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Re: New Here

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I am also from Mass ( where do you live ? ). I am on day 11 and have

seen great responses from my son. His eye contact is unbelieveable and

instead of looking through you he actually looks at you. Also hsi

hyperactivity has almost disapered ( still jumping at times, mostly when he

watches a fast moving movie ). Welcome to this list, all I can say is that

these are the greateset friends I have ever met and they are always giving me

the incentive to continue this diet. Congratulations on joining the best list


Terry from Mass

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My son would only eat pasta, pb & j sandwiches, waffles, eggs, cheese and lots

of juice and milk before the diet. (We went cold turkey 4 weeks ago.) He's

now eating alot of things that he would never eat before and is actually

eating alot more healthy foods-so don't worry about him starving. They seem

to adapt well after a couple of days. Guess what-he's intolerent to dairy,

wheat, peanuts and soy. So what he was craving was what he shouldn't eat.

It seems to be when they eat only certain types of foods(dairy, wheat) that

that's exactly what they react to. My son has majorly improved in speech,

eye contact, appearance(his rashes and black eye circles are going away). He

also was high yeast and is on Nystatin. Write me if you need support but do

give it a try. It's giving me back my little boy. (He's giving hugs and

kisses and hasn't done this for a year).

Best of luck.

Mom of Danny 33 mos.

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A large amount of autistic kids have yeast problems. You can have a

stool analysis done for your child to find out for yeast or parasites. Do you

have a DAN doctor? I fso he should know about it. Most of my sons food feeds

the yeast and keeps it going. Niks diet consisted of sugar big time ( oj,

cookies, ice-cream, popsicles, lots of fruits high in salicylates and phenols

) this only keeps the yeast going rapid and thats why starting this week I am

cutting sugar products out of his diet, Thursday we go see our DAN doctor for

the first time so I want to get a jump on the die-off effect before starting

Nik on antifungals and probiotics.

Ok I have probably confused you more. SORRY!!


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Hi . I grew up in Danvers, worked in Salem and we live in

Peabody. Small world!




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  • 8 years later...
Guest guest

Hi ,

I am Nat, new here too, welcome. I am a part-time sahm too, with a 4 years-0ld. So far I find ie very beneficial, and I feel much better emotionaly and physically.


Subject: New HereTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Received: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 7:31 PM

Hi, I'm found this group last night and thought I would join.I've been wanting to lose weight for some time now but it's so hardto do it by myself. So am looking for people going through the samething. I'm a stay at home mom. Have 2 girls. And I want to be healthyfor them and show them the right way to eat and live. We are all aboutsnacking and junk food and I want to stop that. I want to become moreactive but it's hard when the husband doesn't want to go out and justwants to stay at home. I recently found a park near where we live andwant to go there every day to walk or do some kind of activity. Didthat for a few days till the rain came back. I am hoping to get backin to track. Last night I tried my first salad. LOL It wasn't thatbad. Enough rambling but thanks for letting me join and I hope I canmake some good friends here. :)

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