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Yes, Marty, you will survive.

I had my THR on 1 June, and it's getting better all the time. Today,

as usual, I walked 40 minutes without support, and I didn't limp

most of the time. One has to really concentrate on not limping at

first, and sometimes trying not to limp hurts--as least it did for

me--but it's getting easier all the time.

Don't forget to exercise after your operation. It takes discipline

and sacrifice, but it's worth it.

Best of success to you in the hospital.


> > Hi

> > I'm Liz. Been reading quite a bit about CHD, PAO, THR,

> > resurfacing. Mostly been participating with Hipwomen group

> because

> > I knew very little of hip osteotomies. Resurfacing seems too


> > and tough to find info and opinions other than the Hippie group

> that

> > lists many success stories.

> >

> > I am 42 just diagnosed in Jan. with CHD, never knew I had it,

> until

> > it was time to reveal itself! What I thought was a muscle pull

> down

> > front of right groin turned out to be CHD. I have been in


> > all my life, and up to OCT 2003, a runner for 15 years. I guess

> it

> > was time for the hip to wear down!

> >

> > I thought I could get someone's spin on things from this group.


> > have seen two OS here in Youngstown, OH. They agree on the CHD,

> do

> > THR's all the time (maybe not a lot my age), but do not do PAO


> > resurfacing. SO it's tough for them to evaluate whether one

> surgery

> > would be better for me. Have you experienced this scenerio?

> >

> > Do any of you have CHD and gotten replacements at a young age?

> What

> > steers a patient toward a THR instead of a PAO? I know it


> > on the patient and the hip, but the thought of 7-12 month


> > of a PAO is not comforting. My husband is very helpful, but with

> > three young kids active in sports and school, and part time


> I

> > am on the run!

> >

> > I'd appreciate any responses offered!

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Liz

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Hi Mona, here's a list of docs in Maine. I have actually been to many of

them! Joe Py DO was the best but he closed his practice, I think I will be

looking for a new doc soon. I would really discourage the lapband

procedure--I have seen many people on here who should have had proper

thyroid treatment instead. Doc doesn't sound too great to me. You might

have better success on Armour thyroid. http://www.armourthyroid.com


's list http://www.thyroid-info.com/topdrs/maine.htm

> We are just south of Augusta...we come up to Belfast a couple times a

year...it's so beautiful up there...I grew up on the coast of Maine...my doc

is in Winthrop Maine...she is a great doc but she is a 'by the book' kind

and after 10 years ...treating my thyroid is a 'last resort' requested by

ME! not suggested by her...she wants me to try the new 'lap band' surgery...

http://www.obesitylapbandsurgery.com/index.html I am not ready to blame food

as the problem... I've counted cal/protein/fat etc., etc. far too long to

believe I have no control over what I may or may not be doing to my body...I

seldom overeat...I am a very busy person and play with 4 active children

three days a week...I was always very thin most of my life then about age 35

I started gaining weight and getting very depressed and cold and couldn't

get enough sleep...now at 46 I'm over weight...and hate my body...but I

manage to get through each day...as a general rule, I have a great

life...wonderful husband, great son age 22, nice home, great friends...so on

and so forth...


> Hugs, Mona

> Re: Re: New here




> Hi Mona, I live in Maine near Belfast. Where are you? I haven't found


> many good docs in Maine.

> Gracia


> > Thank you for this information...I will be seeing my doc in 5

> weeks and will talk at length with her about this...self education is a


> helpful tool when talking with one's doc...they tend to take your


> much more seriously...if you are well armed.

> >

> > Hugs, Mona in Maine

> >






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Thanks for the list...there is one near me...do you know if this is covered by


Peace, Mona

Re: Re: New here




> Hi Mona, I live in Maine near Belfast. Where are you? I haven't found


> many good docs in Maine.

> Gracia


> > Thank you for this information...I will be seeing my doc in 5

> weeks and will talk at length with her about this...self education is a


> helpful tool when talking with one's doc...they tend to take your


> much more seriously...if you are well armed.

> >

> > Hugs, Mona in Maine

> >






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Mona, which one is near to you? You have to call to see if they take



> Thanks for the list...there is one near me...do you know if this is

covered by insurance?


> Peace, Mona

> Re: Re: New here

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi Mona, I live in Maine near Belfast. Where are you? I haven't


> too

> > many good docs in Maine.

> > Gracia

> >

> > > Thank you for this information...I will be seeing my doc

in 5

> > weeks and will talk at length with her about this...self education

is a

> very

> > helpful tool when talking with one's doc...they tend to take your

> concerns

> > much more seriously...if you are well armed.

> > >

> > > Hugs, Mona in Maine

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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She has said the first thing to get everyone on is EFA's and

calcium/mag. I would love to hear any feedback anyone has. I only know

of Kirkman's Lab, Omegabright, and BrainChild. I haven't ordered

anything from anywhere yet because there is so much to choose.

I buy most of my supplements at my local health food store.

I have on-line suppliers linked here



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Thanks Dana!!


SAHM to some special kids!!!

All kid's are gifted; some just open their packages

earlier than others.

-- Carr


She has said the first thing to get everyone on is EFA's and

calcium/mag. I would love to hear any feedback anyone has. I only know

of Kirkman's Lab, Omegabright, and BrainChild. I haven't ordered

anything from anywhere yet because there is so much to choose.

I buy most of my supplements at my local health food store.

I have on-line suppliers linked here



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Oops hit send too soon. I'll have to order the majority of supplements. I have

been to the one and only HFS here and they don't have anything.


SAHM to some special kids!!!

All kid's are gifted; some just open their packages

earlier than others.

-- Carr


She has said the first thing to get everyone on is EFA's and

calcium/mag. I would love to hear any feedback anyone has. I only know

of Kirkman's Lab, Omegabright, and BrainChild. I haven't ordered

anything from anywhere yet because there is so much to choose.

I buy most of my supplements at my local health food store.

I have on-line suppliers linked here



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Vicky

See if this article does not offer you some insights:


partial quote:

Autistic children have been identified with high toxic metal levels, low

levels of metallothionein (MT), with metallothionein (MT) systems that don't

work, with low levels of glutathione and zinc, with low levels of sulfur and

with malfunctioning digestive systems (including leaky gut and food

allergies). Various different theories for the cause of these malfunctions

were proposed: genetic predisposition, nutritional deficiencies in pregnancy

or the toxic effects of infant immunizations. Regardless how this condition

came about, the challenge remains to somehow enable these impaired systems

to function normally.


New Here

> Hi Im new here I have 2 autistic children the youngest severe.

> I have joined this group because my youngest aged 7yrs has persistent

> Candida, causing huge health problems for him, he is non verbal so

> much is guess work.

> He has been on and off Nystatin for a yr or so, and we use

> probiotics, culturelle and colostrum.

> He was put on ever stronger antibiotics for well over a year when he

> was around 2yrs old and his health issues began at this point.

> He has persistant runny BMs, bad breath, gassy, and often in obvious

> pain.

> The main problem is trying to implement a diet that is healthy for

> him, his favourite foods are crisps, bread and potatoes, I am looking

> for alternatives that wont end up in the bin.

> He is very small for his age and no front teeth, I think his health

> is very compromised but medics are not particularly interested.

> Hoping to learn more from this site.

> Thankyou for reading

> Vicky.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Katt,

Welcome, this site is very nice and they will answer your questions as

best they can. Everyone here is very helpful. There is also a chat on Sat nit 8

pm Eastern that has lots of nice people. It stays on until no one is

left......you never know how long. go to Lyme Disease Audio and sign in under


lyme chat.

Hang there, this illness is overwhelming. But now that you are learning

you will be able to understand why you feel so bad. I do hope you are getting



Connie, Michigan

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Hi Katt--

I'm pretty new here myself, but there is so much information to read, as I guess

you've been doing. I was diagnosed five years ago of having multiple tick bites

and I tested positive for Lyme. I also was on Cipro. I now have Fibromyalgia

with the Chronic Lyme Disease and I'm in pain every day. I manage somehow, just

like we all do.

I just wanted to say 'Welcome' and hope to be reading more from you.



Katharine Brown <kattscrowd@...> wrote:


I'm new here and new to this dx. Whew, not sure if I like this at all, but it


many questions.

I've been sick on and off for about two years. Mainly my leg swells and is


painful, general illnesses, always tired.. After being treated for 40 days with

cipro this

summer and things just getting worse, the docs tested me for everything known

under mankind, including tick borne diseases. I tested positive for Lyme and


Mountain, which has obviously invaded my lymphatic system in my leg. They are

telling me this is likely to be chronic, some days better than others, but most

days not


I live in western Arkansas. I'm a stay-at-home homeschooling mom of four. We


a small ministry here at our farm. We raise and train horses too. I've been

reading on

the internet and just totally freaking out. I also have diabetes so that


things nicely (ugh!)

Anyhow, just wanted to poke my head out and say hi.



Hind's Feet Ranch and Ministry

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I see from your post that your son suffers from candida. My 3-year

old son was just diagnosed with it. I've been reading The Yeast

Connection, but this deals primarily with adults, and says little

about children. Can you recommend any good books about childhood


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Hi ,

Interesting site - my comments re the following article..


*Men and mobiles: calls to take caution*

Mobile phones bring convenience and peace of mind, but the benefit of

always being contactable may have a downside. New research shows men who

regularly carry their mobiles near the groin, on a belt or in a pocket

could potentially have their sperm count reduced by as much as 30

percent, ACA reports.

The study, conducted by Hungarian researchers, suggests male fertility

could be affected by the radiation emitted by mobile phones. It also

found the sperm that did survive exposure to radiation showed abnormal


Dr Merry, vice-president of the Australian Medical Association

(AMA), says men shouldn't panic; rather the findings serve as a warning

to think carefully about what they do with their mobile phone.

" You want to be safe rather than sorry, " says Dr Merry. " Who knows if

this will have long-term implications for Australia's reproductive

future? _I think in the short term it's probably better to keep your

mobile phone in your jacket pocket or somewhere away from your groin._ "


So Dr Merry.. should I keep it near my heart then? - or my kidneys? - or

my liver, or lungs, or where exactly?, Or does the mobile phone only

single out and do damage to sperm?? Dr Merry sounds like he lost the

plot a long time ago.. They have solid evidence of cellular (no pun

intended) destruction and the concnsus us to move the damaging item to

somewhere less likely to be attributable to damage by mobile..

Ack - its so mindless..

Anyhow - I look forward to your progress in this field :-)



nyapshawn wrote:



> Hi,

> My name is and I live in Portland, OR. I have been sensitive to

> EMF for years, so I jumped at the chance to work in the field. I

> represent a company with products to harmonize and stabilize the EMF

> waves in common devices. I really look forward to participating in

> the group.



> www.mybiopro.com/shawnhorn








> *

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Sorry it's taken me a few days to get back online. Excellent point.

However, there would be no reason to move the phone anywhere if

people used a Cell Chip :) Clearly, this is one reason why my company

reprints this article!

I'm still learning, so I really appreciate the knowledge here. Maybe

you can help me understand why so many people flat out refuse to

believe that EMF is dangerous? It seems like some have never heard of

EMF and others choose not believe. I cringe every time I see children

on a phone, but I don't feel comfortable saying anything. What is a

good way to get the information out?



> >

> >

> > Hi,

> > My name is and I live in Portland, OR. I have been

sensitive to

> > EMF for years, so I jumped at the chance to work in the field. I

> > represent a company with products to harmonize and stabilize the


> > waves in common devices. I really look forward to participating in

> > the group.

> >

> >

> > www.mybiopro.com/shawnhorn

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > *

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>I'm still learning, so I really appreciate the knowledge here. Maybe

>you can help me understand why so many people flat out refuse to

>believe that EMF is dangerous? It seems like some have never heard of

>EMF and others choose not believe. I cringe every time I see children

>on a phone, but I don't feel comfortable saying anything. What is a

>good way to get the information out?

Unless people experience illness due to EMF and realize it is causing it, it

is a big challenge to convince people that EMF is bad, and all those

convenient devices are causing illness.

My wife, even after she has seen how bad EMF has been for me, still walks

around with two cell phones turned on (one personal, one work). She wanted

to give my son a cell phone and I put a ban on that idea.

I think it is difficult to force-feed people that EMF is bad for them. We

can just hope that if information is presented the right way, and people

that get sick from EMF notice this valuable information so they can get

relief, that the word will continue to spread. Perhaps it will take

somebody in a very influential position or a major lawsuite to open up the

general populations eyes to the magnitude of this problem.

It seems that Europe is leading the way with governments noticing this EMF




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  • 3 weeks later...

What kind of withdrawl symptoms did you experience from vioxx?

Welcome to the group!!! I


[ ] New here


my story is pretty long so i'll put in highlights now and fill in the

blanks if others want to hear more.

i am 32 years old and suffered with thyroid problems for the last 12

years. in dec 03 i had a total thyroidectomy. it was very

successful. since that time we are discovering many new diseases in

my body that the thyroid was 'covering up'. a lot of the symptoms are

the same.

so i am recently diagnosed with RA, Sjogrens, osteopenia, some liver

problem we havent figured out yet, and other medical issues. i was

taking vioxx for the last 3 years and had to stop taking that. the

withdrawl was horrible!!! my rheumy put me on plaquenil 200 mg

2x/day. it has only been 3 weeks so i'm not really feeling relief yet.

i also have weight issues and need to loose about 40 pounds, but am

afraid of the pain i'll be left with so dont want to exercise. a

paradox? any ideas on this?

here is something ironic...i live in the desert and was told it was

good for arthritis pain, but recently went on vacation to mexico and

found the humidity was helping me out more. now i'm not planning on

moving but has anyone else found that humidity helps arthritis?

so, any help you can give me would be great. i'm new to arthritis and

am looking for a local support group in my town too.



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, I would like to welcome you in the group. I'm glad that you

found the group, lots of information and great people. You have had

such a bad time, hope things start getting better soon, Tawny



> hello.

> my story is pretty long so i'll put in highlights now and fill in


> blanks if others want to hear more.


> i am 32 years old and suffered with thyroid problems for the last 12

> years. in dec 03 i had a total thyroidectomy. it was very

> successful. since that time we are discovering many new diseases in

> my body that the thyroid was 'covering up'. a lot of the symptoms


> the same.


> so i am recently diagnosed with RA, Sjogrens, osteopenia, some liver

> problem we havent figured out yet, and other medical issues. i was

> taking vioxx for the last 3 years and had to stop taking that. the

> withdrawl was horrible!!! my rheumy put me on plaquenil 200 mg

> 2x/day. it has only been 3 weeks so i'm not really feeling relief



> i also have weight issues and need to loose about 40 pounds, but am

> afraid of the pain i'll be left with so dont want to exercise. a

> paradox? any ideas on this?


> here is something ironic...i live in the desert and was told it was

> good for arthritis pain, but recently went on vacation to mexico and

> found the humidity was helping me out more. now i'm not planning on

> moving but has anyone else found that humidity helps arthritis?


> so, any help you can give me would be great. i'm new to arthritis


> am looking for a local support group in my town too.

> thanks,

> julie

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Tia:

I too have been battling Candida for a long time. It was getting

progressively worse and about a year ago I started experiencing what I

called a " racing heart " . It would wake me up in the middle of the night

(cardiac arythmia (sp?) I think it's called) Anyway, it really, really

scared me. Then I noticed that it usually coincided with an evening out and

having a social glass of wine or a drink or two.

I stopped drinking.

Then I did a lot of research and realized that my liver was probably under

stress. So I started cleansing as well as doing liver flushes. After 4

LF's, I indulged in a gin and tonic one evening last week - my first drink

in a year. And am glad to report that there was no racing heart.

You might investigate cleansing your system. Read the archives here and

also go to www.curezone.com where they have scads of info.

To your improved health - p

New Here




> Hi,

> I am new on the list and I have some questions. Recently I have had

> expisodes of what they are calling tackycardia. My heart races at

> 150 bpm,like a run away train. Does anyone on this list suffer from

> this> I have have uncontroled candida for years now.Now they rae

> calling it atrieal flutter( sp ). I am very upset about this and

> need some advice.



> TIA.











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> Hi Tia:


> I too have been battling Candida for a long time. It was getting

> progressively worse and about a year ago I started experiencing

what I

> called a " racing heart " . It would wake me up in the middle of the


> (cardiac arythmia (sp?) I think it's called) Anyway, it really,


I know I have a congested liver. I am going to go back on the liver

cleanse after reading this.

I wish more would write in if they have ever had this. I am scared

to death! Please, if you have ever had this racing heart, write in.


> scared me. Then I noticed that it usually coincided with an

evening out and

> having a social glass of wine or a drink or two.


> I stopped drinking.


> Then I did a lot of research and realized that my liver was

probably under

> stress. So I started cleansing as well as doing liver flushes.

After 4

> LF's, I indulged in a gin and tonic one evening last week - my

first drink

> in a year. And am glad to report that there was no racing heart.


> You might investigate cleansing your system. Read the archives

here and

> also go to www.curezone.com where they have scads of info.


> To your improved health - p





> New Here



> >

> >

> >

> > Hi,

> > I am new on the list and I have some questions. Recently I have


> > expisodes of what they are calling tackycardia. My heart races at

> > 150 bpm,like a run away train. Does anyone on this list suffer


> > this> I have have uncontroled candida for years now.Now they rae

> > calling it atrieal flutter( sp ). I am very upset about this and

> > need some advice.

> >

> >

> > TIA.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I know my racing heart was once caused by anxiety. And anxiety can be

caused by many things - in my case it was an infected tooth. Once removed,

the anxiety and racing heart disappeared.

Good luck in your search for the cause.



> I know I have a congested liver. I am going to go back on the liver

> cleanse after reading this.

> I wish more would write in if they have ever had this. I am scared

> to death! Please, if you have ever had this racing heart, write in.


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  • 2 weeks later...

On Monday, December 13, 2004, at 09:58 PM, Dr


> Message: 6

> Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 20:39:01 -0000

> From: " azrainstorm " <az_rainstorm@...>

> Subject: New here.


> I just joined your group. I am interested in chatting with anyone

> familiar with someone who is or has used Hulda 's remedy for

> curing cancer. My dh was diagnosed with stomach cancer last week.

> They have given him 6 months to a year. We just checked out The cure

> for all advanced cancers and are looking for some extra support.


> Thank you,


> Colleen G.


Hi Coleen,

I am feeling sad that your DH has stomach cancer - blessings to you


I am new to the group also - just joined today. I do not know anyone

who is

using or has used Hulda 's remedy for curing cancer.

I want to suggest that you get Dr. 's new book, which has lots of

new info on her

research over the last several years - " The Prevention of All Cancers " .

If you can locate someone who can perform Syncrometer testing on him,


would be a great way to know what you need to do all the way around -


with the malignancy, stop whatever is suppressing his immune system,


I don't know where to look or go to locate a tester. Maybe some

others in the

group can help out with that.

Also, I just recently came across a blood testing service that is

unique, and has

been used by many with cancer to help them get well. This may be a


alternative for you, if you are not able to get him tested with the


Go to this web link: www.yourfuturehealth.com or call 877-468-6934

(toll free).

The woman who developed this service has written a book about how she


to develop this, and how it has been a Godsend for many with serious


challenges. The info provided to you will tell you what you need to

do to deal with it

- natural stuff - lifestyle, supplementation and food - what to do and

what not to do.

The book is " Normal Blood Test Scores Aren't Good Enough " , by Ellie


There are several case histories of people with cancer in this book.

I like her

vision and philosophy a lot - I am going to use her preventive testing


myself. I have no involvement with this service other than being a


Know that your husband's cancer can be cured. Keep asking questions,


trust that the answers for your need will be forthcoming.

Bob Rowe

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Hi guys and welcome,

Self health just introduced a syncrometer for sale, it's called the

zincrometer. And there were a couple of people on here previously that

had used the 21 day program for cancer...do search the archives and try

to find those emails. Best of luck,

Jan in WA

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new here


> Hi! I am new here and trying coconut oil to lose weight. Any


> would help!!!!! I heard you should take 3 1/2 TBSP everyday of it!



Just adding the coconut oil won't do any good unless one has

a healthy diet to begin with. Coconut oil helps speed metabolism

but if one is eating all the wrong foods, it won't do much good.



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One of the keys to losing weight using coconut oil is to replace all other

vegetable oils in your diet with coconut oil. A little olive oil is okay,

but the main oil in your diet should be coconut oil. Polyunsaturated oils

and hydrogenated oils and everything that contains them should be completely

eliminated. Also, you need to eat healthy and don't overeat.


new here


> Hi! I am new here and trying coconut oil to lose weight. Any suggestions

> would help!!!!! I heard you should take 3 1/2 TBSP everyday of it!



> Gold Canyon Candles! Heavily scented at a reasonable price! TONS of

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> Treat yourself and your friends to the serenity of a BeautiControl Spa

> Escape-- just one hour in the comfort of your own home. Relax your mind.

> Rejoice with friends. Renew your skin. You'll feel completely

> rejuvenated!! http://www.beautipage.com/pout98/


> E-mail me today pout98@...




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  • 5 weeks later...

Welcome Rosie!

[ ] New here

Hello everyone, My name is Rosie I am a SAHM/WAHM of 4 daughters

10, 8, Skyler 5, Ciera 20 months old.

I was introduce to this group by . I have 1 child that was

Diagnous with ADHD and i have another child Pending on ADHD I have

not gottin her checked out yet. Well I guess that is all for now feel

free to ask me any questions that i left out.



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