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Dear Joi,

I have had numerous surgeries, cervical, back, shoulder, and both knees

replaced, and still have pain in the knee that was replaced a couple years ago.

My PM dr. said I have tendonitis. I have been keeping a pillow between my knees

for years, but still have pain that wakes me up every nite, and am on an opiate.

I was told also to not buy a bed with a pillow top mattress, they are finding

out more and more that it's not good for backs. My mattress cannot be flipped,

only turned, it cost us a pretty penny, so we're knind of stuck, my husband is

overweight, and his side definitely slopes down, even though we turn it around

frequently-so that isn't helping my back problems. Am very ticked off, I found a

site from an Oprah magazine regarding joint makers and orthopedic surgeons

accepting bribes on using a particular implant, found my knee and shoulder

ortho. drs were listing as have taken so called " consulting fees " , including

cash, trips, and gifts. That

really makes me wonder if they used the wrong type of replacement for the knee

that I'm still having problems with. Be sure to get second opinions on any sort

of knee or hip implant done if it's needed, I couldn't tell from your letter if

you've had any of that done. I've been told that my back pain can travel down to

my knees, but I had a separate mri done for my knees, as well as a total body

mri. I also use lidocaine patches for my back and knee pain, and that helps

some. I don't know if I've been able to help you any, but there are lots of

people in this group who are very knowledgeable, so hopefully somebody can give

you some helpful advice. Take care of yourself, and I hope you can find some

help soon.





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Oh I feel for you; I know the pain you are describing; I get that

sharp pain in my hips then it goes down to my thighs at night also

that wakes me up often. I keep alternating sides. As far as the walk

you took...Dr's are really divivded on excercise as far as acute pain

goes; some have told me not to as I'll only be aggravating what's

going on and some have told me to walk as much as I can. I think the

answer lies somewhere in the middle and you need to go at it slow and

listen to your body; stop before you are really hurting. For chronic

pain almost all the Dr's I've seen say walk, walk, walk or swim.

I'm sorry your Dr's aren't offering you anything for the pain; have

you talked to them and told them how bad the pain really is? Just

keep telling them, describe it like you did here in your posts and

ask them if there is something that could help you with the pain.

Keep going to your Dr's and consider going to PT or a Chiro and keep

telling them you hurt as well. Dr's really look at what their

patients are doing to try to get better and if they see you being

persistence about feeling better then they will believe you. You'll

be in my thoughts, take care,


> ,

> I'll try to get a doctor here to order an MRI. It'll probably be


> impossible. I've never been offered anything close to an MRI. So

far, none

> of the doctors I've gone to offer anything for pain. Nothing at

all. I

> really think that none of them think I'm really in pain. I do have


> Percocet from my bilateral knee surgery last June and I was hurting

so baldy

> last night that I took one. It didn't help much at all. All it did

was knock

> me out for 90 minutes and I woke up in severe pain. So bad, I

couldn't move

> very well. I tried the pillow and it didn't help as I prefer to

sleep on my

> side and it's the hip I'm laying on that hurts and wakes me up

after about

> an hour. I also have severe pain in my upper back/neck area. It's

so bad I

> get migraine type or tension type headaches. I do have medication

for that,

> but it never does anything for the back pain. I don't know is this

was a

> mistake, but yesterday I went walking with my neighbor. She said to

let her

> know when I needed to stop. I did...my heart and lungs could have

gone much

> faster and longer than my knees, hips, and back would allow. I

barely made

> it back to my car. I've cried much of today.


> Joi



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Oh I feel for you; I know the pain you are describing; I get that

sharp pain in my hips then it goes down to my thighs at night also

that wakes me up often. I keep alternating sides. As far as the walk

you took...Dr's are really divivded on excercise as far as acute pain

goes; some have told me not to as I'll only be aggravating what's

going on and some have told me to walk as much as I can. I think the

answer lies somewhere in the middle and you need to go at it slow and

listen to your body; stop before you are really hurting. For chronic

pain almost all the Dr's I've seen say walk, walk, walk or swim.

I'm sorry your Dr's aren't offering you anything for the pain; have

you talked to them and told them how bad the pain really is? Just

keep telling them, describe it like you did here in your posts and

ask them if there is something that could help you with the pain.

Keep going to your Dr's and consider going to PT or a Chiro and keep

telling them you hurt as well. Dr's really look at what their

patients are doing to try to get better and if they see you being

persistence about feeling better then they will believe you. You'll

be in my thoughts, take care,


> ,

> I'll try to get a doctor here to order an MRI. It'll probably be


> impossible. I've never been offered anything close to an MRI. So

far, none

> of the doctors I've gone to offer anything for pain. Nothing at

all. I

> really think that none of them think I'm really in pain. I do have


> Percocet from my bilateral knee surgery last June and I was hurting

so baldy

> last night that I took one. It didn't help much at all. All it did

was knock

> me out for 90 minutes and I woke up in severe pain. So bad, I

couldn't move

> very well. I tried the pillow and it didn't help as I prefer to

sleep on my

> side and it's the hip I'm laying on that hurts and wakes me up

after about

> an hour. I also have severe pain in my upper back/neck area. It's

so bad I

> get migraine type or tension type headaches. I do have medication

for that,

> but it never does anything for the back pain. I don't know is this

was a

> mistake, but yesterday I went walking with my neighbor. She said to

let her

> know when I needed to stop. I did...my heart and lungs could have

gone much

> faster and longer than my knees, hips, and back would allow. I

barely made

> it back to my car. I've cried much of today.


> Joi



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Oh I feel for you; I know the pain you are describing; I get that

sharp pain in my hips then it goes down to my thighs at night also

that wakes me up often. I keep alternating sides. As far as the walk

you took...Dr's are really divivded on excercise as far as acute pain

goes; some have told me not to as I'll only be aggravating what's

going on and some have told me to walk as much as I can. I think the

answer lies somewhere in the middle and you need to go at it slow and

listen to your body; stop before you are really hurting. For chronic

pain almost all the Dr's I've seen say walk, walk, walk or swim.

I'm sorry your Dr's aren't offering you anything for the pain; have

you talked to them and told them how bad the pain really is? Just

keep telling them, describe it like you did here in your posts and

ask them if there is something that could help you with the pain.

Keep going to your Dr's and consider going to PT or a Chiro and keep

telling them you hurt as well. Dr's really look at what their

patients are doing to try to get better and if they see you being

persistence about feeling better then they will believe you. You'll

be in my thoughts, take care,


> ,

> I'll try to get a doctor here to order an MRI. It'll probably be


> impossible. I've never been offered anything close to an MRI. So

far, none

> of the doctors I've gone to offer anything for pain. Nothing at

all. I

> really think that none of them think I'm really in pain. I do have


> Percocet from my bilateral knee surgery last June and I was hurting

so baldy

> last night that I took one. It didn't help much at all. All it did

was knock

> me out for 90 minutes and I woke up in severe pain. So bad, I

couldn't move

> very well. I tried the pillow and it didn't help as I prefer to

sleep on my

> side and it's the hip I'm laying on that hurts and wakes me up

after about

> an hour. I also have severe pain in my upper back/neck area. It's

so bad I

> get migraine type or tension type headaches. I do have medication

for that,

> but it never does anything for the back pain. I don't know is this

was a

> mistake, but yesterday I went walking with my neighbor. She said to

let her

> know when I needed to stop. I did...my heart and lungs could have

gone much

> faster and longer than my knees, hips, and back would allow. I

barely made

> it back to my car. I've cried much of today.


> Joi



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Oh I feel for you; I know the pain you are describing; I get that

sharp pain in my hips then it goes down to my thighs at night also

that wakes me up often. I keep alternating sides. As far as the walk

you took...Dr's are really divivded on excercise as far as acute pain

goes; some have told me not to as I'll only be aggravating what's

going on and some have told me to walk as much as I can. I think the

answer lies somewhere in the middle and you need to go at it slow and

listen to your body; stop before you are really hurting. For chronic

pain almost all the Dr's I've seen say walk, walk, walk or swim.

I'm sorry your Dr's aren't offering you anything for the pain; have

you talked to them and told them how bad the pain really is? Just

keep telling them, describe it like you did here in your posts and

ask them if there is something that could help you with the pain.

Keep going to your Dr's and consider going to PT or a Chiro and keep

telling them you hurt as well. Dr's really look at what their

patients are doing to try to get better and if they see you being

persistence about feeling better then they will believe you. You'll

be in my thoughts, take care,


> ,

> I'll try to get a doctor here to order an MRI. It'll probably be


> impossible. I've never been offered anything close to an MRI. So

far, none

> of the doctors I've gone to offer anything for pain. Nothing at

all. I

> really think that none of them think I'm really in pain. I do have


> Percocet from my bilateral knee surgery last June and I was hurting

so baldy

> last night that I took one. It didn't help much at all. All it did

was knock

> me out for 90 minutes and I woke up in severe pain. So bad, I

couldn't move

> very well. I tried the pillow and it didn't help as I prefer to

sleep on my

> side and it's the hip I'm laying on that hurts and wakes me up

after about

> an hour. I also have severe pain in my upper back/neck area. It's

so bad I

> get migraine type or tension type headaches. I do have medication

for that,

> but it never does anything for the back pain. I don't know is this

was a

> mistake, but yesterday I went walking with my neighbor. She said to

let her

> know when I needed to stop. I did...my heart and lungs could have

gone much

> faster and longer than my knees, hips, and back would allow. I

barely made

> it back to my car. I've cried much of today.


> Joi



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Hi Sue! Congratulations on your surgery!

I'm in Az too, and looking for a good surgeon

in the Phoenix area, who did you see, and are you happy

with him/her? ALso have you heard of any dynamite OS

that does Hip resurfacing or THR around there?

Thanks much!



> Hi Caren,

> love to try to help if I can.


> Sue in So. sdale.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Welcome !

I tried cymbalta for my FM; unfortunately it didn't work, made my symptoms worse

but I've heard it has done great for may others!  Due to my weird body

chemistry, most drugs don't work for me.  I had a whole serious of facet

injections Icervical and lumbar bilaterally), nerve blocks, epidurals.  Some

work for a bit, some don't.  Finally had RF done on the facets and both SIs. 

Lumbar is slowly re-emerging on left side after 3.5 weeks; cervical (also left)

after 3 weeks.  But some relief was better than none!  Good luck.










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Also a FIBRO here. Been taking cymbalta for quite a while. Basically it is

suppose to increase seratonin levels which are what we use to help with pain in

the body.

I have noticed a difference since taking it. But it has been more along the

lines of help with mood due to the pain of FIBRO. Honestly, the best possible

thing is lots and lots of anti-inflamatory medication. From what I have heard

though it does take at least 4 to 6 weeks before you will notice a difference.

So, If you just started. Give it a chance. May be just what you need.

Hopefully injection will work. I tried it. Did several series, just didn't

work for me.

<LALK92@...> wrote:







It is better to be hated for who you are than liked for who you aren't.


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Good Morning to all from South Louisiana


I would like to add a comment / word of important caution here. I

totally understand patients caution about taking narcotic meds and all

that goes along with that. I must air on cautious side of

these " NSAIDS " Non steriodial Anti Inflamatory medications. ANY/all

patient that has a history of [iBS] ->irritable bowel syndrome,

Crohn's disease , stomach ulcers or ANY disorder of the digestive

tract. These medications have proved to cause acute rupture diseased

areas of the digestive tract and bleeding in patients that take them

with a history of digestive disorders.

This is what happened to me . I have 2 major herniations in the C-

spine and two herniations of Thorasic T-4 and 5 with spinal cord

compression. The medical staff was totally aware of my Crohns disease

and the britle sstage it was in. There action in giving me a 60 mg

dose of this Anti-inflamatory drug and within 2 hours I was bleeding

internally . The bowel preforated allowing the " POOP " to be released

into my abdominal cavity. Emergency surgery was performed and a 2

foot section of my bowel had to removed in a radical emergency

surgery. I was in the ICU/hospital for 32 days fighting a deadly

bodywide infection. I do not want to scare anyone ...I only want

others to know that the NSAIDS are proving to be much more dangerous

that the basic everyday narcotics.If they are taken correctly they

seem to me the safest choice for patients.

As we know the docs treat us with medications from the bottom--UP

when it comes to pain medications.

Non-steriodal anti-inflamatory medications are

totally " CONTRAINDICATED " in any patient with G.I.disorders . Doctors

are continuing to use Toradol as a pain releiver [it comes in both

tablet and by injection. No matter how it is administered that action

of the drug is still the same once introduced into the body. The

doctor knew of my history and the nurse that gave me the injection

lied and told me that the medication she was giving me was Demerol.

which is not a NSAID.

Please be careful know what your being given.

This is what happened to me.

Now I am facing getting over this bowel removal and then I have to

have surgery for decompression of the T-spine spinal cord compression.

Needless to say the this has been a nightmare and I hope that my

experience will help others that may be taking these NSAID's and the

danger they can do is FAR less than that of a accepted simple pain


I will be posting a partial list of medications that are in this class

Best withes to all here.

n South Louisiana




IT ?












> It is better to be hated for who you are than liked for who you






> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

Try it now.



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As I said, due to extreme GERD (and IBS as well) all of my docs have NO NSAIDS

marked in my records and I carry a card that has that (along with other med

info) on it.  Fortunately for me, I never found them very effective for my fibro

so no loss.

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While I do agree with some of the doom and gloom... NSAIDS are good for those

who need and can take them.

In my case, NSAIDS were used at first, with no real thought to the fact that I

am Asthmatic.

They don't take into consideration that anyone with an Aspirin allergy might

have problems with NSAIDS.

I had to find out the hard way. They also don't tell you that

Chondroitin...think I spelled that wrong. Anyway, they don't tell you that it is

derived from shellfish. So, any shellfish allergy and you might have trouble.

Like I said, Little bit gloom and doom on your part. But, the general warning

is appreciated.

<fordf250m4m@...> wrote:

Good Morning to all from South Louisiana


I would like to add a comment / word of important caution here. I

totally understand patients caution about taking narcotic meds and all

that goes along with that. I must air on cautious side of

these " NSAIDS " Non steriodial Anti Inflamatory medications. ANY/all

patient that has a history of [iBS] ->irritable bowel syndrome,

Crohn's disease , stomach ulcers or ANY disorder of the digestive

tract. These medications have proved to cause acute rupture diseased

areas of the digestive tract and bleeding in patients that take them

with a history of digestive disorders.

This is what happened to me . I have 2 major herniations in the C-

spine and two herniations of Thorasic T-4 and 5 with spinal cord

compression. The medical staff was totally aware of my Crohns disease

and the britle sstage it was in. There action in giving me a 60 mg

dose of this Anti-inflamatory drug and within 2 hours I was bleeding

internally . The bowel preforated allowing the " POOP " to be released

into my abdominal cavity. Emergency surgery was performed and a 2

foot section of my bowel had to removed in a radical emergency

surgery. I was in the ICU/hospital for 32 days fighting a deadly

bodywide infection. I do not want to scare anyone ...I only want

others to know that the NSAIDS are proving to be much more dangerous

that the basic everyday narcotics.If they are taken correctly they

seem to me the safest choice for patients.

As we know the docs treat us with medications from the bottom--UP

when it comes to pain medications.

Non-steriodal anti-inflamatory medications are

totally " CONTRAINDICATED " in any patient with G.I.disorders . Doctors

are continuing to use Toradol as a pain releiver [it comes in both

tablet and by injection. No matter how it is administered that action

of the drug is still the same once introduced into the body. The

doctor knew of my history and the nurse that gave me the injection

lied and told me that the medication she was giving me was Demerol.

which is not a NSAID.

Please be careful know what your being given.

This is what happened to me.

Now I am facing getting over this bowel removal and then I have to

have surgery for decompression of the T-spine spinal cord compression.

Needless to say the this has been a nightmare and I hope that my

experience will help others that may be taking these NSAID's and the

danger they can do is FAR less than that of a accepted simple pain


I will be posting a partial list of medications that are in this class

Best withes to all here.

n South Louisiana




IT ?












> It is better to be hated for who you are than liked for who you






> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

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You may want to do some research. If you have asthma, are you also sensitive to

aspirin or other anti-inflammatories...like Ibuprofen?

Ask yourself...Do I seem to have more trouble breathing or more issues with

having to use my rescue inhaler when I am taking these types of drugs? If so,

then NSAIDS may not be right for you.

Although, I will say this...if you have not been allergy tested. Now would be

a good time.

I finally broke down and went to an Ear, Nose and Throat and was tested. Turns

out I am allergic to just about everything and sensitive to some things.

The good news...I have been taking allergy shots ever since and have noticed a

dramatic improvement. I even went as far as trying to take Aspirin and guess

what? I now seem more able to tolerate it. Which, by the way, Is huge news for


I have arthritis, fibromyalgia among other things and not being able to take

anti-inflammatory drugs has been and big deal.

So, again...really depends on you. If you don't have any reaction to this type

of medication, then it shouldn't be a problem for you. Just be careful and

ALWAYS do your own research on any medication your doctor prescribes. Look for

contraindications and everything.

Good rule of thumb to remember. " The only difference between you and your

doctor...they went to school to do thier job " . That doesn't mean you can't know

more and be more educated about your condition than them. Remember, they deal

with multiple illnesses with multiple people and this is you and your specific


Okay, off my soapbox now!!! LOL

<LALK92@...> wrote:



It is better to be hated for who you are than liked for who you aren't.


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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Have you considered surgery? I recently had surgery to remove a spur,

repair a rupture and just in general clean out the area around the

sciatic nerve.

Other than a little inflammmation after surgery... I have to say, so

far has been the best decision for me.

Grin and Bear it is for the birds. No offense, but I have been in

pain for years.

Nobody knows what we go thru, because they don't have the same


I am so sorry you are in pain. Maybe now is the time to consider more

drastic measures.

I have been in pain for years and thought well I guess everyone deals

with this and why should I be any different. But that is just it, we

are all different. Noone can tell you what is the right amount of

pain to ignore.

Ultimately, Pain is not the norm. If it hurts, it is definitely time

to do whatever it takes to make it go away. If that means surgery,

then so be it.

I know, a little preachy here. PAIN is NOT the NORM. It took me along

time to realize you don't have to feel this way. There is help!!

You shouldn't have to put up with the pain and if your current doctor

isn't doing anything to help...Time to move on to someone who will.


> Hi I am new here and have several kinds of arthritis that have


> my spine

> I have 5 spurs in my spine not counting other places, 2 herniated


> and am in constant pain

> I try very hard to grin and bear


> I have recently been put on a patch that does help some but the 12

> hours inbetween patches is the worst


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Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


While I do agree with some of the doom and gloom... NSAIDS are good for those

who need and can take them.

In my case, NSAIDS were used at first, with no real thought to the fact that I

am Asthmatic.

They don't take into consideration that anyone with an Aspirin allergy might

have problems with NSAIDS.

I had to find out the hard way. They also don't tell you that

Chondroitin...think I spelled that wrong. Anyway, they don't tell you that it is

derived from shellfish. So, any shellfish allergy and you might have trouble.

Like I said, Little bit gloom and doom on your part. But, the general warning

is appreciated.

<fordf250m4m@ <mailto:fordf250m4m%40> > wrote:

Good Morning to all from South Louisiana


I would like to add a comment / word of important caution here. I

totally understand patients caution about taking narcotic meds and all

that goes along with that. I must air on cautious side of

these " NSAIDS " Non steriodial Anti Inflamatory medications. ANY/all

patient that has a history of [iBS] ->irritable bowel syndrome,

Crohn's disease , stomach ulcers or ANY disorder of the digestive

tract. These medications have proved to cause acute rupture diseased

areas of the digestive tract and bleeding in patients that take them

with a history of digestive disorders.

This is what happened to me . I have 2 major herniations in the C-

spine and two herniations of Thorasic T-4 and 5 with spinal cord

compression. The medical staff was totally aware of my Crohns disease

and the britle sstage it was in. There action in giving me a 60 mg

dose of this Anti-inflamatory drug and within 2 hours I was bleeding

internally . The bowel preforated allowing the " POOP " to be released

into my abdominal cavity. Emergency surgery was performed and a 2

foot section of my bowel had to removed in a radical emergency

surgery. I was in the ICU/hospital for 32 days fighting a deadly

bodywide infection. I do not want to scare anyone ...I only want

others to know that the NSAIDS are proving to be much more dangerous

that the basic everyday narcotics.If they are taken correctly they

seem to me the safest choice for patients.

As we know the docs treat us with medications from the bottom--UP

when it comes to pain medications.

Non-steriodal anti-inflamatory medications are

totally " CONTRAINDICATED " in any patient with G.I.disorders . Doctors

are continuing to use Toradol as a pain releiver [it comes in both

tablet and by injection. No matter how it is administered that action

of the drug is still the same once introduced into the body. The

doctor knew of my history and the nurse that gave me the injection

lied and told me that the medication she was giving me was Demerol.

which is not a NSAID.

Please be careful know what your being given.

This is what happened to me.

Now I am facing getting over this bowel removal and then I have to

have surgery for decompression of the T-spine spinal cord compression.

Needless to say the this has been a nightmare and I hope that my

experience will help others that may be taking these NSAID's and the

danger they can do is FAR less than that of a accepted simple pain


I will be posting a partial list of medications that are in this class

Best withes to all here.

n South Louisiana




IT ?












> It is better to be hated for who you are than liked for who you






> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

Try it now.



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Hi and welcome to the group! You should feel good about your

decision to band your dd. And we are always here when you are

freanking out! :)

As for the markers, I would think a Sharpie would work well and not

rub off.

Good luck and let us know how things are going.

Becky, repo moderator

, repo grad


> Hello,

> My 6 month old daughter recently received her first DOC band, I


> course and beinging to freak out, I am so worried that it won't

> help!! She is a twin and was very squished in the womb. Her


> head is perfectly round. She was diagnosed pretty early on with

> torticollis and we have been stretch and massaging to help it. We

> have troied everything short of duck taping her head to the


> as far as repositioning goes (I am kidding about the duct tape, we

> would never actually do it) So we got our band or better known as

> The " helmet " . Ther is a lot of space for her head to grow into and

> one day when I get to it I will post some pics of her and her


> One question I have is about decorating it ( yea the real serious

> questions first) we would like to " sign " it, as if it was a cast,


> am wondering if anyone has used markers and if so how did it work


> and did you ahve to use varnish to keep it from getting rubbed

off. I

> have heard of paint pens and am thinking that may be better. Thanks

> and I am sure I will have many more questions, probably as I get


> amd more nervous that it may not help!!


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It will help! If you're not sure take some pictures (usually top of

head is best) and take the same pics again in two weeks and four weeks

- you should see improvement.


sydney 2 yrs starband grad


> Hello,

> My 6 month old daughter recently received her first DOC band, I of

> course and beinging to freak out, I am so worried that it won't

> help!! She is a twin and was very squished in the womb. Her twin's

> head is perfectly round. She was diagnosed pretty early on with

> torticollis and we have been stretch and massaging to help it. We

> have troied everything short of duck taping her head to the mattress

> as far as repositioning goes (I am kidding about the duct tape, we

> would never actually do it) So we got our band or better known as

> The " helmet " . Ther is a lot of space for her head to grow into and

> one day when I get to it I will post some pics of her and her head.

> One question I have is about decorating it ( yea the real serious

> questions first) we would like to " sign " it, as if it was a cast, I

> am wondering if anyone has used markers and if so how did it work out

> and did you ahve to use varnish to keep it from getting rubbed off. I

> have heard of paint pens and am thinking that may be better. Thanks

> and I am sure I will have many more questions, probably as I get more

> amd more nervous that it may not help!!


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What a great idea to sign it like a cast! I hadn't heard of that one

before. I think Sharpies would work great as far as ease of writing

and they come in such great colors these days. Just a couple

thoughts though, I would definitely run it past CT first before you

go ahead with it. I know they're fine with painting but I don't

remember the painting guidelines sheet saying anything about Sharpie

type markers directly on the surface. So I would just ask them first

to be sure, they have some definite protocols as to what is okay for

the integrity of the plastic and what isn't.

Also, if you use Sharpies (and even if you use paint pens), you'll

have to be careful cleaning the band with alcohol. Long story short,

back in the day (I'm totally dating myself) when we used Sharpie

markers on transparencies for the overhead projecter in school,

rubbing alcohol was the only thing that got the permanent marker off

the transparency. So I figure the same would be true for the plastic

on the band. I paint my son's helmet and I am just really careful

during the cleanings to keep the alcohol away from the outside of

the band.

You're doing a great thing for your daughter! Good luck!

Jake-20m (tort resolved/rt plagio/DOCBand 12 weeks)



> Hello,

> My 6 month old daughter recently received her first DOC band, I


> course and beinging to freak out, I am so worried that it won't

> help!! She is a twin and was very squished in the womb. Her


> head is perfectly round. She was diagnosed pretty early on with

> torticollis and we have been stretch and massaging to help it. We

> have troied everything short of duck taping her head to the


> as far as repositioning goes (I am kidding about the duct tape, we

> would never actually do it) So we got our band or better known as

> The " helmet " . Ther is a lot of space for her head to grow into


> one day when I get to it I will post some pics of her and her


> One question I have is about decorating it ( yea the real serious

> questions first) we would like to " sign " it, as if it was a

cast, I

> am wondering if anyone has used markers and if so how did it work


> and did you ahve to use varnish to keep it from getting rubbed

off. I

> have heard of paint pens and am thinking that may be better.


> and I am sure I will have many more questions, probably as I get


> amd more nervous that it may not help!!


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Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to put my two cents in here. I had a problem with Cymbalta so I

can't take it but since my surgeries, my doctor put me on Lyrica. It has almost

no side effects and it really does help. My personal opinion.


Dani Magnuson

Willow Pond Bath Products


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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I have to agree, Lyrica is a miracle drug, at first.

I started taking it for fibromyalgia. It just so happened it had the

added benefit of helping me to prolong the amount of time I waited to

finally have my surgery.

It does help...but not near as much as when I first started.

Don't know if my body is worse now, or if it is just getting used to

the drug and flat out ignoring it.


> Hi Everyone!


> Just wanted to put my two cents in here. I had a problem with

Cymbalta so I can't take it but since my surgeries, my doctor put me

on Lyrica. It has almost no side effects and it really does help.

My personal opinion.


> Dani



> Dani Magnuson

> Willow Pond Bath Products


> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

Try it now.



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I had a couple people say they would sign it. I still haven't

decorated our helmet. Just haven't thought of anything that fits


> >

> > Hello,

> > My 6 month old daughter recently received her first DOC band,


> of

> > course and beinging to freak out, I am so worried that it won't

> > help!! She is a twin and was very squished in the womb. Her

> twin's

> > head is perfectly round. She was diagnosed pretty early on


> > torticollis and we have been stretch and massaging to help it.


> > have troied everything short of duck taping her head to the

> mattress

> > as far as repositioning goes (I am kidding about the duct tape,


> > would never actually do it) So we got our band or better known


> > The " helmet " . Ther is a lot of space for her head to grow into

> and

> > one day when I get to it I will post some pics of her and her

> head.

> > One question I have is about decorating it ( yea the real


> > questions first) we would like to " sign " it, as if it was a

> cast, I

> > am wondering if anyone has used markers and if so how did it


> out

> > and did you ahve to use varnish to keep it from getting rubbed

> off. I

> > have heard of paint pens and am thinking that may be better.

> Thanks

> > and I am sure I will have many more questions, probably as I get

> more

> > amd more nervous that it may not help!!

> >


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Lyrica worked great for my pain.  But as so many others have posted here, its

side effects are not so minimal.  The company says some weight gain for instance

may result.  Truth is many, many of us packed on the weight!  In 6 weeks time I

put on more than 30 lbs with no change in diet or eating habits; in fact, I cut

back!  Several months later, after going off it, I'm still trying to get the

last 3 pounds off.

Now this may seem like not too big of a deal except that significant weight

gain, judging from the posts and FMS sites I've visited, it is not uncommon. 

And for folks like me, who have lymphedema or lipodema (lucky me, I've been

blessed with both!) this was a significant issue and set me back substantially.

But I've heard from others as well that it for some reason does seem to stop

working after some months or a couple of years.


I have to agree, Lyrica is a miracle drug, at first.

I started taking it for fibromyalgia. It just so happened it had the

added benefit of helping me to prolong the amount of time I waited to

finally have my surgery.

It does help...but not near as much as when I first started.

Don't know if my body is worse now, or if it is just getting used to

the drug and flat out ignoring it.


> Hi Everyone!


> Just wanted to put my two cents in here. I had a problem with

Cymbalta so I can't take it but since my surgeries, my doctor put me

on Lyrica. It has almost no side effects and it really does help.

My personal opinion.


> Dani



> Dani Magnuson

> Willow Pond Bath Products


> ------------ --------- --------- ---

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile.

Try it now.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Lucy,

Welcome to the group! Yes, we do communicate through email. I'm so

sorry for eveything that has happened to you and for the pain you

endure every day!! I too went from being perfectly fine one day to

being miserably in pain the next day. It's quite a shocker and very

hard to learn to live with. It's been 2 1/2 year for me and I am just

at the very beginning stage of acceptance. I still miss the things I

used to be able to do very much and then there is a lot of mommy

guilt that I can't do the " normal " things with my kids. I have 3

boys, am a single mom too, 2 of my boys are teenagers and my baby

will be 4 this August. I feel so bad I can't take him to the park,

the zoo, exhibits, fairs, bowling, ect. I have awesome family support

and they take him to some fun places but I hate missing out on it! So

besides learning to deal with the pain, that's been the hardest part

for me. Geeshhh, I'm sorry to go rambling on about myself when my

intentions were to answer your post! Well, I am very sorry your neck

is still causing you so much pain! I don't think you can get an MRI

when you have a fusion but I believe you can get a CT Scan done;

maybe your Dr should order one, it is possible something is loose

within the fusion causing you pain. I have heard of that happening

several times. Best of luck to you and I'm glad you found us!! Some

days are pretty quiet around here because we all have daily pain

issues but someone will respond to your post as soon as able. Take




> Ok. I've never belonged to any type of group like this so I'm a

little confused. So email is how we communicate? Not on the " boards "

or something? lol Forgive me, like I said I am new to this.

> To let you know a little about me and why I joined this group:

> I had C6 & 7 cervical fusion in april of 07. I healed well from this

and went back to work. I was a compliance officer for a govt agency

and drove mostly from business to business. While returning from a

business in June of 07 I was rear ended by a double trailer semi

truck. He skid 210 feet before slamming into me at 65 mph. My C5 was

broken and had to be fused. thank goodness i dont remember any of it.

I also have mild traumatic brain injury.  First my neuro had me wait

3 mos in hard collar to see if would heal. It didnt it broke even

more. So he fused all 4 vertebraes together. I've also had 8 staples

in head, torn tendons in both elbows and slap tear in shoulder. Now I

am having left hip pain and dont know why.

> My neuro thinks i should be " healed " by now cuz he operated and he

has a huge ego as im sure they all do. I was in the hard collar for 4

mo's after the surgery so total of almost 8 mos.  I go to PT 2-3xs a

week and dont get much relief at all. So basically just in constant

pain. Between both arms, hip and neck, i can't stand it most days.

I'm sure you all prob have it a lot worse and I'm so sorry for anyone

who is in pain. I'm not use to being in pain. I was going along w/my

normal life and boom!  I dont know anyone who has to deal w/anything

like Im going thru. My boyfriend is a great support and has been my

life saver but I think I'm starting to wear him down,

understandably.  so any support would be greatly appreciated!

> thank you

> Lucy






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Hi . Thanks for the email. Just hearing from someone who understands is a

relief. I'm so sorry to hear about your situation, especially since you have

such a young child. My oldest is 24 and in the service and my daughter is 19 and

lives w/me but goes to college here locally. So what is your pain from? I

seriously doubt my dr will order an MRI (I can have one even w/the rods and

screws in my neck) because he thinks he is God and nothing that he did could be

wrong. I think he thinks i'm making it up. My PT says that its understandable

since I've been thru so much, 2 surgeries in the same place in my neck and in a

hard collar for 8 mos. My neck muscles are all  just spasm. Well again thanks

for the email and am curious what is wrong w/ you?


Re: New here

Hi Lucy,

Welcome to the group! Yes, we do communicate through email.. I'm so

sorry for eveything that has happened to you and for the pain you

endure every day!! I too went from being perfectly fine one day to

being miserably in pain the next day. It's quite a shocker and very

hard to learn to live with. It's been 2 1/2 year for me and I am just

at the very beginning stage of acceptance. I still miss the things I

used to be able to do very much and then there is a lot of mommy

guilt that I can't do the " normal " things with my kids. I have 3

boys, am a single mom too, 2 of my boys are teenagers and my baby

will be 4 this August. I feel so bad I can't take him to the park,

the zoo, exhibits, fairs, bowling, ect. I have awesome family support

and they take him to some fun places but I hate missing out on it! So

besides learning to deal with the pain, that's been the hardest part

for me. Geeshhh, I'm sorry to go rambling on about myself when my

intentions were to answer your post! Well, I am very sorry your neck

is still causing you so much pain! I don't think you can get an MRI

when you have a fusion but I believe you can get a CT Scan done;

maybe your Dr should order one, it is possible something is loose

within the fusion causing you pain. I have heard of that happening

several times. Best of luck to you and I'm glad you found us!! Some

days are pretty quiet around here because we all have daily pain

issues but someone will respond to your post as soon as able. Take




> Ok. I've never belonged to any type of group like this so I'm a

little confused. So email is how we communicate? Not on the " boards "

or something? lol Forgive me, like I said I am new to this.

> To let you know a little about me and why I joined this group:

> I had C6 & 7 cervical fusion in april of 07. I healed well from this

and went back to work. I was a compliance officer for a govt agency

and drove mostly from business to business. While returning from a

business in June of 07 I was rear ended by a double trailer semi

truck. He skid 210 feet before slamming into me at 65 mph. My C5 was

broken and had to be fused. thank goodness i dont remember any of it.

I also have mild traumatic brain injury.  First my neuro had me wait

3 mos in hard collar to see if would heal. It didnt it broke even

more. So he fused all 4 vertebraes together. I've also had 8 staples

in head, torn tendons in both elbows and slap tear in shoulder. Now I

am having left hip pain and dont know why.

> My neuro thinks i should be " healed " by now cuz he operated and he

has a huge ego as im sure they all do. I was in the hard collar for 4

mo's after the surgery so total of almost 8 mos.  I go to PT 2-3xs a

week and dont get much relief at all. So basically just in constant

pain. Between both arms, hip and neck, i can't stand it most days.

I'm sure you all prob have it a lot worse and I'm so sorry for anyone

who is in pain. I'm not use to being in pain. I was going along w/my

normal life and boom!  I dont know anyone who has to deal w/anything

like Im going thru. My boyfriend is a great support and has been my

life saver but I think I'm starting to wear him down,

understandably.  so any support would be greatly appreciated!

> thank you

> Lucy






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Lucy, HI there. I'm cindy. Lucy you can communicate anyway that you

want to. It is confusing. i remember when i joined my first group.

What in the heck? I thought. You can see all the emails thru your

box, or just post on the board, and keep going back to read the

posts. I belonged to a dog group one time, and i had the box checked

to GET ALL EMAILS, and when i woke up there were like 250 group

emails in my box. Or you can check off daily digest. and get one big

email with everyones conversations in it. To make those email

choices, go to the upper right hand corner and click on MY GROUPS.

then after you get there. look around and find EDIT GROUPS, and after

you get there, you will see all the choices of how you want or dont

want to see group emails to come to you.You know? if it is a slow

group, you might want to get all the emails, or if its a busy group,

you might not want tons of emails. its up to you. If you want to talk

on the board look for reply. say what you want to say, then click

send,and it WILL show up on the board that way too. Hope that helps.



> Ok. I've never belonged to any type of group like this so I'm a

little confused. So email is how we communicate? Not on the " boards "

or something? lol Forgive me, like I said I am new to this.

> To let you know a little about me and why I joined this group:

> I had C6 & 7 cervical fusion in april of 07. I healed well from this

and went back to work. I was a compliance officer for a govt agency

and drove mostly from business to business. While returning from a

business in June of 07 I was rear ended by a double trailer semi

truck. He skid 210 feet before slamming into me at 65 mph. My C5 was

broken and had to be fused. thank goodness i dont remember any of it.

I also have mild traumatic brain injury.  First my neuro had me wait

3 mos in hard collar to see if would heal. It didnt it broke even

more. So he fused all 4 vertebraes together. I've also had 8 staples

in head, torn tendons in both elbows and slap tear in shoulder. Now I

am having left hip pain and dont know why.

> My neuro thinks i should be " healed " by now cuz he operated and he

has a huge ego as im sure they all do. I was in the hard collar for 4

mo's after the surgery so total of almost 8 mos.  I go to PT 2-3xs a

week and dont get much relief at all. So basically just in constant

pain. Between both arms, hip and neck, i can't stand it most days.

I'm sure you all prob have it a lot worse and I'm so sorry for anyone

who is in pain. I'm not use to being in pain. I was going along w/my

normal life and boom!  I dont know anyone who has to deal w/anything

like Im going thru. My boyfriend is a great support and has been my

life saver but I think I'm starting to wear him down,

understandably.  so any support would be greatly appreciated!

> thank you

> Lucy






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Apraxia is just a label. Simply - doesnt work. And imo - the label

du jour.

Has anyone mentioned CP? Maybe this is a mild case, often


I also think if her immune system was not functioning properly -

which was probably the case and then immunized on the riduculous one

size fits all schedule - this in my opinion is a recipee for disaster

and most likely at least aggreviated the situaion.

I would get a DAN! Dr. on her case - if you've been through the

channels like most of us have - and getting not much more than

therapy and a " sorry about your luck " , time to move on.

I would also suggest looking into hyperbaric oxygen therapy - it

would help every symptom you mentioned. Expensive but really worth

it particularly with someone this young.


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