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Play It Again Sam :-)

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This morning, I made a discovery, which really threw me for a

loop. I backspaced in my report into the previous report

transcribed last night for class and found a whole line I didn't

hear last night. I am in my last semester and just finally made

this discovery. This ought to get my B's up into the A's a little

more often.

Was wondering if IC's are doing this usually or do you just do a

" once through " on the report, because you just don't have the

time to doddle?

I have a part time job waiting for me and I would like to " play

it again Sam " and get into that routine. Good thing to do or just

get all I can the first time through and leave it at that -- go

for the quanity 1st?

This morning's discovery is like Col. discovering his

chicken recipe at 65 or 69 years of age. Eeek!

Thanks for the feedback. Bill

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When beginning a new job, I always try to listen to the dictation a 2nd time.

Then as I get more accustomed to the dictator, I only go through once. By

listening a 2nd time on a new dictator, I sometimes hear something that I didn't

the 1st time or it helps clarify things that might not have been really clear

the 1st time around. Furthermore, it makes me feel more confident that I am

giving my best.

Play It Again Sam :-)

This morning, I made a discovery, which really threw me for a

loop. I backspaced in my report into the previous report

transcribed last night for class and found a whole line I didn't

hear last night. I am in my last semester and just finally made

this discovery. This ought to get my B's up into the A's a little

more often.

Was wondering if IC's are doing this usually or do you just do a

" once through " on the report, because you just don't have the

time to doddle?

I have a part time job waiting for me and I would like to " play

it again Sam " and get into that routine. Good thing to do or just

get all I can the first time through and leave it at that -- go

for the quanity 1st?

This morning's discovery is like Col. discovering his

chicken recipe at 65 or 69 years of age. Eeek!

Thanks for the feedback. Bill

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I doubt that you very often miss a whole line. But, I set my backspace so

that I'm always rehearing what I've done. This alone helps a great deal and

you may readjust that with each doc you do. Yes, when doing a new doc,

always relisten a second time until you're used to them. It's time consuming

but wonderful for quality! I proofread for my Ic's and listen to the whole

tape while I read their work. I've only caught one where a whole line was

missed and it was a short line. Oh, one Ic, not one report, she's famous

for missing things. Be assured, by discovering this, you will be way more

careful in the future - that's why they call it school. And we just keep

learning! Sounds like you're doing great to me!

Play It Again Sam :-)

> This morning, I made a discovery, which really threw me for a

> loop. I backspaced in my report into the previous report

> transcribed last night for class and found a whole line I didn't

> hear last night. I am in my last semester and just finally made

> this discovery. This ought to get my B's up into the A's a little

> more often.


> Was wondering if IC's are doing this usually or do you just do a

> " once through " on the report, because you just don't have the

> time to doddle?


> I have a part time job waiting for me and I would like to " play

> it again Sam " and get into that routine. Good thing to do or just

> get all I can the first time through and leave it at that -- go

> for the quanity 1st?


> This morning's discovery is like Col. discovering his

> chicken recipe at 65 or 69 years of age. Eeek!


> Thanks for the feedback. Bill







> PLEASE VISIT THE NMTC WEB SITE - http://go.to/nmtc



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I think when you are new, you should listen twice. After you have more

experience, you should still

proof, but shouldn't have to listen twice.

Yes, always go for quality first!!

My 2 cents...

Play It Again Sam :-)

This morning, I made a discovery, which really threw me for a

loop. I backspaced in my report into the previous report

transcribed last night for class and found a whole line I didn't

hear last night. I am in my last semester and just finally made

this discovery. This ought to get my B's up into the A's a little

more often.

Was wondering if IC's are doing this usually or do you just do a

" once through " on the report, because you just don't have the

time to doddle?

I have a part time job waiting for me and I would like to " play

it again Sam " and get into that routine. Good thing to do or just

get all I can the first time through and leave it at that -- go

for the quanity 1st?

This morning's discovery is like Col. discovering his

chicken recipe at 65 or 69 years of age. Eeek!

Thanks for the feedback. Bill

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  • 10 years later...

I am blessed. The doctor I transcribe for the most tells me if she is

adding more. She is constantly reviewing, though, and this can be a

nuisance as the machine is always clicking on and off. But she will say,

end of dictation, or she will say, the rest of this tape is not valid as

I forgot to erase. She is a gem.


On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 21:48:33 -0700 " Bubb "


> This morning, I made a discovery, which really threw me for a

> loop. I backspaced in my report into the previous report

> transcribed last night for class and found a whole line I didn't

> hear last night. I am in my last semester and just finally made

> this discovery. This ought to get my B's up into the A's a little

> more often.


> Was wondering if IC's are doing this usually or do you just do a

> " once through " on the report, because you just don't have the

> time to doddle?


> I have a part time job waiting for me and I would like to " play

> it again Sam " and get into that routine. Good thing to do or just

> get all I can the first time through and leave it at that -- go

> for the quanity 1st?


> This morning's discovery is like Col. discovering his

> chicken recipe at 65 or 69 years of age. Eeek!


> Thanks for the feedback. Bill




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