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Re: Trying to Decide About Spinal Tap

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Ive had 2 spinal taps (2 exacerbations one year apart) and though they were not

comfortable, they definitely showed some results that were necessary in order to

properly diagnose my MS. I also worked in operating rooms for 20 years, have

many friends that are both anesthesiologists (physicians) and CRNA's (certified

registered nurse anesthesiologists). I would like to tell you that I did NOT

have a nurse perform my spinal taps, they were done in the XRay department of my

hospital by an anesthesiologist (physician). They each had an assistant for the

procedure and both times that was an XRay tech but these people assist only...

i.e. they help with setup and teardown of the procedure and hand the

anesthesiologist things he may request, but do NOT in any way perform the



Deciding to have a spinal tap is an individual decision. To take advice on

whether you should or should not from a forum is questionable IMHO. I have

migrated towards alternative medicine in most recent years but there are very

trustworthy and excellent clinicians in the conventional medicine setting. Let's

face it, you have to have a good working relationship with your primary doctor

if he is indeed part of conventional medicine. But to instill fear in people

without stating correct facts is very disturbing to me, especially if you have

not even had the procedure yourself. 


This is a good website that explains lumbar punctue (spinal

tap):  http://www.mayfieldclinic.com/PE-LP.htm. Please take note of the diagram

and where the disc is located. It would take a very careless clinician to

" puncture a disc " . There is risk of spinal fluid leak for anyone if the dura

does not properly close, but there is actually protocol to be followed to help

patients get through that such as epidural blood patch.


Sheila in NH


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