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RE: Copaxone to Rebif

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I have recently struggled with a rebif switch recently....from the Avonex

injections. The struggles that I have endured has led me back to Avonex. My

recent appointment with a neurologist wasn't too encouraging when he described

the two drugs as the same since they are both interferons. The main question to

be asked is how far you have progressed because Rebif is a pretty high dose(44

mcg) given in three weekly shots. I joined the MS Cured site because I don't

think the drug approach is always the way to go exclusively...diet is very

important as well. Avonex shots (30 mcg) are intramuscular and are rather

painful but the Rebif shot are subcutaneous and much easier to give in various

locations. Each person's case is unique, be sure to remember that. It is

always important to get as many opinions as you possibly can when making a

decision. Good luck with your situation and God Bless!


God grant me the serenity to accept the

things I cannot change, the courage to

change the things I can, and the wisdom

to know the difference.

To: mscured@...: michie812@...: Mon, 27 Oct 2008

22:10:37 +0000Subject: Copaxone to Rebif

I have been on Copaxone since I was diagnosed a year and a half ago. My Neuro

isn't happy with my progression on Copaxone so I will bestarting Rebif this week

and stopping Copaxone. Any advice on thesubject? I know I can go to the Rebif

website and read all the blahblah blah on there, but I'd rather hear from others

who haveexperienced what I am. Thanks so much~


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The interferons have their own side affects - I felt aweful on

Rebif, and Beta seron... I don't take THOSE anymore! Still

figureing out natural Tx, but my G-ma recovered that way before

drugs were even an option.

> >

> > Any advice on the

> > subject? I know I can go to the Rebif website and read all the


> > blah blah on there, but I'd rather hear from others who have

> > experienced what I am.

> >

> > Thanks so much

> > ~

> >


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