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Welcome Dee so glad to have you with us. Eva

Hi my name is dee and i am hoping that this group can help me with my eating and in losing weight. I am 29 and am overweight and been trying to loose the weight for a couple of years and have had no luck so any help is great. Thanks------------------------------------

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm working on it Katcha! ;)

> >

> > I couldn't agree more Tammy-- we do not have to live our lives

> > without things like chocolate cake or carbs or whatever it is that

> > some diet is trying to tell us will " hurt " us... it's about putting

> > food in its appropriate place in our lives (which includes both

> > sustenance and pleasure). In doing that we live for the now rather

> > than thinking that there is some perfect time or body weight out

> > there that we have to achieve before we can enjoy our lives.

> >

> > :)


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  • 5 weeks later...

Welcome Sydney so glad to have you with us. Eva

Greetings,I joined this list a couple of days ago and would like to introduce myself. My name is Sydney Bell. I'm a 39 year old social worker living in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I'm married to Jon (our 16th anniversary this Friday!) and have 4 cats and 1 dog. We live a child-free life and both work in the health field as community developers.I've been reading the posts the past couple of days and am happy to see I've found a friendly group of women who are willing share their journeys and support each other.I've known about IE for awhile, but I've just decided to thoroughly embrace it. I've dedicated this year to solidifying a positive relationship with food and with my body. I'm a plus -size woman and have always felt 'big'. I've never successfully dieted. As I've been on this journey to a positive body image I've embraced the value of Health at Every Size. I'm a strong feminist and truly believe our diet-obsessed culture resulting from the thin-ideal is one of the tools we use to keep women in their place. I am passionately anti-diet, however I also am working on not eating emotionally. I've used food for many things: comfort, to relieve boredom, etc. And I am working to simply eat for hunger and enjoyment. A book that has been a great help to me is "Eating in the Light of the Moon" by Anita ston. I think that's enough for now. I'm glad I've found this space to bring some of my questions, get support and support other women on this journey.peace,Sydney------------------------------------

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Welcome Sydney!

Wow, you live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan...very cool. I know some

folks from Ontario and British Columbia, but I've never met anyone

from Saskatchewan.:) Happy 16th Anniversay.

One of my biggest issues is dealing with emotions without food too.

Working with IE provides a great set of practices to help create new

skills in this area and to cultivate a positive body image and a

balanced relationship with food. This group can definitely be a major

source of support and encouragement. We have some really cool men in

the group as well.

One of our members posted an excerpt from " Eating in the Light of the

Moon " fairly recently...very inspiring. Looking forward to hearing

more about your IE journey.


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Welcome Sydney. Body image is as much as part of IE is as food choices

and eating patterns too. I look forward to more posts from you as you

work on body issues too. I can so identify with your 'big' sized

feelings - I half joke that the profile for the women in my family is

a refrigerator shape! Yet my aunt always managed to look neat and well

dressed - sewing her own clothes and winning ribbons at fairs for them

as well. We can be attractive at any 'size' as well as have good self

worth too.


IEing since March 2007

PS - hubby and I are married 38 years with no children either.


> Greetings,

> I joined this list a couple of days ago and would like to introduce

myself. My name is Sydney Bell. I'm a 39 year old social worker

living in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I'm married to Jon (our 16th

anniversary this Friday!) and have 4 cats and 1 dog. We live a

child-free life and both work in the health field as community developers.


> I've been reading the posts the past couple of days and am happy to

see I've found a friendly group of women who are willing share their

journeys and support each other.


> I've known about IE for awhile, but I've just decided to thoroughly

embrace it. I've dedicated this year to solidifying a positive

relationship with food and with my body. I'm a plus -size woman and

have always felt 'big'. I've never successfully dieted. As I've been

on this journey to a positive body image I've embraced the value of

Health at Every Size. I'm a strong feminist and truly believe our

diet-obsessed culture resulting from the thin-ideal is one of the

tools we use to keep women in their place.


> I am passionately anti-diet, however I also am working on not eating

emotionally. I've used food for many things: comfort, to relieve

boredom, etc. And I am working to simply eat for hunger and

enjoyment. A book that has been a great help to me is " Eating in the

Light of the Moon " by Anita ston.


> I think that's enough for now. I'm glad I've found this space to

bring some of my questions, get support and support other women on

this journey.


> peace,

> Sydney


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Welcome Sydney! It's so good to have you here with us. It sounds like you're coming with a great state of mind, which IE should fit with nicely. Look foward to supporting you! Kari

Subject: new memberTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 9:48 AM

Greetings,I joined this list a couple of days ago and would like to introduce myself. My name is Sydney Bell. I'm a 39 year old social worker living in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I'm married to Jon (our 16th anniversary this Friday!) and have 4 cats and 1 dog. We live a child-free life and both work in the health field as community developers.I've been reading the posts the past couple of days and am happy to see I've found a friendly group of women who are willing share their journeys and support each other.I've known about IE for awhile, but I've just decided to thoroughly embrace it. I've dedicated this year to solidifying a positive relationship with food and with my body. I'm a plus -size woman and have always felt 'big'. I've never successfully dieted. As I've been on this journey to a positive body image I've embraced the value of Health at Every Size. I'm a strong feminist and truly believe our diet-obsessed culture

resulting from the thin-ideal is one of the tools we use to keep women in their place. I am passionately anti-diet, however I also am working on not eating emotionally. I've used food for many things: comfort, to relieve boredom, etc. And I am working to simply eat for hunger and enjoyment. A book that has been a great help to me is "Eating in the Light of the Moon" by Anita ston. I think that's enough for now. I'm glad I've found this space to bring some of my questions, get support and support other women on this journey.peace,Sydney

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Welcome Sydney!

I just started reading "Eating By the LIght of the Moon". Wow , what a powerful book - I wanted to cry with joy after reading the first chapter!! I feel so validated :)

Kim H.

Subject: new memberTo: IntuitiveEating_Support Date: Wednesday, September 10, 2008, 9:48 AM

Greetings,I joined this list a couple of days ago and would like to introduce myself. My name is Sydney Bell. I'm a 39 year old social worker living in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I'm married to Jon (our 16th anniversary this Friday!) and have 4 cats and 1 dog. We live a child-free life and both work in the health field as community developers.I've been reading the posts the past couple of days and am happy to see I've found a friendly group of women who are willing share their journeys and support each other.I've known about IE for awhile, but I've just decided to thoroughly embrace it. I've dedicated this year to solidifying a positive relationship with food and with my body. I'm a plus -size woman and have always felt 'big'. I've never successfully dieted. As I've been on this journey to a positive body image I've embraced the value of Health at Every Size. I'm a strong feminist and truly believe our diet-obsessed culture

resulting from the thin-ideal is one of the tools we use to keep women in their place. I am passionately anti-diet, however I also am working on not eating emotionally. I've used food for many things: comfort, to relieve boredom, etc. And I am working to simply eat for hunger and enjoyment. A book that has been a great help to me is "Eating in the Light of the Moon" by Anita ston. I think that's enough for now. I'm glad I've found this space to bring some of my questions, get support and support other women on this journey.peace,Sydney

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In my welcome message, I have been asked to introduce myself. In fact,

I am hesitant to say anything at all! After my first three messages on

the Overcoming Overeating Yahoo Group, I was banned without so much as

a warning! So were I to say what brought me here, I might be banned

here as well. I'll try anyway.

I found this site after researching some methods of eating from natural

body hunger. I have been following the " eat whatever you want " plan

for about 24 hours. I'm in the process of reading " Overcoming

Overeating. "

My top weight was 293 pounds. I am a member of OA and have lost over

70 pounds, but I have grown tired of weighing all my food and eating

even when I'm not hungry, or eating things I don't want at the time.

I'm new to this journey, and I would appreciate any guidance I can get.

, DC

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Hi ,

Welcome to the group! I hope that you can find the support here that

you need and want. I also recommend Intuitive Eating by Tribole and

Resch...it's one of the best books I've ever read and has had a major

impact on my life since I started practicing IE in January of this


We have members who've tried most plans out there including OA and who

bring their wisdom, challenges, and triumphs to the group. I know that

I and other members have read through past posts to get more insight

from members' experience with IE. You might want to read through some

past post as well to get a feel for the group, the type of support

offered, and topics that have come up as you continue your work with

IE. Looking forward to your participation and hearing more about your



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Welcome ! There isn't a thing about your intro that I think

would raise an eyebrow here. Believe me, I think you will find that

what you have been going thru up to this way of eating

(IE/non-dieting) is very familiar to all of us here. In fact I think

if you search the posts here, you will find some discussion (negative)

on OA too. About the only thing that is 'banned' here is seriously

suggesting diet tips ;-)

I didn't know there was an Overcoming Overeating group on Yahoo. How

sad that it isn't as supportive as I think you will find this one to

be. I wonder if your banning there was a mistake? I know I had that

happen to me one time where the owner was attempting to ban someone

who posted a spam message and they mistakenly picked MY post (the next

one in line)! I emailed the owned and asked WHAT? and WHY? and was

immediately re-approved. Funny now, but not at the time.

I do encourage you to post about what you are doing in regards to IE

and OO practices. Hope to read more from you soon.


IEing since March 2007


> In my welcome message, I have been asked to introduce myself. In fact,

> I am hesitant to say anything at all! After my first three messages on

> the Overcoming Overeating Yahoo Group, I was banned without so much as

> a warning! So were I to say what brought me here, I might be banned

> here as well. I'll try anyway.


> I found this site after researching some methods of eating from natural

> body hunger. I have been following the " eat whatever you want " plan

> for about 24 hours. I'm in the process of reading " Overcoming

> Overeating. "


> My top weight was 293 pounds. I am a member of OA and have lost over

> 70 pounds, but I have grown tired of weighing all my food and eating

> even when I'm not hungry, or eating things I don't want at the time.


> I'm new to this journey, and I would appreciate any guidance I can get.


> , DC


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