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Separating eating from other activities...

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I have a difficult time not reading, watching TV etc., while I eat

because (I've discovered while trying to eat more conciously) eating

is boring! If I pay attention to nothing else, just taste, chew

slowly, conciously, putting the fork down between bites,

etc...boring..boring..boring... I have so many other things I could

be doing.

I think I need to work on separating my activities. I used to think

that I enjoyed eating too much. Now I am not so sure, maybe it's not

the eating itself, but the association with other activities...

Wow! Is there something wrong with me? Could *I* really not love

eating? Me!? The fat one?! Not like eating!? I guess when you can

have any and all you want, there's just no thrill anymore.

Anyway, just thinking today...



IEing since 2/08

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