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Safer winter walking

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Hi to all - I have not written to the group before but I read it off and on

and always appreciate the contributors. I have RA and OA for 12 years but

am doing pretty well thanks to modern pharmacology and exercise. I have a

little dog that HAS to be walked, and since we live in the snowy winter

wonderland on the East coast I have been dreading the slippery roads and

uncleaned sidewalks. I have already fallen once this winter on a snowy

street and twice last winter and had no good solution for the slippery

street problem.

Some body suggested " yaktrax " to me and, no, I do not sell the things but

they are so much of a safety factor I want to share the information with the

group. You can do a Google search they are sold lots of places and there is

another product also sold. You can read the reviews. I wore them tonight

for the first time, mine have a strap that goes over the top of the shoes

and I think you need that strap. I put a size M yaktrax on over my New

Balance 10EE shoes. People with sore hands might have to have help to get

them on. It is easy to take off my shoes leaving the yaktrax on them, so I

am just going to leave them on my walking shoes, as I take those shoes off

as soon as I come in the house anyhow. Tonight they will get the dreaded

" black ice " test but this afternoon I was so stable on frozen slush and

packed snow it was like a dream. Don't know what the road chemical will do

to them. And, I doubt anything is safe on black ice, but with my twice

daily walks I am pretty aware of the most dangerous areas. Hope this is

helpful to somebody. Jeanette H.

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Hi Jeanette - What a wonderful idea!! I have 2 Aunts and 2 Uncles that live in

CT and I always worry about them falling - especially this year when it seems

there has been so much more snow than normal! Thanks for sharing this with us!!

I'm going to mail a copy of the Yak Trax to them!..... Doreen :)


> Hi to all - I have not written to the group before but I read it off

> and on and always appreciate the contributors. I have RA and OA for

> 12 years but am doing pretty well thanks to modern pharmacology and

> exercise. I have a little dog that HAS to be walked, and since we

> live in the snowy winter wonderland on the East coast I have been

> dreading the slippery roads and uncleaned sidewalks. I have already

> fallen once this winter on a snowy street and twice last winter and

> had no good solution for the slippery street problem.


> Some body suggested " yaktrax " to me and, no, I do not sell the

> things but they are so much of a safety factor I want to share the

> information with the group. You can do a Google search they are

> sold lots of places and there is another product also sold. You can

> read the reviews. I wore them tonight for the first time, mine have

> a strap that goes over the top of the shoes and I think you need

> that strap. I put a size M yaktrax on over my New Balance 10EE

> shoes. People with sore hands might have to have help to get

> them on. It is easy to take off my shoes leaving the yaktrax on

> them, so I am just going to leave them on my walking shoes, as I

> take those shoes off as soon as I come in the house anyhow. Tonight

> they will get the dreaded " black ice " test but this afternoon I was

> so stable on frozen slush and packed snow it was like a dream.

> Don't know what the road chemical will do to them. And, I doubt

> anything is safe on black ice, but with my twice daily walks I am

> pretty aware of the most dangerous areas. Hope this is helpful to

> somebody. Jeanette H.

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That's super creative!

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 10, 2010, at 12:09 PM, Normsgrl@... wrote:

Our neighbor slipped and fell on the ice a couple years ago and broke his

shoulder. Since then, he has creatively screwed in square bolts into the

bottoms of his shoes. He has good traction now. Everyone that has borrowed

them say they work great! Just had to add in my 2 cents! :)


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