nerve

roots bilaterally at this level.

8. At the L5-S1 level, mild broad based posterior disc bulging;

significant canal stenosis. Minimal left foraminal narrowing.

Moderate right foraminal narrowing due to a more focal herniated disc

fragment. A high signal intensity focus at the right posteriolateral

aspet of the disc suggests an annular tear. Extension of this disc

fragment in the right neural foramen results in moderate to severe

stenosis w/direct impingement on the exiting nerve root.

9. There is a small ovoid focus of high signal intensity on T2

weighted imaging & low signal intensity on T1 weighted imaging which

is located anterior to the vertebral body & measures approx.

1.60.6cm. which may represent a small cyst but most likely a

prominent periaortic lymph node. The finding is of uncertain

clinical signifance.

For any nurses in the group: What do these terms mean: " low signal

intensity " ; " loss of disc signal " ; and " vacuum phenomenom " ?

I have an idea of what low signal intensity & loss of disc signal

means, but not positive. My late husband was an X-ray tech in the

Air Force in the 50's & could read X-rays, but unfortunately he's no

longer here, so I can't ask him.


> > Has anyone ever been to the Cleveland Clinic? Since the spine


> > in my area isn't a Medicare provider & my secondary BC insurance


> > cover their procedure because they do it a little differently, I'm

> > considering going to the Cleveland Clinic. Just sent them an

email to

> > see if they are a Medicare provider & if BC covers the Minimal

> > Invasive Spine Surgery they do there. If so my youngest son said


> > can take off work to take me up there & stay w/me until I'm ready


> > come home.

> >

> >

> >




> --

> M. Schulz - " All you need is love. But a little chocolate

now and

> then doesn't hurt. "


> Save our planet! It may be the only one with chocolate!




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I would say that looking at your MRI you are probably not a

candidate......your back is..I how can I put this nicely.....really _______


1. Requires fusion by most docs thinking... in other words L4 is

slipping 2mm on L5

2. Not a big deal

3. T 12 ddd with stenosis

4. Stenosis narrowing..with ligament problems some docs want to do


5. Severe canal stenosis...puts pressure on the cord


7. You can see on the MRI directly where there is impression on the

nerves....this equals PAIN

8. is this the disc you are wanting operated on ? this would make sense as

you have an annular tear with disc material on the nerves

Loss of disc signal and loss of disc height and vacuum phenomena all happens

in DDD.....may I ask your age...because you have been tricked and given the

back of a 110 year old........

I am assuming you are having a ton of leg pain....contact me off list about

a neuro stimulator.

My email is i_ownaberner@...

Deb RN

From: spinal problems

[mailto:spinal problems ] On Behalf Of jackiemg2

Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2008 2:09 PM

spinal problems

Subject: Re: Cleveland Clinic

After he has the procedure, would you ask him about it, what he

thinks of it, how much or how little pain involved during the

procedure and afterwards, how long the procedure itself took, how

successful it was, etc. & anything else you can think might be

appropriate & post?

These are the findings on my MRI:

1. anterolisthesis of L4 upon L5 by approx. 2mm.

2. mild disc bulging & mild canal narrowing but no significan

foraminal stenosis at T11-12 level.

3. at the T12-I.1 level, circumferential disc bulging extends

asymmetrically to the left; facet hypertrophy & canal narrowing

foramina narrowing.

4. at the I.1-2 level, loss of disc signal w/very low signal

intensity material suggesting the appearance of vacuum phenomenon.

Circumferential disc bulging demonstrated in conjunction

w/hypertrophic facet & ligamentous change, moderate central stenosis;

Mild left & moderate right foraminal narrowing.

5. at the I.2-3 level circumferential disc bulging. Hypertrophic

facet & ligamentous change contributes to severe canal stenosis.

Extension of disc material into neural foramina results in left &

right foramina narrowing.

6. At the I.3-4 level circumferential disc bulging w/severe loss of

disc signal. Hypertrophic facet & ligamentous changes; severe

central canal stenosis, asymmetrically greater on left. Ligamentous

hypertrophy also asymmetrically greater on left. Moderate left

foraminal narrowing & mild to moderate right foraminal narrowing.

7. At the L4-5 level severe loss of disc signal w/very low signal

intensity centrally suggesting apearance of vacuum phenomenon. Borad

based posterior disc bulging; facet hypertrophy & ligamentous

hypertrophy result in severe canal stenosis. Severe left foraminal

narrowing & moderate to severe right foraminal narrowing due to

bulging disc. Evidence of direct impression upon the exiting nerve

roots bilaterally at this level.

8. At the L5-S1 level, mild broad based posterior disc bulging;

significant canal stenosis. Minimal left foraminal narrowing.

Moderate right foraminal narrowing due to a more focal herniated disc

fragment. A high signal intensity focus at the right posteriolateral

aspet of the disc suggests an annular tear. Extension of this disc

fragment in the right neural foramen results in moderate to severe

stenosis w/direct impingement on the exiting nerve root.

9. There is a small ovoid focus of high signal intensity on T2

weighted imaging & low signal intensity on T1 weighted imaging which

is located anterior to the vertebral body & measures approx.

1.60.6cm. which may represent a small cyst but most likely a

prominent periaortic lymph node. The finding is of uncertain

clinical signifance.

For any nurses in the group: What do these terms mean: " low signal

intensity " ; " loss of disc signal " ; and " vacuum phenomenom " ?

I have an idea of what low signal intensity & loss of disc signal

means, but not positive. My late husband was an X-ray tech in the

Air Force in the 50's & could read X-rays, but unfortunately he's no

longer here, so I can't ask him.


> > Has anyone ever been to the Cleveland Clinic? Since the spine


> > in my area isn't a Medicare provider & my secondary BC insurance


> > cover their procedure because they do it a little differently, I'm

> > considering going to the Cleveland Clinic. Just sent them an

email to

> > see if they are a Medicare provider & if BC covers the Minimal

> > Invasive Spine Surgery they do there. If so my youngest son said


> > can take off work to take me up there & stay w/me until I'm ready


> > come home.

> >

> >

> >




> --

> M. Schulz - " All you need is love. But a little chocolate

now and

> then doesn't hurt. "


> Save our planet! It may be the only one with chocolate!




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  • 1 year later...
  • 10 months later...

Dr. Woodson is the new implant surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic.

She came from the same fellowship program that Dr. Weber was in.

Dr. Weber is now the Chief Medical officer for Cochlear Corporation.

Missed in Cleveland, but glad he went onward and upward in the CI world.

Does anyone know who the new Cleveland Clinic CI surgeon is?? It

is my understanding Dr. Weber is no longer at the Clinic. Thanks for any


Northeast Ohio


Moms Asked to Return to School

Grant Funding May Be Available to Those That Qualify.


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Hi, I think that might be Dr Woodson, I see her and Dr Oct 13 to

make absolutely sure that I can survive the surgery.

Me,Tippy,Penny and We N.F.-Dukee

From: flickinger2@...

Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2010 12:08:48 -0400

Subject: Cleveland Clinic

Does anyone know who the new Cleveland Clinic CI surgeon is?? It

is my understanding Dr. Weber is no longer at the Clinic. Thanks for any


Northeast Ohio

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  • 2 months later...

I met with the Cleveland Clinic on Monday. What an amazing place. I finally feel

hopeful that I will have my life back!!! :) I find out a course of action in 8

days. Now to inform my Rheumy. I might keep him and use the Cleveland Clinic as


Missie in PA

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Yay! What great news! I think you can proceed as you described. Have the

Cleveland Clinic doc cc his consult to your rheum. CC can make the plan and your

local doc can implement it.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 8, 2010, at 10:57 AM, " missieph " <missieph@...> wrote:

> I met with the Cleveland Clinic on Monday. What an amazing place. I finally

feel hopeful that I will have my life back!!! :) I find out a course of action

in 8 days. Now to inform my Rheumy. I might keep him and use the Cleveland

Clinic as specialists?

> Missie in PA



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