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Hi a,

Welcome. It sounds like you are fairly busy taking care of your

husband, but you don't mention what you are doing for yourself....

I hope you are taking care of of yourself. If You are already seeing

a Rheumy, great! And my thoughts go out to you. I know how difficult

it can be a one person dealing with this disease, I can't imagine the

difficulties of 2 people with similar problems in the same household.

If not, start taking care of yourself pronto!

See a rheumatologist for YOU! Keep in mind,while you may be helping

your hubby now, You will be useless to him if you ignore your own

health needs for long.

Stay Well

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I am in no way enlightened in this area but I seem to remember talking about

this with others who have auto-immune problems and taking stuff that would

" boost " your immune system would NOT be a good idea as our immune systems are

already in overdrive. A good example of an immune system booster would be


[Editor's Note: FYI: Several months back--I'd start looking in October 03 and

work backwards if you want to find it--there was a fairly extensive colloquy on

the issue of auto-immune disease (particularly PA) and the wisdom--or folly--of

using so-called auto-immune " boosters " . In a nutshell, the best advice would be

to consult your physician and pharmacist (I say " and your pharmacist " , rather

than " or, " because too many docs know lamentably little about herbs and




Re: [ ] New Here

I wasn't aware that herbs and vitamins were a good idea, what vitamins/herbs

are good and which ones are a no no for the most part?

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I am new here. I have a lot of questions and hope to learn from everyone

here. I have twin boys, age 9 with autism, and another son, age 13, who has


diagnosed with bipolar and schizo-affective disorder. He acts like an

asperger's person, but they say it's not asperger's. However, I think perhaps


could be a mild form of it.

I look forward to what I am about to learn here.

Karla in Indiana

Viktor, Karla and Family

I don't want to die! http://viktor.pedrovera.com

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Welcome to the list. At first, the volume and technical terms seem

overwhelming. Don't be afraid to ask questions....

Re: [ ] New here

I am new here. I have a lot of questions and hope to learn from


here. I have twin boys, age 9 with autism, and another son, age 13, who

has been

diagnosed with bipolar and schizo-affective disorder. He acts like an

asperger's person, but they say it's not asperger's. However, I think

perhaps it

could be a mild form of it.

I look forward to what I am about to learn here.

Karla in Indiana

Viktor, Karla and Family

I don't want to die! http://viktor.pedrovera.com

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Dawn and welcome to the group!

Has anyone ever mentioned Sensory Integration issues with your daughter?

DSI/SID can be misdiagnosed as ADHD, since the two have similar symptoms.

" The Late Talker " is a great book! Another book I suggest is " The

Out-of-Sync Child " , Recognizing and coping with Sensory Integration


[ ] New Here

> Hey All,

> I just wanted to introduce myself, My name is Dawn, I have 3 wonderul

> children, 13yo son, almost 8yo daughter, and an almost 3 yo daughter.


> My youngest, Abby, has just been diagnosed with severe speech

> apraxia, history of oral apraxia, and hypotonia, and she may also

> have ADHD. They(Dr's, school, and myself)

> will have to continue watching for signs and symptoms of ADHD. I was

> told that right now, due to her age, it could be more of a

> personality trait.


> I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. Even though I knew the Dr's

> were going to tell me apraxia. To think it is one thing. To have it

> confirmed is another...


> She has been receiving " Developemental Therapy " for the last year

> through Early Intervention. I now hope that will change to more

> specific plan of " speech therapy " Abby will also be receiving speech

> in school, i hope 5days a week, and in conjunction therapy at our

> local childrens hospital outpatient dept.


> Things are looking a little brighter. For the fact that now I know

> whats wrong, and how we can help her.


> I just received the book, " The Late Talker " and can't wait to read

> it. If anyone has any other helpful advice, would love to hear it.


> Dawn







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Welcome to the group! It sounds like you are on the right track to getting

your child help. I was told my son was classic ADHD when he was around that

age. Today I am told he has a good attention span but can get distracted

easily but is easily guided back to what he should be attending to. These

kids change so much in such a short time!

Here is a link to a speech therapy matrix that you could use when trying to

get a certain amount of speech therapy from the school.


Here is a link about the need for frequent and intense sessions.



If I were you, I would print these out for your IEP meeting with the school

in case you need them to refer to to obtain adequate speech services.

The late talker book is a great comprehensive book in order to help and

advocate for your child!

Tricia Morin

North Carolina

Hey All,

I just wanted to introduce myself, My name is Dawn, I have 3 wonderul

children, 13yo son, almost 8yo daughter, and an almost 3 yo daughter.

My youngest, Abby, has just been diagnosed with severe speech

apraxia, history of oral apraxia, and hypotonia, and she may also

have ADHD. They(Dr's, school, and myself)

will have to continue watching for signs and symptoms of ADHD. I was

told that right now, due to her age, it could be more of a

personality trait.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now. Even though I knew the Dr's

were going to tell me apraxia. To think it is one thing. To have it

confirmed is another...

She has been receiving " Developemental Therapy " for the last year

through Early Intervention. I now hope that will change to more

specific plan of " speech therapy " Abby will also be receiving speech

in school, i hope 5days a week, and in conjunction therapy at our

local childrens hospital outpatient dept.

Things are looking a little brighter. For the fact that now I know

whats wrong, and how we can help her.

I just received the book, " The Late Talker " and can't wait to read

it. If anyone has any other helpful advice, would love to hear it.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Hey Amy, it's . I'm 36 and just had a TLHR on April 1st. I

know it is scary before, but looking forward to all the things you'll

be able to do without pain kept me going. I am 3 weeks post-op and

every day is a bit better than the last. Yesterday I walked around

the block twice and don't even need to use my cane around the house

anymore ( I was full weight bearing from day 1). I wish you all the

luck in the world and just keep thinking positive, it does help.

- :-)

> hi!

> my name is amy, and im going in for a tlhr on april 26th.

> the closer the date comes, the more nervous i am. i've been through


> class that my hospital recommends, and ive gotten all my preop work

> done. i think i know what to expect, but, none the less, im a


> case.

> i was born with a birth defect, and have had multiple surgeries. i

> was younger though, when i had them all done.

> i would like some insight, on what i should really expect. the dr


> telling me 1/3 wieght bearing for 6 wks. after 3 months i can


> take my life back. and not completly healed until one year.

> i'm really really nervous. those of you have been through it


> can you please send along some good thoughts? *smile*

> thank you!

> amy

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hi amy, i have my operation on monday too, and like you i'm a newbie.

i think at thisw point5 we have to do anything we can to distract

ourselves. i just finished a delicious piece of apple pie and later

i'll try to find some mindless entertainment on tv or i have a true

crime novel to read. this is probably one of the most successful

operations possible, many people say the hardest part is the days

before surgery. so hang in there. go back and read the posts onh this

board. for me, the fact thAt other people are going through the same

thing helps. i'm right where you are now, and in a couple of weeks

we'll both be on the other side. bonnie

> hi!

> my name is amy, and im going in for a tlhr on april 26th.

> the closer the date comes, the more nervous i am. i've been through


> class that my hospital recommends, and ive gotten all my preop work

> done. i think i know what to expect, but, none the less, im a


> case.

> i was born with a birth defect, and have had multiple surgeries. i

> was younger though, when i had them all done.

> i would like some insight, on what i should really expect. the dr


> telling me 1/3 wieght bearing for 6 wks. after 3 months i can


> take my life back. and not completly healed until one year.

> i'm really really nervous. those of you have been through it


> can you please send along some good thoughts? *smile*

> thank you!

> amy

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Hi Lesa,

Welcome, I am a newbie also to this list serve and it has helped me so much

within the short time frame I have joined.

Your little boy sounds alot like my oldest daughter who had/has sensory

issues. If something was done one way it ALWAYS needed to be done that way

or she would just have a complete meltdown. Example...music tapes in the

car " needed " to be started at the same song she first heard on the tape or

meltdown. Playgrounds, she " needed " to go in the same order ..swing, slide,

jungle gym, God help me if there were other children on " her " swing, that is

why I would bring her to playgrounds at the crack of dawn.

Eating... " needed " to have the same fork, spoon, plate, put in the same place

or meltdown. Right shoe " needed " to go on before the left, if you tried to

switch it up she would have a meltdown. I can go on and on with the list of

things that she just would have complete meltdowns over.

I to needed to step back and rethink my parenting ways. Her ped.

recommended a wonderful book for me when I finally broke down on him at her

three year check up. " Raising Your Spirited Child " by Sheedy Kurcinka.

there is also a workbook that goes along with it that really helped me

understand my daughters issues and gave me the tools to guide her through.

That book was/is my life saver. My daughter is now 8 1/2 and doing very

well, she still has alot of sensory issues but with the help of this book I

was able to guide her through the rough parts and I also saw her with " new "

eyes. She wasn't doing this just to make my day miserable she is just

" more " sensitive then most children. noise, smell, touch, emotions.

I remember when my daughter was that age and did a puzzle the same pieces

had to go in the way she first made the puzzle. If you handed her a piece

that was out of order in " her mind " she would just have a major melt down.

Could that be something that is happening? Sort of a perfectionist if it

isn't done the way they " think " it has to be done it isn't right for them.

Don't know if this helps but I think you might find the book I recommended


Good luck and Welcome

Liz in NH

[ ] new here

> Hi! I've been lurking for a few days, watching how you interact.

I've been in denial about my sons predicament for awhile now, but we've

finally started taking some steps to get him help.

> is 3 1/2, and was definitely a late talker. At two, he

might say " car " or " dog, " or something close to that. He didn't really

start talking until he was 2 1/2, and then he really took off.

Unfortunately, the more he talked, the clearer it became that he could

barely be understood. We kept thinking this was something he'd outgrow, and

of course, we still do. However, we decided to start him in speech therapy,

through the school system. When we had him tested, the therapist said that

he has almost made up his own phonetical language. He can make any sound

there is, but he has very few in the right place. He kind of takes

decoding! When she wrote up the results of the test for his IEP, it was a

little overwhelming! Where to begin?

> One of my biggest concerns, is his personality. doesn't

act out like many little boys- hitting, playing wild, etc... but he is

extremely stubborn. My mom calls him " sensitive. " LOL- a loving grandma's

take on being a pain in the a@*! He is very ritualistic, and once

somethings done once, he will have to do it over and over. Example, in

preschool he was a whiz in puzzles- the first to master 12pc, 24 pc, etc...

He loved doing them! One day he said they were too hard, and wouldn't do

them. There was a big issue about getting it done to go out with the other

kids. They got through it eventually, but next week, on the same day, he

did the same thing, and missed recess. He feels really bad when I get

there, although his stubbornness won't let him admit it. He was then very

loving and positive for the rest of the day. However, I can almost

guarantee that next Thurs. when the schedule is the same, and he has the

same teachers, when the puzzles are brought out, he will balk. It's almost

like he feels obliged to do the same thing over and over. Does anyone else

have these same problems? I don't know how this relates to speech, but I

have to think it's frustrating to not be understood. Could he just be doing

these things to retain a little control? makes us reevaluate

our parenting ideas on a daily basis! LOL! He is a challenge, and the love

of our lives.

> Thanks for listening-

> Lesa




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Liz, when you said " perfectionist, " something went off! We have used that word

to describe on many occasions. He is definitely hard on himself,

and on others. He is predictable in a non- predictable sort of way. He isn't

quite as intense as some of the issues you described, but I imagine there are

different levels of sensory problems. I will order that book today from Amazon.



Re: [ ] new here

Hi Lesa,

Welcome, I am a newbie also to this list serve and it has helped me so much

within the short time frame I have joined.

Your little boy sounds alot like my oldest daughter who had/has sensory

issues. If something was done one way it ALWAYS needed to be done that way

or she would just have a complete meltdown. Example...music tapes in the

car " needed " to be started at the same song she first heard on the tape or

meltdown. Playgrounds, she " needed " to go in the same order ..swing, slide,

jungle gym, God help me if there were other children on " her " swing, that is

why I would bring her to playgrounds at the crack of dawn.

Eating... " needed " to have the same fork, spoon, plate, put in the same place

or meltdown. Right shoe " needed " to go on before the left, if you tried to

switch it up she would have a meltdown. I can go on and on with the list of

things that she just would have complete meltdowns over.

I to needed to step back and rethink my parenting ways. Her ped.

recommended a wonderful book for me when I finally broke down on him at her

three year check up. " Raising Your Spirited Child " by Sheedy Kurcinka.

there is also a workbook that goes along with it that really helped me

understand my daughters issues and gave me the tools to guide her through.

That book was/is my life saver. My daughter is now 8 1/2 and doing very

well, she still has alot of sensory issues but with the help of this book I

was able to guide her through the rough parts and I also saw her with " new "

eyes. She wasn't doing this just to make my day miserable she is just

" more " sensitive then most children. noise, smell, touch, emotions.

I remember when my daughter was that age and did a puzzle the same pieces

had to go in the way she first made the puzzle. If you handed her a piece

that was out of order in " her mind " she would just have a major melt down.

Could that be something that is happening? Sort of a perfectionist if it

isn't done the way they " think " it has to be done it isn't right for them.

Don't know if this helps but I think you might find the book I recommended


Good luck and Welcome

Liz in NH

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I know it’s hard to get western

doctors to recommend anything they don’t have to write a prescription

for. Mine was like yours, he told me to go ahead and continue with the milk

thistle “it can’t hurt”, he said. He witnessed my alt/ast counts go down to normal with nothing else but milk

thistle/burdock root, etc. before I started the treatment. –dz-

[ ] New


Hello ALL !

I've recently had a positive diagnosis on a RIBA

test for Hepatitis C.

I see a specialist on June 17,(unless they have a

cancellation), that

was the earliest appt. I could get, I guess that

these doctors are

few-and-far-between and are really in demand in

this area ?

I have done practially nothing but read-read-read

on the subject

since finding-out about my DX. WHEW !

Talk about 'information-overload' ! !


I plan to 'insist' that the (Western-style) specialist

'allow' me to

have 'concurrent' herbal-therapy, the nurse said

that the

doctor " doesn't 'discourage' use of

herbs " , so, it sounds like 'they'

can't come right out and SAY that they " may

be of benefit " , but, that

it's " up to You " if You want to use them


Does anyone have any ideas on how to breach the

subject with western-

doctors in a manner that might result in more

cooperation ?

I have the phone #'s of various Chiropractic,


Acupressure, and " Oriental "

herbal-medicine clinice in my close-

area,... I am leaning more towards an 'accredited'

Chinese Herbalist

to be involved with the 'concurrent-therapy' if

possible, because, I

figure,....that they've been 'doing' herbals for a

LONG time and I'm

sure that they know best about them ?

I know,...LONG first post eh ? LOL

I'll get through this,...one way or the other !

I'm confident of THAT !

Thanks for the forum ! :-)

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Yes, my daughter was on ambrotose for 3 months.

I saw no difference.

> Hello Everyone!


> I glanced through the messages, and the group looks very

> interesting. Neither of my children have autism, but it is

> obviously a serious and rising issue all young parents are going


> have to face. That being said, I am involved in


> and I just wanted to ask a question about that:


> Have any of you have been giving your children glyconutritionals?

> If so, what has been the result (and how much have you been giving

> them)? If not, have you heard of them?


> God bless,



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Hello Mr. Positive (I'm assuming Mr. for " dug " ...please correct me

if I'm wrong)! I am so glad to hear that you've researched and

are " up " . You're right about the information overload...I did that

when my husband was diagnosed. He takes his 8th shot this

evening...blood work is great and he's managing the sides well. His

doctor wasn't very receptive to alternative stuff, but has allowed

him to take milk thistle while on tx. We figured we'd try it

the " Western way " first and then if he tests positive later on after

tx then we'll try the alternative stuff. But, great results so

far. Best of luck to you...let us know how your doc responded,

etc...and what he/she thinks of the alternative tx. Welcome to the



> Hello ALL !


> I've recently had a positive diagnosis on a RIBA test for

Hepatitis C.


> I see a specialist on June 17,(unless they have a cancellation),


> was the earliest appt. I could get, I guess that these doctors are

> few-and-far-between and are really in demand in this area ?


> I have done practially nothing but read-read-read on the subject

> since finding-out about my DX. WHEW !


> Talk about 'information-overload' ! ! LOL


> I plan to 'insist' that the (Western-style) specialist 'allow' me


> have 'concurrent' herbal-therapy, the nurse said that the

> doctor " doesn't 'discourage' use of herbs " , so, it sounds

like 'they'

> can't come right out and SAY that they " may be of benefit " , but,


> it's " up to You " if You want to use them ?


> Does anyone have any ideas on how to breach the subject with


> doctors in a manner that might result in more cooperation ?


> I have the phone #'s of various Chiropractic, Acupunture,

> Acupressure, and " Oriental " herbal-medicine clinice in my close-

> area,... I am leaning more towards an 'accredited' Chinese


> to be involved with the 'concurrent-therapy' if possible, because,


> figure,....that they've been 'doing' herbals for a LONG time and


> sure that they know best about them ?


> I know,...LONG first post eh ? LOL


> I'll get through this,...one way or the other !


> I'm confident of THAT !


> Thanks for the forum ! :-)

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I'm 'sure' that it also has to do with " advocating 'unapproved-(by the

drug-companies)-treatment/s, (that they don't make any money from)

At least, since my appt. is on June 17, I have 'plenty-of-time' to try to get

both practitioners to coordinate amicably, and also, I don't have-to be in any

hurry to make any immediate treatment decisions !

I'm getting 'some-time' to try to come-to-terms with the DX, so, I'm actually

GLAD about that portion of this situation.

> I know it's hard to get western doctors to recommend anything they don't

> have to write a prescription for. Mine was like yours, he told me to go

> ahead and continue with the milk thistle " it can't hurt " , he said. He

> witnessed my alt/ast counts go down to normal with nothing else but milk

> thistle/burdock root, etc. before I started the treatment. -dz-


> [ ] New Here


> Hello ALL !


> I've recently had a positive diagnosis on a RIBA test for Hepatitis C.


> I see a specialist on June 17,(unless they have a cancellation), that

> was the earliest appt. I could get, I guess that these doctors are

> few-and-far-between and are really in demand in this area ?


> I have done practially nothing but read-read-read on the subject

> since finding-out about my DX. WHEW !


> Talk about 'information-overload' ! ! LOL


> I plan to 'insist' that the (Western-style) specialist 'allow' me to

> have 'concurrent' herbal-therapy, the nurse said that the

> doctor " doesn't 'discourage' use of herbs " , so, it sounds like 'they'

> can't come right out and SAY that they " may be of benefit " , but, that

> it's " up to You " if You want to use them ?


> Does anyone have any ideas on how to breach the subject with western-

> doctors in a manner that might result in more cooperation ?


> I have the phone #'s of various Chiropractic, Acupunture,

> Acupressure, and " Oriental " herbal-medicine clinice in my close-

> area,... I am leaning more towards an 'accredited' Chinese Herbalist

> to be involved with the 'concurrent-therapy' if possible, because, I

> figure,....that they've been 'doing' herbals for a LONG time and I'm

> sure that they know best about them ?


> I know,...LONG first post eh ? LOL


> I'll get through this,...one way or the other !


> I'm confident of THAT !


> Thanks for the forum ! :-)







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I understand your frustration as I have been there. I am open to any and all treatment plans concerning Hep C and do not advocate one or the other but let me tell you my story. I was DX five years ago. I went on the Interferon treatment which immediately brought my enzymes within range. Nine months into treatment started having side effects and ended up with neuropathy in my feet. Went off the Interferon. My enzymes remained within range for an another 4 months and then shot way up. Started seeing a Naturopathic physician who put me on a vegetarian diet and plenty of supps as you have mentioned; milk thistle, burdock root, etc. I saw a slow but sure reduction of my enzyme level. It never got within the normal range but was not elevated much. My enzymes remained at this level for 2 years and then shot right back up as they did before the supplement treatments. I stopped taking everything! Within a couple months my enzymes slowed leveled out to the same level they were at with all the supps. I have maintained a healthy life style with a vegetarian diet and exercise. My enzymes have remained at this same slightly elevated level for the past two years. I know everyone reacts differently and it also depends on which type of hep c you have, mine is type 1.

Again I stress that I do not advocate any plan! This is just my experience. I am an ex Chef and am currently in school to be a Registered Dietitian within the next year. I can say that a healthy lifestyle is a critical part of Hep c maintenance.

Best of luck!!!

From: DUG [mailto:DUG853@...] Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 7:50 AM Subject: [ ] Re: New Here

I'm 'sure' that it also has to do with "advocating 'unapproved-(by the drug-companies)-treatment/s, (that they don't make any money from)At least, since my appt. is on June 17, I have 'plenty-of-time' to try to get both practitioners to coordinate amicably, and also, I don't have-to be in any hurry to make any immediate treatment decisions !I'm getting 'some-time' to try to come-to-terms with the DX, so, I'm actually GLAD about that portion of this situation.> I know it's hard to get western doctors to recommend anything they don't> have to write a prescription for. Mine was like yours, he told me to go> ahead and continue with the milk thistle "it can't hurt", he said. He> witnessed my alt/ast counts go down to normal with nothing else but milk> thistle/burdock root, etc. before I started the treatment. -dz- > > [ ] New Here> > Hello ALL !> > I've recently had a positive diagnosis on a RIBA test for Hepatitis C.> > I see a specialist on June 17,(unless they have a cancellation), that > was the earliest appt. I could get, I guess that these doctors are > few-and-far-between and are really in demand in this area ?> > I have done practially nothing but read-read-read on the subject > since finding-out about my DX. WHEW !> > Talk about 'information-overload' ! ! LOL> > I plan to 'insist' that the (Western-style) specialist 'allow' me to > have 'concurrent' herbal-therapy, the nurse said that the > doctor "doesn't 'discourage' use of herbs", so, it sounds like 'they' > can't come right out and SAY that they "may be of benefit", but, that > it's "up to You" if You want to use them ?> > Does anyone have any ideas on how to breach the subject with western-> doctors in a manner that might result in more cooperation ?> > I have the phone #'s of various Chiropractic, Acupunture, > Acupressure, and "Oriental" herbal-medicine clinice in my close-> area,... I am leaning more towards an 'accredited' Chinese Herbalist > to be involved with the 'concurrent-therapy' if possible, because, I > figure,....that they've been 'doing' herbals for a LONG time and I'm > sure that they know best about them ?> > I know,...LONG first post eh ? LOL> > I'll get through this,...one way or the other !> > I'm confident of THAT !> > Thanks for the forum ! :-)> > > > > >

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Yup, it's Mr....at least it 'was' the last time I checked ! LOL

I'm still thinking-about whether to start herbal-therapy right-away, or to wait

to do them at the same time, in order to get the 'extra-whammy' ?

Does anyone know if the Hep C 'family' of virii are retrovirus/es ?

I've been reading that Hep C has a tendency to 'mutate' in the body both in

response to the bodys' natural-defenses and also to 'treatment's,..does anyone

know how true and/or how common this is?

So far, I've (pretty-much) decided to wait and start both 'western' and herbal

treatment/s at the same time,...as 'perhaps' both methods 'may' block more

'mutation-pathways' rathan than doing either-one seperately ?

I have NO idea, and I'm certainly NO 'expert' in any sense of the term.

But, it 'makes-sense' to me. (so-far)

I'll know more after the various consultations with the 'western' specialist and

whichever herbal-practitioner that I end-up deciding upon.


I live in San Diego County, California.

> > Hello ALL !

> >

> > I've recently had a positive diagnosis on a RIBA test for

> Hepatitis C.

> >

> > I see a specialist on June 17,(unless they have a cancellation),

> that

> > was the earliest appt. I could get, I guess that these doctors are

> > few-and-far-between and are really in demand in this area ?

> >

> > I have done practially nothing but read-read-read on the subject

> > since finding-out about my DX. WHEW !

> >

> > Talk about 'information-overload' ! ! LOL

> >

> > I plan to 'insist' that the (Western-style) specialist 'allow' me

> to

> > have 'concurrent' herbal-therapy, the nurse said that the

> > doctor " doesn't 'discourage' use of herbs " , so, it sounds

> like 'they'

> > can't come right out and SAY that they " may be of benefit " , but,

> that

> > it's " up to You " if You want to use them ?

> >

> > Does anyone have any ideas on how to breach the subject with

> western-

> > doctors in a manner that might result in more cooperation ?

> >

> > I have the phone #'s of various Chiropractic, Acupunture,

> > Acupressure, and " Oriental " herbal-medicine clinice in my close-

> > area,... I am leaning more towards an 'accredited' Chinese

> Herbalist

> > to be involved with the 'concurrent-therapy' if possible, because,

> I

> > figure,....that they've been 'doing' herbals for a LONG time and

> I'm

> > sure that they know best about them ?

> >

> > I know,...LONG first post eh ? LOL

> >

> > I'll get through this,...one way or the other !

> >

> > I'm confident of THAT !

> >

> > Thanks for the forum ! :-)

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Yup, it's Mr....at least it 'was' the last time I checked ! LOL

I'm still thinking-about whether to start herbal-therapy right-away, or to wait

to do them at the same time, in order to get the 'extra-whammy' ?

Does anyone know if the Hep C 'family' of virii are retrovirus/es ?

I've been reading that Hep C has a tendency to 'mutate' in the body both in

response to the bodys' natural-defenses and also to 'treatment's,..does anyone

know how true and/or how common this is?

So far, I've (pretty-much) decided to wait and start both 'western' and herbal

treatment/s at the same time,...as 'perhaps' both methods 'may' block more

'mutation-pathways' rathan than doing either-one seperately ?

I have NO idea, and I'm certainly NO 'expert' in any sense of the term.

But, it 'makes-sense' to me. (so-far)

I'll know more after the various consultations with the 'western' specialist and

whichever herbal-practitioner that I end-up deciding upon.


I live in San Diego County, California.

> > Hello ALL !

> >

> > I've recently had a positive diagnosis on a RIBA test for

> Hepatitis C.

> >

> > I see a specialist on June 17,(unless they have a cancellation),

> that

> > was the earliest appt. I could get, I guess that these doctors are

> > few-and-far-between and are really in demand in this area ?

> >

> > I have done practially nothing but read-read-read on the subject

> > since finding-out about my DX. WHEW !

> >

> > Talk about 'information-overload' ! ! LOL

> >

> > I plan to 'insist' that the (Western-style) specialist 'allow' me

> to

> > have 'concurrent' herbal-therapy, the nurse said that the

> > doctor " doesn't 'discourage' use of herbs " , so, it sounds

> like 'they'

> > can't come right out and SAY that they " may be of benefit " , but,

> that

> > it's " up to You " if You want to use them ?

> >

> > Does anyone have any ideas on how to breach the subject with

> western-

> > doctors in a manner that might result in more cooperation ?

> >

> > I have the phone #'s of various Chiropractic, Acupunture,

> > Acupressure, and " Oriental " herbal-medicine clinice in my close-

> > area,... I am leaning more towards an 'accredited' Chinese

> Herbalist

> > to be involved with the 'concurrent-therapy' if possible, because,

> I

> > figure,....that they've been 'doing' herbals for a LONG time and

> I'm

> > sure that they know best about them ?

> >

> > I know,...LONG first post eh ? LOL

> >

> > I'll get through this,...one way or the other !

> >

> > I'm confident of THAT !

> >

> > Thanks for the forum ! :-)

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Thank You Bart, for the information regarding Your personal-experience/s !

We all have to decide for our own which way/s we want to go with our


I also have Diabetes, so, a healthy-diet is something that I've had to get

used-to anyway.

One 'life-style change' down,...however-many more to go !


> > I know it's hard to get western doctors to recommend anything they don't

> > have to write a prescription for. Mine was like yours, he told me to go

> > ahead and continue with the milk thistle " it can't hurt " , he said. He

> > witnessed my alt/ast counts go down to normal with nothing else but milk

> > thistle/burdock root, etc. before I started the treatment. -dz-

> >

> > [ ] New Here

> >

> > Hello ALL !

> >

> > I've recently had a positive diagnosis on a RIBA test for Hepatitis C.

> >

> > I see a specialist on June 17,(unless they have a cancellation), that

> > was the earliest appt. I could get, I guess that these doctors are

> > few-and-far-between and are really in demand in this area ?

> >

> > I have done practially nothing but read-read-read on the subject

> > since finding-out about my DX. WHEW !

> >

> > Talk about 'information-overload' ! ! LOL

> >

> > I plan to 'insist' that the (Western-style) specialist 'allow' me to

> > have 'concurrent' herbal-therapy, the nurse said that the

> > doctor " doesn't 'discourage' use of herbs " , so, it sounds like 'they'

> > can't come right out and SAY that they " may be of benefit " , but, that

> > it's " up to You " if You want to use them ?

> >

> > Does anyone have any ideas on how to breach the subject with western-

> > doctors in a manner that might result in more cooperation ?

> >

> > I have the phone #'s of various Chiropractic, Acupunture,

> > Acupressure, and " Oriental " herbal-medicine clinice in my close-

> > area,... I am leaning more towards an 'accredited' Chinese Herbalist

> > to be involved with the 'concurrent-therapy' if possible, because, I

> > figure,....that they've been 'doing' herbals for a LONG time and I'm

> > sure that they know best about them ?

> >

> > I know,...LONG first post eh ? LOL

> >

> > I'll get through this,...one way or the other !

> >

> > I'm confident of THAT !

> >

> > Thanks for the forum ! :-)

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Yes, we can’t forget the old FDA

drug cartel making sure everybody has their fingers in the pot. N -dz-

[ ] Re:

New Here

I'm 'sure' that it also has to do with

" advocating 'unapproved-(by the drug-companies)-treatment/s, (that they

don't make any money from)

At least,

since my appt. is on June 17, I have 'plenty-of-time' to try to get both

practitioners to coordinate amicably, and also, I don't have-to be in any hurry

to make any immediate treatment decisions !

I'm getting

'some-time' to try to come-to-terms with the DX, so, I'm actually GLAD about

that portion of this situation.

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That’s great! We know there are many

choices out there and we each have our own decision to make. We welcome hearing

of successful alternatives, because as we all know some of us don’t

respond to the standard treatment, and some of us have reasons to be against

it. It does have it’s harmful side. I wish you

continued success. –dz-

RE: [ ]

Re: New Here


I understand your

frustration as I have been there. I am open to any and all treatment

plans concerning Hep C and do not advocate one or the other but let me tell you

my story. I was DX five years ago. I went on the Interferon

treatment which immediately brought my enzymes within range. Nine months

into treatment started having side effects and ended up with neuropathy in my

feet. Went off the Interferon. My enzymes remained within

range for an another 4 months and then shot way up. Started seeing a

Naturopathic physician who put me on a vegetarian diet and plenty of supps as

you have mentioned; milk thistle, burdock root, etc. I saw a slow but sure

reduction of my enzyme level. It never got within the normal range but

was not elevated much. My enzymes remained at this level for 2 years and

then shot right back up as they did before the supplement treatments. I

stopped taking everything! Within a couple months my enzymes slowed leveled

out to the same level they were at with all the supps. I have maintained

a healthy life style with a vegetarian diet and exercise. My enzymes have

remained at this same slightly elevated level for the past two years. I

know everyone reacts differently and it also depends on which type of hep c you

have, mine is type 1.

Again I stress that I do

not advocate any plan! This is just my experience. I am an ex Chef

and am currently in school to be a Registered Dietitian within the next

year. I can say that a healthy lifestyle is a critical part of Hep c


Best of luck!!!

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I can only address this part of your

question. The virus does mutate, which is why most of us cannot clear it on our

own. We develop antibodies to kill it, and it mutates before we can kill it all

and then starts multiplying again. The idea behind the interferon treatment, is to hit it so hard and fast that we eventually

kill it faster than it can mutate. This is definitely a layman’s version,

but simply stated those are the dynamics of the virus and its mutation. –dz-

[ ] Re:

New Here


been reading that Hep C has a tendency to 'mutate' in the body both in response

to the bodys' natural-defenses and also to 'treatment's,..does

anyone know how true and/or how common this is?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hello everyone -

What a Godsend this is! I've been reading some of your posts, and am

very happy to have found such a supportive environment. As I wrote

to Bee a few days ago, I have been treating candida for about 2

months now, but fell off the wagon in a most spectacular fashion

about a week ago. I ate all sorts of things that the little yeasties

were thrilled to devour, too. Bread, chocolate, ice-cream.. the

works. So. I am now in the very uncomfortable situation of

experiencing withdrawal. very unpleasant. the cravings are

ferocious, but I am making sure I am chugging down the vit C and

eating lots of protein.

A little bit of history: I am 26, live in australia, am a female

studying journalism. Healthwise, I have had candida on and off for

about 7 years now. It has taken me until this year to treat it

seriously. I have had gastrointestinal trouble in the past due to

parasites I picked up in India (7 yrs ago) and that's where it

began. I have had irritable-bowel trouble since then, and developed

a host of food sensitivities (esp grains). I suspect I have problems

with blood-sugar, as when I ingest simple sugars I experience out-of-

control cravings for more of it - much like any addiction. I have

had trouble accepting this, as sugar seems like like a benign thing

to most people, but it does result in addictive behaviour for me.

which is probably exacerbated by the candida.

I went to India again last year, picked up giardia (again!) and was

treated twice with antibiotics. At this time I began to eat sugar

and wheat again at an alarming rate. I was trekking in nepal and was

subsisting on adiet of mars bars, white rice, pancakes and glucose

sweets. when i'd returned from nepal to india i was beset with

cravings, and it was at this point that i began to experience the

symptoms of candida. I returned to Australia in Dec of last year,

and was dashing about visiting people, drinking lots of coffee and

eating a fruit-based diet. I was under a lot of stress - my father

was hospitalised for metal illness, and I was his primary carer. I

should also mention that I have been experiencing depression for the

past 2 yrs or so, and have been bulimic for about 5 yrs. I have been

very rigid about food intake - often doing all sorts of different

diets, and went through a period of intense exercise and laxative

abuse which has taxed my body quite seriously. quite a hotch-potch

of things going on!

I am at a point in my life where I am about to head in quite a

different direction. I have always been quite sensitive to how I am

perceived by other people, and have been a classic 'let's look after

other people rather than myself' type. Now I'm realising that I have

to address things in myself, and bring it all into balance.

The past 2 yrs have been very hectic and busy for me - I was up at

5am running every day, and spent much of my time charged up on

caffeine to quell a sense of discontent that was rising within. When

I returned from my overseas trip (another distraction attempting to

put a lid on things) I was spent. So from January until now I have

been quite ill. I have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome,

but have a host of complications going on. My T3 thyroid hormone is

very low, as is my estrogen. I have not menstruated in over a year

now. I have been very depressed, and can attribute this to the low

production of the hormones, as well as a strong genetic

predisposition to it (both sides of the family).

I have leaky-gut, sensitivities to lots of foods (but strong

cravings too - what a cruel trick of nature!) and am generally

completely fatigued most of the time. I feel as though I am the

complete antithesis of what I was in the past 2 yrs. In that way

this illness is a blessing of sorts; it's allowing me to examine

what is really important in how I choose to live my life, and to

realise the coping mechanisms that I have adopted are not serving me

terribly well.

Having said all of that, I am tired of feeling decades older than I

am. I was a vivacious type of person, but now shrink away from human

contact and the world outside. I know that I will get better, but it

does seem to be taking an awfully long time. Not helped by my

sabotaging all of the good work (but i mustn't berate myself for

that - no help at all!)

I was wondering about the yeast and thyroid connection. Bee asked me

whether the former caused the latter, or vice-versa. How to know

this? The low T3 could also be attributed to my yo-yo dieting and

significant weight loss last year. I am currently taking a

supplement called thyrocsin produced by a company called 'thorne'.

It contains 'natural' ingredients: vitamins c, e, b12, iodine, zinc,

selenium, copper, l-tyrosine, withania somnifera. Would this be less

preferable to dessicated thyroid medication?

I find that my eyes are really sensitive to light, and I have a

floater in the left one. I am hating the sunlight (odd for me) and

want to be in dark spaces as much as possible. I am very puffed-up

in the face since bingeing on all the foods that the yeast adore -

and am hoping that reverting back to the anti-c diet will help shed

some of the kilos I've put on in the past week (most of which, I'm

hoping, is water!) I'm feeling incredibly anti-social, and am very

volatile emotionally.

Interestingly, the presence of candida in my body is something I

have always been dubious about, but can now look back and see that

the particular symptoms I have and the way that I have felt

emotionally in the past can all be attributed to flare-ups. I even

had a fungal infection under two of my nails that were tested and

came up as candida. At the moment it is so difficult to understand

what has caused everything that has gone out of balance. I'm sure

that at the heart of it is emotional and behavioural things, plus

exacerbating physical factors, too - like the parasites. But I'm

quite sure that the candida has been responsible for most of my

symptoms. My doctor seems to think it's a side-issue, and that the

thyroid problem is causing most of my symptoms. I suppose there's no

way to really know exactly what has causes what - but i would dearly

love to know!

Whew! I didn't expect to write so much.

Thank you for listening!

I will be in touch -

I would love to know if anyone else has experienced bulimic

behaviour and candida, or if they have also fallen off the wagon

(and how they dealt with the cravings and getting back-on-track).

And is it ok to drink green tea? I love the stuff, and it's just so

good for you. Also - I have been taking kelp supplements. Is that ok?

Thank you, and let's keep up all the good work!

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HI IVY. I've only dealt personally with one person, a local guy

with hep-c. He was a big guy looked like Malkovich only

bigger. He was emaciated, weak, and pale white. Caught hep-c in

Gulf War, count way over 30 million, liver 70% gone, prognosis, 1.5

years. He could hardly stay awake while I showed him how to use the

godzilla device. But his wife was with him, and she got the idea in

a minute or so. They gave me 40 bucks for the parts I used to make

the thing. Six weeks later, they returned, this time he was pink,

gained 20 lbs and was out fishing all weekend with his father. Said

he had lots of energy.

This was at a very early stage of our research, and we now know a

lot more about how to use the device to do the most good with hep-

c. My recent messages and some of our files (see the group page

menu) have more info. Our photos show the devices anyone can make

in an hour or so at home. This has proven to be so simple it

doesn't require manufacturers, or even technicians--anyone can do

it. I'm not bragging, but there's nothing else quite like it. If

you're serious, you should open every photo, read every file in this

group, at least skim them, and definitely the photos to see how

simple the device is to make. There are also people making and

selling them, but I promised not to be commercial, so you can ask

the list and they will respond to you personally. The messages

aren't that important, though some are good. Just the files and


best of luck,


> Hello. My name is Ivy. I'm from California, from the Bay Area.


> have Hep C. I belong to a few other message boards and I was just

> checking out some other sites and came across yours when I typed


> hep under . I haven't totally studied exactly what


> have, but from what I understand so far, which is probably off

base -

> LOL - anyway, it sounds electric and that sounds really RIGHT ON

> TARGET if you ask me. I mean, we humans ARE ELECTRIC actually.


> stands to reason that electricity would cure us of most ills more

> efficiently than artificial chemicals. It's the same old theory


> Synthetic drugs vs. Marijuana really. Electricity is also


> All we need to know is how much, where and exactly how to


> what is needed to put our " forces " back to maximum functioning

> capacity. Anyway, I'm behind you so far from what I understand in

> my limited way. I have CFS due to my hep c and quite frankly, it

> sucks! I'd love to have more energy. Now, where does energy come

> from? HELLO! You'd think all those scientists out there would've

> figured this out by now. I've been thinking of electricity for a

> long time, but I thought I must be crazy, I'd probably electrocute

> myself if I attempted anything because I don't know a thing about

> it. My hat's off to you! Ivy

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Yes! Welcome! How nice! This is such a wonderful group. I can't begin to

tell everybody how much they've all helped me. And thanks to Bee for

starting it all. Where do you post a picture?



From: baysfit [mailto:baysfit@...]

Sent: Friday, June 11, 2004 5:59 PM

Subject: [ ] New here

Hi everyone

I am so pleased to find this forum. It's been a light in a time of

darkness. I thought I knew a lot about Candida overgrowth but I have

learned so much more here.

To start off I thought I would share a bit about me...

5 Years ago I was the ultimate action girl (For fun I have added a

pic of me racing my bike). These days I can only manage a 20 minute

walk every three days! Fortunately I am very positive and have other

equally fun things I do (writting, learning, creating, helping

others). I have identified many of my many problems

Low blood sugar

Sluggish Liver

Systemic Candidiasis


I know I will get well eventually and after reading what Bee and

everyone else has had to say I have a new resolve.Thankyou!

As a gift here is one of my poems...Enjoy


When you feel frightened, when you feel small,

Hold your head high, stand up and walk tall!

Begin to discover why you are here

And bravely tackle all that you fear.

Don't be afraid to join in. Have a go!

Remember " Tall oak trees from little acorns grow "

-Copyright baysfit

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