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Re: Sun night

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Yes you should observe your bodies reactions to food and notice what foods you enjoy and what foods you don't likke that is the fun part of IE. I use splenda because I have never eaten many sweets accept occasionally and I like Splenda if I didn't like it I wouldn't use it. If you like a particular artificial sweetner or low calorie drink drink it or use it. When I first started IE I felt guilty because I tended to like and want foods that the world considered low calorie foods so I asked the members of this group and several told me that it was okay to like low calorie foods the problem comes if you feel forced to eat them and don't enjoy them at all yet still eat them instead of the regular which you may like better just because you are afraid to eat the regular version of them. I have followed the group's wise advice since I posted the question and now I just eat whatever I like and try not toworry if its regular or low caloriie. I say try because some days I struggle against diet mentality more then others. Eva

The grand kids have left to go back home; I've been reading from the list and enjoying all the discussions and comments.I ordered the Intuitive Eating book (Resch/Tribole) and the Eating in the Light of the Moon book (ston). They should arrive in a few, lookingforward to reading them!I have a question though, about artificial sweeteners. I drink a lot of icedtea (with sweeteners). Do any of you still use them? or have you quit totally using them? I use them in cereal, too.Speaking of particular foods, I do notice when I use rice pasta, I feel better afterward than when I use white or even whole wheat pasta.The rice doesn't have the same "side effects" and I feel full longeron it. Just an observation. I think once I feel totally free to chose whatever I want, there will be foods that I prefer over others and that wouldindicate freedom as well. It is ok to read my body's response and stillbe IE, if that is the reason for my choice. I know certain diets demonizecertain foods and once past that then what I want and what I feel mybest with, would still be IE, would it not?For me, a little sweet after a meal seems to seal the deal and I feelcontented. What is difficult for me is feeling comfortable doing thatin front of others who have watched me struggle and yo yo with myweight. I don't want to have to explain my self as if I owe an explanationfor what I do, to any one. Yes, it does annoy me! I need to get to a place where it doesn't, but not there yet!! How do you handle the situation with other people? I don't feel "safe" letting any one knowwhat I am doing, at present. Every time I've shared what I am doingI start gaining weight, it makes me feel very self conscious and "watched", then I start getting anxious and diving back into the food! Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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Shar_ley, I hear progress in what you wrote :) IE, as you will find in

the book too, is all about 'no rules' - YOU pick the foods, when, how

much etc, etc. Sadly that has become a foreign process to us who have

struggled with trying to live within the straight jacket that

'society' seems to suggest we do. Finding out that one food - rice

pasta - is more satisfying than others is EXCELLENT work! Pat yourself

on the back and know that as you proceed along this path (the IE

journey), you will make more discoveries like this and they will all

enhance your life in ways you can only imagine and dream about now.

I too like to 'finish' off a meal with a sweet. To me this is a

'natural' way to signal my body that yep, I've eaten and to boost my

blood sugar to the

'satisfied' level so that I don't keep eating. Others manage to wait

20 minutes to allow their digestive process to 'register' that blood

sugar from the food they have eaten, but I really need to 'seal the

deal' and a little sweet makes it 'official' for me :)

Keep up the good work and looking forward to reading your posts after

you have read some in the books too.


IEing since March 2007


> The grand kids have left to go back home; I've been reading from the


> and enjoying all the discussions and comments.


> I ordered the Intuitive Eating book (Resch/Tribole) and the Eating

in the

> Light of the Moon book (ston). They should arrive in a few, looking

> forward to reading them!


> I have a question though, about artificial sweeteners. I drink a lot

of iced

> tea (with sweeteners). Do any of you still use them? or have you quit

> totally using them? I use them in cereal, too.


> Speaking of particular foods, I do notice when I use rice pasta, I feel

> better afterward than when I use white or even whole wheat pasta.

> The rice doesn't have the same " side effects " and I feel full longer

> on it. Just an observation. I think once I feel totally free to

chose what

> ever I want, there will be foods that I prefer over others and that


> indicate freedom as well. It is ok to read my body's response and still

> be IE, if that is the reason for my choice. I know certain diets


> certain foods and once past that then what I want and what I feel my

> best with, would still be IE, would it not?


> For me, a little sweet after a meal seems to seal the deal and I feel

> contented. What is difficult for me is feeling comfortable doing that

> in front of others who have watched me struggle and yo yo with my

> weight. I don't want to have to explain my self as if I owe an


> for what I do, to any one. Yes, it does annoy me! I need to get to a

> place where it doesn't, but not there yet!!  How do you handle the

> situation with other people? I don't feel " safe " letting any one know

> what I am doing, at present. Every time I've shared what I am doing

> I start gaining weight, it makes me feel very self conscious and

> " watched " , then I start getting anxious and diving back into the food!


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Your welcome Glad I could help I did the same thing when I first started IE too so I think it is part of the process. Eva

Thanks, Eva! You are correct! I was doing the demonizing thing withoutrealizing it! arg!!! I was making art. sweetner "wrong" and askingpermission to use it! Still got that diet mentality buzzing around in mymind!

Yes you should observe your bodies reactions to food and notice what foods you enjoy and what foods you don't likke that is the fun part of IE. I use splenda because I have never eaten many sweets accept occasionally and I like Splenda if I didn't like it I wouldn't use it. If you like a particular artificial sweetner or low calorie drink drink it or use it. When I first started IE I felt guilty because I tended to like and want foods that the world considered low calorie foods so I asked the members of this group and several told me that it was okay to like low calorie foods the problem comes if you feel forced to eat them and don't enjoy them at all yet still eat them instead of the regular which you may like better just because you are afraid to eat the regular version of them. I have followed the group's wise advice since I posted the question and now I just eat whatever I like and try not toworry if its regular or low caloriie. I say try because some days I struggle against diet mentality more then others. Eva


Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.

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