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Especially for Barbara

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Dear Barbara:

The patient is always the worst doctor! For someone who comforts everyone all

the time in this group, I feel like you need to comfort yourself! I cant

imagine, after 30 yrs of marriage, what it is like to suddenly be alone, nor

having all the pain you did with your surgery, HOWEVER, maybe if you see your

glass as half full, you are starting a new life, and will get new inspirations

to do something wonderful and positive with your gift of comforting. Maybe you

can work, as a volunteer, in the baby wards, comforting newborns (doesnt take

much walking, only rocking in the chairs), or write a book so others dont have

to suffer what you did, or maybe, just maybe, take a class, go back to school

(you can get funded by the state) and YOU BECOME THE THERAPIST.

I also feel like you would GREATLY benefit from Reiki, or massage therapy, or

accupressure, not where you had the surgery, but on the rest of your body. Many

of the schools offer free stuff if you let their students work on you, or

sometimes your insurance might warrant it, if you go thru Rehabilitative

Medicine at your hospital. Even some of the manicure/pedicure places have

massage therapy. I think hands-on you, might help you enormously.

Also, you should give yourself daily affirmations, because maybe your spirit is

hurting. Look in the mirror every morning and say: Today is a new day, full of

possibilities, I will get new inspirations, make new discoveries and begin my

life anew because I am worthy, I matter, I LOVE MYSELF and I will overcome all


and lastly, girl get out there, make some new friends, schedule some outings,

that don't involve alot of walking, a swim club, or maybe that do involve

walking (you know you better than anyone). We have all been thru lifes ups and

downs, illnesses, deaths, divorce, difficult children, etc etc, but when you

think back, you gotta say " Wow, what a ride that was " and laugh....


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Hi OKD.  Thank for for taking the time to write to me.  I very much appreciate

your post.


I have taken steps for my new life.  First, while doing a craft show, I met a

good friend of mine I had not seen for a few years.  The last time I saw her, I

was walking the beach on Cape Cod and there she was!  She now lives in my town

here in Florida, 3 miles from me.  We see each other all the time and have a

great time together.  I met her when we went to work in Boston in 1958.  Had

great fun together then also.  We joined the Senior center and I have signed

up to help people with their computers, one on one.  Very active center too. 

I love cards, so enjoy that too.

I have also volunteered at the Animal Shelter and do the Kitty Kuddles room,

which is the greatest!  All the kitties are loose in their room, so I get to

hold them, love them, brush them etc.  I go several times a week.  I also

visit each cat in a cage, take them out, and love them and hold them.  Good for

both of us.  I did call the local hospital that has a Peddy unit, and was told

if you volunteered there, you could not hold or rock a baby or child.  Did not

make any sense to me.  I so wanted to do that as I just love children so

much.  We also have a Cultural center with lots of classes, card games, plays,

etc.  I do go there and do things.  I have been laid up 5 weeks with my foot,

so I have been home bound, which I hate.


I know the hurt and pain I have been in will pass in time.  It is still very

fresh, but I am a positive person, and will move on, and enjoy my new life.  I

do go home 3-4 times a year to visit my fanily and friends.  I also do a lot of

traveling, and I am planing a trip to Italy, as it has been a life long dream of

mine to go there.  It will be in spring time.  I am going to go in a group,

but will be traveling my myself..............the new me!!!!...............


I know I will finally move ahead with all my plans.  The roads in life have

many curves, but I am very focused to go forward.  I live with my son and

family, and I am well taken care of, and much loved.  My son saved me in my

darkest hour.  I am eternally grateful for him and his saving me.


I have never cared for massages.  I have tried them but will pass on that.  I

do enjoy a pedicure now and then.  I will have one when my foot is finally

healed and pain free.  I so look forward to that.


I am a very heavy reader, and read 2-3 books each week.  I also do folk art

painting, needlework, hand quilting, stenciling, crewel work, etc.  So you see,

I have many things to do.  I do enjoy meeting new people, and have joined the

Meet Up group in my town.  They are very active, so I will give them a try.


I can;t thank you enough for you letter.  It is always great to hear what other

people have to say.  I will continue to take one day at a time.  For me, that

is enough.


I hope you have a nice day, and wishing you better days ahead.  Thanks again

for taking the time to write to me.











From: OKD <Cofade_2000@...>

Subject: [ ] Especially for Barbara

Date: Thursday, July 29, 2010, 9:49 AM


Dear Barbara:

The patient is always the worst doctor! For someone who comforts everyone all

the time in this group, I feel like you need to comfort yourself! I cant

imagine, after 30 yrs of marriage, what it is like to suddenly be alone, nor

having all the pain you did with your surgery, HOWEVER, maybe if you see your

glass as half full, you are starting a new life, and will get new inspirations

to do something wonderful and positive with your gift of comforting. Maybe you

can work, as a volunteer, in the baby wards, comforting newborns (doesnt take

much walking, only rocking in the chairs), or write a book so others dont have

to suffer what you did, or maybe, just maybe, take a class, go back to school

(you can get funded by the state) and YOU BECOME THE THERAPIST.

I also feel like you would GREATLY benefit from Reiki, or massage therapy, or

accupressure, not where you had the surgery, but on the rest of your body. Many

of the schools offer free stuff if you let their students work on you, or

sometimes your insurance might warrant it, if you go thru Rehabilitative

Medicine at your hospital. Even some of the manicure/pedicure places have

massage therapy. I think hands-on you, might help you enormously.

Also, you should give yourself daily affirmations, because maybe your spirit is

hurting. Look in the mirror every morning and say: Today is a new day, full of

possibilities, I will get new inspirations, make new discoveries and begin my

life anew because I am worthy, I matter, I LOVE MYSELF and I will overcome all


and lastly, girl get out there, make some new friends, schedule some outings,

that don't involve alot of walking, a swim club, or maybe that do involve

walking (you know you better than anyone). We have all been thru lifes ups and

downs, illnesses, deaths, divorce, difficult children, etc etc, but when you

think back, you gotta say " Wow, what a ride that was " and laugh....


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Hi Barbara:

Looks like you have all the bases covered. Just dont allow those melancholy

feelings of sadness enter your mind...(NO is the strongest word in the world)

you seem to have a very full life. Walks on the beach are the best, i wish I

was closer to one, I would do it everyday, plus i think barefoot sandwalking is

good for what ails the tootsies.

i was going to sugges the animal shelter for a cuddle program, but yo already do


I am surprised that your local hospital said that to you re: the baby program.

Here we have a " grandparent's cuddle program " where our seniors take Infection

Control, and a few basic pediatric lessons and go thru a program and they are

allowed to cuddle and rock the baby's. MAYBE YOU SHOULD START A PROGRAM THERE,

get on your community advisory board (most hospitals have one) and start


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Thanks for more info.  I will call that hosptial and see if they are interested

in starting one.  All sick children in the hosptial so need extra care, hugs,

rocking and love.  I was really appalled about not rocking sick children.  I

myself self loved rocking, still do, and loved being rocked.  My grandmother

had a rocking chair in every room in her house in Boston, even in the

bathroom!  I have spent -+many, many nights and days rocking my sick daughter

since the day she was born. She also loves to rock in her rocker I bought her. 


I have appreciated all your posts to me.  I am doing so much better with my

foot, getting my new life going, etc.  I know some things take time to heal and

fix.  Thank goodness I am a very patient person.


I sure hope your RA quiets down and you have many pain free days ahead.  All of

us here can only handle so many days riddled with pain.  I feel everyone in our

group is very courageous dealing with RA and trying to have some sort of life

living with RA.


I so hope you have a nice weekend.  Where you live, are you having nice

weather?  We are roasting here in Florida.........I will get in my pool very

soon and can't wait to do so.





From: OKD <Cofade_2000@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Especially for Barbara

Date: Friday, July 30, 2010, 3:56 PM


Hi Barbara:

Looks like you have all the bases covered. Just dont allow those melancholy

feelings of sadness enter your mind...(NO is the strongest word in the world)

you seem to have a very full life. Walks on the beach are the best, i wish I was

closer to one, I would do it everyday, plus i think barefoot sandwalking is good

for what ails the tootsies.

i was going to sugges the animal shelter for a cuddle program, but yo already do


I am surprised that your local hospital said that to you re: the baby program.

Here we have a " grandparent's cuddle program " where our seniors take Infection

Control, and a few basic pediatric lessons and go thru a program and they are

allowed to cuddle and rock the baby's. MAYBE YOU SHOULD START A PROGRAM THERE,

get on your community advisory board (most hospitals have one) and start


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