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Feeling Alone

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Dear ,

You are not alone. I'm so sorry things aren't going well right now.

When my was 14 and was suddenly a very, very sick young man I felt

just like you do. I really though he would die either from doing

something stupid like running into traffic, or from suicide, or from

starvation. I spent many days and nights in anguish. We were also in a

position where we couldn't do the sort of rewards he wanted (like

gamecube games, etc.) and he had no incentive to try to get better. He

didn't care if he was " weird " and even though life was better with OCD

because he could be safe. He retreated in his mind to a " warm, dark

place, " he called it a hole, and he even tried to make a hole out of a

huge Rubbermaid bin lined with blankets. He would crawl in and close

the lid (I didn't know about this right away) to feel warm and safe. He

thought his bed had an invisible force field around it and he wouldn't

leave it. He was seeing and hearing things that were not there. He

would not open up to the counselor. I felt so alone, helpless, ashamed

and guilty.

Things gradually began to get better after he went on Zoloft and

Risperdal. Now he is pretty okay. He still has " quirks " which I see

that others probably miss. Things that used to make him have to spit

and spit now just require him to wipe his lips off. Much more socially

acceptable. He has stopped having to spin when he goes under the

archways between rooms in our house, but sometimes he turns slightly.

He no longer freaks out about germs. He won't bite into something that

someone else has bitten (like a piece of a sandwich) but that is

socially okay, too. He is going to a new counselor, who is able to get

Dave to talk, and remains on meds. He recently stopped taking them

(again), though and I could tell there was something wrong with him

because he reverted to being worried about being near his sister and

spinned through the archway. So, I am afraid that he may be on meds for

a while. But I am glad to have the meds. They have helped him find

himself again and have allowed him to have control of his life and to

HAVE a life again.

Let us know how your trip goes.

Kim in IA (, 16 OCD)

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  • 5 months later...

When I am feeling down, I have a good cry. Then, I put everything in

perspective.... for example, it could always be worse. Be grateful for what you

are able to do rather than gloomy on what you can't do. But, cry first!

My mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer on Thursday.... but it could

almost always be worse.

When I start getting down on the things I can't do anymore (sports, long

walks, bike riding, jumping rope, living with out pain, etc, etc, etc,) I

remember the things I can do that make me happy. I love to cook... I can still

travel and am planning a big summer trip with my husband. I love to knit and

learning how to sew.... and I can still work. I am a teacher and am grateful

that I have a good job that I can do.

Buckleybabe, cry and start counting your blessings.

Just my .02 worth,


buckleybabe2005 <buckleybabe2005@...> wrote:

My doctor is great and

takes the time to listen to me but i would appreciate any feelings for

fighting the blues.

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Dear Feeling Alone,

I understand how you feel. Having chronic pain is an inexplicable feeling. I

have a beautiful, loving wife and a great family- but was unable to share with

them my feelings. As my PA and P progressed, I felt more and more isolated.

Unfortunately, my level of depression worsened to the point that I failed to

maintain my household obligations and forced my family into foreclosure and

bankruptcy. For some reason, no one in my family had caught just how depressed

I was until the finances came into light and I attempted suicide. You must,

must, must talk to someone professionally and stay ontop of the depression. It

is so closely interwoven to the chronic pain component of our disease. As for

me, I am recovering, and in a good mental health program now. My wife and I are

talking again and I am hopeful to return to our family by the summer.

Please, do not feel alone. We are all here, and we are all ready to

communicate. So many of us are going through this with you. Good Luck!


buckleybabe2005 <buckleybabe2005@...> wrote:

Hi I am new to this so sorry if I sound stupid. I am a 27 year old

female with psoriasis who has recently been diagnosed with pa,

fibromialga and depression, and to be honest right now I feel alone.

My mums their as always but I don't want to burden her with how I feel

my boyfriend doesn't understand and well I've basically shut my self

off from veryone else. I think I need help. My doctor is great and

takes the time to listen to me but i would appreciate any feelings for

fighting the blues.

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Dear Feeling Alone:

I am 60 and I have PA. I informed my family about PA, about this group, about

fatigue, and about their inability to understand me. I informed them of the

mortgage payment, the tax payment, and other payments and bills. I told them I

feel I may die any day and you have to be prepaired and take care of yourselves.

I told them that before I die I would like the china cabinet which I bought and

left in the garage (because my wife does not like it) be moved to the living

room and filled with books that are in the basement out of sight. I told them

this a few months ago. They did not care about the china cabinet and I don't

care much about any thing any more (except my joints). I feel alone too, but I

was a loner all my life and it does not bother me, I feel great.

I hope you feel good too.

Lawrence Lichtenfeld <sportslinq@...> wrote:

buckleybabe2005 <buckleybabe2005@...> wrote:

Hi I am new to this so sorry if I sound stupid. I am a 27 year old

female with psoriasis who has recently been diagnosed with pa,

fibromialga and depression, and to be honest right now I feel alone.

My mums their as always but I don't want to burden her with how I feel

my boyfriend doesn't understand and well I've basically shut my self

off from veryone else. I think I need help. My doctor is great and

takes the time to listen to me but i would appreciate any feelings for

fighting the blues.

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Thank you fro your kind words as it is good to find a site where i can talk to

people who understand. Things just seem to get on top of me as i am having to

sell my house because it has stairs and is just to big for me to cope in. I am

glad to hear things are back on track for you and your family. I hope to hear

from you soon and thanks again. Lynn

Lawrence Lichtenfeld <sportslinq@...> wrote: Dear Feeling Alone,

I understand how you feel. Having chronic pain is an inexplicable feeling. I

have a beautiful, loving wife and a great family- but was unable to share with

them my feelings. As my PA and P progressed, I felt more and more isolated.

Unfortunately, my level of depression worsened to the point that I failed to

maintain my household obligations and forced my family into foreclosure and

bankruptcy. For some reason, no one in my family had caught just how depressed

I was until the finances came into light and I attempted suicide. You must,

must, must talk to someone professionally and stay ontop of the depression. It

is so closely interwoven to the chronic pain component of our disease. As for

me, I am recovering, and in a good mental health program now. My wife and I are

talking again and I am hopeful to return to our family by the summer.

Please, do not feel alone. We are all here, and we are all ready to

communicate. So many of us are going through this with you. Good Luck!


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I am 56 and have PA. I have the same aching

joints and people who don;t understand ..but I choose to care! I do not want

to die! I know that there is something that WILL help all I need to do is

try and find it.Don;t give up..Heck I plan to be a pain to mt GREAT grand


Carol M

> Dear Feeling Alone:


> I am 60 and I have PA. I informed my family about PA, about this group,

> about fatigue, and about their inability to understand me. I informed

> them of the mortgage payment, the tax payment, and other payments and

> bills. I told them I feel I may die any day and you have to be prepaired

> and take care of yourselves. I told them that before I die I would like

> the china cabinet which I bought and left in the garage (because my wife

> does not like it) be moved to the living room and filled with books that

> are in the basement out of sight. I told them this a few months ago. They

> did not care about the china cabinet and I don't care much about any thing

> any more (except my joints). I feel alone too, but I was a loner all my

> life and it does not bother me, I feel great.


> I hope you feel good too.





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Hi Buckleybabe2005,

Although I don't have a diagnosis yet myself (rheumatologist appointment in 9

days!), I have also been quite depressed with regard to my health.

I strongly recommend getting yourself into counseling - cognitive behavioral

therapy. It worked wonders for me. If your counselor doesn't seem to be

helping, get another one.

I felt at first that I couldn't possible add bi-weekly therapy to my schedule

because I am always so fatigued, but it was SO worth it!

And as Jody said, have a good cry.

Christy in NH

[ ] Feeling Alone

Hi I am new to this so sorry if I sound stupid. I am a 27 year old

female with psoriasis who has recently been diagnosed with pa,

fibromialga and depression, and to be honest right now I feel alone.

My mums their as always but I don't want to burden her with how I feel

my boyfriend doesn't understand and well I've basically shut my self

off from veryone else. I think I need help. My doctor is great and

takes the time to listen to me but i would appreciate any feelings for

fighting the blues.

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In a message dated 2/19/2006 1:44:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

jodpaulson@... writes:

Then, I put everything in perspective.... for example, it could always be

worse. Be grateful for what you are able to do rather than gloomy on what you

can't do. But, cry first!

My mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer on Thursday.... but it could

almost always be worse.

This is a GREAT point...my dad was recently diagnosed with stage 4 brain

cancer...it has impacted his ability to speak and communicate. I'll take the


pain ANY DAY over that. One interesting side note...I've been very aware

that if I get stressed over Dad's illness, my PA will flare...shockingly, I've

remained remarkably calm and feeling OK. Just goes to show that the mind can

be a powerful thing...I have spent a lot of time on stress management and

biofeedback, this is the first time I have noticed that it is paying off.

Don't forget about the mental part of your treatment...it's one of the few


we have control over:-)

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In a message dated 19/02/2006 13:03:30 GMT Standard Time,

buckleybabe2005@... writes:

Hi I am new to this so sorry if I sound stupid. I am a 27 year old

female with psoriasis who has recently been diagnosed with pa,

fibromialga and depression, and to be honest right now I feel alone.

My mums their as always but I don't want to burden her with how I feel

my boyfriend doesn't understand and well I've basically shut my self

off from veryone else. I think I need help. My doctor is great and

takes the time to listen to me but i would appreciate any feelings for

fighting the blues.

Hi Buckleybabe,

Just wanted something to add to the welcome. You may have felt alone with

this up until now but I want you to know that this is no longer the case. You

joined this group................................Hey presto! Instant PA family!


Seriously though, I hope being part of this will make you feel less isolated.

Any time you want to talk, we will be here.

Take care,

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Hi sorry taken so long to respond but not been feeling to well or chatty

thanx for the warm welcome and it's great to hear so many people are out there

with the same probs as me. Am going now as i don't feel to good right now but i

hope to hear from you soon


martincoyless@... wrote:

Hi Buckleybabe,

Just wanted something to add to the welcome. You may have felt alone with

this up until now but I want you to know that this is no longer the case. You

joined this group................................Hey presto! Instant PA family!


Seriously though, I hope being part of this will make you feel less isolated.

Any time you want to talk, we will be here.

Take care,

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Hi Chru=isty a good cry is what I 've been doing and I've started talking to my

brother which seems to be helping i think it's just the combo of pain , tablet

taking and weight gain that has got me down but hey as i have started to say

there are worse things out there. Hope to talk to you soon best regards Lynn

Christy Innis <christy@...> wrote: Hi Buckleybabe2005,

Although I don't have a diagnosis yet myself (rheumatologist appointment in 9

days!), I have also been quite depressed with regard to my health.

I strongly recommend getting yourself into counseling - cognitive behavioral

therapy. It worked wonders for me. If your counselor doesn't seem to be

helping, get another one.

I felt at first that I couldn't possible add bi-weekly therapy to my schedule

because I am always so fatigued, but it was SO worth it!

And as Jody said, have a good cry.

Christy in NH

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In a message dated 25/02/2006 16:52:23 GMT Standard Time,

buckleybabe2005@... writes:

Hi sorry taken so long to respond but not been feeling to well or

chatty thanx for the warm welcome and it's great to hear so many people are out

there with the same probs as me. Am going now as i don't feel to good right now

but i hope to hear from you soon

Hi Lynn,

I hope you are feeling a bit (a lot) better now. I loved Brent's words of

wisdom to you. I hope they helped. If you are reading this by the way Brent,

that was something else! I think it would not have been just Lynn who took

something positive out of your words. Most of us will have.

Good luck with the flat hunting Lynn. Let us know how it goes if you can.

Take care,

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  • 4 years later...
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Hi there everyone. My name is Traci and I was wondering if anyone else ever

feels like no one understands what we go thru? I have been feeling that way and

It is an awful feeling. I cant manage to fight the fatigue that goes along with

RA. If anyone can help, please let me know



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You are not alone. Most ordinary people have no idea what its like and the pain

we live with everyday. It is the way it is unfortunately. Just remember you

have friends here that know what its like and what you are going through.

That's why there's this group. Take care.


> Hi there everyone. My name is Traci and I was wondering if anyone else ever

feels like no one understands what we go thru? I have been feeling that way and

It is an awful feeling. I cant manage to fight the fatigue that goes along with

RA. If anyone can help, please let me know

> Sincerely

> Traci


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It really is awful when people look at you and say that we look fine when in

actuality we feel like crap. I have been in pain recently. I was diagnosed

back in 2007 and pretty much have it all over except for my hips. Sometimes I

feel that my hubby doesnt even understand. He does help me out but there are

days when he doesnt get that I am too tired.

Thanks for helping out.



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~sigh~ a friend I hadn't talked to in a while called to see how I was doing on a

BAD week full of fevers and pain and overall depression.

I said I wasn't doin so hot lately " Oh that's strange said she saw you

last week and you looked fine "

Did I? I didn't feel fine. And she saw me on a " good " day. Even on my good days

I'm exhausted..... I was in a hurry to get away from her n sneak in a nap. I

looked fine?


I can't seem to get lower than 30mg of prednisone a day and I'm swollen like a

sea cow. I DO NOT LOOK OK! : /


No shadows to depress you

Only joys to surround you

Many friends to love you

God himself to bless you

These are my wishes for you,

For today, tomorrow & everyday.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 3, 2010, at 8:22 PM, <islandsusan@...> wrote:


> Traci,

> You are so not alone. I sometimes want to wear a T-shirt that explains things!

I truly hate it when I hear, " but you look fine! " (I actually did make one

T-shirt that said " I don't take naps, naps take me! " ) There's just no way to

explain to the public that it hurts to move.

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