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Maybe you weren't on abx long enough. Remember there are a lot of different

strains of the lyme bacteria and you can have more than one strain in your

body. It is hard to kill all of the strains off.

Perhaps you weren't on the abx long enough. Then afterwards, you need to

rebuild your body, so much damage has happened from all the bacteria and

drugs. It really causes such unbalance and havoc. It took me a full year

after finishing abx to start feeling better. I even went through some abx

withdrawal symptoms..........everyone was suggesting I return to abx

treatment because I felt horrible.......once I got my body use to no abx, I

started to feel better. One day at a time....it takes one day at a time.



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Hi Connie, Thanks for the response. Last summer or I should say the

summer before I developed cellulitis in my foot from a sliver. Thats

the time when I felt I wasn't on anti's long enough. This time I'm into

my second month of doxy. I have been getting joint and muscle pain.

Also nausea with vomitting. What concerns me the most is this eye pain

and blurriness. I see the llmd next month. I just felt I neede support

between now and then.

Does anyone else have these mood swings? Rages? I am usually a pretty

easy going person. Ms brain freezes do not hold a candle to lyme fog.

I didn't even know how to get in a car.

Take Care


> Maybe you weren't on abx long enough. Remember there are a lot of


> strains of the lyme bacteria and you can have more than one strain in


> body. It is hard to kill all of the strains off.

> Perhaps you weren't on the abx long enough. Then afterwards, you need


> rebuild your body, so much damage has happened from all the bacteria


> drugs. It really causes such unbalance and havoc. It took me a full


> after finishing abx to start feeling better. I even went through some


> withdrawal symptoms..........everyone was suggesting I return to abx

> treatment because I felt horrible.......once I got my body use to no

abx, I

> started to feel better. One day at a time....it takes one day at a



> Conniek

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Hi, Dagmar,

Have you looked into bartonella? Any pain in the soles of your feet, especially

in the morning? Any abdominal discomfort? Vision stuff? Teeny red dots on


Bartonella is often the culprit when neuro symptoms recur or linger. I've had

kidney pain with it as well, along with the above symptoms.

Hope you find an answer.


Dagmar <dlkh223@...> wrote: Hallo, my name is Dagmar, I am a 43, married

with children, formerly

working in health care, now unimployed, uninjured and a miserable mess.

After both oral and a month of IV meds last spring and summer, I still

cannot walk right half the time, have tremors, fatigue, kidney pain and

all kinds of malfunctions that are most likely still from Lyme

disease. Anyone else out there who cannot seem to get better?


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No I don't think they tested for Bartonella. But then again I am positive

for toxoplasmosis, another cat disease (found out when pregnant), so who

knows, suppose I should get tested for that too when I get health coverage



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Wow Joanne, sounds like you are on the right path! I wish I had that kind of

reaction from the

Knotweed! :-) In case you are not aware, Buhner answers member questions

on my

website PlanetThrive.com in the INSIGHT | Ask a Natural Living Expert section.

Membership is

free but you must join to ask a question. You can browse the archives for past


without being a member. Welcome to the group, and best wishes for continued


Much peace,


> Hi everyone,


> My name is Joanne, and I got mysteriously ill back last January. ...

> I am very excited, and am thrilled to find a group dedicated to this

> way of healing. I look forward to learning much from all of you,

> and having support as well as giving it. Thank you so much for

> being here.


> Joanne


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Hi Joanne,

Welcome. So glad you found us.

This is a great group!

If you want more info, to the left, you can check on " files " to read

about some of our individual stories, and can click on " links " also

for more info.

Sounds like you are making a great beginning with your herbal treatment.

wish you continued success,



> Hi everyone,


> My name is Joanne, and I got mysteriously ill back last January. I

> went to numerous specialists for my multitude symptoms. Everything

> was normal. I had like 3 lymes test, and they too were normal. I

> finally did the bowen test, and sure enough I tested out at the

> highest infection rate. My doctor put me on 6 weeks of doxycyclin,

> and then switched me to ceftin. He is not an llmd, and the amount

> of abx is not sufficient for the level of infection that I have.


> While I was sick, like in April, I started working with a

> chiropractor who does muscle testing, and I have to tell ya, he

> found major problems with my kidneys and metal toxicity. I've been

> working with him since then. And because of him and the supplements

> that he prescibed, I got better, but still wasnt right.


> What I decided was that I dont want to go abx route. I bought

> Buhners book, and took it to him and he got me the herbs. When I

> saw him on Thursday, he only had the japanese knotweed. He gave

> that to me and sure enough, I tested strongly for it. I am on 7

> supplements a day of that. I started the Japanese Knotweed on

> Thursday, and the weirdest thing happened. About 1/2 hour after I

> took it, my ears became unclogged for the first time in like a

> year. When I went to the bathroom (and forgive me for speaking

> bluntly) I had foam and all kinds of " stuff " in my urine. I

> attribute it to the Lyme being killed off. I've had this reaction a

> couple of times before, like first being on abx, and one time when I

> got really sick and had a 103 fever. I just had my appointment

> today to pick up the astralgus, cats claw, andographis, and

> saspirilla. He muscle tested me for all of them and infact, I came

> up really strong. Im on the dose my body told him to give me, and

> this is the first day of full treatment.


> I am very excited, and am thrilled to find a group dedicated to this

> way of healing. I look forward to learning much from all of you,

> and having support as well as giving it. Thank you so much for

> being here.


> Joanne


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please take my name off of the list for people to receive e-mails from your

group. I no longer wish to receive them or be part of the group.

Thank you for doing this.


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Here is a search I did.

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en & lr= & q=pictures+of+47+xxy+guys+


freecycle565 <freecycle565@...> wrote:

where would i find pictures of 47 xxy guys before hrt and after hrt ?


want to see what happens when taking the androgens to the body. For

instance prior to taking testo , the scrotal area was much larger ,

does it get smaller when taken hrt ? Is any one willing to send me a

picture of their body area ? Or tell me where I can find this info.


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In a message dated 08/12/2006 22:29:37 GMT Standard Time,

deturemonica@... writes:

I am supposed to go back to the Rheumy in early January and am not at

all sure what to expect.

Hi Lynne or/and ,

A very late welcome to the group. I know I am only about seven weeks late in

saying hello but, ask the others, it's not unusual. lol

I hope by now you will have a better idea of what this disease may or may not

hold in store for you. I hope you got on ok at your latest appointment with

your Rheumy and you are on better meds.

Take care,

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Hi Sere:

WHY buy the Stephania root in cut form and then grind it yourself? WHY

not just buy it in powder form to begin with? I have been getting that way for

about a year. I have just bought a pound in cut/sifted form and will be making

a TINCTURE with it. You will get more out of it in tincture form than by a tea.



serendipityfromtexas <serendipityfromtexas@...> wrote:


I joinded this forum recently after reading many " success " stories

form those who had tried Bruhners herbs on lymenet. I'v had lyme for

18 years, treated for a year and a half with herbs and rife. I am

grateful for the progress I have made but am still symptomatic and

eager to find new treatments.

I bought some Natures Way Andrographis and obatained samples of herbs

from 1st Chinese Herbs to take to my LLMD for energetic testing.

Based on energetic testing this is what he recommended:

Andrograhphis (Natures Way) start with 1 cap twice aday build up to 3

caps twice a day

Stephania Root (Cut) grind into powder. Place 1 tsp in warm water to

make tea

drink one cup before breakfast

Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Powder 1 tsp in warm water, drink one cup

before breakfast

Teasal Root 1 tsp in warm water, drink one cup before breakfast

I would love to have your input regarding the above: dosing, method

of preparation, and an other comments. My doctor hasn't used these

herbs before so your experience in addtion to his finding would be


Thank you - in advance.


Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.

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http://www.healthsentinel.com/org_news.php?id=058 & title=Stopping+epileptic+seizu\

res+using+omega-3%2C+vitamin+E%2C+diet%2C+and+more & event=org_news_print_list_ite\


Dear friends,

Just reading about some of the new people to this site. So sorry for

everyone. We are going through the same thing. My daughter has had epilepsy for

two years and has continually gotten worse. She has been on 7 different meds,

that have reduced her to infancy (she's 4). We recently took her to an

alternative treatment doctor who started her on numerous herbs and supplements.

We have been able to wean nearly all meds and are seeing huge improvements. She

is picking everything back up and is down from several hundred head-drops and

drop attacks to 10 or less (if any). I want to help others as much as I can. I

know how frustrating it can be working w/ these stubborn doctors who only know

drugs and surgery. I am posting a good article explaining the benefits of

vitamin supp. and possible food allergies that may trigger seizures. Very

interesting. So far it is working for us, as I hope it does for others. I don't

know why doctors can't suggest these other less invasive

options, guess there isn't any money to be made w/ vitamins. Read this article,

it is very enlightening and shows that there is hope and there are more options

for you. Hope this helps.


wwme2001 <theinmans@...> wrote: my

son has had seizures since he was almost 3 yrs. old (he's 8 now.)

he is categorized by his neuro. as idiopathic misc. seizure disorder!

they have no clue why he's having seiuzres or what to do to help him.

he's now on the ketogenic diet. that's helped some. but we've

gotten 3 good years from that with no end in sight. seizures are

starting to breakthrough. we do not cheat! we are very vigilant with

his food.

we do know that mold is some kind of trigger for his seiuzres. there

have been 3 times where he's been in a musty basement/room for awhile,

and the next day he has tons of tonic clonic seiuzres.

we actually sold our house to help him stay healthy (one of the 3

times was at our home-beginning of seizres.) we'd take him out of the

house and the seizures improved within a week.

now we're up to him having them every week for 3-4 days (anywhere from

2-10 seizures a day.) he has lots of kinds, mostly he has tonic

clonics and drop seizures-those are the worst!

any ideas on treatments would be helpful. right now he takes

phenobarb, felbamate and clorazapate (like clonipin-but low carb.)



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Thanks. I will check it out. The doctor I am working

with is open to diet/vitamins/suppliments. I'm not on

any drugs, and he has prescribed folic acid for me.


--- miranda goranflo <mirandag1981@...> wrote:


http://www.healthsentinel.com/org_news.php?id=058 & title=Stopping+epileptic+seizu\

res+using+omega-3%2C+vitamin+E%2C+diet%2C+and+more & event=org_news_print_list_ite\



> Dear friends,


> Just reading about some of the new people to

> this site. So sorry for everyone. We are going

> through the same thing. My daughter has had epilepsy

> for two years and has continually gotten worse. She

> has been on 7 different meds, that have reduced her

> to infancy (she's 4). We recently took her to an

> alternative treatment doctor who started her on

> numerous herbs and supplements. We have been able to

> wean nearly all meds and are seeing huge

> improvements. She is picking everything back up and

> is down from several hundred head-drops and drop

> attacks to 10 or less (if any). I want to help

> others as much as I can. I know how frustrating it

> can be working w/ these stubborn doctors who only

> know drugs and surgery. I am posting a good article

> explaining the benefits of vitamin supp. and

> possible food allergies that may trigger seizures.

> Very interesting. So far it is working for us, as I

> hope it does for others. I don't know why doctors

> can't suggest these other less invasive

> options, guess there isn't any money to be made w/

> vitamins. Read this article, it is very enlightening

> and shows that there is hope and there are more

> options for you. Hope this helps.



> Miranda



> wwme2001 <theinmans@...> wrote:

> my son has had seizures since

> he was almost 3 yrs. old (he's 8 now.)

> he is categorized by his neuro. as idiopathic misc.

> seizure disorder!

> they have no clue why he's having seiuzres or what

> to do to help him.

> he's now on the ketogenic diet. that's helped

> some. but we've

> gotten 3 good years from that with no end in sight.

> seizures are

> starting to breakthrough. we do not cheat! we are

> very vigilant with

> his food.


> we do know that mold is some kind of trigger for

> his seiuzres. there

> have been 3 times where he's been in a musty

> basement/room for awhile,

> and the next day he has tons of tonic clonic

> seiuzres.


> we actually sold our house to help him stay healthy

> (one of the 3

> times was at our home-beginning of seizres.) we'd

> take him out of the

> house and the seizures improved within a week.


> now we're up to him having them every week for 3-4

> days (anywhere from

> 2-10 seizures a day.) he has lots of kinds, mostly

> he has tonic

> clonics and drop seizures-those are the worst!


> any ideas on treatments would be helpful. right

> now he takes

> phenobarb, felbamate and clorazapate (like

> clonipin-but low carb.)


> thanks







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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



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Hey there Jim

(I assume the same one from Lymenet)

Why the ia root in cut form. That was the form 1st Chinese

Herbs sent me, so that is what my doctor tested and what I ordered.

It does seem silly to grind the cut form into a powder when it is

already available that way. So I am calling the company to see if I

can change my order.

How would I prepare the tincture and why is it more potent. These are

likely questions I should know by reading, but I don't have Buhners

book yet and would like to get started before it arrives.

Thanks Jim


> Hi Sere:


> WHY buy the Stephania root in cut form and then grind it

yourself? WHY not just buy it in powder form to begin with? I

have been getting that way for about a year. I have just bought a

pound in cut/sifted form and will be making a TINCTURE with it. You

will get more out of it in tincture form than by a tea.


> Jim.

> ###

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Hi Serendi, nice to see you here too!

How did you figure out to do these teas, like the knotweed only with

warm water, if I understood well?

I boil it for minimum 20 minutes... I guess I gotta look at the book of

Buhner again.

The only reason I do the tea, is that I can find the knotweed bark here

in Europe (but I can't find it powdered), so that I don't need to

import from the US. Otherwise, I would try whole herb powder, as Buhner



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serendipity wrote:

These are likely questions I should know by reading, but I don't have


book yet and would like to get started before it arrives.

welcome to the group!

dear friend, i would strongly encourage you to read buhners whole book

FIRST, before starting the protocol. there is so much info in the book:

important contraindications, info on dosing and the forms to take each herb

depending on your symptoms. you'll not be able to gather all that info

accurately from this group without the book.

in this challenging time of illness and transition,

may gratitude and wonder enlighten your path, step by step.

may grace and ease enliven your presence, breath by breath.


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I just read your first post about your daughter. Has your daughter

been seen by specialists in inborn errors of metabolism, have heart

conditions been ruled out? If your daughter's seizures are triggered

by a metabolic disorder, or something like gluten intolerance, no

brain surgery will fix it, for sure.

You may want to contact Mark Schauss at his blood testing

laboratory. His daughter had seizures and he was able to help her

through his own research. I think it involved organic acid disorders.

Was your daughter evaluated for this possibility?

These links are to articles about his daughter's seizures. They are

on his business' web page.


op=viewarticle & artid=7


This link is to an article I wrote on vitamin D deficiency and

seizures. This is often overlooked and is turning up more recently

following a lot of press coverage on how common vitamin D deficiency

may be.


Thanks for that link you posted. I'm reading it too!



> http://www.healthsentinel.com/org_news.php?

id=058 & title=Stopping+epileptic+seizures+using+omega-3%2C+vitamin+E%

2C+diet%2C+and+more & event=org_news_print_list_item


> Dear friends,


> Just reading about some of the new people to this site. So

sorry for everyone. We are going through the same thing. My daughter

has had epilepsy for two years and has continually gotten worse. She

has been on 7 different meds, that have reduced her to infancy (she's

4). We recently took her to an alternative treatment doctor who

started her on numerous herbs and supplements. We have been able to

wean nearly all meds and are seeing huge improvements. She is picking

everything back up and is down from several hundred head-drops and

drop attacks to 10 or less (if any). I want to help others as much as

I can. I know how frustrating it can be working w/ these stubborn

doctors who only know drugs and surgery. I am posting a good article

explaining the benefits of vitamin supp. and possible food allergies

that may trigger seizures. Very interesting. So far it is working for

us, as I hope it does for others. I don't know why doctors can't

suggest these other less invasive

> options, guess there isn't any money to be made w/ vitamins. Read

this article, it is very enlightening and shows that there is hope

and there are more options for you. Hope this helps.




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Hi Selma,

It was your posts on lymenet along with others that prompted me to

look into these herbs. 1st Chinese herbs sent me samples of the

Teasal, root, and Japenese Knotweed. The Teasal and

Japenese Knotweed were in powder form, and the ia root in cut.

I spoke to Sara at 1st Chinese herbs and she recommended making a tea

simply by disolving a tsp of the powder into a cup of water, and

drinking it in three portions a day to keep it in my system. The cut

form needs to be reduced. 1/4 cup of bark in 2 cups of water reduced

to one and also taken in three portions a day.

Selma, will 1st Chinese herbs send you the powdered form. I recall

you are in Europe but must confess I forgot which company.

I have much reading to do.

take care


> Hi Serendi, nice to see you here too!


> How did you figure out to do these teas, like the knotweed only


> warm water, if I understood well?


> I boil it for minimum 20 minutes... I guess I gotta look at the

book of

> Buhner again.


> The only reason I do the tea, is that I can find the knotweed bark


> in Europe (but I can't find it powdered), so that I don't need to

> import from the US. Otherwise, I would try whole herb powder, as


> suggests.


> Selma


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I just ordered a pound of Stephania powder from 1st Chinese herbs. Ann





> Hi Selma,

> >

> Selma, will 1st Chinese herbs send you the powdered form. I recall

> you are in Europe but must confess I forgot which company.


> I have much reading to do.

> take care


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Yes, Sere, one and the same.

It is my understanding that the alcohol will bring out the elements of the

roots better than water.

Usually you use powder for the capsules, and cut and sifted for the tinctures.

It would take a lot more straining if you used the powder for the tinctures.

Yes, IF you are going to take Stephania in capsule form, it only makes sense

to get it in powder form in the begining.


serendipityfromtexas <serendipityfromtexas@...> wrote:

Hey there Jim

(I assume the same one from Lymenet)

Why the ia root in cut form. That was the form 1st Chinese

Herbs sent me, so that is what my doctor tested and what I ordered.

It does seem silly to grind the cut form into a powder when it is

already available that way. So I am calling the company to see if I

can change my order.

How would I prepare the tincture and why is it more potent. These are

likely questions I should know by reading, but I don't have Buhners

book yet and would like to get started before it arrives.

Thanks Jim

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Hi Donna

Welcome to this group :-) I have learned so much being here and hope you find

the support you need here also.

I'm glad you have a dx now and can work on strategies that will help you all.

How long will Mack spend at the residential treatment program?

It is so great to hear of adoptive parents...we fostered my dd friend for a

short time when she was removed from her adoptive home until they could find

permant placement. That was just 2 years ago and a 16yo in that type

situation..oh my...God bless you for all you do!

- C.

Mom to Cassie 15 PCOS, Austin 13 ADHD and a 3 HFA/AS & SPD/SID

( ) New here

Hi - I sent an introduction email about a week ago, but since I did not

receive a welcome - I guess that it did not go through. So, I'll do it again.

I am Donna from Louisiana with a hubby and four children: three boys, Chris

(25) - ADHD, depression; Sam (15) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Anxiety Disorder,

ADHD, Mood Disorder, Central Auditory Processing Disorder, Sensory Integration

Dysfunction; and Mack (14) - recently diagnosed Aspergers, also already

diagnosed ADHD, Bipolar, ODD and one girl, Jenna (22) - married and " normal " -

whatever that is. All of our children are adopted: and Jenna by me and my

ex; Mack by my husband and his ex. Sam by me and current husband.

Mack was diagnosed a little over a week ago. We have suspected Aspergers or

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome for about three years, but could never get the diagnosis.

Mack has major rages and after three arrests for assault on family members,

teachers and police, he ended up in the psych hospital for the third time in 2.5

years. This time he had a neuropsych do a complete eval and that is how we got

the diagnosis. Mack is on two years probation for his assault charges and also

was ordered to complete a residential treatment program at the Methodist

Children's home. We took him there last Friday. Today I was really encouraged

when I talked to the Family Therapist that has been assigned to us - she is very

familiar with Aspergers and knows the strategies to use with him. She has also

had another client who was dually diagnosed wtih Aspergers and bipolar. So, I

feel like we have finally found assistance. Mack is very angry and depressed and

I am sure that it is because without the right diagnosis we were not using the

right strategies to help him. That combined with his adoptive mom leaving when

he was 7 years old have caused a lot of the anger and depression.

I hate that now that we have the diagnosis that he is no longer living with

us. I hope that he will be back with us soon and that we will have the tools we

need to help him. The psychologist who diagnosed him has promised to help us

find a therapist here when Mack comes home.

I have been reading email for about a week and I really think that this group

has the support we need.


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Welcome! Yes can be troublesome some days!

Welcome to the group had congratulations on all the wonderful children you

have managed

To adopt!

I am Chris..mom to chase and a few more myself LOL

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and don't forget Ribbons of hope! Show your support

and show your ribbon.


-- ( ) New here

Hi - I sent an introduction email about a week ago, but since I did not

receive a welcome - I guess that it did not go through. So, I'll do it again

I am Donna from Louisiana with a hubby and four children: three boys, Chris

(25) - ADHD, depression; Sam (15) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Anxiety Disorder,

ADHD, Mood Disorder, Central Auditory Processing Disorder, Sensory

Integration Dysfunction; and Mack (14) - recently diagnosed Aspergers, also

already diagnosed ADHD, Bipolar, ODD and one girl, Jenna (22) - married and

normal " - whatever that is. All of our children are adopted: and Jenna

by me and my ex; Mack by my husband and his ex. S am by me and current


Mack was diagnosed a little over a week ago. We have suspected Aspergers or

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome for about three years, but could never get the

diagnosis. Mack has major rages and after three arrests for assault on

family members, teachers and police, he ended up in the psych hospital for

the third time in 2.5 years. This time he had a neuropsych do a complete

eval and that is how we got the diagnosis. Mack is on two years probation

for his assault charges and also was ordered to complete a residentia l

treatment program at the Methodist Children's home. We took him there last

Friday. Today I was really encouraged when I talked to the Family Therapist

that has been assigned to us - she is very familiar with Aspergers and knows

the strategies to use with him. She has also had another client who was

dually diagnosed wtih Aspergers and bipolar. So, I feel like we have finally

found assistance. Mack is very angry and depressed and I am sure that it is

because without the right diagnosis we were not usin g the right strategies

to help him. That combined with his adoptive mom leaving when he was 7 years

old have caused a lot of the anger and depression.

I hate that now that we have the diagnosis that he is no longer living with

us. I hope that he will be back with us soon and that we will have the tools

we need to help him. The psychologist who diagnosed him has promised to help

us find a therapist here when Mack comes home.

I have been reading email for about a week and I really think that this

group has the support we need.


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Hi, I'm Liz in Houston, my seven year old has AS. This is a really good

group, I think you'll get lots of information. You really have a lot going on

in your house! It must feel overwhelming.

What kind of accommodations will Mack's school have in place when he comes

back to live with you? Does he already have an IEP for his other diagnosis'?



Donna <donnalmoore@...> wrote:

Hi - I sent an introduction email about a week ago, but since I did

not receive a welcome - I guess that it did not go through. So, I'll do it


I am Donna from Louisiana with a hubby and four children: three boys, (25)

- ADHD, depression; Sam (15) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Anxiety Disorder, ADHD,

Mood Disorder, Central Auditory Processing Disorder, Sensory Integration

Dysfunction; and Mack (14) - recently diagnosed Aspergers, also already

diagnosed ADHD, Bipolar, ODD and one girl, Jenna (22) - married and " normal " -

whatever that is. All of our children are adopted: and Jenna by me and my

ex; Mack by my husband and his ex. Sam by me and current husband.

Mack was diagnosed a little over a week ago. We have suspected Aspergers or

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome for about three years, but could never get the diagnosis.

Mack has major rages and after three arrests for assault on family members,

teachers and police, he ended up in the psych hospital for the third time in 2.5

years. This time he had a neuropsych do a complete eval and that is how we got

the diagnosis. Mack is on two years probation for his assault charges and also

was ordered to complete a residential treatment program at the Methodist

Children's home. We took him there last Friday. Today I was really encouraged

when I talked to the Family Therapist that has been assigned to us - she is very

familiar with Aspergers and knows the strategies to use with him. She has also

had another client who was dually diagnosed wtih Aspergers and bipolar. So, I

feel like we have finally found assistance. Mack is very angry and depressed and

I am sure that it is because without the right

diagnosis we were not using the right strategies to help him. That combined

with his adoptive mom leaving when he was 7 years old have caused a lot of the

anger and depression.

I hate that now that we have the diagnosis that he is no longer living with us.

I hope that he will be back with us soon and that we will have the tools we need

to help him. The psychologist who diagnosed him has promised to help us find a

therapist here when Mack comes home.

I have been reading email for about a week and I really think that this group

has the support we need.


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Welcome to the group Donna, my son was diagnosed a year ago with Aspergers and

it's made a big difference in how we interact with him (particularly around

discipline). A good therapist is also a godsend.

Good luck,

Rhonda (son Jack age 6)

-------------- Original message from " Donna " <donnalmoore@...>:


Hi - I sent an introduction email about a week ago, but since I did not receive

a welcome - I guess that it did not go through. So, I'll do it again.

I am Donna from Louisiana with a hubby and four children: three boys, (25)

- ADHD, depression; Sam (15) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Anxiety Disorder, ADHD,

Mood Disorder, Central Auditory Processing Disorder, Sensory Integration

Dysfunction; and Mack (14) - recently diagnosed Aspergers, also already

diagnosed ADHD, Bipolar, ODD and one girl, Jenna (22) - married and " normal " -

whatever that is. All of our children are adopted: and Jenna by me and my

ex; Mack by my husband and his ex. Sam by me and current husband.

Mack was diagnosed a little over a week ago. We have suspected Aspergers or

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome for about three years, but could never get the diagnosis.

Mack has major rages and after three arrests for assault on family members,

teachers and police, he ended up in the psych hospital for the third time in 2.5

years. This time he had a neuropsych do a complete eval and that is how we got

the diagnosis. Mack is on two years probation for his assault charges and also

was ordered to complete a residential treatment program at the Methodist

Children's home. We took him there last Friday. Today I was really encouraged

when I talked to the Family Therapist that has been assigned to us - she is very

familiar with Aspergers and knows the strategies to use with him. She has also

had another client who was dually diagnosed wtih Aspergers and bipolar. So, I

feel like we have finally found assistance. Mack is very angry and depressed and

I am sure that it is because without the right diagnos

is we were not using the right strategies to help him. That combined with his

adoptive mom leaving when he was 7 years old have caused a lot of the anger and


I hate that now that we have the diagnosis that he is no longer living with us.

I hope that he will be back with us soon and that we will have the tools we need

to help him. The psychologist who diagnosed him has promised to help us find a

therapist here when Mack comes home.

I have been reading email for about a week and I really think that this group

has the support we need.


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-Hi Stedfast,

I think I'm the first to welcome you, as I am up early.

Glad you found Buhner, and us, and that you and your husband decided

to go with herbs.

Re your first question, I have in the last couple of months started

describing myself as post-Lyme.

Here is a short version of my story:


I was diagnosed in May of 06, with advanced Lyme. Don't know how long

I had had it, just know it wasn't a new case.

I started a course of antibiotics, because I didn't know anything

about Lyme then. All I " knew " was - a 30-day course of antibiotics

will " cure " it.

Then I found Buhner's book. I started his protocol the middle of May,

and stayed on the maximum as he advises for 2 months. Meanwhile I

finished the abx the end of May, and I don't think it did anything for

me. [except give me thrush].

At the end of 2 months I felt well enough to stop the herbs to see how

I'd feel. After a couple of weeks the pain in my leg started coming

back. This time I went on a course of Esberitox which is a

super-charged form of Echinacae. Not sure how long. Maybe 1 month.

Then I felt well again, so I stopped.

Now, for about 3 months, I only take co-Q 10, magnesium and Vit C, and

SAM-e- all of them once a day.

I went from barely able to walk to the bathroom, to walking with a

cane to - now- I walk an hour a day! I feel very blessed. I no longer

have that awful fatigue which seems to be a hallmark of Lyme. I have

as much energy as ever. I don't have sweats anymore, or headache. So

one day, I started describing myself as post-Lyme.


As far as whether you can get Lyme from your husband, personally, I

don't believe that is possible, altho some will disagree with me. If I

were you, I would do what you're doing, and consider myself healthy,

unless I had some reason to think otherwise.

In terms of immune-boosting, another very good herbs is Esberitox,

which is a super-charged form of echinacea. [i have posted in detail

about my experience with Esb., you can do a search on my name if you

want more info.]

Also, note that on the left of the screen, if you are reading this at

the group site, you can click on " files " and read more about our

stories. Also can click on " links " and get to -among others, members'

web sites with more good stuff.

So...welcome, and let us know how your husbnad progresses. Sounds like

he is off to a good start!



-- In , " stedfast81 " <stedfast81@...>



> Hello, I just joined the group and wanted to make an introduction.

> My husband has lyme disease, we didn't catch it until 2 years after

> the fact when we finally figured out why his joints would swell up

> for seemingly no reason at all. We were immediately turned off by

> the lyme specialists who told us to take antibiotics and we found

> two books: Buhner's and a Lyme/Rife book. We haven't done any of

> the Rife machine stuff, but are fully committed to the herbs in

> Buhner's book, and just worked up to the maximum dosage a week ago.

> Because of expense, we buy most of the herbs except for andrographis

> in powder form from Rain-Tree and 1st Chinese Herbals, and then mix

> them with some Camu-Camu (vitamin C source), Stevia, and unsweetened

> cocoa powder to make a mix that he can scoop out and put in a glass

> of milk, we call it his " magic cocoa mix. " It doesn't taste great,

> but he likes it better than taking all of those pills.


> He has a few flare ups since we started on the herbs, but instead of

> lasting 2-3 weeks, they are lasting between a few hours and a few

> days. He is very tire much of the time, but we attribute that to

> fighting off the lyme.


> I do not have any lyme symptoms, and we have heard mixed opinions on

> whether or not he can give it to me. But I take astragalus and

> eluthero, along with other immunity boosters and vitamins just in

> case.


> I have not read through many past messages, so forgive me If I ask

> repeated questions, but here they are:

> 1)How do you know when you have beaten lyme disease?

> 2)Do decreasing symptoms mean the protocol is working or that his

> body is not fighting as much?

> 3)Has anyone done rife or " zappers " in conjuction with the herbs?


> Thank you!


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Hi, welcome to the group!

It seems you're husband and you are doing quite well already!

Thanks for the idea about the cocoa drink. Sounds not that bad at

all. I read wonderful things about stevia too. Does it taste good?

How much eleuthero and astragalus do you take a day?

My naturopath recommended, as profilaxis (is this English??), to take

all (or any) of bee products, like honey, royal jelly, propolis, bee

polen. It helps also on killing different pathogens, if I understood

well (funghi, bactery, viruses). She also recommended a product

called Biprolex, not too expensive and lasts a long time, with

natural antibiotics. That's what I give to my small kid too,

according to her, it's absolutely no problem long term if given in

small amounts. She also takes flaxseed oil for the Omega 3.

All these stuff are not very expensive (except for royal jelly) and

usually last a long time and can't do bad (unless you have candida,

as honey feeds candida).

But in the highest tick season (spring and summer), I'll start

astragalus to her too. Eleuthero not, as it's a tincture. Unless

she's bitten again. But it's good idea for grown ups.

I would add Knotweed for the grown ups, as profilaxis. It seems not

bad long term, you can do in tea form and take 2x day, half a cup

each time. Knotweed in cut form is not too expensive, at least not

where I buy (in Germany). Just what I'm thinking to do when I get

100% symptomless.

Question 1:

I guess no one knows. My 'aim' is to get symptomless of lyme AND co-

infections AND parallel infections. I'm fighting still athlete's foot

mainly now. I'm not sure I got still borrelia and bartonella, but I'm

still treating them low profile (a bit of knotweed, a bit of KMT, a

very bit of samento drops).

I just did a post here on 'post lyme supplements' few days ago.

That's more or less what I'm thinking to do in the near future. I

guess stopping all treatment after getting symptomless is not a very

good idea. I would go on at least one more year in the list of

products I wrote in this previous post.

Question 2:

I guess the protocol is working. Many people don't herx with his

herbs. I had some arthritic herxes in the beginning, but since joint

pain totally disappeared, I guess my herxes were only feeling chilly,

some pressure in my lungs, if I remember well. It took me 12-13

months on the protocol to feel borrelia got very low profile.

And I just slowly improved, that's all. Until I stopped improving

(because most symptoms vanished). Now I have light swelling in my

hands (fingers) and athlete's foot to fight.


I do KMT parallel. Much lighter than Rife (smaller herxes) and covers

many many pathogens at once. Any dummy can use it. If you know

exactly which pathogen you are fighting, Rife looks better. If you

are fighing many unknown pathogens, viruses, bacteries no matter

where (brain, intestines, liver...), KMT looks better. I was about 8

months infected when I started using the KMT. I swear it killed a

lot. I could NEVER imagine I would have so many parasites in my brain

and intestines...

Another hint: I would add cleansers to Buhner's protocol, like

chlorella (lots), milk thistle, zeolite, goat whey, sulphur,

minerals, oils like flaxseed and sesame, enzymes (lots) and some

electrolyte solution (light Himalayan salt solution, dissolved in

water). His protocol lacks cleansers. Some here also swear by red


Such cleansers help immensely with fatigue and make killing effect

bigger (because the garbage of killings are eliminated and the body

gets 'open' to new killings).

this is just based on own experience!

Good luck,


> I have not read through many past messages, so forgive me If I ask

> repeated questions, but here they are:

> 1)How do you know when you have beaten lyme disease?

> 2)Do decreasing symptoms mean the protocol is working or that his

> body is not fighting as much?

> 3)Has anyone done rife or " zappers " in conjuction with the herbs?


> Thank you!


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