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Re: Unicornuate Uterus (pg ment)

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Hi dunstonsmommy,

I also have a right UU, no horn and a solitary right kidney. Did your dr

mention checking your kidney(s)? I've never suffered any ill effects from

only having one kidney.

I'm so sorry to hear how upset you've been over your diagnosis. I know how

shocking it is to hear. I went in for my HSG as part of an infertility

workup also. I joked afterward that I prayed so hard to have open tubes that

I forgot to ask God for a whole uterus while I was at it! LOL In those first

days after the diagnosis, it was hard to stay positive, but I hung onto my

OB's words, " This type of uterus is capable of sustaining a pregnancy. "

She did also warn me about the possible complications of an incompetent

cervix and preterm labor at that time. I read everything I could on the

Internet about having a UU. I joined this list and another one specifically

for women with a UU by the time I'd had a hysterosonogram (a saline sonogram

of my uterus) and scheduled a consultation with my OB.

I'm sure you'll find a lot of success and hope here. I know I did. I hope I

can offer you a little myself. I ended up finally conceiving on my 6th

Clomid cycle. I'm currently 29w6d pregnant with my first. I haven't had any

severe complications. I didn't even really have much in the way of morning

sickness. I didn't require a cerclage. My drs have all encouraged me to

continue to work (I have a sedentary job) and to continue to walk or ride the

stationary bike at my gym or swim. here is a great inspiration to

UU women with her two little girls, CeCe and Darby. is another UU

member that is currently pg with twins (due the same day as me =).

If you have any specific questions, don't hesitate to ask!


26, UU

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