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Prednisone ?

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My ex-Rummy and my present one want me off Prednisone, like every other

doctor I talk to. I've been told that my RA is in remission, too. Hooray!!

Why, if I am in remission, does my Rheumy want to put me on a Biologic to

wean me off Prednisone? As I understand it, the body normally produces

cortisone and weaning off Prednisone means that the body needs to produce

more, thus the 'lag-time' between reducing the dose and the comfort level of

said body. What might I be missing? BTW, I'm going to try again to get off

it, starting with 7.5mg one day and 5 the next, alternating for a while,

then stay on 5. Is that a good olan or not?

Dennis in eastexas

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Dennis, a doctor told me that the body produces cortisol equivalent to

5mg of prednisone. As I understand it, taking prednisone causes the

production to stop, and it takes a while after stopping the prednisone

for the body to resume its production of cortisol. Or something like

that, LOL.

I know that you've tried hard to wean yourself off before without

success. Maybe this time will be different. I will keep you in my

thoughts and prayers.


On Aug 3, 2010, at 10:29 PM, Dennis W wrote:

> My ex-Rummy and my present one want me off Prednisone, like every

> other

> doctor I talk to. I've been told that my RA is in remission, too.

> Hooray!!


> Why, if I am in remission, does my Rheumy want to put me on a

> Biologic to

> wean me off Prednisone? As I understand it, the body normally produces

> cortisone and weaning off Prednisone means that the body needs to

> produce

> more, thus the 'lag-time' between reducing the dose and the comfort

> level of

> said body. What might I be missing? BTW, I'm going to try again to

> get off

> it, starting with 7.5mg one day and 5 the next, alternating for a

> while,

> then stay on 5. Is that a good olan or not?

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Hi Dennis.

Are you trying to give up salt? I buy " No Salt " , which I have been using for

many,many years. I was a " salt aholic " . I use it at the table and cook with

it. I think it tastes great and has the bite of salt. My friends tried mine

and are now buying it. It cost between $4.00-$5.00. I buy it a Wal-Mart, and


I am going to also try this way to cut down and off the Pred. It has never

worked for me before, but this way makes sense to me. If you do try it, I wish

you great success. I don't know when I will try it. I have my Rheumy appt.

next week and will discuss this with her.

I so pray you are feeling a little better. You have had a very rough time of

it. I thought this foot surgery was going to be easy, but it has turned into a

nightmare! I pray the other RA nodule stays small and has no pain.

I hope better days are ahead for you, and I so wish you many pain free days

ahead also.



> >

> > > That's what I remembered. Since my body hasn't

> had to produce any

> > > for 20

> > > years, how long may it take to 're-learn'

> reproducing it?

> > >

> > > Dennis in eastexas

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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No, Barbara, I haven't thought much of giving up salt. I like the taste of

it, so I'm still tempted to continue to over-use it as usual. I will get

some of the No-Salt and see what it does for us. Anything to help, you


I am feeling a lot better in most ways. My chest, where they took the

artery, is still numb and hurts some days more than others. I was told it

would take 6-12 months to get completely over it.

Recently I've been in lots of pain from my lower back, but now think I'm

having the side-effect of overall pain from the Lyrica. I'm feeling the same

as I did with the Humira last year, a super flare! The trouble of it is that

I'm having a really hard time stopping it because the pain is even greater.

Since it's a capsule, I can't break it down, so I'm going to use the

technique of Prednisone and drop it by hours (half a day at a time).

I haven't said it, but I've certainly thought it: You have been through the

wringer with your foot problems. It's amazing how you can stay so up-beat

through all that. I think my troubles are small compared to yours and that

of lots of others. It just takes me a while to realize it again. I shouldn't

complain, I guess, but it's easy to forget my comparative blessings. Thanks,


Dennis in eastexas

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 1:15 PM, Barbara Creedon <bcreedon@...> wrote:



> Hi Dennis.


> Are you trying to give up salt? I buy " No Salt " , which I have been using

> for many,many years. I was a " salt aholic " . I use it at the table and cook

> with it. I think it tastes great and has the bite of salt. My friends tried

> mine and are now buying it. It cost between $4.00-$5.00. I buy it a

> Wal-Mart, and Publix.


> I am going to also try this way to cut down and off the Pred. It has never

> worked for me before, but this way makes sense to me. If you do try it, I

> wish you great success. I don't know when I will try it. I have my Rheumy

> appt. next week and will discuss this with her.


> I so pray you are feeling a little better. You have had a very rough time

> of it. I thought this foot surgery was going to be easy, but it has turned

> into a nightmare! I pray the other RA nodule stays small and has no pain.


> I hope better days are ahead for you, and I so wish you many pain free days

> ahead also.


> Hugs,


> Barbara



> > >

> > > > That's what I remembered. Since my body hasn't

> > had to produce any

> > > > for 20

> > > > years, how long may it take to 're-learn'

> > reproducing it?

> > > >

> > > > Dennis in eastexas


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Hi Dennis. Thanks for writing to me. It must be so hard to be trying a new RA

RX, and then putting your hopes into it working. I feel badly that the Lyrica

is not working for you. It's hard to start something, wait awhile to see if it

is working, time marches on, and then, you have to get off it. Damn

frustrating. At least there are more options in other biological drugs, and

hopefully you will find the perfect one for you. It is wretched to suffer so

much agony and pain all the time. RA is the master of this!!

I am glad your heart surgery is getting better for you. You have been through

so much Dennis. You so deserve a break from all of it. I always wish you many

pain free days ahead. We have to never give up in our search for our " cocktail

of meds " , so we can have a better quality of life. We all deserve it Dennis.

I never thought this foot surgery would be so awful. It is almost healed but

still so sensitive to stand on that foot. The incision is in the worst possible

place. I am not using my cane anymore so that is an improvement!!

As you know I am starting my life over at 70. I am volunteering at the animal

shelter, which I so love. Right now I am doing the " Kitty Kuddles " room, where

they are all loose, 15 of them!!! I go and play with them, hold them, and just

love them. I had 3 kitties jump on my lap yesterday, and they stayed there for

about an hour. I also do the cats in a cage, taking one out at a time, and

giving them all my attention and love. A very rewarding time I spend there.

I am trying to keep busy as much as I can while dealing with my RA. It has been

quiet for over 1 1/2 years now and I am so grateful for that.

But the tiredness is hard at times. I do rest a lot, etc. I love TV and


I have found in life there is almost always someone who is better off then me,

and someone who is worse then me. I am just thankful to be alive and now

enjoying some relief from all the RA pain I had before. I thought for sure I

was going to be in a wheelchair. Life does give us challengers for sure. I am

so thankful to be a member of our group. You can't imagine how much each person

here means to me. You can feel the love and support each time you read a post

here. Everyone here knows what we deal with with RA, the pain, the changes we

have had to make in our lives to have a life. We can be ourselves here and that

is the best for me. I wish I had the power to heal everyone of this ugly

disease called RA. I have gotten so much support, help, love, etc. from all of

you. It amazes me to find so many people here that are just wonderful and

caring. It makes my life good.

I hope you too can get off the Pred. That article that sent is so

wonderful and informative. I am going to try it soon. It doesn't matter if it

takes all that time to get off it. So worth a try. I hate this weight I have

put on, but hate the pain worse. Pred. works so good for me, and takes all my

pain away. Let me know when you begin to decrease your Pred. I pray yoou can

get off it, me too.

Take care of yourself Dennis. Tell Betty I said hello. Wishing you both better

days ahead.

Is it hot in Texas, as hot as Florida? I am baking here!!!




> >

> >

> > Hi Dennis.

> >

> > Are you trying to give up salt? I buy " No Salt " , which

> I have been using

> > for many,many years. I was a " salt aholic " . I use it

> at the table and cook

> > with it. I think it tastes great and has the bite of

> salt. My friends tried

> > mine and are now buying it. It cost between

> $4.00-$5.00. I buy it a

> > Wal-Mart, and Publix.

> >

> > I am going to also try this way to cut down and off

> the Pred. It has never

> > worked for me before, but this way makes sense to me.

> If you do try it, I

> > wish you great success. I don't know when I will try

> it. I have my Rheumy

> > appt. next week and will discuss this with her.

> >

> > I so pray you are feeling a little better. You have

> had a very rough time

> > of it. I thought this foot surgery was going to be

> easy, but it has turned

> > into a nightmare! I pray the other RA nodule stays

> small and has no pain.

> >

> > I hope better days are ahead for you, and I so wish

> you many pain free days

> > ahead also.

> >

> > Hugs,

> >

> > Barbara

> >

> >



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