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Re: Viruses and MS--To Dudley and others

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Hmmm...Well, I was told I have antibodies to three viruses (EPV, HV6,

and CMV), and that I have been exposed to them in the past but they are

not active now...Does that mean I wold not benefit from antiviral herbs

and that there is nothing I really need to do about them?



> Antibodies are not pathogenic--only the sustances or pathogens which

initially caused their formation. They are just part of the body's

defense system.


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It would be a good idea to take a probiotic if you do this. CS is non-

discriminatory and kills good flora along with the bad.


> Antibodies themselves are nothing to worry about. There presence just

means you were exposed at one time to some pathogen that induced their

formation. Whether you are STILL harboring an active infection by those

pathogens cannot be determned by the presence of antibodies alone.

That's why I recommend a two week trial of colloidal silver, a broad

spectrum antimicrobial, for all MSers. If the symptom picture changes,

the pathogens are still active.

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