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Re: New to the group

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Welcome so glad to have you with us. Eva

By the way, my name is . I was not sure if it was "safe" to put my name as I have never been on a yahoogroups message board before. Anyway, thank you for writing. I do have family and friends who are supportive and have been in counseling off and on over the years, but never for IE. Would any of you know of a website that has a listing of IE counselors? I will continue to read the other postings. They are great! Thanks for sharing everyone!!Thanks, >> Hang in there, Julri! I can relate to everything you stated in your post. Do you have people in > your life (family members, friends, counselor) that you can talk about these feelings with? I > deal with Hypo too. Not fun! I've had it since I was 9, but not diagnosed until 13. I am 32, > which means A LOTTA YEARS WITH A MESSED UP METABOLISM! But... WE CAN DO THIS! Are > you reading through IE? What other questions do you have?> > PS guys, when does Gillian get back?>------------------------------------

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Welcome julri. IE is a change that most of us have to learn how to

'fit' to ourselves. What you wrote sounds familiar to me and I'm sure

many of the others here too. The one thing that IE is not is

'fast/quick'! That is the realm of dieting - the seduction of

immediate results. IE is all about a life change for YOU that helps

you 'reset' your eating back to what your own body needs -

nourishment. Emotions do get in the picture but we learn that what

those need are to be felt, not fed ;-)

BEST to you, Katcha


> I am new to the IE group, but have really enjoyed reading some of the

> postings. I have struggled with an eating disorder since high school

> (now 25 yrs, next month 26) and finally have realized that I have

> made my life miserable b/c I focused so much on food and weight. I

> have used Weight Watchers for years to help regulate how much I ate,

> but it got to a point that I was eating past my points range either

> due to real hunger or b/c of emotions.

> I have been trying to follow IE for a 3-4 weeks now, but still have

> difficulity eating when I am truly hunger and stopping when I am

> satisfied. I find myself wanting to eat more than I need b/c it is

> sooo good. I don't know if that is b/c I am not wanting the enjoyable

> atmosphere to stop or if some deeper emotion is trying to surface.

> I do workout on a consistent basis, but I also have issues with

> hypothyroidism. No matter what I do (exercise, eating, etc..), I feel

> as if I am doing something wrong b/c the weight is not sliding off. I

> did have a friend tell me that my attitude and outlook on life has

> been different. She mentioned that I seemed happier. And I am, but I

> get into a rut and anxiety builds that b/c nothing is " happening, " I

> need to get some diet pills and begin taking them. I have not b/c I

> know once I stopped that going off of them would be a nightmare + the

> effects it would have on my medication.

> Sorry this was so long, but really needed to get this off my chest

> and it helps to do so with others who are going through the same

> process.


> Thanks,

> julri25


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Hang in there, Julri! I can relate to everything you stated in your post. Do you

have people in

your life (family members, friends, counselor) that you can talk about these

feelings with? I

deal with Hypo too. Not fun! I've had it since I was 9, but not diagnosed until

13. I am 32,



you reading through IE? What other questions do you have?

PS guys, when does Gillian get back?

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By the way, my name is . I was not sure if it was " safe " to put

my name as I have never been on a yahoogroups message board before.

Anyway, thank you for writing. I do have family and friends who are

supportive and have been in counseling off and on over the years, but

never for IE. Would any of you know of a website that has a listing

of IE counselors? I will continue to read the other postings. They

are great! Thanks for sharing everyone!!



> Hang in there, Julri! I can relate to everything you stated in your

post. Do you have people in

> your life (family members, friends, counselor) that you can talk

about these feelings with? I

> deal with Hypo too. Not fun! I've had it since I was 9, but not

diagnosed until 13. I am 32,



> you reading through IE? What other questions do you have?


> PS guys, when does Gillian get back?


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Hi ,

I haven't found that putting my name (which is rather unique too!) on

this board has caused me any difficulties, but you must do what is

comfortable for you. I do find it easier to make a connection with a

name ;-)

I would have sworn that there was a file here that referenced IE

counselors, but I don't see it in the Files or Database section so I

guess its a 'work in process'. If you want to post your general

location and post the question, maybe someone here can provide

information. Its worth asking :)

Welcome and keep posting, we all learn so much from each other. Even

questions help to spark conversations with answers popping up too.

Best to you - Katcha


> By the way, my name is . I was not sure if it was " safe " to put

> my name as I have never been on a yahoogroups message board before.

> Anyway, thank you for writing. I do have family and friends who are

> supportive and have been in counseling off and on over the years, but

> never for IE. Would any of you know of a website that has a listing

> of IE counselors? I will continue to read the other postings. They

> are great! Thanks for sharing everyone!!


> Thanks,


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> I would have sworn that there was a file here that referenced IE

> counselors, but I don't see it in the Files or Database section so I

> guess its a 'work in process'. If you want to post your general

> location and post the question, maybe someone here can provide

> information. Its worth asking :)


I don't know if this is what you were thinking of, Katcha, but on the Intuitive

Eating website

(intuitiveeating.com), there is a link to Intuitive Eating Counselors, sorted by

state. Just click

on " Counselors " and you will see it.


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Good to know that ! Its a question that gets asked here off and

on. Hmmm, maybe I'll see if I can add that to the Links section here?

Thanks for letting everyone know!

ehugs, Katcha

> >

> >

> > I would have sworn that there was a file here that referenced IE

> > counselors, but I don't see it in the Files or Database section so I

> > guess its a 'work in process'. If you want to post your general

> > location and post the question, maybe someone here can provide

> > information. Its worth asking :)

> >

> I don't know if this is what you were thinking of, Katcha, but on

the Intuitive Eating website

> (intuitiveeating.com), there is a link to Intuitive Eating

Counselors, sorted by state. Just click

> on " Counselors " and you will see it.


> B.


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Hi Robin,

I too am new to the group, but my story is very similar to yours except

the married + kids part. :) I am 25 and also a runner (long distance)

and have had an eating disorder along with hypothyroidism. I am 5'1 "

and am not satisfied with how I look. However, I have begun the IE

process and still at times at war with myself and food. I have had my

good days and bad days. Right now I am fixated on M & Ms.! Anyway, I hope

you are finding this group helpful! I sure am!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome Jo ann so glad to have you with us. Eva


My name is Jo Ann, I am a 52 year old woman, stay at home, and have a lot of stress.

I lost my son 15 months ago and while he was sick, I ate and ate. I feel I have no control.

Is this way of eating is you eat when your stomach growls. Just what is Intuitive eating?

Thank you,

Jo Ann

Subject: Re: I just want something...To: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 3:51 PM

The first thing that came to my mind was something Gillian's Am IHungry class suggests - ask yourself if you are really really reallyhungry. Its easy to say "I'm hungry" and not all that hard to say"Yes, I am really hungry." But when you are REALLY REALLY REALLYhungry - there is no doubt :)Good luck :) :) Katcha>> Do any of you have things you say to yourself that are clues to knowing > that you are not really hungry but you're on the verge of eating? The > subject line above is mine. I've lived with various groups of people > my whole life, and now I live alone. Loneliness is my biggest binge > inducer. And it always starts with that sentence "I just WANT > something". What I usually "want" is a hug, conversation, a good cry, > some comforting, and things in that vein. All this has been discovered > thru writing when I hear myself telling myself that I want something. > It doesn't always keep me from eating. Sometimes I have a conversation > with myself, and decide that since I can't have the other things, for > whatever reason, eating something I'm not hungry for is worth it. Then > accept it. No scolding, guilt etc. Sometimes I call someone, or take > myself out of the house, or start a project and not eat over it > (happens more now). I was wondering if any of the rest of you have any > clear clues to yourself that you are in trouble - and what do you do > with them.> > jb> Get the scoop on last night's hottest shows and the live music scene in your area - Check out TourTracker.com!

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My name is Jo Ann, I am a 52 year old woman, stay at home, and have a lot of stress.

I lost my son 15 months ago and while he was sick, I ate and ate. I feel I have no control.

Is this way of eating is you eat when your stomach growls. Just what is Intuitive eating?

Thank you,

Jo Ann

Subject: Re: I just want something...To: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 3:51 PM

The first thing that came to my mind was something Gillian's Am IHungry class suggests - ask yourself if you are really really reallyhungry. Its easy to say "I'm hungry" and not all that hard to say"Yes, I am really hungry." But when you are REALLY REALLY REALLYhungry - there is no doubt :)Good luck :) :) Katcha>> Do any of you have things you say to yourself that are clues to knowing > that you are not really hungry but you're on the verge of eating? The > subject line above is mine. I've lived with various groups of people > my whole life, and now I live alone. Loneliness is my biggest binge > inducer. And it always starts with that sentence "I just WANT > something". What I usually "want"

is a hug, conversation, a good cry, > some comforting, and things in that vein. All this has been discovered > thru writing when I hear myself telling myself that I want something. > It doesn't always keep me from eating. Sometimes I have a conversation > with myself, and decide that since I can't have the other things, for > whatever reason, eating something I'm not hungry for is worth it. Then > accept it. No scolding, guilt etc. Sometimes I call someone, or take > myself out of the house, or start a project and not eat over it > (happens more now). I was wondering if any of the rest of you have any > clear clues to yourself that you are in trouble - and what do you do > with them.> > jb>

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  • 2 months later...

Welcome Dawn and wonderful to hear that you are setting out to get IE

(back) in your life while young ;-) Doing that would have saved me,

and others here too, many years of struggling unnecessarily as well as

ending up with MORE to 'fight' against than we wanted to to begin with.

Post away and let us know how you are doing as you read and look

for/find ways to apply IE in your life. Best wishes and happy to have

you on the IE journey.


IEing since March 2007


> Hi. I am new to this support group. I started reading Intuitive

Eating by Tribole and Resch about six years ago. I only read the first

few chapters and thought I had intuitive eating mastered. I ate what I

wanted, when I was hungry and stopped when I was full. I also

incorporated exercise. I lost about 25 pounds--looked and felt great.

But I hadn't REALLY mastered it. Eventually I went right back into my

old eating habits. Over the years my weight has gone up and down

repeatedly. Looking back I realize that in many ways I was still in

the dieting mindset. Now I am the heaviest I have ever been and I feel

lethargic, grumpy, depressed...I've decided to pick up the book again.

I am going to read it in its entirety and really put effort into

it...take it slow. I am so sick of dieting and having food/my body

image rule my life. I feel like I have been hiding away for years,

just waiting to lose weight so that I can begin my life. I am 29 so I

know I have

> plenty of time left, but I feel I have wasted so much of my youth

on obsessing over food. I guess this isn't uncommon. I'd like to

connect with people who are eating intuitively or attempting to, so

that I can have some extra support in this endeavor. Most people I

know are on Weight Watchers or count calories etc. and just don't

" get " the idea of intuitive eating. They would never attempt something

like this, but I wholeheartedly feel that this is my only chance at

getting my life back.


> Dawn


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