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Welcome ALA so glad to have you with us. Eva

Hi,Not good at intros, but I am tired of the constant worry about food, how many calories, fat, carbs etc. I am a vegetarian, and love finding new foods to try, but would always feel guilty if I had a rich food or a forbidden dessert. I want to be healthy more than I can say, and I really don't think excess weight is the way to do that, but I also think the worry about it is more harmful than the weight itself. My mother was recently diagnosed with stage three colon cancer, and my grandmother just had a stint put in a blocked artery. This frankly scares me, and I feel food choices played a part in both cases, but at this point the nutritional info is just so confusing to me. I want to start listening to my body, and eating what it needs. I am not sure how to do that.Alia ------------------------------------

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Welcome Alia :) It may seem like there is lots to IE in the very

beginning, but remember that you can do one little thing at a time and

learn it slowly too. Its like eating a huge feast - just one bite at a

time :) Best to you - Katcha


> Hi,


> Not good at intros, but I am tired of the constant worry about food,


> many calories, fat, carbs etc. I am a vegetarian, and love finding

new foods

> to try, but would always feel guilty if I had a rich food or a


> dessert. I want to be healthy more than I can say, and I really

don't think

> excess weight is the way to do that, but I also think the worry

about it is

> more harmful than the weight itself. My mother was recently

diagnosed with

> stage three colon cancer, and my grandmother just had a stint put in a

> blocked artery. This frankly scares me, and I feel food choices

played a

> part in both cases, but at this point the nutritional info is just so

> confusing to me. I want to start listening to my body, and eating

what it

> needs. I am not sure how to do that.


> Alia


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi and welcome, . You sound like you're well on your way on

The Great IE Quest, and probably have a lot to teach us, as well as

learning more for yourself! :-)

Look forward to your posts (and good luck with the interview - let us

know how you go).




> Hello,


> My name is L. I have been practicing the principles of

> Overcoming Overeating for 2.5 and am ready to try intuitive eating.


> have body acceptance down, pretty much there on not judging what I

> eat. My two areas where I still have progress to make are handling


> emotions without eating and leaving food on my plate. I am almost


> and I am a university student living in the dorms. I have a major


> interview coming up in August.



> Kisses


> L.


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Welcome to the group! I'm so impressed that you're integrating IE while still in undergrad. I was so caught up in school and finding a position senior year that I don't think anything would have pentrated my cocoon. Who says that you have to leave food on your plate? :) Sometimes I do, most times I don't. I think I'm getting to the point of knowing intuitively how much food my body needs. I've also been doing alot of work with dealing with my emotions without food...and I am happy to say that it is possible and feels great.


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Welcome . You are doing so well to get this working in your

life very early in life. Best wishes and looking forward to more posts

from you too.


IEing since March 2007


> Hello,


> My name is L. I have been practicing the principles of

> Overcoming Overeating for 2.5 and am ready to try intuitive eating. I

> have body acceptance down, pretty much there on not judging what I

> eat. My two areas where I still have progress to make are handling my

> emotions without eating and leaving food on my plate. I am almost 21

> and I am a university student living in the dorms. I have a major job

> interview coming up in August.



> Kisses


> L.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone. I have been working on IE for several years and am a staunch believer in the IE philosophy. I have experienced great success and liberation thanks to IE. (I've discovered that there is so much more to life than dieting, bingeing and the size of my thighs!) However I still struggle with emotional eating and the temptation to diet…it is difficult to remain centered on IE in this culture where we are so bombarded with messages about how we should eat and look. I am very excited to have found a group that is focused on IE. Thank you, Tasha

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Welcome Tasha,

I realized again yesterday how much this culture is immersed in the

diet mentality as I was watching television. In addition, to the

countless weight loss commercials, the " family " programming also

shocked me by the amount of references to eating and how we look. I

wrote down some of the quotes from these shows:

" She's looking kinda chunky. A man's job is to tell a woman when she's

had enough [food] " . ~ Bobby Hill of King of the Hill

Are you sure you wear a 32 [pant]? ~ sarcasm from Randy of Home

Improvement talking to his dad.

You can go back to your diet after the holidays ~ Jill's mom of Home

Improvement...Jill's response " I'm not on a diet " ...oh the diet pressure.

This group has been so important to helping me feel supported and

staying centered in IE. Looking forward to hearing more about your IE



Working with IE since Jan '08.



> Hi everyone. I have been working on IE for several years and am a

> staunch believer in the IE philosophy. I have experienced great success

> and liberation thanks to IE. (I've discovered that there is so much

> more to life than dieting, bingeing and the size of my thighs!) However

> I still struggle with emotional eating and the temptation to diet it

> is difficult to remain centered on IE in this culture where we are so

> bombarded with messages about how we should eat and look. I am very

> excited to have found a group that is focused on IE. Thank you, Tasha


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I had the same thoughts and experience with WW. I thought doing the

core plan would help me be " normal " with food, but then I realized

explaining why mommy " chose not to " eat something because it wasn't

on the list - even though I really wanted it - was just as messed up!

Letting go of the desire to lose weight for the sake of losing weight

has been a huge challenge for me. I know that I've gained a few

pounds and I still get that panicked (SP?) feeling about it. I'm

starting to stop and correct myself when the negative thoughts start

coming. I'm really working hard on having faith that my body knows

right where it should be and will naturally get there if I can just

get out of it's way. I won't lie - I still fear my body will

naturally decide it has to be where I am now or more - but I will

continue to work on accepting myself as is.

Welcome to the group!


IE'ing since July 2008.


> Hi everyone,


> I'm a new member to this group and about a month into my IE


> and wow has it been a month of highs and lows! I've read a lot and


> 100% committed to this new way of eating/living. Before starting


> I had been on WW for 6 months and lost some weight, but realized I

> didn't want to do it anymore. The funny thing, is that I joined WW

> thinking it would help me get my " eating normal " after having been

> quite a restrictive eater most of my life. Well of course it just

> made me obsess more. Of course, being new to IE has also in a way

> made me feel a bit obsessed again, albeit in a good way, and I just

> hope that someday it will be so normal for me to live/eat this way


> won't even notice it.


> I knew that I would probably, although I hoped I wouldn't, gain

> weight. Well I

> definitely have. I am no longer weighing myself, but I can tell my

> clothes are getting tight. This scares me so much. I feel like I


> totally handle living my life and accepting and loving myself if I

> didn't lose any weight, but I'm sad, very sad, that I've gained. I

> know that's probably normal for a lot of people in this situation.


> For those that this has happened to, how did you deal with this?


> Thanks everyone for listening!

> Myla


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Welcome Myla!

Yes it is scary when your clothes keep getting tighter and tighter and

you fear you won't stop gaining and that none of your clothes will

fit. I went out and bought some clothes that fit me now. I then felt

more comfortable and I seemed to relax. I don't weigh myeelf either,

but I keep my scale in my bathroom. Like Katcha said, it is just a

fixture in my bathroom which I dust off when I clean. I keep it to

remind me that I don't want to go back to all the insanity of

obsessing and dieting and weighing and restricting. I also like

knowing that I have a choice. If I really want to weigh myself, I

like having that choice. I only get weighed at the dr's office and

last couple of times I had remained the same. So by purchasing new

clothes that made me feel good and fit well, I relaxed and my weight




> I knew that I would probably, although I hoped I wouldn't, gain

> weight. Well I

> definitely have. I am no longer weighing myself, but I can tell my

> clothes are getting tight. This scares me so much. I feel like I can

> totally handle living my life and accepting and loving myself if I

> didn't lose any weight, but I'm sad, very sad, that I've gained. I

> know that's probably normal for a lot of people in this situation.


> For those that this has happened to, how did you deal with this?


> Thanks everyone for listening!

> Myla


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  • 3 weeks later...

Alana, I was thinking that wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to have IE

'retreats'?!? Maybe just a weekend's worth, but where several IE

people get together at some nice get-away type place (forest, beach,

etc.) and perhaps co-practice and exchange HUNGER 'training'? This

could include a fun grocery shopping trip and mindful eating with all

participants in a dining room? Better yet would be a vacation rental

type place where cooking and no meal schedule would have to be 'set'.

Oh I can DREAM!!


IEing since March 2007


> Welcome !

> It sounds like there are many of us here that have a previous

> background with OA. I can't help but think that there has to be

> something in the middle between what OA talks about and IE. Haven't

> figured it out yet but definately something to ponder on. I know

> the thinest and longest I ever kept my weight off was when I

> attended OA and was very involved and commetted to the OA program.

> But this last time I tried returning I found the people living their

> lives in little boxes around their food plans and it just didn't sit

> well with me. I find IE to be so much freeing and I have grown so

> much and learned so much about myself in this process. The support

> here is tremendous. We look forward to hearing more from you.


> Alana


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  • 2 weeks later...

Katcha wrote:

> I didn't know there was an Overcoming Overeating group on Yahoo.

Me neither. But then again I didn't do a search on the topic " ND/IE " for

about two years? I'm not quite sure but it's definitely more than a




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I'm catching up on old messages so this is really late but I wanted to welcome you Sydney! I live in Nova Scotia but my sister lived in Saskatoon for a year in the 90's. It's the furthest west I have been! :)


(Intuitive eating since September 2006)

Subject: new memberTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Received: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 9:48 AM

Greetings,I joined this list a couple of days ago and would like to introduce myself. My name is Sydney Bell. I'm a 39 year old social worker living in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I'm married to Jon (our 16th anniversary this Friday!) and have 4 cats and 1 dog. We live a child-free life and both work in the health field as community developers.I've been reading the posts the past couple of days and am happy to see I've found a friendly group of women who are willing share their journeys and support each other.I've known about IE for awhile, but I've just decided to thoroughly embrace it. I've dedicated this year to solidifying a positive relationship with food and with my body. I'm a plus -size woman and have always felt 'big'. I've never successfully dieted. As I've been on this journey to a positive body image I've embraced the value of Health at Every Size. I'm a strong feminist and truly believe our diet-obsessed culture

resulting from the thin-ideal is one of the tools we use to keep women in their place. I am passionately anti-diet, however I also am working on not eating emotionally. I've used food for many things: comfort, to relieve boredom, etc. And I am working to simply eat for hunger and enjoyment. A book that has been a great help to me is "Eating in the Light of the Moon" by Anita ston. I think that's enough for now. I'm glad I've found this space to bring some of my questions, get support and support other women on this journey.peace,Sydney

Now with a new friend-happy design! Try the new Yahoo! Canada Messenger

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