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Re: Attempted to share IE/Fat Actress

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This is a very interesting comment on an issue for actors here in USA. It seems that Hollywood is really obsessed with that, you rarely see any actor or actress that has a normal body. In French canada, we have a variety of actors, with differents body types, and the series produced there are more representative of the real world I think.

I know for being in the theatre business myself as a playwright that what makes a differene between a good and a bad actress (or actor) is if their assume and accept their bodies whatever that body is. That what makes an actor or actress beautiful on stage. I bet it is the same in the real word too.

I watch that show sometimes at 10pm called how to look good naked. They take very average women and have them work on self acceptance and shop for decent clothes and then make a photoshot with (almost) no clothes. Guess what, after working on self-acceptance, all of them - of any size - look gorgeous.

Just my two cents,

Take care


Subject: Attempted to share IE/Fat ActressTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Received: Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 12:12 PM

My local radio station this morning was having a discussion on losing weight. I attempted to call in, and I did get through and told them about IE. I was so hoping they would put me on the air, but they did not. Instead, they had a guy that has lost 20 lbs. by getting up at 3:30 in the morning every day to walk his dog for an hour! Give me a break! My first thought was, I wonder what time that guy goes to bed in the evenings. If he were to get 8 hrs of sleep, he would have to go to bed at 7:30pm. I'm sure he probably doesn't, especially if he has a family. I don't know if everyone has been hearing a lot lately about how our culture is very sleep deprived. And how sleep deprivation can affect weight. I don't know, this just seems like insanity to me! Well, at least I attempted to get the word out there about IE!Also, has anyone seen the show that was on Showtime with Kirstie Alley called Fat

Actress? I rented the 1st series and started watching it last night. I don't know how true to life it is to her real life. Parts of me could so relate to what she was going through. The first episode opens up with her stepping on the scale and then just bursting into heart breaking sobs. The second episode opens with her trying on all these pants that she can't get into or barly buttoned and zipped and she is saying "where are my fat jeans". It was somewhat comicaly done. But on the other hand I was many times disgusted and offended by the show. There were many times when people she was meeting with, trying to get her own TV show/movie would flat out call her FAT - and usually after she had left the room. There was one scene where she is talking to another actress that used to be like 300 lbs but was supper skinny now. And she was giving Kirstie advice on losing weight and she actually suggested

putting something down her throat to throw up or taking laxitives, which she does end up taking and spends an entire meeting in the bathroom from taking the laxitives. Needless to say, it was interesting to watch this show that on one hand is disgustingly trying to make fun of a "fat" person and how devestating that is to her. On the other hand, watching this has reinforced for me how important it is for us to accept ourselves just the way we are and to especially to accept others as they are.

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