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Date: Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 1:11 PM

Subject: intro

To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >

I'm a 53 year old male, living in New Zealand. A recent diagnosis with

symptoms of vision, numbness, muscle tightness, balance.

I have an organic history in horticulture , so a healthy diet is already a

focus. Mercury from old fillings is a likely cause - removed 25 years ago

but may not have been done safely. Waiting on blood test results. Will be

detoxing and cleansing my system. A healthy diet, biking, gym, yoga and

nutrient/mineral supplements will be the plan. Would like to learn exactly

what foods are a problem for me. I have no problem avoiding cows milk,

gluten, sugar, smoking, processed foods........ and even red meat to some

extent. Have researched and talked and now frustration is with lack of

government funding for 'alternative' solutions. The govt. here is behind the

game with funding of regular drugs, let alone a willingness to acknowledge

natural organic solutions.


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Hi Kingsley,

re: the mercury issue----

Mercury may indeed be a problem, even though you had amalgams removed many years

ago. Mercury tends to accumulate in certain organs, especially the brain. And

blood tests only show recent exposure, so are not likely to be informative.

Mercury hiding under crowns can also be an issue. Unfortunately, mercury is

largely a political issue in the USA as well, with powerful lobbies (American

Dental Association, etc) denying that it's a problem.

There are chelators that can help remove mercury from the body (DMSA, DMPS), but

these do not cross the blood brain barrier, so cannot remove it from the brain.

And many doctors prescribe them in very high doses or intravenously, which can

be very harmful. Mercury mobilizers such as chlorella and cilantro have also

caused problems for some people.

Mercury is very difficult to remove from the brain, and in fact alpha lipoic

acid might be the only chelator that can help remove it from the brain.

Unfortunately, due to a short half life in the body, it needs to be dosed

frequently (about every 3 hours around the clock, and this is done for several

days at a time before taking a break), otherwise it can take more mercury into

the brain. (Equilibrium dynamics.) I believe I experienced this problem, as I

took ALA in large doses twice a day for peripheral neuropathy in my feet (which

did indeed help), but after taking it for several more months I developed much

worse symptoms, and was diagnosed with MS. I had 15 amalgams at the time, some

under crowns.

For more information, I recommend you read the book Amalgam Illness by

Cuter (best price usually from the author at noamalgam.com, and he ships

worldwide....and that website has a lot of relevant information too). He's a PhD

chemist who was himself poisoned by mercury amalgams. Or join the Yahoo groups

that discuss his chelation protocol, " Adult Metal Chelation " and " Frequent Dose

Chelation. "

He says that hair tests are actually more accurate for determining mercury

toxicity, but often the mercury toxicity is shown NOT by a ligh level of mercury

in the hair, but by certain disturbed patterns of mineral transport relating to

minerals that should be in the body----calcium, magnesium, etc. Cutler's book

Hair Test Interpretation discusses this.

And Cutler has said (in a post to one of the above-mentioned groups) that all of

the people he has encountered with an MS diagnosis (he does consulting with

doctors) were mercury toxic.

It's not an easy problem to deal with----and it may take several years to detox

from mercury----but I have seen stories of people who were much improved.

Mercury can cause other health issues as well, such as problems with adrenals

and thyroid, gut dysbiosis, nutrient deficiencies, and food sensitivities...and

most of us in those discussion groups are dealing with multiple such problems.

Good luck!



> ---------- Forwarded message ----------


> Date: Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 1:11 PM

> Subject: intro

> To: mscured Moderator <mscured-owner >



> I'm a 53 year old male, living in New Zealand. A recent diagnosis with

> symptoms of vision, numbness, muscle tightness, balance.

> I have an organic history in horticulture , so a healthy diet is already a

> focus. Mercury from old fillings is a likely cause - removed 25 years ago

> but may not have been done safely. Waiting on blood test results. Will be

> detoxing and cleansing my system.....

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