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new possible cause of MS

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Thank you for the link to this interesting article. I had not seen it, but

from early on in my journey with MS, I knew that certain environmental

triggers, including tobacco smoke and pollution from exhaust, made my

symptoms worse. I discovered this as I kept a log of what I ate and what my

symptoms were but noticed a link to where I had been during the day. My

doctor encouraged me to include this information in my log (he is trained in

environmental medicine). I soon discovered the things mentioned above

caused reactions, and also that newly painted or carpeted rooms, new

furniture, varnish smells, shopping malls, and filling the car with

gas/petrol etc. brought on brain fog, weakness, numbness, and fatigue.

My doctor encouraged me to get an air purifier for our home and a portable

one for hotel rooms. Since I travel a lot , on planes I wear a mask device

during takeoff and landing when I often smell fuel and/or I wear a " personal

air supply " device during the whole flight. My doctor also told me to buy

furniture and cars which are at least two years old as much of the out

gassing of chemical toxins (which are often neurotoxins) takes place during

the early years. Paying attention to environmental triggers has been an

integral part of my self-care for 18 years. (I'm less sensitive now than in

the beginning.) It's wonderful to have this article documenting what I know

to be a factor in my health.

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