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Re: introducing myself

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Hi Lelani,

It's amazing how we touch each others life half way around the earth. The

common denominator here is that all of our children suffer from a similar

condition and after going the " normal " route, we have all turned to an

alternative way to treat our child. It was heart breaking for all of us when

we found that our children would not be in the " lucky " 80% to be controlled

by medication but we have all learned so much from this experience. We are

nearing the end of our 2 yrs on the diet and will be weaning soon. The

beginning was very hard for us and the diet didn't seem to be working for the

first six months but hang in there. We eventually figured out the problem

(sugar-free Jell-O) and the diet has been a HUGE blessing. I just got off

the phone with another Mom who helped me with the diet and we were kind of

laughing about how easy the meal preparation becomes and the recalculating

the meals. At first we would spend hours but it does become routine. We

live in Ohio and we just returned from 2 weeks in California with Kelsey on

the diet with no problems. Know that you have made the right decision and

will be in many people's prayers including mine.


and Keto Kid Kelsey

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  • 5 years later...
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Welcome to the group so glad you are here. Eva

I am another recent ww memberdrop out. I have been involved in this diet/non diet war (with myself) for many years. I am not at my highest weight at the moment, but I have gained 30 pounds since xmas. Actually since I have lost and gained I have probably in the long run gained more. I am officially convinced that I do not want to diet ever again. I am reading the IE book and while it does not have rules, it does have guidelines for how to get in touch with yourself. I am slowly doing that-if I do it too fast I feel like I am back in diet mode. I have actually left food on my plate-thrown away cake left on my plate and chose not to eat when I was leaning that way due to boredom and some sadness. I am also introducing myself to meditation and mindfulness. I want to live in the moment. I have lost so much of my life dieting and hating myself for being overweight. I am done and am looking forward to getting to know all of you on this site and to getting to know myself.------------------------------------

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Hi ! Welcome to the group. You will meet lots of great people

here. I also did ww and quit. I am glad you made the decision not to

diet anymore. I think it takes a toll on your self esteem. Hopefully

this will work out for you!


> I am another recent ww memberdrop out. I have been involved in this

> diet/non diet war (with myself) for many years. I am not at my


> weight at the moment, but I have gained 30 pounds since xmas.

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  • 1 month later...

I would also like to welcome you Hillary to this wonderful group. Eva

Hi Hillary and welcome. I hadn't read the IE book before I joined hereeither, but I had read all the Geenen Roth's books years before so Ihad a clue about non-dieting. There is a book list in the filessection at the site and you may find some of these at a locallibrary. I enjoyed reading Overcoming Overeating before I read the IEbook as I felt a lot more connected to what was written in it. The IEbook helped with good examples and solid information. You can learnquite a bit by reading here, but I think you will find it even moremeaningful if you read one of the books too. Glad to have you here, best wishes too - KatchaIEing since March 2007>> Hello everyone!> I have been lurking for a couple of days just to get the feel of thegroup. I am completely uninformed regarding intuitive eating, havingnot read the book, just read about it elsewhere and then here in yourpostings. But from my brief glances it seems to be a solid approach. Iam someone who LOVES FOOD, so I definitely need to make peace withthat, and move on! I look forward to learning more: hope you all don'tmind if I continue to lurk and learn somewhat...I will definitelychime in if I have anything worthwhile to share!>------------------------------------

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Hi Hillary and welcome. I hadn't read the IE book before I joined here

either, but I had read all the Geenen Roth's books years before so I

had a clue about non-dieting. There is a book list in the files

section at the site and you may find some of these at a local

library. I enjoyed reading Overcoming Overeating before I read the IE

book as I felt a lot more connected to what was written in it. The IE

book helped with good examples and solid information. You can learn

quite a bit by reading here, but I think you will find it even more

meaningful if you read one of the books too.

Glad to have you here, best wishes too - Katcha

IEing since March 2007


> Hello everyone!

> I have been lurking for a couple of days just to get the feel of the

group. I am completely uninformed regarding intuitive eating, having

not read the book, just read about it elsewhere and then here in your

postings. But from my brief glances it seems to be a solid approach. I

am someone who LOVES FOOD, so I definitely need to make peace with

that, and move on! I look forward to learning more: hope you all don't

mind if I continue to lurk and learn somewhat...I will definitely

chime in if I have anything worthwhile to share!


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Welcome back yourself Eva! I trust you had a grand time on vacation -

any IE stories to relate from this time? Good to have you back :)

ehugs, Katcha

IEing since March 2007


> I would also like to welcome you Hillary to this wonderful group. Eva


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Thanks everyone for your kind welcome. I will look into some reading materials, for sure. Today I tried for the first time to just make choices based on actual hunger...ran into difficulties at work since I have to eat at a particular time and can't in between times...(I teach). So I opted to eat even though I wasn't really hungry....I just ate less. Right approach?

Re: Re: introducing myself

I would also like to welcome you Hillary to this wonderful group. Eva

In a message dated 9/2/2008 9:42:27 A.M. Central Daylight Time, jain_daughsisqtel (DOT) net writes:

Hi Hillary and welcome. I hadn't read the IE book before I joined hereeither, but I had read all the Geenen Roth's books years before so Ihad a clue about non-dieting. There is a book list in the filessection at the site and you may find some of these at a locallibrary. I enjoyed reading Overcoming Overeating before I read the IEbook as I felt a lot more connected to what was written in it. The IEbook helped with good examples and solid information. You can learnquite a bit by reading here, but I think you will find it even moremeaningful if you read one of the books too. Glad to have you here, best wishes too - KatchaIEing since March 2007>> Hello everyone!> I have

been lurking for a couple of days just to get the feel of thegroup. I am completely uninformed regarding intuitive eating, havingnot read the book, just read about it elsewhere and then here in yourpostings. But from my brief glances it seems to be a solid approach. Iam someone who LOVES FOOD, so I definitely need to make peace withthat, and move on! I look forward to learning more: hope you all don'tmind if I continue to lurk and learn somewhat...I will definitelychime in if I have anything worthwhile to share!>------------ --------- --------- ------

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Welcome ! Feel free to "look and lurk" as long as you need to...ha ha ha! :) We're glad to have you here with us! Kari

Subject: introducing myselfTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2008, 6:19 AM

Hello everyone!

I have been lurking for a couple of days just to get the feel of the group. I am completely uninformed regarding intuitive eating, having not read the book, just read about it elsewhere and then here in your postings. But from my brief glances it seems to be a solid approach. I am someone who LOVES FOOD, so I definitely need to make peace with that, and move on! I look forward to learning more: hope you all don't mind if I continue to lurk and learn somewhat...I will definitely chime in if I have anything worthwhile to share!

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Hillary these are my thoughts on your question with IE sometimes I am put into situations where I have no choice but to eat at times when I am not hungry and I like you have discovered at those times since I am not hungry I eat less. On my vacation which I just returned from I was put in that situation a lot and didn't do so well because I was given foods I loved which I hadn't eaten in 31 years so I overate . My suggestion to you is if you can eat at your appointed time eat less like you did and if you get hungry later have some snacks in your desk which you can eat if you get a quick break. Eva

Thanks everyone for your kind welcome. I will look into some reading materials, for sure. Today I tried for the first time to just make choices based on actual hunger...ran into difficulties at work since I have to eat at a particular time and can't in between times...(I teach). So I opted to eat even though I wasn't really hungry....I just ate less. Right approach?

Re: Re: introducing myself

I would also like to welcome you Hillary to this wonderful group. Eva

In a message dated 9/2/2008 9:42:27 A.M. Central Daylight Time, jain_daughsisqtel (DOT) net writes:

Hi Hillary and welcome. I hadn't read the IE book before I joined hereeither, but I had read all the Geenen Roth's books years before so Ihad a clue about non-dieting. There is a book list in the filessection at the site and you may find some of these at a locallibrary. I enjoyed reading Overcoming Overeating before I read the IEbook as I felt a lot more connected to what was written in it. The IEbook helped with good examples and solid information. You can learnquite a bit by reading here, but I think you will find it even moremeaningful if you read one of the books too. Glad to have you here, best wishes too - KatchaIEing since March 2007>> Hello everyone!> I have been lurking for a couple of days just to get the feel of thegroup. I am completely uninformed regarding intuitive eating, havingnot read the book, just read about it elsewhere and then here in yourpostings. But from my brief glances it seems to be a solid approach. Iam someone who LOVES FOOD, so I definitely need to make peace withthat, and move on! I look forward to learning more: hope you all don'tmind if I continue to lurk and learn somewhat...I will definitelychime in if I have anything worthwhile to share!>------------ --------- --------- ------

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Hi Maureen,

Welcome to the group. It is very nice and supportive. I have been

here for about a month and I feel a lot more sane. You do have quite

a bite to deal with... You must need a lot of imagination to plan

your meals...I do the cooking too, but I just deal with a 4 years old

adhd kid who is a real picky eater and won`t sit to eat, and a eat

whatever you serve husband.

Keep us poster, take care,



> Hi,


> I found your group and thought maybe I could use the support. I am

sure my story is similiar to lots of yours. I was a chubby kid who

got picked on for it, and am now a chubby adult who thinks about food

all the time. I have a few added challenges though. My three kids

are all gluten intolerant and the oldest at 12 was diagnosed type one

diabetic. Also, my husband requires a special diet to keep his

colitis from coming back. So, I do have to think about food more

than your average bear, but I need to find a way to move food back

into the back ground a little bit and have a life. I ordered the

Intuitive eating book because of the blurb on Amazon. the thing

about dieters getting on a on/off cycle thats faster and faster

really hit home. My pattern for the last 6 years has been to diet

strictly for a week or two, then go off and pig out a few months

until I can't stand it any more, then repeat. The result of this is

I am now afraid to eat basic foods like apples.

> Every bite I eat gets instantly analyzed for carb content. I just

want to quit worrying about it and get on with life! This looks like

a nice group, thanks for listening.


> Maureen


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Good work - trying out different eating options is part of the

(fun!) experimentations that we all are encouraged to do as we add IE

to our lives. Having set times for eating is a bit more challenging -

you can't afford to set a bad example for your students! ;-) But as

you 'test' and discover what foods stay with you or don't (length of

digestion) - I think you will find that you can manage your eating

more to please yourself and honor your hunger too. Baby steps are

progress too :)

BEST to you, Katcha

IEing since March 2007


> Thanks everyone for your kind welcome. I will look into some reading

materials, for sure. Today I tried for the first time to just make

choices based on actual hunger...ran into difficulties at work since I

have to eat at a particular time and can't in between times...(I

teach). So I opted to eat even though I wasn't really hungry....I just

ate less. Right approach?

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks Gillian :)

I found out this morning that my friend passed away yesterday. Somehow, knowing that it was going to happen doesn't make it easier. Or maybe it does, who knows how much worse I'd feel in other circumstances?

I may stuff myself silly today. It crosses my mind that IE teaches that when you want to eat to " stuff your feelings " , you should sit with your emotion and find other ways to meet your needs. Well, today I don't have any " needs " , and really, is there any way to make grief go away? I'm really pissed that this young mother overcame so many obstacles in her life and had finally " made it " to where she fought so hard to be, only to be cut down by cancer weeks after her little boy started kindergarten. It's not a situation that any action can make better - only one where time will heal the hurt.

In the meantime, screw it, if I feel like eating an entire chocolate pie today, I'm gonna do it LOL. I guess the flip side of IE is that even if I DO eat that pie (or stop at the liquor store and get shit=faced in her honor), it's not a failure but a learning experience, right? :)



Welcome Mikki!

I remember you and I'm so glad you came back! Jump right in and get all the support you need!

Thanks!GillianGillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

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Hi Mikki,

Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. Going through this will

obviously bring up all kinds of strong emotions. Having just started

back on the IE path, I don't think this is the time to get strict

with IE. Just take care of yourself and get through this as best you


Again, my condolences on your loss.


> >

> > Welcome Mikki!

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> > I remember you and I'm so glad you came back! Jump right in and

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Mikki grief is a hard reality and while all you really want to do

scream and cry (which you do need to do), I'm sure that in time you

will be able to mourn your friend as she would want you to - LIVING

your life to the fullest. Do what you feel you must and know that we

will all be here when your needs return to your own. Sorry for your

loss - the good do die way too young.


> >

> > Welcome Mikki!

> >

> >

> >

> > I remember you and I'm so glad you came back! Jump right in and

get all the

> > support you need!

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> > Gillian

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Hang in there Mikki, you sound like you are practicing very good self-

care in what must be a difficult time. I find for me, just being

mindful helps a lot and leads eventually to a change in behaviors.

> >

> > Welcome Mikki!

> >

> >

> >

> > I remember you and I'm so glad you came back! Jump right in and

get all the

> > support you need!

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> > Thanks!

> > Gillian

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> > Gillian Hood-son, MS, ACSM

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>you said that IE says you "should" do this. That's a rule and there are no rules in IE.

Oops, LOL. You have a long way to go with me!!

You are right of course. My need was to have some quiet time away from the demands or even sympathy of those at work or home. So I left work early and wandered a few shops. Found a great deal on a pretty candle-holder at Pier One, then some outrageously expensive but delicious-smelling candles for it (later, we lit the candles in honor of my friend). Hung out at & Noble reading Intuitive Eating while eating a yummy berry key lime cake (but only ate the parts I loved and left the crust ;). Found a book my daughter would like and tucked myself in the corner of a pizzaria and had a stromboli while I read it - but only ate about a third of it (the stromboli, not the book!) and stopped when I got full. Cried a little every so often, esp. after I got home.

It felt right and I'm proud that I took care of myself and did some things to feel pampered but never felt like I was stuffing myself ... and this weekend I did the same, ate what really sounded good but think I did a pretty good job of not overeating (according to how I feel, not by a measuring cup!). And I did NOT, I repeat NOT, step on the scale this morning to judge whether or not I did, in fact, " overeat " . That was hard LOL.

It is remarkable how luxuriant and self-caring (almost said " indulgent " but caught myself ;), it feels to simply eat what you want and stop when you've had enough instead of worrying at each meal, is it the right food, is it the right amount, and always feeling guilty about " too much " or " bad for me " .

Thanks everyone, esp Gillian, for your encouragement and for all the wisdom I've read in the past few days ... I'm sure it was there all along (last time I was on the boards with you), and I just wasn't quite ready to see it...



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I have to say, this is all quite intriguing. Key lime pie and strombolis.....I think I will keep coming nack. I had salad for lumch and a bannana....lol

Re: introducing myself

>you said that IE says you "should" do this. That's a rule and there are no rules in IE.

Oops, LOL. You have a long way to go with me!!

You are right of course. My need was to have some quiet time away from the demands or even sympathy of those at work or home. So I left work early and wandered a few shops. Found a great deal on a pretty candle-holder at Pier One, then some outrageously expensive but delicious-smelling candles for it (later, we lit the candles in honor of my friend). Hung out at & Noble reading Intuitive Eating while eating a yummy berry key lime cake (but only ate the parts I loved and left the crust ;). Found a book my daughter would like and tucked myself in the corner of a pizzaria and had a stromboli while I read it - but only ate about a third of it (the stromboli, not the book!) and stopped when I got full. Cried a little every so often, esp. after I got home.

It felt right and I'm proud that I took care of myself and did some things to feel pampered but never felt like I was stuffing myself ... and this weekend I did the same, ate what really sounded good but think I did a pretty good job of not overeating (according to how I feel, not by a measuring cup!). And I did NOT, I repeat NOT, step on the scale this morning to judge whether or not I did, in fact, "overeat". That was hard LOL.

It is remarkable how luxuriant and self-caring (almost said "indulgent" but caught myself ;), it feels to simply eat what you want and stop when you've had enough instead of worrying at each meal, is it the right food, is it the right amount, and always feeling guilty about "too much" or "bad for me".

Thanks everyone, esp Gillian, for your encouragement and for all the wisdom I've read in the past few days ... I'm sure it was there all along (last time I was on the boards with you), and I just wasn't quite ready to see it...


On 10/11/08, Gillian Hood-son <gillian@healthierou tcomes.com> wrote:


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