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Re: Fluoride, Mercury and MS

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Thank you for posting this. I got my amalgams out about 4 years ago and

I cut out fluoridated toothpaste about a year or two ago.

I have been doing chlorella to detox from the mercury which is working

very well and I have been taking iodine which pushes fluoride out of

the body as well as other hallides like bromide etc.

It has been a slow process and I can only handle small doses otherwise

I flare-up. So I take as much as I can but staying below the flare threshold

and the amount is increasing slowly and I am feeling better than I have

in 10-15 years, so I know I am making progress.

Interestingly, a couple of weeks ago I ran out of my Toms fluoride free


and dug through my drawer and found an old tube of fluoridated

toothpaste and figured, oh what the heck, how much could it

possibly hurt me if I use it for a few days until I can get to the

store and buy more Toms. I didnt think anything else of it, but

then a few days later, my feet were really hurting, especially

the plantar fascia and I couldnt figure out why they were achy

and hurting so bad. I eventually got more Toms and the

pain went away. Anyway, it took me a couple of days to

figure it out and make the connection. I had no idea I was

actually that sensitive to fluoride !??

There are so many things you can do to improve this disease, it

just takes some time, research and experimenting. I feel sorry

for people who just go to the doctor and take a pill and dont

every try anything and suffer needlessly.


things that have helped me the most

gluten free

mercury free

fluoride free

I take:

vitamin D

fish oil



magnesium oil

iodine lugols



and other supplements



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Listen to the teleseminar and read the site. Huggins lists chlorella as one of

the most overused supplements and I just learned that mu Visions cookware rated

as low as Teflon! I have well water where I live and I don't use toothpaste,

just salt and soda, so I'm safe there

at least. For everything that I do for health I'm going to have to unlearn a

few things. It's hard to know who to believe. I'm glad that you were able to

make the connection.



> Thank you for posting this. I got my amalgams out about 4 years ago and

> I cut out fluoridated toothpaste about a year or two ago.

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OMG! I kept listening and Dr. Higgins said not to eat sea salt because it is in

a form that the body can't use and that it contains potassium and calcium that

can cause neurological problems along with other unnecessary minerals and

contaminants, to many vitans that we don't need in high quantities. His

recommendation is Morton's pickling and canning salt because it contains none or

a small amount of aluminum at most. He said that sea salt comes from the bottom

of the world's largest cesspool! I've been using sea salt for a long time.

He also said that brown algae gives you mercury but it does not remove it.

Chelation can be dangerous when you do it too fast. Our diets need to be 40% fat

and that butter is a good source. He firmly believes that Weston Price knew

what he was talking about. I'm going to start over because not much that I

thought I knew is true according to Dr. Huggins.

He put a lot of emphasis on thyroid damage, or else that's what I wanted to hear

about and he thinks that the ancestral diet can heal it when the mercury is

removed, even that fats help remove it. Good news to me because that's what I've

been eating for the last year. I was way off track when I was a raw vegan.

I'm going to listen to the teleseminar again in case I missed something.


> Listen to the teleseminar and read the site. Huggins lists chlorella as one

of the most overused supplements and I just learned that mu Visions cookware

rated as low as Teflon!

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I think he meant that people detox too much without being able to eliminate what

they are moving around. It was on a list without explanation. He made the

comment in the seminar that an extreme duration of detox could be detrimental.

You picked a good dentist. Does he do any testing on you to see what you need

biologically or nutritionally? Dr. Huggins does consultation work with this



> re: chlorella, What does overused mean ?


> by the way, my dentist that I go to is the one you mentioned,

> holistic and mercury-free dentist T. Hansen, D.M.D.




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Correction: Sea salt has sodium, potassium and chloride that cause neurological

changes according to Hal Huggins.


> OMG! I kept listening and Dr. Huggins said not to eat sea salt because it is

in a form that the body can't use and that it contains potassium and calcium

that can cause neurological problems along with other unnecessary minerals and


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sea salt is one of the best things for your health. He can't be much of a doctor

if he is saying things like that.

> >

> > OMG! I kept listening and Dr. Huggins said not to eat sea salt because it is

in a form that the body can't use and that it contains potassium and calcium

that can cause neurological problems along with other unnecessary minerals and



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Actually i should have said " unrefined " sea salt is healthy.

Table salt is full of preservatives and often heated to over 1000 deg which

creates sodium chloride.

Natural unrefined sea salt is different and has hidden healing powers.


> >

> > OMG! I kept listening and Dr. Huggins said not to eat sea salt because it is

in a form that the body can't use and that it contains potassium and calcium

that can cause neurological problems along with other unnecessary minerals and



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Actually, Dr. Huggins did not reccommend table salt, he said pickling and

canning salt that does not have anti-caking (aluminum) or other contaminants.

Where did you get your information?


> Actually i should have said " unrefined " sea salt is healthy.


> Table salt is full of preservatives and often heated to over 1000 deg which

creates sodium chloride.


> Natural unrefined sea salt is different and has hidden healing powers.


> russ

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