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Re:bubble baths

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Yes, taking a bubble baths is on my list of things to do besides eat...they're a fabulous way of nurturing yourself and finding good scented bubbles is fun. I also carry a mini-bottle of bubbles in my purse...great stress reliever....gives me something to do with my mouth...helps me give attention to breathing....love them bubbles. :)


Working with IE since Jan '08.

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I like the idea of carrying bubbles with me every where I go. I think

blowing bubbles is one of the most fun things to do. I had forgotten

that....thanks for the reminder. On the other hand, I have not found

bubble baths to be a great sress reliever----once a bunch of friends

having lunch together---probably 6 or 7 of us, had this discussion and

only 1 of us found bubble baths fun or relaxing. However, they are

always on the list of alternatives to eating or lists of stress

relievers. I was just curious how many people really love them. I am

sure lots of people do. I think I should love them too. I guess I

keep thinking there is something wrong with me because I don't.....at

the age of 67 I finally decided there was nothing wrong with me even

though I don't like bell peppers....not green, not yellow, not red. I

finally admitted it to myself and said so outloud. It was particulary

red peppers because they are so popular in restaruant food. When I

said it, my best friend realized she didn't like them either. we had

both been eating them forever. Maybe there is nothing wrong with me

about bubble baths either---Maybe.


> Yes, taking a bubble baths is on my list of things to do besides

eat...they're a fabulous way of nurturing yourself and finding good

scented bubbles is fun. I also carry a mini-bottle of bubbles in my

purse...great stress reliever....gives me something to do with my

mouth...helps me give attention to breathing....love them bubbles. :)


> Latoya

> Working with IE since Jan '08.


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I like a bubble bath...for about 10 minutes too. It feels good at first but then the water gets cold and it's just plain boring! Anytime I've ever tried reading in the tub I end up getting my book or magazine soaked. I dropped a book right in once. So then I'm angry on top of wanting to binge which isn't really a good combination. I always roll my eyes when I see a bubble bath on the list of things to do besides eat! They just don't do much for me either!


(Intuitive eating since September 2006)

Subject: Re:bubble bathsTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Received: Saturday, August 23, 2008, 12:01 PM

I like the idea of carrying bubbles with me every where I go. I think blowing bubbles is one of the most fun things to do. I had forgotten that....thanks for the reminder. On the other hand, I have not found bubble baths to be a great sress reliever---- once a bunch of friends having lunch together---probably 6 or 7 of us, had this discussion and only 1 of us found bubble baths fun or relaxing. However, they are always on the list of alternatives to eating or lists of stress relievers. I was just curious how many people really love them. I am sure lots of people do. I think I should love them too. I guess I keep thinking there is something wrong with me because I don't.....at the age of 67 I finally decided there was nothing wrong with me even though I don't like bell peppers....not green, not yellow, not red. I finally admitted it to myself and said so outloud. It was particulary red peppers

because they are so popular in restaruant food. When I said it, my best friend realized she didn't like them either. we had both been eating them forever. Maybe there is nothing wrong with me about bubble baths either---Maybe. >> Yes, taking a bubble baths is on my list of things to do besides eat...they're a fabulous way of nurturing yourself and finding good scented bubbles is fun. I also carry a mini-bottle of bubbles in my purse...great stress reliever.... gives me something to do with my mouth...helps me give attention to breathing... .love them bubbles. :)> > Latoya> Working with IE since Jan '08.>

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Kipkabob wrote:

> I always roll my

> eyes when I see a bubble bath on the list of things to do besides eat!

> They just don't do much for me either!

Lol, I always felt like a freak " who doesn't want to look for

alternatives " (I mean, after all THERAPISTS are recommending such

things, *gasp*, and therefore it MUST make sense and help EVERYONE! "



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I started that whole " bubble bath " discussion and I am delighted to

find out I am not the only one that doesn't work for. AND TAKING A

WALK? Dear God. To me that would be like substituting taking a mid-

term test for going to the movies. I have convinced myself that there

must be something I could do, when I get home from work----other than

have a bowl of ice cream. I haven't come up with anything yet. What

sounds good though, is curling up in a fetal postion, wrapped in a

blanket and lying on the floor. But I have't tried that yet. I could

consider getting back up off the floor as my exercise for the day. I

do have a funny feeling that after I got back up off the floor, I would

go get the bowl of ice cream, anyway.

I'll let you know how that works, next Tuesday.


> > I always roll my

> > eyes when I see a bubble bath on the list of things to do besides


> > They just don't do much for me either!


> Lol, I always felt like a freak " who doesn't want to look for

> alternatives " (I mean, after all THERAPISTS are recommending such

> things, *gasp*, and therefore it MUST make sense and help EVERYONE! "


> Regards

> s.


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chazaam1 wrote:

> I

> do have a funny feeling that after I got back up off the floor, I would

> go get the bowl of ice cream, anyway.

That's what usually happens when I take a walk: I just eat what I wanted

before. Only later. I feel I'm usually better off just feeling my

cravings (though I tend to give in to them sooner or later) than trying

to substitute something that doesn't work anyway.

The only thing that sometimes works is postponing eating until I'm at

least a little bit hungry.



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It sounds like you are giving alternatives thought and that's great

too. I'm sure you will experience a 'lightbulb moment' and find what

you really do prefer to do. Meantime you could give the floor a try, I

do hope you have a nice cushy carpet though ;-) And what's wrong with

ice cream?! All that dairy and soooo satisfying - yum!

ehugs, Katcha

IEing since March 2007


> I started that whole " bubble bath " discussion and I am delighted to

> find out I am not the only one that doesn't work for. AND TAKING A

> WALK? Dear God. To me that would be like substituting taking a mid-

> term test for going to the movies. I have convinced myself that there

> must be something I could do, when I get home from work----other than

> have a bowl of ice cream. I haven't come up with anything yet. What

> sounds good though, is curling up in a fetal postion, wrapped in a

> blanket and lying on the floor. But I have't tried that yet. I could

> consider getting back up off the floor as my exercise for the day. I

> do have a funny feeling that after I got back up off the floor, I would

> go get the bowl of ice cream, anyway.


> I'll let you know how that works, next Tuesday.


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