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Re: the scale

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Diet books in a box! LOL I have a box of them too. I did that

about a year ago. They are in my storage room in the basement of my

apartment building. I actually didn't buy any for a while. Then, I

started again. I bet I could fill another box. I can't even imagine

how much money I've spent on diet books, magazines with diet

articles, not to mention odd and sundry foods and supplements that

are recommended. It really is a shame.



> Subject: the scale

> To: IntuitiveEating_Support

> Received: Friday, August 22, 2008, 3:00 AM



> I have strated to weigh myself only when i go to the Dr..

I have only done this for awhile IE that is but my pants are loser.

They are cotton my pjs that is and not strechy.So it indicates i have

lost weight. I have had a few last suppers.unfortunatl y my body

doesn't like a lot of carbs. I am diabetic So I must still use some

caution. I think I have had some progress whit IE.


> I am 62 so have seen a lot of diet fads. I have done

every kind that was the rage the boiled egg diet. The liquid protein

diet whidh worked but was recalled from the market because it was

killing people.I had a few episodes where it made me sick but i still

wanted it even when it was recalled. Crazy huh?The peamut butter diet

I CAN'T REMEBER THEM ALL . I've done the laxatives but couldn't make

myself throw up/ fluid pills etccc. In the IE book it list the type

of dieter \s. i seem to have been all of them at one time or another

> Betty





> --------------------------------------------------------------------


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I still have all my WW stuff in the back seat of my car. I can't

seem to make myself throw it out yet because it seems like such a

waste of money. Maybe I'll give it to my MIL...I know she'll use and

appreciate it.

> >

> > From: belovell <belovell@>

> > Subject: the scale

> > To: IntuitiveEating_Support

> > Received: Friday, August 22, 2008, 3:00 AM

> >

> >

> > I have strated to weigh myself only when i go to the


> I have only done this for awhile IE that is but my pants are loser.

> They are cotton my pjs that is and not strechy.So it indicates i


> lost weight. I have had a few last suppers.unfortunatl y my body

> doesn't like a lot of carbs. I am diabetic So I must still use some

> caution. I think I have had some progress whit IE.

> >

> > I am 62 so have seen a lot of diet fads. I have done

> every kind that was the rage the boiled egg diet. The liquid


> diet whidh worked but was recalled from the market because it was

> killing people.I had a few episodes where it made me sick but i


> wanted it even when it was recalled. Crazy huh?The peamut butter


> I CAN'T REMEBER THEM ALL . I've done the laxatives but couldn't


> myself throw up/ fluid pills etccc. In the IE book it list the type

> of dieter \s. i seem to have been all of them at one time or another

> > Betty

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------


> ----------

> > Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people.


> to Yahoo! Answers.

> >


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I don't know about you, but I would have loved to have given dieting

info to my MIL, but only because it would have driven her crazy!!

LOL!!! That's one revenge that I hadn't thought of (oh I'm BAD!!). [PS

this gal drove us all nuts, even my hubby - her son]

Krazy Katcha

IEing since March 2007


> I still have all my WW stuff in the back seat of my car. I can't

> seem to make myself throw it out yet because it seems like such a

> waste of money. Maybe I'll give it to my MIL...I know she'll use and

> appreciate it.


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Too funny!

My MIL is a die hard Weight Watcher. I haven't told her that I'm not

going anymore. I guess that would be one foot out of the IE closet!

> >

> > I still have all my WW stuff in the back seat of my car. I can't

> > seem to make myself throw it out yet because it seems like such a

> > waste of money. Maybe I'll give it to my MIL...I know she'll use


> > appreciate it.

> >


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I recycled all my WW stuff except the cookbooks. Those I donated to the library. I didn't want to give anyone the program materials because I didn't want anyone else to go through what I did! My sister asked me about WW several months ago and I almost had a panic attack for her. I wanted to scream DON'T DO IT!! I told her about IE but I don't think she has done anything. She just keep complaining about her weight.


(Intuitive eating since September 2006)

Subject: Re: the scaleTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Received: Friday, August 22, 2008, 12:13 PM

I don't know about you, but I would have loved to have given dietinginfo to my MIL, but only because it would have driven her crazy!!LOL!!! That's one revenge that I hadn't thought of (oh I'm BAD!!). [PSthis gal drove us all nuts, even my hubby - her son]Krazy KatchaIEing since March 2007>> I still have all my WW stuff in the back seat of my car. I can't > seem to make myself throw it out yet because it seems like such a > waste of money. Maybe I'll give it to my MIL...I know she'll use and > appreciate it. >

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I never thought about that. I have about 15 of their cookbooks that

I've collected over the years - primarily because I enjoy cookbooks.

I think I maybe made one or two things out of them and that was it.

I wonder if my bookstore would buy them for their used books

section. Hmmm....

> >

> > I still have all my WW stuff in the back seat of my car. I can't

> > seem to make myself throw it out yet because it seems like such a

> > waste of money. Maybe I'll give it to my MIL...I know she'll use


> > appreciate it.

> >



















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Don't forget online re-sale places for your used books (Amazon,

Half.com etc.) and even PaperBackSwap.com where you list your books

and get to select from what others offer - for only the price of the



IEing Since March 2007


> I never thought about that. I have about 15 of their cookbooks that

> I've collected over the years - primarily because I enjoy cookbooks.

> I think I maybe made one or two things out of them and that was it.


> I wonder if my bookstore would buy them for their used books

> section. Hmmm....



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