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Re: Hi Everybody!

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Welcome so glad to have you. Eva

I'm new. :)I finally finished reading the Intuitive Eating Book today. I havetried various forms of Intuitive Eating in the past through books likeOvercoming Overeating and Geneen Roth's Books, but I would gainweight, get discouraged and go back to dieting. I am hoping that thistime I will finally be able to quit dieting for good as I'm totallyfed up with anything having to do with a diet right now. -------------------------------------

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Welcome !

" Fed up " is an excellent place to begin. From there, you can discover

what really works for your life. Gaining weight is normal for alot of

people in the beginning of the process...sending you supportive energy

to work with the IE principles and see what you learn about yourself.

I equate dieting to representing a sort of " short-term " relationship,

in the beginning you may see some results...feel some excitement, but

after the honeymoon is over...it's difficult to maintain... " the

relationship ends. " :) I've had several dieting relationships end and

never wanted to go back to them again. After reading and working with

IE, I felt like I had found my " true love " ...a holistic way of working

with myself that I could commit to consistently and that would stand

the test of time...because it just makes sense, my relationship with

the principles will deepen over time, and I am ok as I am. Even if you

don't " lose weight " immediately or ever, I have found that

incorporating the IE principles into my life has been a great way to

reclaim myself and to grow from where I am.



> I'm new. :)


> I finally finished reading the Intuitive Eating Book today. I have

> tried various forms of Intuitive Eating in the past through books


> Overcoming Overeating and Geneen Roth's Books, but I would gain

> weight, get discouraged and go back to dieting. I am hoping that this

> time I will finally be able to quit dieting for good as I'm totally

> fed up with anything having to do with a diet right now.

> -


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, I too loved what I read in the Geneen Roth books but I just

couldn't apply her ways to my life. That was more years ago than I

care to remember, but I never forgot that diets don't work so I ate,

gained weight and knew I had to find a way that suited and worked for

me. I found this group over a year ago and the support I got here has

helped me get IE into my life when I couldn't do that before. Good to

have you here and hope you find what you are needing too. - Best to

you, Katcha


> I'm new. :)


> I finally finished reading the Intuitive Eating Book today. I have

> tried various forms of Intuitive Eating in the past through books like

> Overcoming Overeating and Geneen Roth's Books, but I would gain

> weight, get discouraged and go back to dieting. I am hoping that this

> time I will finally be able to quit dieting for good as I'm totally

> fed up with anything having to do with a diet right now.

> -


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Thank you for the warm welcomes!

, I don't know how my post got attached to your and I didn't mean

to hijack it! I guess I used the same title as you by accident! Sorry! :o

L., the gaining weight thing is what really stops my progress because

I panic and feel self-conscious. The thing I keep telling myself which

keeps me going is that I don't panic or feel afraid of eating anymore.

And I can eat what I want and feel in control.

Is " Fed Up " a book to read?

Thanks for the supportive energy as I know I will need it since the

weight gain is frightening for me!


> >

> > I'm new. :)

> >

> > I finally finished reading the Intuitive Eating Book today. I have

> > tried various forms of Intuitive Eating in the past through books

> like

> > Overcoming Overeating and Geneen Roth's Books, but I would gain

> > weight, get discouraged and go back to dieting. I am hoping that this

> > time I will finally be able to quit dieting for good as I'm totally

> > fed up with anything having to do with a diet right now.

> > -

> >


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Katcha, I also knew in the back of my mind that diets really don't

work, but it's hard for me to be overweight and not be " doing

something " about it, so I went back to dieting. Big mistake!

I'm glad I found this group and I hope I can finally learn to

incorporate IE into my life as well and not ever think about dieting



> >

> > I'm new. :)

> >

> > I finally finished reading the Intuitive Eating Book today. I have

> > tried various forms of Intuitive Eating in the past through books like

> > Overcoming Overeating and Geneen Roth's Books, but I would gain

> > weight, get discouraged and go back to dieting. I am hoping that this

> > time I will finally be able to quit dieting for good as I'm totally

> > fed up with anything having to do with a diet right now.

> > -

> >


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Nah... " Fed Up " is not any book that I've read...but one probably

exists. :) I was referring to your statement that " I'm totally

fed up with anything having to do with a diet right now "


> > >

> > > I'm new. :)

> > >

> > > I finally finished reading the Intuitive Eating Book today. I have

> > > tried various forms of Intuitive Eating in the past through books

> > like

> > > Overcoming Overeating and Geneen Roth's Books, but I would gain

> > > weight, get discouraged and go back to dieting. I am hoping that


> > > time I will finally be able to quit dieting for good as I'm totally

> > > fed up with anything having to do with a diet right now.

> > > -

> > >

> >


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