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Hi Everyone,

This is Tracey (Tracey T in Edmonton)

I have read many of the messages about and some people feeling she is

" selling products " on this site and some people feeling this is " unfair "

judgment of her.

I've only been on the list for a month or so - I didn't really want to make any

comment on this subject - didn't feel I had " read " enough or been here long

enough to have an " informed " opinion - BUT - I am writing now because I have

read enough of " this debate " to have an opinion on the debate.

MY opinion on the " debate " itself is: everyone seems to have had ample

opportunity to express their view on whether they feel " solicited " by

or not. Her detractors and supporters have been very vocal on stating their

feelings. As a SUPPORT group I think it is important that everyone have the

opportunity to state their feelings and opinions. However, as a support group I

do not think we should get into an endless debate on something that truly is a

matter of opinion. I have not seen any posts that indicate anyone has changed

their mind based on the debate - that's not likely going to happen. So what

further purpose could there be to continuing on this subject?

So, if there is anyone who has an opinion on this, who wants to express that

opinion, please take the opportunity to do so - I think you have every right to

do that - but then could we please move on?

I would hate to see anyone leave the group over this. But I feel like it is

" growing " and worry about where it will all end.

I came to this group looking for information - I got a GREAT DEAL of information

from MANY people, including . I was very pleased that I got information

from so many people - it was not all the same information, but I got to hear it

all so I could form MY OWN opinions - this felt like support. I got the

information - but I've stayed because I do feel supported here and I think I

might be able to contribute my knowledge to the group. Until now I have felt

like I could respond to any subject and offer my opinion or experience EVEN if

it was different than other peoples - that this was acceptable here. I want to

stay - and I want to continue to feel like I can state my own feelings,

experiences without worrying that they differ from others. Lets get back to that


ALL of you have given me so much here - I took information from at least 9

different people, (only 1 was and several of the others were ones that

DID NOT agree with /protein supplements etc.,) to my doctor and from

this I now have a whole RANGE of options we can explore that I would not have

had without ALL of you.

I really enjoy this group - this is the FIRST TIME IN 12 YEARS I've had the

opportunity to talk with ANYONE who could relate to my experience on any level

-please lets keep the perspective of SUPPORT - and SUPPORT DOES NOT MEAN WE HAVE

TO AGREE - we just have to feel we can say our own opinion.

On the " issue " itself all I can say is that has added a great deal to

my knowledge - as have many other people. I did not even realize she sold

anything until this debate started - she only ever offered me information - I

visited her site this past week " just to see what this was all about " .

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my opinion. I hope we can

move on soon - I miss the posts about important stuff (like drinking pop - I do

drink pop - not diet - just for the record!)

Take Care


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